- [English]
Snacking Behaviors of Middle and High School Students in Seoul
Seul Ki Choi, Hyeon Jeong Choi, Nam Soo Chang, Sung Hee Cho, Young Sun Choi, Hye Kyung Park, Hyo Jee Joung
Korean J Community Nutr 2008;13(2):199-206. Published online April 30, 2008
- The purpose of this study was to investigate snacking behavior in adolescents. We selected one middle school and one high school in 11 school districts in Seoul. The subjects were 1,813 students (904 boys and 909 girls) in 21 schools (11 middle schools and 10 high schools). Subjects reported their snacking behavior: snack frequency, snack type, snack time, with whom to eat snack, place to purchase snack. The subjects were classified into four groups by gender and schooling. The mean snack frequency was 2.8. Girls ate snacks more frequently than boys (p < 0.001). More than half of subjects ate 1 to 3 snacks a day. Only 9.3% of them did not eat any snack. Tangerine was highly ranked in snack type. Each subject groups had different snack time (p < 0.01) and type of snack (p < 0.001). Most snack was consumed alone (46.6%), however they mainly ate fruits and other foods with family. 46.9% of snacks were purchased outside. A typical snack time was 'before dinner' for most snacks except fruits. Unhealthy foods like soft drinks, cookies, chips, candies, chocolates, ice creams had relatively high proportion in snack consumption with friends. In conclusion, adolescents had different snacking behaviors by their age and gender. These results indicate necessities of multi-dimensional efforts at home, school, media and government level considering adolescents' age and gender for their healthy snacking behavior.
- [English]
A Survey on Breakfast of Workers in Daegu Area
Sung Hee Cho, Jeong Hee Jang, Tae Youl Ha, Kyeung Soon Lee, Mi Kyoung Kim, Jung Sook Seo
Korean J Community Nutr 2004;9(6):673-682. Published online December 31, 2004
- Breakfast is an important factor for health status of people. This study was carried out to investigate the dietary life related to breakfast of workers and to develope some nutritional convenient diets for the workers. The collected data were consisted of items about general characteristics of the subjects, breakfast pattern, factors affecting on breakfast and opinions on convenient foods. The subjects were classified into labor workers (n = 202) and office workers (n = 227) aged from twenties to fifties. The rate of skipping breakfast in workers was 31.5% and higher according to the increase of age. Their favorite style of breakfast was mostly Korean traditional diets, but only 38.1% of the subjects had cooked rice as breakfast. The main reason for skipping breakfast was that they had no time for it. But 65.4% of total workers had experiences of using convenience diets. They had these kinds of diets because of convenience. These results suggest that recipe development of convenient breakfast is very important for the good dietary life of the workers.
- [English]
A Study on the Development of Programs for the Nutrition Education of Preschool Nursery Facilities
Nan Hee Lee, Hyo Jee Joung, Sung Hee Cho, Young Sun Choi
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(2):234-242. Published online May 31, 2001
- This study was aimed at development of a nutrition education program, which was designed for children, their parents and personnel in preschool nursery facilities and carried out by dieticians. The program was conducted at 6 preschool nursery facilities for 3 months from July to September 1998. Four-hundred thirty-three children aged 2 to 7 years were engaged in the program. Children in each class were given nutrition education practice once a week by dieticians using education materials and a guide book based on a 12-week program. The themes of nutrition education for children consisted of 'knowledge of food sources and foods', 'relations between food and health', 'other roles of food', 'right eating habit', and 'cooking practice'. Each of five leaflets on nutrition education for parents was delivered eery three weeks in a series and leaflets were posted on a bulletin board. Nursery school teachers were educated by their participation in the class with dieticians using education materials. Evaluation of nutrition education by children, parents and personnel was carried out by interviewing and using questionnaires before and after the program. Children responded more positively more positively on their eating behavior and sanitary behaviors after nutrition education. Parents'opinions on the nutrition education program were positive : 72.3 described the nutrition education program as 'very good'and 'good'. In addition, 71.3% answered that the education materials for parents were helpful. A majority(93.8%) of personnel in facilities evaluated the nutrition education program effective. Nursery personnel evaluated the importance of general nutrition knowledge, childhood nutrition, and obesity control for nutrition management and nutrition education more highly after nutrition education. This study indicates that nutrition management and nutrition education programs for preschool nursery facilities are necessary and they would be effective when implemented by dieticians.
