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Volume 10(1); February 2005
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Original Articles
The Effect of Breast Feeding on Growth Development, Bone Mineral Density of Carpus, and Nutrient Intakes in Preschool Children
Mi Kyeong Choi, Seung Yeon Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(1):3-11.   Published online February 28, 2005
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The purpose of this study was to examine the long term effects of breast feeding on growth, bone development and nutrient intakes in preschool children. Subjects were 62 preschool children. Anthropometric characteristics and bone mineral density of carpus were measured using DEXA. The questionnaire was composed of health status, life style, dietary behaviors, and dietary intakes and was completed by the children's mothers. The average age of the boys was 62.4 months and that of the girls was 62.1 months. Average birth height and weight of the subjects was 50.9 cm and 3.4 kg for boys and 50.3 cm and 3.3 kg for girls, respectively. The average height, weight, % body fat, and obesity index were 111.7 cm, 19.6 kg, 15.0%, -2.1% in boys and 109.4 cm, 18.7 kg, 17.5%, 0.2% in girls, respectively. Forty children were fed colostrum, 21 were fed breast milk, 29 were fed formula, and 12 were fed mixed milk. There was no significant difference in growth status between children who were fed colostrum and those who were not. Children who had mixed feedings were significantly taller than those who did not (p < 0.001), and children who had colostrum had significantly higher bone mineral density than those who did not (0.25 +/- 0.04 g/ cm2 vs. 0.23 +/-0.04 g/cm2, p < 0.05). However, the different feeding methods did not show any difference in bone mineral density. Except vitamin B6, folic acid and vitamin E, vitamin, mineral and calorie intakes did not meet the Korean RDAs. Calcium intake was especially lower than recommendations by as much as 62% and 70% in boys and girls, respectively. There was no significant difference in nutrient intakes between children who had colostrum and those who did not. However, children who were formula consumed significantly more animal fat than those who did not (p < 0.05). Neonatal feeding and breast or formula feeding seems to associate with height, bone mineral density and animal fat intakes in preschool children, based on the results of this study. A longitudinal study is needed to clarify this relationship.
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Assessment of Intake of Nutrient and Dietary Fiber among Children at the 6th Grade of Elementary School in Gimhae
Suk Hee Jung, Jung In Kim, Sang Ae Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(1):12-21.   Published online February 28, 2005
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The aim of this study was to assess dietary fiber intake and the relationship between dietary fiber intake and nutrient intakes of elementary school students. Food consumption of 200 elementary school students (100 boys, 100 girls) in the 6th grade in Gimhae was assessed by 2-day estimated food records. Nutrient intakes were calculated using CAN-pro and total dietary fiber (TDF) intake using the TDF tables of the common Korean foods. The mean height and weight of the boys were 147.7 cm and 42.1 kg. The mean height and weight of the girls were 149.1 cm and 41.1 kg. The mean body mass index (BMI) of the boys (19.3 kg/m2) was significantly higher than that of the girls (18.4 kg/m2, p +/- 0.05). Average daily intake of energy of the boys and girls was 1733 and 1778 kcal, respectively. Intakes of protein, P, and niacin of the boys and girls exceeded 110% of current RDA. Intakes of Fe, vitamin B1, and vitamin B2 of the boys were similar to RDA. Intake of vitamin B1 exceeded 110% of current RDA and intakes of Fe and vitamin A were similar to RDA among the girls. Ca intake of the boys and girls was 74.2% and 60.1% of RDA, respectively. Vitamin C intake of the boys and girls were 63.6% and 71.7% of RDA, respectively. Intakes of fat, Ca, P, and vitamin B2 of the boys were significantly higher than the girls. Intakes of Fe and vitamin A of the boys were significantly lower than the girls. Average daily intakes of TDF of the boys and girls were 11.2 g and 11.1 g, respectively. TDF intake of the children at the 6th grade of elementary school was about 70% of "age (yr) + 5 g", a recommended level for American children. Major food groups to supply dietary fiber were vegetables, grains, and seasonings among the boys and girls. Major sources of dietary fiber were Kimchi, rice, and red pepper powder which supplied 17.85%. 15.71%, and 5.18% of TDF among the boys and 18.02%, 16.22%, and 6.58% among the girls. Daily fiber intake showed significant positive correlations with intakes of grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, and seasonings among the boys and girls. Daily fiber intake showed significant positive correlations with intakes of energy, carbohydrates, protein, lipids, Ca, P, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, and vitamin C among both the boys and girls. From the results of this study we could conclude that it is recommended to increase dietary fiber intake in elementary school students at upper level.
