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Wha Young Kim 3 Articles
Dietary Intakes and Eating Behaviors of Vietnamese Female Immigrants to Korea through Marriage and Korean Spouses and Correlations of Their Diets
Sun Hye Kim, Wha Young Kim, Ji Eun Lyu, Hye Won Chung, Ji Yun Hwang
Korean J Community Nutr 2009;14(1):22-30.   Published online February 28, 2009
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This study aimed to examine nutritional status and similarities of diets between Vietnamese female immigrants and Korean spouses and dietary changes of Vietnamese females after immigration. Subjects were 608 couples visiting 13 medical centers for the Cohort of Intermarried Women in Korea from November 2006 to November 2007. Anthropometric and biochemical measurements were obtained and dietary intakes were assessed using one-day 24-hour recall. Sixty-eight percent of wives answered there have been changes in their diets and consumptions of meats, fish, dairy products, vegetables, and fruits increased after immigration. Energy intakes of wives and spouses were 1491.7 kcal and 1788.8 kcal, respectively, showing most couples (80.1%) consumed less than the Korean estimated energy requirements. More than half of the couples were below the Korean estimated average requirements of zinc, vitamin B2, and folate. The correlation coefficients between couples ranged 0.15-0.38 for unadjusted, 0.22-0.35 for per 1000 kcal, and 0.21-0.40 for energyadjusted, respectively. The proportions of couples in the same quartiles of each nutrient intake and in the same answers of each question of Mini Dietary Assessment were about 30% across nutrients and around 50% across questions. The length of residence is related to similarities of nutrient intakes between couples: similarities decreased after 3 years of residence in Korea. In conclusion, nutritional intakes of inter-married couples were inadequate although wives reported that their dietary intakes increased after immigration. Inadequate nutrient intakes of wives were partly explained by similar diets between couples because these wives without enough adjustment to Korean culture were more likely to follow what their spouses ate. Findings from this study may be helpful to improve the nutritional status of inter-married couples and make policies and programs for them. A follow-up study should identify factors affecting inadequate nutritional status of intermarried couples and similarities of their diets.
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A Study on Nutrient Intake, Anthropometric Data and Serum Profiles among High School Students Residing in Seoul
Hyun Sook Lee, Bo Eun Kim, Mi Sook Cho, Wha Young Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2004;9(5):589-596.   Published online October 31, 2004
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This study was performed to investigate the anthropometric data, serum profiles, and nutrient intakes of high school students who are living in Seoul. Anthropometric data showed that mean height and weight were 174.1 cm and 66.6 kg in 99 male and 161.4 cm and 54.0 kg in 116 female students. Mean BMI for male and female students were 21.9 and 22.3 kg/m2, and subjects with BMI > 25 kg/m2 were 14 and 7%, respectively. Total cholesterol, HDL- and LDL-cholesterol of subjects were 149.6 +/- 3.1, 46.4 +/- 1.3, 86.4 +/- 2.3 mg/dl for males and 169.2 +/- 3.1, 50.7 +/- 1.0, 100.9 +/- 2.7 mg/dl for females, respectively. Hemoglobin (Hb) and total iron binding capacity (TIBC) were 12.8 +/- 0.1 g/dl, 437.3 +/- 7.2 microgram/dl in male and 11.9 +/- 0.1 g/dl, 439.4 +/- 5.7 microgram/dl in female, respectively. Based on Hb classification, 45.6% of male and 45.0% of female students fell into anemic condition. Intakes of energy, Ca, Fe, Zn, riboflavin, and folate were below the Korean RDA. In particular Ca (male and female, respectively, 64.6 and 643% RDA) and Fe (male and female, respectively, 78.6 and 64.3%RDA) intakes were extremely low. Serum triglyceride was positively significantly correlated with weight (r = 0.22), BMI (r = 0.279), waist circumference (WC, r = 0.235), triceps skin-fold thickness (TSF, r = 0.197) and obesity index (OI, r = 0.279). Hb concentration was positively correlated with height (r + 0.387), weight (r = 0.349), BMI (r = 0.191) and waist/hip ratio (WHR, r = 0.380). As for the correlation between serum profiles and nutrient intakes, the Hb concentration was positively correlated with energy (r = 0.163), protein (r = 0.149), Na (r = 0.153), vitamin A (r = 0.165), thiamin (r = 0.201) and niacin (r = 0.192, p < 0.01). These result suggest that the prevalence of Ca and Fe deficiency of student is high and dietary guideline for prevent anemia in this age needs to contain the adequate intake of energy and its related vitamins.
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The Nutritional Status and Intervention Effects of Multivitamin-Mineral Supplementation in Nursing-Home Residents in Korea
Wha Young Kim, Sho Young Ahn, Yo Suk Song
Korean J Community Nutr 2000;5(2):201-207.   Published online July 31, 2000
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was performed to assess the nutritional status of nursing home residents and to assess the effect of nutrition intervention. The subjects were 123 people aged over 60 years from 5 different nursing homes. The nutrition intervention study was carried out by supplementing their diet with multivitamin-minerals for 2 months. The mean intakes of most nutrients did not meet the RDA, Though the nutrient content of the menus provided by the facilities were satisfactory. Nutrients of which intakes fell below 75% of the RDA were protein, Ca, Fe, vitamin A vitamin B1, and vitamin B2. The BMIs of male and female subjects were 22.0 kg/m2 and 24.6 kg/m2 and the WHRs were 0.92 and 0.90, respectively. The percentage of subjects with hypertention (BP> or =140/90 mmHg) and with anemia(Hb< or =13 mg/100ml in men, Hb< or =12 mg/100ml in women) were 34.6% and 41.9%, respectively. The serum cncentrations of albumin, total protein, triglyceride, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, and total lipid fell within normal ranges. However, 27.5% of the subjects showed a high serum cholesterol level of over 250 mg/100ml. The concentration of C3 was 81.2 mg/100ml, IgG, 1343 mg/100ml, and IL-2, 0.766 mg/ml. after 2 months of vitamin-mineral supplementation, the levels of blood glucose and total cholesterol were significantly decreased and triglyceride was significantly increased. The vitamin-mineral supplementation had no effect on the mean levels of vitamin A and E, IgG, IL2, and C3. However, the intervention resulted int he improvement of serum vitamin A and E levels when the subject's serum levels were low before the supplementation.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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