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Yeon Hee Kim 1 Article
A Study on Body Mass Index and Associated Factors of the Middle Aged Women in Small City
Yeon Hee Kim, Youngnam Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(4):506-515.   Published online August 31, 2002
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study examined the state of health and weight maintenance according to the body mass index (BMI), and explored demographic variables, diet variables, the degree of stress etc. The results presented were based on data collected from 428 women who are mothers of the middle school children in Jeongeup city. Using SPSS WIN (Ver 9.0), the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, chi-square, ANOVA, and correlation analysis were provided. The mean of BMI for the subjects was 22.6, the ratio of obese women (BMI > or = 25) was 22.9%. The frequency of the reported circulation or respiratory related diseases was greater in the obese group compared to the normal weight (20 < or = BMI < 25) or the lean (BMI < 20) groups. The obese group had less awareness of obesity. Those who regard themselves obese had lower rates of satisfaction with their body shape and higher rates of interest in weight control. Approximately 65% of the subjects attempted weight reduction more than once. Subjects who were obese had the most undesirable dietary behavior. In particular, this group had the higher rates of rushed meals, overeating, meals while watching TV or newspapers, and snacking, and eating out. In analyzing the correlation of variables influencing obesity, there were positive correlations between obesity and overeating, obesity and the degree of stress. Correlations between obesity and satisfaction for life found to be negative. Moreover, stress had a positive correlation with obesity and overeating, and showed negative correlation with eating behavior. Consequently, stress seemed to induce undesirable eating behaviors and increase obesity. Of the demographic background variables, subjects who were obese tended to be older, had lower levels of education, higher rates of employment, longer period of marriage, the higher number of children, preschool children or children preparing for highschool or college, lower satisfaction with children and household life.
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