- [English]
A Survey of Eating Behavior and Food Preferences of Children in Preschool Nursery Facilities
Nam Hee Lee, Hyojee Joung, Sung Hee Cho, Young Sun Choi
Korean J Community Nutr 2000;5(4):578-585. Published online December 31, 2000
- This study was aimed at examine eating behavior and food preferences of children in preschool nursery facilities. A survey was conducted on parents using questionnaires including general characteristics, eating behavior, and food habits at home and food preferences of children in 6 nursery facilities. The children involved in this study were 150 boys and 154 girls, aged 1 to 7 years old. Sixty three percent(187 children) of the children were on 'regular' meal times, and 37.0%(110 children) were on 'irregular' meal times. The major reason for their irregular meal times were 'their' concentration on other tasks'(26.6%) and 'no appetite'(25.5%). The meal eaten best by children was 'dinner' while that eaten worst was 'breakfast'. The major type of their eating habit problem was 'unbalanced diet'(62.1%), and their mothers' response to the unbalanced diet was 'trying to persuade the child'(71.6%). The number of snacks at home was one or twice a day(97.3%), and 'preference'(67.8%) was the main reason for selecting particular snacks. Their preferred staple foods were 'cooked rice with meat & vegetables and Chinese noodles', and 'noodles with bean sauce', and their preferred soup was 'seaweed soup' Also, their most preferred meat dishes were 'fried chicken' and 'thin sliced barbecued beef. Children preferred side dishes with animal foods to those with vegetable foods. Since children liked mixed dishes, it seems desirable to introduce foods which children dislike as ingredients in mixed dishes.
- [English]
Plasma Carotenoid Levels in Healthy men and Acute Cardiovascular Disease Patients in Taegu
Sung Hee Cho, Nan Hee Lee, Suna Im, Jung Gyo Im, bok Seon Bae, Young Sun Choi
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(5):728-734. Published online December 31, 1997
- Plasma carotenoid levels were compared among 64 healthy male subjects (control) and 38 patients of ischemic heart disease(IHD) and 20 ones of cerebral infarction(CI) all of whom were over 50years of age. Another 98 healthy male subjects aged 23 to 58 were selected to compare their plasma carotenoid levels by age groups, Levels of lutein, zeaxanthin and crpytoxanthin were lower in IHD(34+/-2, 13+/-1 and 62+/-7 microgram/dl)and CI(36+/-3, 12+/-2 and 41+/-6 microgram/dl)patient groups than in control group (84+/-5, 16+/-2 and 69+/-3 microgram/dl) while those of lycopene, alpha-and beta-carotene varied little among the three groups. The sum of the six carotenoid levels were levels were, therefore,highest(205+/-14 microgram/dl) in the control group followed by IHD(155+/-15 microgram/dl) and CI(128+/-17 microgram/dl) patient groups, Among the 98 healthy male subject for the age group study, levels of the three major carotenoids increased with age from the twenties to the fifities ; lutein, from 64+/-6 to 89+/-8 microgram/dl, cryptoxanthin, 57+/-8 to 73+/-4 microgram/dl and beta-carotene were more significantly correlated(r=0.30 to 0.61, p<0.01), whereas levels of lycopene and alpha-caroteme were significantly(r=0.21 - 0.23, p<0.05) correlated.
- [English]
Relation of Serum Vitamin E and Lipoperoxide Levels with Serum Lipid Status in Korean Men
Sung Hee Cho, Young Sun Choi
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(1):44-51. Published online February 28, 1997
- Secrum lipid and vitamin E levels were determined and smoking, alcohol drinking and exercise habits were asked in 357 healthy male subjects aged 49.4+/-6.7 years in Taegu. Average serum levels of total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and triglyceride(TG) were 189+/-43 mg/dl, 42+/-13 mg/dl and 136+/-73 mg/dl, respectively. Serum level of lipid peroxide measured as thiobarbituric acid reactive substances(TBARS) of the subjects was 2.01+/-0.73MDA nmoles/ml and that of alpha-tocopherol was 9.53+/-3.14ug/ml. The correlation coefficients between alpha-tocopherol and serum lipids were 0.3631 for triglyceride, 0.2993 for cholesterol, and 0.3025 for total lipid. Heavy smokers who smoked more than 20 cigarettes a day had higher levels of TG and TBARS than those who smoke less. Alcohol drinkers had higher levels of TG and TBARS than nondrinkers. Vitamin E level(per ml serum)was significantly higher in the heavy smokers and drinkers, which was reflected by the higher level of serum lipid. When the level of alpha-tocopherol was expressed as alpha-tocopherol/triglyceride, it was negatively correlated with serum TBARS level and was lower in the heavy smokers than in the moderate smokers. It is concluded that vitamin E level as alpha-tocopherol/triglyceride would be better compared to alpha-tocopherol/total cholesterol or alpha-tocopherol/total lipid for the evaluation of vitamin E status in Korean men.