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Yeon Sook Lee 5 Articles
Status of Early Childhood and Maternal Nutrition in South Korea and North Korea
Jae Eun Shim, Jihyun Yoon, Seong Yeon Jeong, Mina Park, Yeon Sook Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2007;12(2):123-132.   Published online April 30, 2007
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The purpose of this study was to compare the nutritional status of children aged 5 or under and women aged 20 to 34 years between the Republic of Korea (South Korea) and the Democratic Peoples' Republic of Korea (DPRK: North Korea). For the source of nutritional status of North Koreans, the DPRK 2004 Nutrition Assessment-Report of Survey Results was used. As the comparable data of South Koreans, the anthropometric data for children and women were obtained from the reports of the Korean Pediatric Society and the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards, respectively. The blood hemoglobin data of South Korean women were obtained from the data file of the 2001 National Health and Nutrition Survey and analyzed. In regard to the North Korea, the prevalence of underweight (weight for age Z-score <-2.0) in children under 12 months was about 10~15%, and thereafter progressively increased until 30 to 35 months reaching 30%. In South Korea, the prevalence of underweight was less than 3% in most age groups both in boys and girls. In North Korea, the prevalence of stunting (height for age Z-score <-2.0) reached 20% in children under 12 months and increased with age over the level of 50% in children aged 54 to 59 months. In South Korea, the prevalence of stunting was less than 3% in children under 12 months and was less than 10% throughout the age groups. Maternal protein-energy malnutrition and anemia were assessed for the women aged 20 to 34 years using mid-upper arm circumference (< 22.5 cm) and blood hemoglobin level (< 12 g/DL), respectively. The prevalence of protein-energy malnutrition was 39.6%, 30.7%, 31.7% in North Korea and 12.5%, 5.0%, 1.5% in South Korea for the women in 20~24, 25~29, 30~34 years, respectively. The prevalence of anemia in the North Korean women was about 34~36% while that in the South Korean women was 15~18%. In conclusion, the disparity of nutritional status in early childhood and maternity between South Korea and North Korea is so huge that active and well-planned nutrition support policy and programs for women and children in North Korea is imperative to prepare for the future unified nation.
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A Survey on Nutrient Intakes by Infant Formula and Supplemental Foods of Formula-Fed Infants in Seoul Area
Soo Jung Jang, Ji Hye Shin, Yeon Sook Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2004;9(3):251-262.   Published online June 30, 2004
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The aim of this study was to assess the nutrient intakes from infant formula and supplemental foods of 246 healthy infants fed infant formula, aged from 5 to 18 months. Subjects were devided into two groups depending on supplemental food type for weaning, Domestic supplemental foods (mainly home-made, n = 129) and Delivery supplemental foods (mainly commercially-delivered, n = 117). Four subgroups were assigned to 5 - 6 months, 7 - 8 months, 9 - 11 months, and 12 - 18 months by ages, respectively. Dietary assessment was carried out using 24-hour-recall method. Formula intakes in the delivery group tended to decrease accordingly with the ages. However, in the domestic group, formula intakes up to 8 month were similar and decreased after 9 month. Energy, protein, calcium and iron intakes from infant formula and supplemental foods were assessed. Energy intake at 12 - 18 months were lower than the RDA in both groups. Daily intake of protein and calcium at all ages were much higher than the RDA in both groups. Therefore, protein and calcium overnutrition were elucidated. Especially, protein intake at 5 - 6 months, calcium intake at all ages from infant formula was higher than the RDA in both groups. Iron intake at 5 - 6 months from infant formula were higher than the RDA. Consequently, as for infant formula, it was suggested that not only formula intakes but also nutrient content in formula should be reconsidered. On the other hand, nutrient intakes from supplemental foods in the domestic group tended to be higher than that of the delivery group. Especially at 9 - 11 months, significant differences between the two groups were observed. This may be due to high dependency on commercial powdered baby food in the domestic group. This study revealed that daily nutrient intakes of formula-fed infants are desirable but nutrient intakes from infant formula are too high. Conclusively, this study suggests that as the age of infants increases, formula intakes should be controlled and various supplemental foods besides commercially powdered baby food should be appropriately provided.
