- [English]
A Study of Hospital-based Home-Visit Nutrition Education Needs of Patients at Discharge
Su Mi Ahn
Korean J Community Nutr 2014;19(4):386-400. Published online August 31, 2014
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5720/kjcn.2014.19.4.386
The purpose of this study was to provide a basic data of nutrition services in home health care by analyzing hospital-based home-visit nutrition education needs of patients at discharge. METHODS Data was collected from September 11 to October 12, 2012 by administering questionnaires to 289 chronic disease patients to be discharged from a university hospital in Pusan. The home-visit nutrition education instruments used for collecting data were developed by the researcher. RESULTS Regarding the demands of home-visit nutrition education, 62.3% of subjects were willing to use home-visit nutrition education and 37.7% weren't. The main reason for using the home-visit nutrition education was "the effective nutrient management in consultation with an individual's doctor", 38.9% and 31.2% of patients who did not wish to use the service gave the reason for their decision as, "Just by managing the nutritional requirements of a family's diet and, the patient will be able to fully recover", respectively. As for the demand, classified with the areas of home-visit nutrition education, the demand for the area of basic nutrition (3.75/5.00) was the highest followed by, the area of educational nutrition (3.74/5.00), therapeutic nutrition (3.67/5.00), and dietary nutrition (3.55/5.00). The demand for the area of educational nutrition was high "Considering the state of dietary management, such as disease status and drugs", 73.7%. As for the relation between the characteristics of the study subjects and analysis of demand home-visit nutrition education, the characteristic of subjects, that is, "regular home-visit nutrition education", "practice of diet therapy after discharge" had a significant difference statistically (p < 0.01). As for the relation between the needs for fundamental home-visit nutrition education and the demand of home-visit nutrition education, basic nutrition, educational nutrition, therapeutic nutrition, and dietary nutrition had a significant difference statistically (p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS Hospital-based home-visit nutrition education need the access of home nutrition support team.