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Youn Jin Lee 1 Article
A Comparative Study of Obese Children and Normal Children on Dietary Intake and Environmental Factors at an Elementary School in Inchon
Youn Jin Lee, Kyung Ja Chang
Korean J Community Nutr 1999;4(4):504-511.   Published online December 31, 1999
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this survey was to investigate the relationship among obese children, dietary intake and environmental factors. Therefore, this survey compared obese children with normal children on dietary intake and environmental factors. The survey were 110 obese children and 110 normal children whose age, height, and sex were same as the obese children of 21 elementary school in Inchon. The statistical analysis of data was completed using SAS program. The results were summarized as follows : 1) The student's obesity was related to parent's obesity and number of their siblings. There were significant differences between obese groups and normal group for these two factors. 2) Meal time of the obese group showed more irregularity than that of the normal group. Otherwise, the normal group were more "piclity" about special food than the obese group(p<0.05). Also obese children showed unconsious eating while reading or watching TV(p<0.01). The normal group attended physical education class more eagerily the obese group(p<0.001). There was no significant difference between obese children and normal children for learning habits. 3) Obese children shoed higher intake of nutrients compared to normal children. Among all the nutrients, minerals and vitamins showed significant differences. Therefore, further study on obese children and their intake of minerals and vitamin is needed. Also, in order to prevent factors which influence obesity, nutrition education at home as well as school was needed.
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