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Sungsug Lee 2 Articles
Development of an Educational Web Site and e-Learning System for Elementary School Students to Reduce Sugar, Natrium and Fat Intakes
Hyung Woo Kim, Kyoung Ae Lee, Eun Jin Cho, Jong Chan Chae, Yoo Kyeong Kim, Sungsug Lee, Kyung Hea Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2010;15(1):36-49.   Published online February 28, 2010
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This study was carried out to reduce children's sugar, natrium and fat intakes and establish their healthy lifestyle. To achieve these goals, we developed an educational web site and an e-learning system. The targets of this web site are children, parents and educators. This site has various information about sugar, natrium and fat, and has special menus for each target: such as the 'Let's study' for children, 'Guides for child's eating' for parents, and 'Educational softwares, Lesson plans/materials, and Textbooks/Teaching guides' for educators. We developed three nutrient characters and applied them to the web site. We provided information in the form of texts, images, flash and sounds. This site has special boards in 'Nutrition cafe' menu to interchange information or their successful stories between the connecters. We developed an e-learning system with two courses. One is for junior elementary students and the other is for senior students. Children can study each nutrient step by step in a course according to their academic ability and concern. Also, they can evaluate their academic achievement in this system, which was uploaded into 'Let's study' in children menu in the web site. Conclusively this web site and e-learning system could contribute to reducing children's sugar, natrium and fat intakes by helping children study them systematically and effectively by on-line system. We expect this e-learning system would be a new nutrition education system to make nutrition education more active.
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Development of Contents and Textbooks for the Education to Reduce Elementary Students' Fat Intake
Yoo Kyeong Kim, Ju Young Kim, Myeong Hwa Cha, Kyoung Ae Lee, Sungsug Lee, Kyung Hea Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2009;14(2):158-167.   Published online April 30, 2009
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was conducted to reduce children's fat intake and to establish healthy dietary lifestyles. To achieve these goals, we searched, collected, and analyzed the materials related to the fat education, based on which the research personnel-professors and graduate students in nutrition and child education and elementary school teachers- discussed to figure out major topics, objectives, and detailed contents and activities appropriate for fat intake reduction. We also organized an advisory committee composed of 15 professionals in related fields to discuss the adequacy and validity of the specific contents. Finally, we systematically organized the contents and developed children's textbooks and teacher's guidebooks. Considering the different cognitive development stages of junior and senior elementary students we developed two different textbooks for each of them which are easy to read and understand, fun to play with lots of activities, and designed to practice into daily life. The contents cover three major topics-the concept of lipid, lipid in food, lipid in life and are composed of 6 units in total. To help teachers understand and and to instruct, teacher's guidebooks contain an overview of the education, specific information and practical guidelines for each class. We developed these education materials with the aim of lowering children's fat consumption and eventually promoting their health welfare; hopefully we expect these materials would be useful for children's nutritional education in the field.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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