- [English]
Analysis of the Service Quality Provided by Foodserice Workers in Restaurants
Ilsun Yang, Sunghye Kim, Donghoon Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 1999;4(3):454-465. Published online September 30, 1999
- Consistently delivering good service quality is a complex and dynamic process. In this matter, service differs from tangible products and is highly dependent on the business and service provider. Therefore, efficiently managing the process of delivering service quality can contribute to profits for organization and satisfaction to customers. This study was performed to define service quality, and to investigate the personal and operational characteristics that impacts the service quality provided by foodservice provider. The responses from 278 foodservice providers and 427 customers in 82 fast-food and family restaurants were used in this analysis. Descriptive, Factor Analysis, T-test, ANOVA, and Correlation Analysis were used for statistical Analysis. The Results of this study were as follows : 1) The perception of foodservice provider was significantly higher than that of the customers in most of the 21 service quality attributes. 2) The 6 dimensions derived from Factor Analysis explained 56.8% for service quality. 3) Among the personal characteristics of the foodservice provider, the level of education and the position in the job led to a significant difference in some of the service qualities. 4) The type of restaurant played an important role in foodservice providers' perception of service quality. 5) Month since opening had a negative correlation with 'Atmosphere' and a positive correlation with 'Reputation', while the number of seats showed a positive correlation with 'Atmosphere' and a negative correlation with 'Food' and 'Convenience'. 6) In general, the characteristics of sales had a positive correlation with service quality. 7) The proportion of part-time employees showed a negative correlation with 'Atmosphere' and 'Food', and a positive correlation with 'Reputation'.
- [English]
Examination of the Gap between Customer's Perception and Foodservice Provider's Perception of Service Quality in Restaurants
Ilsun Yang, Sunghye Kim, Donghoon Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 1999;4(3):466-478. Published online September 30, 1999
- A significant gap can exist between what customers expect in foodservice and what service providers deliver to customers. Reducing the gap and enhancing service quality plays a key role in increasing customer satisfaction and repurchase intentions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the personal and operational characteristics that affect the customer perceptions of service quality, to analyze the overall satisfaction and repurchase intention of customers, and to study the service quality gap between customer and foodservice provides. 427 customers and 278 foodservice providers in 82 fast food and family restaurants were surveyed. T-test, ANOVA, Correlation Analysis, and Multiple Regression were used for statistical analysis, The results of this study were as follows: 1) Among the personal characteristics of customers, sex affected the preception of 'General Management' and 'Reputation', and the expense per person showed a correlation with service quality. 2) Among the operational characteristics, the type of restaurant, months since opening, and the number of seats had a significant impact on service quality, while the seat turnover rate showed a negative correlation with service quality. 3) Among the human resource characteristics, the proportion of part-time employees had a negative correlation with service quality, and in general, the training program for full-time employees led to a higher degree of customer perception of service quality. 4) Six dimensions of service quality accounted for 38.39% of customer satisfaction in Multiple Regression. 5) The overall satisfaction of customers willing to repurchase was significantly higher than that of the non-repurchase customers. 6) The operational characteristics explained over 35% for the service quality gap among the customers and the service providers in Multiple Regression.