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Young Ai Jang 4 Articles
Nutritional Environment Influences Hypertension in the Middle-aged Korean Adults: based on 1998 & 2001 National Health and Nutrition Survey
Hae Jeung Lee, Haeng Shin Lee, Yoonna Lee, Young Ai Jang, Jae Jin Moon, Cho il Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2007;12(3):272-283.   Published online June 30, 2007
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This study was performed to delineate the relationship between lifestyle and nutritional risk factors associated with hypertension in representative middle-aged Korean population. Hypertension in this study is defined as hypertensive (SBP> or = 140 mmHg or DBP> or = 90 mmHg) adults without recognition of a disease state before a health exam. With data from the 1998 and 2001 National Health and Nutritional Survey, nutrient intakes of 6,112 adults, 40-64 years of age were calculated using food composition database and matched with health examination records by individual ID. After excluding those with extreme intake values, the number of final subjects included in the analysis was 5,200 (male 2,458, female 2,742). Using logistic regression method, socio-demographic data, lifestyle factors, and nutrient intakes were analyzed. Risky factors for hypertension revealed in this study were age, sex, BMI over 23, waist circumference, alcohol intake of more than 16 g (male) or 8 g (female). Regarding nutrient intakes, the intakes of highest quartile for energy (> or = 2363.0 kcal) and protein (> or = 90.2 g) were significantly associated with higher risk of hypertension after adjusting for age, sex, and other socio-demographic factors (OR = 1.312 (1.046-1.711), OR = 1.488(1.194-1.854), respectively)). Although high intakes of sodium (> or = 6604.0 mg) and phosphorus seemed to be risk factors of hypertension also before energy adjustment (OR = 1.278(1.034-1.581), OR = 1.280(1.024 -1.600), respectively), only high intakes of energy and protein remained significant after adjustment. This study revealed that modifying risky lifestyles and dietary patterns, especially high energy intake, high protein intake, and high alcohol drinking, in middle-aged Korean adults could result in a prevalence decrease and/or prevention of hypertension.
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Dietary Intake Pattern of the Korean Adult Population by Weight Status: 2001 National Health and Nutrition Survey
Yoonna Lee, Haeng Shin Lee, Young Ai Jang, Hae Jeung Lee, Bok Hee Kim, Cho Il Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2006;11(3):317-326.   Published online June 30, 2006
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To explore the relationship between weight status and food intake pattern, the Nutrition Survey results of the 2001 National Health and Nutrition Survey were analyzed. Dietary intake data of Korean adults aged 20 to 64, years who participated in the 2001 National Health and Nutrition Survey, was used along with their demographic data. Subjects were classified into 4 groups based on the BMI value of subjects: underweight, normal, overweight and obese. For male adults, obese subjects had significantly higher mean intake of energy, protein, carbohydrates, and fat than normal subjects. In addition, obese male adults consumed more animal foods, especially more meats, than normal subjects. However, females obese subjects did not show higher intake of energy or fat. Although obese male adults showed higher energy intake, calcium and iron intake per 1000 kcal was lower than normal adults. Average calcium intake in females was low; about 70% of RDA regardless of obesity level. In addition, riboflavin and Vitamin A intake was lower in overweight and obese female than in normal females. Percentage of subjects with low fruit and vegetable intake (<400 g per day) was also high in female subjects. These results showed that food and nutrient intake patterns of obese population were different between male and female adults. These dietary intake patterns need to be considered in developing and implementing nutrition policy and intervention programs to prevent and control obesity. Moreover, the National Survey and monitoring system should be developed for continuous and effective investigation on the relationship between obesity and dietary intake.
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Food and Nutrient Consumption Patterns of the Korean Adult Population by Income Level - 2001 National Health and Nutrition Survey
Bok Hee Kim, Joung Won Lee, Yoonna Lee, Haeng Shin Lee, Young Ai Jang, Cho il Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(6):952-962.   Published online December 31, 2005
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To explore the relationship between economic status and food and nutrient intake patterns, the 2001 National Health and Nutrition Survey result was analyzed. Dietary intake data of 6,978 Korean adults of 20 years and older who participated in the 2001 National Health and Nutrition Survey were used along with their demographic data. Economic status of the subjects was classified into the following 4 groups based on the self-reported average monthly income of household with reference to the minimum monthly living expenses (MLE) in 2001: low<100% MLE < or = middle<200% MLE < or = high<300% MLE < or = higher. Individuals in the higher income class had significantly higher mean intake for most of the nutrients including energy, protein, carbohydrate, fat, calcium, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin C, and a higher percentage of energy intake from fat. In addition, they consumed more animal foods including meats, eggs, fish/shellfish, milk/dairy products and fats. On the other hand, the mean intakes of individuals in the lower economic class for calcium, vitamin A, and riboflavin were lower than 75% of RDAs. And, there was a predominant difference in contribution of fat to total energy intake among the groups of different economic status. These results showed that household income is an important factor influencing the food and nutrient intake patterns of the Korean adult population. Although individuals at different age classes may respond differently to a change in economic status, developing and implementing nutrition policy and intervention programs for those nutritionally vulnerable groups should consider the economic status as an important factor to customize and differentiate the content of the program.
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A Study on the Current Nutrition Labelling Practices for Processed Foods
Hyun Jung Lee, Hae Rang Chung, Young Ai Jang
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(4):585-594.   Published online August 31, 2002
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study examined the status of current nutrition labelling and claims for the processed foods that were purchased in the supermarket. They were assessed in the aspects of frequency and content of nutrition labelling and claims. The results are summarized as follows; The percentage of products contain the nutrition labelling or claims of processed foods of investigation were 18.7% and 18.8% respectively. In the nutrition labelling method, the format separated by expression contents with 'only liability indication nutrient' or 'liability indication nutrients plus discretion indication nutrients' were 44.7% and 43.4% respectively. In the case of type and title, 'table' and 'nutrition composition' were used most frequently, 83.9% and 83.2% respectively. And in the case of expression unit, 'per 100 g or 100 ml' was higher (56.8%) than others. Nutrition claims were divided into 'nutrition content claim' and 'comparative claim', in the former the most claim was 'containing' and in the other 'more or plus' used most frequently. 'Nutrient function claim' was 13.4% and 'Implied nutrient claim' was 7.3% of all the claims. Results of the evaluation of current nutrition labeling system, nutrition labelling was less advanced and variable in content and format and also the information was not easy for consumers to understand and use them. To support achievement of the nutrition label, there must be program and initiatives for better understanding and communication and guidances on food labelling and nutrition for food manufactures.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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