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Nutrient Intakes and Physical Fitness by BMI among Middle School Students in Seoul
Jae Yeon Lim, Hae Bok Na
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(1):22-35.   Published online February 28, 2005
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Proper nutrient intakes and physical fitness focus one's attention on health promotion. This study was conducted to investigate nutrient intakes and physical fitness by BMI in middle school students. Health-related questionnaire, dietary intakes, food frequency questionnaire and physical fitness were studied. There were no significant differences in health-related questionnaire, food frequency questionnaire and physical fitness by BMI, but several nutrition intakes, preference of salty tastes and the proportion of iron deficiency of female students were significantly different by BMI. Although the female obese group (BMI 85 - 100 percentile) had decreased the proportion of iron deficiency and increased fish intake frequency than other groups, obese females did not show better physical fitmess than other groups. And the average Ca intake was below 75% of Korean RDA in both male and female students. Significantly positive correlation was found between calorie intake and push-up of normal (BMI 15 - 84 percentile) male students (r = 0.29), also significantly negative correlation was found between protein intake and 50m dash of normal female students (r = 0.22). And significantly positive correlation was found between beans and bent knee sit-up of normal male students (r = 0.25), and significantly positive correlations were found between beans, meat, eggs, green & yellow vegetable and sit and reach (r = 0.20, r = 0.28, r = 0.21, r = 0.19) and significantly negative correlation was found between beans and long distance race of normal female students. Therefore, this study suggests that proper nutrition and non-obese states should be achieved for health promotion in middle school students.
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A Study on the Defecation Pattern and Lifestyle Factors of Female High School and College Students in Gyeonggi Province
Jong Hyun Lee, Ju Hwan O
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(1):36-45.   Published online February 28, 2005
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The aim of this study was to investigate the dietary and lifestyle factors related to bowel pattern of female high school and college students in Gyeonggi Province. The total of 202 self-administered questionnaires (high school students 77;college students 125) were analyzed. All respondents were devided into four groups based on their self-reported pattern of defecation:18 subjects (9.0%) comprised the normal group, 73 (36.1%) the constipation group, 73 (36.1%) the constipation/diarrhea group, and 38 (18.8%) the diarrhea group. Regularity of exercise was significantly higher in the college students than high school students, and times spending on a chair were longer in the high school students than college students. Most students (72.7%) reported that they had stress. Fourty point six percent of the subjects reported that they had 3 meals per day, which tended to be higher in the normal and diarrhea group than constipation and constipation/diarrhea group. Most students (69.7) skipped breakfast which was lower in the normal group than the other groups. The most preferred dietary fiber food was korean cabbage kimchi. Fifty-eight point four percent of the subjects reported that they had irregular bowel movement. Bowel movement was more irregular in the high school students than college students, and in the constipation group than the other groups. Of the subjects, 77.7% had defecation frequency between three per week and three per day. Those who spent within 10 minutes for defecation were 79.6%, and those had difficulty in evacuating were 76.0%. High school students and those with constipation and constipation/diarrhea had a significantly lower defecation frequency, longer time spent at the toilet, and greater difficulty in evacuating than college students and normal and diarrhea group. The percentage of those who had feelings of residue in the intestine after defecation was 92.5%, and it was greater in the constipation or diarrhea group than in the normal group. Most students (93.5%) reported that they had abdominal pain or discomfort. These results suggest that decreasing times spending on a chair, decreasing stress, keeping 3 meal per day at regular hours, and increasing dietary fiber intake are associated with desirable bowel pattern.
