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Yun Kyoung Oh 1 Article
Comparative Study on Nutrients Intake, Physical Activities and Bone Mineral Density of Specialized Game High School Students according to Obesity Level
Yun Kyoung Oh, Cheongmin Sohn
Korean J Community Nutr 2010;15(3):393-402.   Published online June 30, 2010
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was performed to evaluate the prevalence of overweight and to compare the dietary behaviors, nutrient intake and physical activities of specialized game high school students. Total of 163 subjects participated and their weight, height, waist circumference, hip circumference and bone status by a quantitative ultrasound method were measured. The subjects were surveyed by a self-administered questionnaire about general characteristics, dietary behaviors and physical activities. Nutrient intakes of the subjects were assessed by semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire. The subjects were divided into four groups on their obesity level by BMI. The prevalence of underweight, normal, overweight and obese group was 6%, 58%, 16%, and 20% respectively. BMI was negatively correlated with bone mineral density (p < 0.01) and positively correlated with WHR (p < 0.01). The dietary guideline compliance score for "Enjoy Korean rice food style" was 2.63, followed by "Prepare food sanitarily" 2.48, "Do not skip breakfast" 2.29, "Eat a variety of vegetables, fruits, dairy products daily" 2.25, "Drink water instead of beverage" 2.10, "Choose less fried foods" 2.09 and "Maintain healthy weight" 1.91. The exercise frequency of walking was not significantly different between groups; however, heavy exercise frequency was significantly lower in underweight group than the other groups (p < 0.05). The energy intake was 2153 kcal, which was 81.2% of the Estimate Energy Requirement, and the intake of calcium and vitamin B2 was 66.7% and 77.8% of KDRIs. Particularly, the intake of iron, vitamin A and vitamin C was about 59.4%, 52.2% and 55.4% of KDRIs and INQ was 0.71, 0.63 and 0.65 respectively, and intake of folic acid fell behind 39.1% of KDRIs and INQ was 0.46. Our study suggests that the systematic and continuous nutrition education will have to be provided at schools to improve dietary and health behaviors and prevent chronic metabolic disease for students of specialized game high school.
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