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Sun Jung Choe 2 Articles
A Study on the Sociopsychological Factors Influencing the Dietary Compliance of Diabetics Using Questionnaire
Dong Yean Park, Sun Jung Choe, Hae Ryun Park, Hong Seok Ahn
Korean J Community Nutr 2000;5(1):36-49.   Published online March 31, 2000
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The purpose of the study was to find the sociopsychological factors predicting the intention of compliance with the dietary regimen in diabetes with a questionnaire. Data were collected from 282 adult noninsulin-dependent diabetics in Seoul, Kyoggida, and Kyongsangbukdo in Korea. Stepwise multiple regression analysis was conducted with predictor variables from theories of the Health Belief Model, Social Cognitive Model, The Theory of Reasoned Action, and Social Support. The behavioral intention of compliance with the prescribed diet was the independent variable. Subjects norm self-efficacy knowledge about diet therapy, outcome expectation, relationship with medical team, threat of deterioration of disease, and social support were the independent variables, The mean score of behavior intention was high ie 35.3 out to 42. Subjective norm and self-efficacy were the significant variables to predict the intention of dietary compliance. These variables comprised 39% of the common variance. To increase dietary compliance by influence of the referents and improve self-efficacy significant referents must be included and concrete and practical methods to follow the dietary regimen must be provided in nutrition education.
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A Study on the Sociopsychological Factors Influencing the Dietary Compliance of Diabetics by Using Focus Group Interview
Sun Jung Choe, Hae Ryun Park, Dong Yean Park, Hong Seok Ahn
Korean J Community Nutr 2000;5(1):23-35.   Published online March 31, 2000
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to find the sociopsychological factors influencing the compliance of dietary regimen in diabetes by using focus group interviews. The data were collected from fifty three diabetes patients in eleven focus groups from September 1997 to March, 1998 in Seoul and Suwon Korea. The interviews were tape-recorded and the contents of the interviews were analysed by researchers. The subjects knew the causes, complications, and therapies of diabetes although they were incorrect at times . Patients had a wide range of outcome expectations from very optimistic to pessimistic. They recognized diabetes as a disease which needs life-time care, and they though that good care could provide a normal life. One the other hand they thought diabetes could lead to death through complications, and cause financial problems as well as social isolation. As for self-efficacy they recognized the importance of compliance to diet regimen but they thought the diet therapy was very difficult and were not very willing to follow it. They felt medical professionals, especially doctors, were influential for the therapies. However they frequently felt counselling provided by doctors was insufficient in time and content and led to attitude problems. They felt support from families and others was often insufficient and inadequate. Nutrition education fostering outcome expectation, social support, and self-efficacy is needed to increased compliance. The most influential referents were medical professional including doctors, nurses, dieticians, so their role in diet therapy should by emphasized.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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