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A Study on the Nutrient Intakes and Factors Related to Dietary Behavior of Women by Age Groups in Incheon
In Kyung Jung
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(1):46-58.   Published online February 28, 2005
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The purpose of this study was to compare the nutrition intakes and factors related to dietary behaviors according to age in female. The subjects included 579 females aged 15 - 59 years. This survey was conducted using a selfadministered questionnaire to obtain data about eating behaviors, living habits, eating disorders by EAT-26 (Eating Attitude Test-26), and nutrition knowledge. In younger women aged 15 - 20 years, the living habits related to health such as smoking, drinking and exercising were undesirable. In addition, the younger women group had significantly higher levels of skipping meals and frequency of eating snacks compared to the older women group and their eating times were not regular. And they showed a lower score of health eating index by mini dietary assessment (MDA). Although, all age groups consumed energy, Ca, Fe, and thiamin below the Korean RDA; especially, in adolescent, Ca intakes (67.1% RDA) were extremely low. In addition, mean score of EAT-26 was significantly higher in young women aged 15 - 29 years than older women. Also, they had rather lower levels of accuracy and perception for nutrition knowledge compared to older age group. These results suggested that Korean adolescent had undesirable nutritional intakes and attitude, and nutrition knowledge, indicating inadequate eating behaviors. These poor dietary behaviors can affect the health status. Therefore, the nutrition counseling and education to help people to have correct nutrition knowledge and to form better eating habits needs to be established.
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Mineral Intakes and Serum Mineral Concentrations of the Pregnant and Lactating Women
Woon Ju Kim, Hong Seok Ahn, Eun Jung Chung
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(1):59-69.   Published online February 28, 2005
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The purpose of this study was to estimate the mineral intakes and serum mineral levels of pregnant and lactating women. The subjects consisted of 34 non-pregnant, 56 pregnant and 20 lactating women. Nutrients intakes were investigated by the 24-hr recall method, and serum major and trace minerals were analyzed by the ICP-spectrometry. Calcium (Ca) and zinc (Zn) intakes were observed lower than RDA especially for both pregnant and lactating women. Iron (Fe) intake of pregnant women was 85 - 139% RDA through Fe supplementation, and that of lactating women was lower than RDA. Compared with non-pregnant women, the pregnant women had similar Ca intake and higher magnesium (Mg) intake. Comparing with the non-pregnant women, serum Ca level in pregnancy was lower, and that of lactating women was not significantly different. Serum phosphorus and Mg levels were not significantly different among the groups. Serum Fe level of pregnant and lactating women was lower than that of the non-pregnant women. Serum Zn level of pregnant women was lower than those in the lactating and non-pregnant women. Serum copper level decreased as the pregnancy progressed. Serum sodium (Na) level was higher in 2nd- and 3rd trimester and potassium (K) level was higher in 3rd trimester and lactating period than other groups. Na/K ratio was not significantly different among the groups. During all periods, there was no correlation between dietary intakes and serum levels in each minerals. Serum Ca level positively corrleated with serum Mg level, especially in 3rd trimester and lactating women. In general, serum mineral levels in pregnancy were changed compared to the levels in non-pregnancy and restored in lactation to the levels for non-pregnancy.
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Relationship between Zinc Status and Obesity of Type 2 Diabetic Women
Jung Hee Lee, Hee Ja Lee, In Kyu Lee, Jin Sook Yoon
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(1):70-78.   Published online February 28, 2005
AbstractAbstract PDF
Zinc is known to have important effects on insulin activity and to increase the body fat deposition. The purpose of this study was to investigate the zinc status and obesity in 50 type 2 diabetic women visiting public health center and hospital. The mean age was 57.9 +/- 6.9 years old. The mean of diabetic duration was 8.0 +/- 6.5 years. Body mass index (BMI) of diabetes was 23.2 +/- 2.3 kg/m2. There were no significant differences of mean age, anthropometric indices, and insulin level other than fasting blood sugar (p< 0.001) and insulin resistance (p< 0.001) between diabetes and control group. The obesity ratio of diabetes was 20%, 66% and 84% for BMI, waist circumference and waist/hip ratio (WHR), respectively. Plasma zinc level was not significantly different between diabetes and control group. However, urinary zinc excretion of diabetes was approximately twice of control group (p< 0.001). Urinary zinc loss was fivefold higher in the hyperglycemia (HbA1c > 10%) than in normal blood glucose (p< 0.001). Anthropometric indices were decreased in hyperglycemia. On the other hand, there were the tendency of increased urinary zinc in obese group for waist circumference and percent of body fat. These results suggested that controlled normal blood glucose could improve hyperzincuria and anthropometric changes in type 2 women diabeties.
