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Wan Soo Kim 4 Articles
Nutrient Intakes Differences of the People Living Near the Nuclear Plant by the Household Income Level
Hye Sang Lee, Joung Won Lee, Wan Soo Kim, Dong Yean Park, Kyeong Hee Yu, Myoung Soon Park, Joo Han Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2008;13(2):207-215.   Published online April 30, 2008
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This study was conducted to measure and evaluate the food and nutrient intakes of the people living near the nuclear plant and to investigate the relationship between the household income level and the food and nutrient intake patterns. A total of 552 cases (263 males and 289 females) were surveyed during the period from April 1 to December 21 of 2005. Dietary intake was measured by means of the 24-hour recall method. The data were analyzed using SPSS Windows (ver. 14.0). The household income level of the subjects was classified into two groups : Low income group (LIG; < or = 2,000,000 won) and high income group (HIG; > 2,000,000). The subjects at large had less energy and nutrient intakes than did the population in town and village who participated in the 2005 National Health and Nutrition Survey. The intake of calcium, zinc, vitamin A, riboflavin, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and folic acid was less than the Estimated Average Requirement in case of 50~95% of the subjects. The LIG consumed less beans, vegetables, fruits, meats, and beverages than did the HIG in male, while the LIG consumed less eggs and beverages than did the HIG in female. The LIG consumed less nutrients than did the HIG in male, except for carbohydrate, while the LIG consumed less nutrients including zinc, vitamin A, riboflavin, vitamin B6, vitamin C, folic acid than did the HIG in female. In addition, the LIG had higher percentage energy consumption from carbohydrate. These results suggest that higher food and nutrient intake is associated with higher income.
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Food Preference Test of the Korean Elderly Menu Development
Seon Joo Park, Hae Jeung Lee, Wan Soo Kim, Jae Yeon Lim, Haymie Choi
Korean J Community Nutr 2006;11(1):98-107.   Published online February 28, 2006
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This study was performed to test food preferences of the Korean elderly for Korean elderly menu development. The elderly subjects preferred steamed rice cooked with 1.2 times water than that with 1.5 times water (p < 0.001), whole rice grain gruel than the gruel with ground grain (p < 0.05). Green tea powder gruels developed as a snack, there were no significant differences in the preference of the elderly between gruel with different contents of green tea powder (2, 3, 4%). The preferences of the salt concentration of the soup were tested by using soybean sprout soup and soybean paste soup. The elderly preferred 0.7 - 0.8% salted bean sprout soup and 7% soybean paste soup. The elderly preferred Kimchi cut in widths of 1 - 2 cm than that in 0.5 cm. The elderly preferred sweeter grape jam (67% vs. 50% or 37% sugar content) and were not concerned about chewing seeds. This result could be useful to develop menus for the elderly.
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Differences in Characteristics and Dietary Habits between Volunteers and Selected Subjects in Nutrition Survey
Wan Soo Kim, Mi Jung Kim, Taisun Hyun
Korean J Community Nutr 2004;9(4):511-518.   Published online August 31, 2004
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This study was designed to compare general characteristics and dietary habits between volunteers for a nutrition survey and non-volunteers using a questionnaire. Volunteers were recruited by advertising on the homepage of a university to assess nutritional status by examining dietary intake for three days and blood analysis. Non-volunteers were selected from some classes not related to nutrition. There were no significant differences in sex, monthly allowances, eating-out cost, drinking and exercise between the two groups, while the proportion of self-boarding was higher in the volunteer group than in the non-volunteer group, and smoking rate of volunteers was approximately 2.4 times lower than that of non-volunteers. Volunteers were less concerned about their diet than non-volunteers. No significant differences in concern about health, considering factors in their diet, self-evaluation of their diet, learning experience about nutrition, and vitamin/mineral supplement use were observed. The frequency and the place of eating-out for dinner were significantly different between the two groups. More proportions of volunteers tended to eat regularly and eat breakfast. Volunteers consumed seaweeds more frequently, and milk, fruits and fast foods less frequently than nonvolunteers. Our results indicate that some characteristics and dietary habits of volunteers are different from those of non-volunteers. However, we could not show that volunteers were more interested in their diet and had desirable dietary habits than non-volunteers. Further research on the characteristics of volunteers who participate in nutrition survey may be helpful to interpret and generalize the survey results.
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A Study on the Perception and Consumption of Imported and Organic Produce of Urban Housewives
Tai Sun Hyun, Wan Soo Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(1):74-85.   Published online February 28, 1997
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To investigate the perception and consumption of imported and organic produce, a survey was conducted using a questionnaire in Seoul, Taejon and Cheongju from February to March in 1995. The responses of 350 housewives were analyzed. Most of the subjects (96.8%) know an increase of imported produce, and 86.3% thought that imported produce was not safe. Ninety-two percent of the subjects preferred domestic produce to imported produce. The reasons were for the support of domestic farming (36.7%), hazardous chemicals in imported produce (25.0%), good taste (24.1%) and high quality of domestic produce (13.1%). Seventy-eight percent of the subjects had purchased imported produce. The reasons for purchase were cheap price (67.7%), high quality (16.2%), and good taste (5.4%). Imported produce were purchased in the following order ; fruits such as banana, kiwi, orange and grapefruit, seasonings such as garlic and sesame, vegetables such as onion, braken and green onion, and beans and grains such as soybean, red bean, and barley. Most of the subjects (94.3%) had been informed on organic produce. Among these, 45.2% obtained the information by TV or radio. However, son for purchase was low residual chemicals (64.6%). The reasons against purchase were inconvenience of purchase (42.3%), high price (25.4%), and disbelief of low residual chemicals (19.7%). Therefore, domestic produce should be good in quality and taste, and be safe without residual chemicals in order to compete with imported produce with cheap price. Informations on organic and imported produce should be provided to consumers, and the distribution system of organic produce should be improved for consumers convenience.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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