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Developing Breakfast Menus for Most Easily Breakfast-Skipping Groups
Sim Yeol Lee, Yeon Sook Lee, Jung Sook Park, Young Hee Bai, Young Ok Kim, Young Sook Park
Korean J Community Nutr 2004;9(3):315-325.   Published online June 30, 2004
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This study was conducted to develop the standard breakfast menu for those weak groups having insufficient breakfast intake. The following three target groups are classified as: 16 - 19 years old high school male student, 20 - 29 years old female who have job or college students, 20 - 29 years old male or female who have job (double income family). While developing menus for each target groups, we applied several basic guidelines for meal planning as follows: Nutrient intake level was set to 1/3 of RDA, while the energy level to 1/4 of RDAs. Most frequent meal pattern of Koreans was adapted; Suitabilities of appropriate serving size and cost for middle-income families were considered; Domestic foods and ingredients were used. We developed 24 menus summed by 2 menus for each season and three target groups. When evaluating the menus, most of the breakfast menus were sufficient of nutrients as a meal for the subjects. Three food groups such as grain/starch group, meat/fish/egg/bean group, vegetable/fruit group were included in all menus. Even though milk/dairy products group was not excluded for some menus, other calcium substitutes like anchovies were used. Oil/nut/sugar group was used to a minimum. The average number of foods for each menu was 12.8, which ranged from 10 to 17 depending on the menus. The average weight of the menus including soup was 822 g, 633 g and 730 g for each target group, respectively. The average price of the menu ranged from 2,000 to 3,500 won per person. The above results could be applied at home as well as foodservice institutes and furthermore could offer information for developing breakfast-substituting food products.
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Effect of Excess Calcium and Iron Supplement on Iron Bioavailability, Liver and Kidney Functions in Anemic Model Rats
Joung Hyun Lee, Yeon Sook Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2000;5(2):243-252.   Published online July 31, 2000
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This study examined the effects of excess intake of calcium(Ca) and iron(Fe) supplements on iron bioavailability, liver and kidney functions in anemic model rats. Seven-week-old female rats were first fed and Fe-deficient diet for ten weeks, and then fed one of nine experimental diets for an additional eight weeks, containing three levels of Ca, normal (0.5%) or high(1.5%) or excess (2.5%) and three levels of Fe, normal(35ppm) or high(210 ppm) or excess(350ppm). In anemic model rats, serum Fe, total iron binding capacity(TIBC), hemogolin(Hb), hematocrit(Hct) and liver Fe contents were significantly decreased. Apparent Fe absorption significantly increased with increasing dietary Fe levels, and decreased with increasing dietary Ca levels. serum Fe concentration significantly increased in rats fed a high- and excess-Fe diet, and decreased in rats fed a excess-Ca diet. TIBC was decreawed in rats fed a excess-Ca diet, and transferrin saturation(%) increased in rats fed ahigh- and excess-Fe diet. Hb and Hct were decreased in rats fed an excess-Ca diet regardless of dietary Fe levels. Fe and thiobarbituric acid reactin gsubstance(TBARS) Contents of liver significantly increased in rats fed a high- and excess0-Fe diet, and decreased in rats fed a high- and excess-Ca diet. Fe content of the spleen showed similar results. Urinary creatinine and GFR increased in rats fed an excess-Ca diet regardless of dietary Fe levels. GOT, GPT and LDH were not significantly affected by dietary Ca and Fe levels. These results suggest that excess intake of Fe may increase liver Fe deposits and TBARS, and excess intake of Ca may decrease Fe bioavailability and kidney function leading to potential health problems in anemic model rats.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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