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Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Status and Associated Factors in Premenopausal Working Women
Hwa Jae Lim
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(1):79-90.   Published online February 28, 2005
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This study was performed to estimate serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level and to evaluate the relationship between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level and associated factors. The subjects were 61 premenopausal working women aged 30 - 49 y in Busan. The serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level was measured by radioimmunoassay. Data for physiological characteristics, lifestyle factors, physical activity and nutrient intake were assessed by questionnaire including information about outdoor activity time, daily activity diary and 24 hr recall method. The mean vitamin D intake was 3.12 ug, which corresponded to 62.5% of the Korean RDA. The mean level of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D was 31.0 ng/mL. Low 25-hydroxyvitamin D (<25 nmol/L) was not found in the subjects. The serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level showed positive significant correlations with exercise hours, daily energy expenditure, hours of outdoor activity per weekdays (p< 0.001, p< 0.05, p< 0.05). Exercise hours were found to be the most important determinant of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level. Therefore nutritional education for increasing hours of physical activity including indoor and outdoor exercise, is needed for premenopausal working women to increase vitamin D status.
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The Study on Nutritional Status, Bone Mineral Density and Plasma Mineral Concentrations of Smoking Male Adults
Chung Ja Sung, Yun Jung Bae
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(1):91-100.   Published online February 28, 2005
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This study was conducted to investigate the effects of smoking on nutrition intake, bone mineral density and blood mineral status. The subjects were composed of two groups: 100 smokers and 100 non-smokers was used along with a questionnaire. Anthropometric measurements, dietary intakes using 24-hours recall method were compared. At twenty subjects from each group were selected, bone mineral density were measured by quantitative ultrasound and plasma mineral levels were analyzed by ICP spectrometer. The average ages of smokers and non-smokers were 23.9 and 22.8 years old, respectively. The height, weight and BMI of the smokers were no significant difference. The average numbers of smoked cigarettes were 11.8/d and the average packyear was 3.1 in the smokers. About 97% of the smokers drank alcoholic beverages, while 85% of the non-smokers did. The smokers tended to eat less meals and dinner meal, but drink coffee more often compared to the non-smokers. The mean daily energy intake and CPF energy intake ratio were 2184. 9 kcal and 57.2 : 13.7 : 26.4 in the smokers and 2262.6 kcal and 55.8 : 13.1 : 28.6 in the non-smokers. The smokers consumed significantly lower intake of beta-carotene. There were no significant differences in bone mineral density of BUA, SOS and QUI. There were no significant differences in plasma levels of Ca, Mg, Fe and Zn. However, plasma Cu level of the smokers was significantly higher than that of the non-smokers. In conclusion, the smokers of this study showed a more undesirable dietary intake in the light of their low beta-carotene and high alcoholic beverages, and coffee. The plasma Cu level of the smokers was higher than that of the non-smokers, showing that Cu is involved in smoking. Therefore, it could be suggested that more systematic research be conducted with respect to Cu and smoking and that increased nutrition education and guidelines for smokers are required.
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Food Habits and Nutritional Status of the Long-Lived Elderly People in Ganghwa-gun Area
Hye Kyoung Han, Sung Sook Choi, Myung Wha Kim, Sung Dong Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(1):101-110.   Published online February 28, 2005
AbstractAbstract PDF
This survey was carried out to obtain the information concerning nutritional status, including factors of food habits and nutrient intake of the long-lived elderly men and women living in Ganghwa-gun. In order to assess the quality of dietary intake among the elderly, a survey was conducted during December 2003 of 103 subjects who were over 85 years of age. Dietary nutrient intake data were obtained through the 24 hr recall method. Chi-square test and t-test were the main data analysis method. Their dietary habits such as three meals a day and a regular meal time have shown that they have generally good eating habits. Average daily calorie intake (% RDA) was 1233.2 kcal (68.8%) for male and 1215.8 kcal (75.8%) for female which were lower than the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) for Koreans. Energy intake of females got closer to RDA than that of male. Protein intake was 49.3 g for male and 46.9 g for female (which was 82.3% RDA for male and 85.1% RDA for female) for elderly person, the proportion of animal protein to total protein intake were 45.2% for male and 39.0% for female. Average CPF ratio of energy intake for both male and female were 68.7 : 16.1 : 15.2 and 69.6 : 15.4 : 15.0. SFA : MUFA : PUFA ratio of the subject was 0.78 : 1.03 : 1.00 for male and 0.64 : 0.92 : 1.00 for female. Calcium intakes for both males and females were 321.3 mg and 377.2 mg. Vitamin A was the nutrient found to be least sufficient. Mean daily intakes of most of the vitamins and minerals for both males and females were lower than RDA except vitamin C and Zn for female, especially % RDAs of vitamin A, Ca for male and vitamin A for females were less than 50% of RDA. In conclusion, long-lived elderly in Ganghwa areas did not consume enough nutrients quantitatively as well as qualitatively, especially Ca, Fe, vitamin A, vitamin B2 and vitamin E. These results suggest that nutritional guidelines for older Koreans should focus on the maintenance of adequate energy intake. In addition, selection of foods with high protein and calcium, such as dairy food, should be emphasized, particularly in the long-lived elderly.
