- [English]
The Status of Nutrient Intake and Factors Related to Dislike of Vegetables in Elementary School Students
Un Hee Ku, Jung Sook Seo
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(2):151-162. Published online April 30, 2005
- This study was conducted to investigate the nutritional status and factors related to dislike of vegetables in the students who avoid eating vegetables in elementary school. The subjects were classified into VDG (vegetable dislike group, 75 children) and control group (69 children) by amount of vegetable left in school feeding. The survey included the items of demographic characteristics, dietary behaviors, nutrition knowledge, food preference, reason for dislike of vegetables and nutrient intake of the subjects. Dietary behavior and nutrition knowledge scores of control group were higher than those of VDG. The average score of food preference was 4.9 and 4.7 in control and VDG groups respectively. The preference score of root vegetables was the lowest in subjects. In the view of nutrient intake, the calorie intake of control group was higher than that of VDG. Protein intake of control and VDG was enough as compared with their RDA. Except vitamin E, most nutrient intake of control group was higher than that of VDG. VDG consumed lower calorie, vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin C, Ca, P, Fe and Zn than control group. The scores of the dietary behavior and nutrition knowledge in the subjects were positively related to the status of some vitamins and minerals intake. These results show that the scores of nutrition knowledge and dietary behavior of VDG were lower than those of control, causing low intake of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, Ca and Fe.