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Sup Sunoo 1 Article
Food Habits and Serum Lipid Concentratons during the Periods of Training and Detraining in Volleyball Players
Jihyun Kim, Ryowon Choue, Miran Cho, Sup Sunoo
Korean J Community Nutr 1999;4(2):231-238.   Published online June 30, 1999
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This study was done to investigate the 12 college volleyball player's food behavior, nutrient intakes, and their serum lipid levels during the periods of training and detraining and to provide basic data for an effective progrm for the volleyball players during the period fo detraining after the game season. The results were summarized as follows : The total daily energy intake of the players was 3,363+/-339kcal and3,692+/-499kcal during the periods of the training and detraining, respectively. During the training period, daily intakes of protein, calcium and vitamin A, and B2 were lower than the recommended dietary allowance for the players. During the detraining period, the players' daily intakes of calcium, iron, and vitamin A were even lower. However, the consumption of alcohol was dramatically increased during the period of detraining. The levels of serum triglyceride and very low density lipoprotein were significantly increased during the detraining period. Basal metabolic rates were significantly increased after the training period and diastolic pressure was decreased during the detraining period. In conclusion, out results suggest that the detraining of volleyball players for 10 days after intensive training, negatively affects their food behavior and serum lipid concentrations. Therefore, for the improvement of performance for the next game season, a planned program for the players' detraining period should be developed.
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