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A Study on Social Factors and Physical Health Status of the Long-Lived Elderly People in Ganghwa-gun Area
Hye Kyoung Han, Sung Sook Choi, Myung Wha Kim, Sung Dong Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(1):111-121.   Published online February 28, 2005
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was to performed to assess social factors and physical health status. The subjects of the study were 103 elderly people of age over 85 years living in Ganghwa-gun area. The method of this research was based on the interview-survey with questionnaire. Chi-square test was the main data analysis method. The subject group was composed of 36 males and 67 females, the average age being 91.0 +/- 3.2 years old for the males and 91.1 +/- 3.4 years old for the females. The aged average height and weight were 161.0 +/- 7.9 cm and 54.6 +/- 7.8 kg in males, 141.0 +/- 8.2 cm and 42.2 +/- 7.9 kg in females which were lower than the Korean average standard but the mean BMIs of both male and female showed normal range. Their level of education was lower and they tended to be religious. The aged population might be economically poor. Their level of living standards tended to have been lower-middle and lower class. The mean age of their parents' death were 64.3 +/- 17.2 years in males, 59.0 +/- 14.9 years in females for the father and 70.9 +/- 15.5 years in males, 66.8 +/- 16.6 years in females for the mother. The rate of living together with their family or spouse in the female aged was 83.2% higher than in the male aged. They tended to have engaged in hobbies that require less movement. Of the kinds of hobby, "TV watching (47.8% in male and 44.9% in female) was the highest. Ratios of the drinking and the smoking elderly were 30.6%, 25.0% in male and 7.5%, 18.8% in female but they tended to have never drunken and smoked. Of the subjects, 42.9% spend 8~9 hours for sleeping in male and 35.8% spend 10 hours for sleeping in female. They tended to have not done any particular health behavior. The most common diseases were digestive disease in male, arthritis and hypertension in female. Most elderly males (47.3%) and females (61.2%) had 1~2 diseases.
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Needs Assessment of Nutrition Programs in Public Health Center by General Characteristics and Body Mass Index of Community Residents
Hyojee Joung, Byung Chul Ahn
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(1):122-131.   Published online February 28, 2005
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to assess the needs for nutrition programs in the public health centers by general characteristics and body mass index (BMI) of community residents. Information of general characteristics of study participants including age, education, income, marital status, residence, and job, and resident's interest in nutrition programs, the preferred educational methods and the willingness to participate in nutrition programs were collected by an interview. Weight and height were measured and were used to calculate the BMI. The program that resident's were most interested in was 'diet therapy for chronic disease and counseling' (28.5%), followed by 'nutritional management for the elderly' (21.1%), and 'obesity and weight control' (17.1%). 'Education and counseling by nutrition professionals' was the most preferred educational method. Among the programs that the subjects would participate in, if they were offered in public health centers, 65.8% subjects would participate in 'diet therapy for chronic disease and counseling' programs, 64.9% would participate in 'nutritional management for the elderly' programs and 52.2% would participate in 'obesity and weight control' programs. The contents of programs that the subjects were interested in, the preferred methods and their willingness to participate nutrition programs differed significantly by age, income, education, marital status, and body mass index. The results imply that the planning of nutrition interventions in the public health centers must be tailored and targeted group specific by taking the participants general characteristics and body mass index into consideration. This would surely increase the nutrition program's effectiveness
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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