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Volume 8(1); February 2003
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Original Articles
The Effect of Eating Habits and Nutrient Intake on the Physical Growth Indices in Preschool Children
Mi Ja Choi, Jinsook Yoon
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(1):3-14.   Published online February 28, 2003
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The purpose of this study was to estimate the nutrient intake, dietary habits, and body indices among preschool children. The study subjects were 166 kindergarten children, aged 4 to 6 years. A measurement of the weight, height, chest circumference, and head circumference of the children was conducted. The general home environment and factors related to the eating habits of children were collected using a questionnaire that included information about physical activity, outdoor playing time, television watching, family income, and parents education and occupations. Underweight, overweight were defined based on a value of less than 110 and more than 140 on the Rohrer Index, or less than 90 and more than 120 on the weight-length index (WLI). The average Rohrer and WLI for the preschool children were 144.3 +/- 23.2% and 104 +/- 13.5%. Using the WLI, 12.7% of the preschool children were underweight, 62.6% were normal, and 24.7% were overweight or obese. On the Rohrer Index, 32.0% of the preschool children were underweight, 34.7% were normal, and 34.1% were overweight or obese. With regard to frequency of regularity of eating breakfast, 2.5% of preschool children skipped breakfast every morning. The risk of being overweight increased in preschool children who had faster eating times. The Rohrer and WLI were negatively related to faster eating times. The average daily energy intake was 1272 kcal, which corresponded to 79.5% of the Korean RDA. In particular, the average intakes of calcium, iron, and vitamin B2 were much lower than the Korean RDAs for each of those nutrients. Children whose mothers had occupations were at greater risk of decreased nutrient intake than those whose mothers were at home. The data presented in this study confirm that, in preschool children, undernutrition remains the nutritional problem of great concern in Korea, even though Koreans are starting to have worrisome rates of overweight. Therefore, during the early years of life, focus should remain on sustaining proper growth and development.
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Utilization Status of Internet and Dietary Information of School Children in Gyeongnam and Jeonbuk Areas
Eun Sil Her, Kyung Hea Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(1):15-25.   Published online February 28, 2003
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This study was carried out to investigate the utilization status of internet and dietary information by gender (boys : 442, girls : 461) in school children (total : 903). The results were summarized as follows. The most of children used internet regularly (98.1%) and major purpose of using were mentioned as 'game (39.0%)' and 'social intercourse (49.5%)'. The duration of internet use was '< 2hours (80.9%)'. They used internet mainly at 'home (88.8%)', and favorite search engines were 'Yahoo (54.2%)' and 'Daum (31.1%)'. The searching experience on dietary information was from only 35.6% of subjects mainly 'for homework (39.6%)' and 'for health (36.9%)'. The satisfaction degree of searched information was 'high (79.5%)'. Dissatisfactory reasons of internet site for dietary information were pointed out to be 'bring little interest (28.9)', 'difficult contents (19.2%)', and 'poor information (18.2%)'. Only fifteen % of subjects had experience of nutrition counseling using internet, and purpose of counseling was mainly 'for homework (51.4%)' and 'for health problem (24.3%)'. The problems for nutritional counseling site were pointed out to be 'difficult answer content (31.7%)', 'insincere answer (28.6%)' and 'poor answer content (25.4%)'. They acquire information of nutrition and health management mainly through 'internet (43.7%)'. 'Growth and nutrition (28.3%)', 'improvement in studying ability (13.8%)', 'right weight control (13.3%)' and 'cooking (12.8%)' were most frequently asked information, They had a preference for 'game (40.5%)', 'animation (29.9%)' and 'quiz (18.1%)' as learning method tools. The favorite site color was 'green (51.3%)'. The results of this study showed that although the internet use was very high, they used internet to search dietary information very seldom. Therefore, the information donor should find out what is the optimal tool, what kind of dietary information was needed for school children.
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Iron Status and Anemia of Middle School Girls in Ulsan Metropolitan City
Soon Myung Hong, Young Eun Seo, Hye Jin Hwang
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(1):26-32.   Published online February 28, 2003
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This study was designed to assess the nutritional iron status and anemia of middle school girls. Three-hundred-fiftythree female subjects in Ulsan metropolitan city were evaluated using a questionnaire, and hematological indices. The average height and weight of the respondents were 157.19 +/- 5.57 cm and 51.06 +/-9.42 kg, respectively. The average Body Mass Index (BMI, Kg/m2) was 20.63 +/-3.23, which was within the normal range. With regard to clinical symptoms, the greatest number of respondents reported that they experienced 'decreased ability to concentrate'. The total caloric intake of each subject was 1743.28 +/- 343.47 kcal (83.01% of the Korean RDA) and the calcium intake was 634.98 +/- 201.43 mg (79.37% of the Korean RDA). The mean daily intake of iron was 14.76 +/- 4.36 mg (92.25% of the Korean RDA) and the heme iron intake was 6.12 +/- 2.30 mg, which was 41.5% of the total iron intake. The average hemoglobin (Hb) concentration of the subjects was 13.24 +/- 1.01 g/dl, and the average hematocrit (Hct) level was 37.79 +/- 4.10%. The transferrin saturation {TS (%)} was 19.41 +/- 9.21%, and the ferritin level was 26.26 +/- 18.60 ng/ml. The iron deficiency anemia among the subjects was estimated at 6.1% by using Hb (< 12 g/dl), 20.5% by using Hct (< 36%), 30.8% by using TS (< 14%), and 23.1% by using ferritin (< 12 ng/ml). The total iron binding capacity (TIBC) showed a negative correlation with the Hb, iron, ferritin and TS. With regard to the correlation between blood biochemistry and clinical symptoms related to anemia, the Hb concentration was negatively correlated with 'pale face' (p < 0.05). In addition, the level of iron was significantly and negatively correlated with 'poor memory' (p < 0.01) and the ferritin concentration was negatively correlated with 'no appetite' (p < 0.05), 'pale face (p < 0.05). These results suggest that the prevalence of iron deficiency among middle school girls is very high; therefore, guidelines on dietary support and nutritional education to improve their dietary iron status should be provided.
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Differences in the Dietary and Health-Related Habits and Quality of Diet in University Students Living in Daejeon
Mee Sook Lee, Mee Kyung Woo
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(1):33-40.   Published online February 28, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was investigated the differences in the dietary habits and quality of diet among 148 university students in Daejeon between 1993 (71 subjects) and 2000 (77 subjects). Among male students, there were increases in height and decreases in weight, but the number in the normal weight group assessed by the BMI, increased. Significant increases in meal regularity and the rate of considering a balanced diet at meal time and significant decreases in the rate of eating unbalanced meals were noted over time among the male students. The number of male students drinking alcohol and those drinking alcohol frequently decreased significantly. When considering differences in the nutrient intake of males according to the Korean RDA, the percentages of energy, iron, and Vitamin B2 decreased, while those of Vitamin C, calcium, and phosphorus increased over time. The NAR (Nutrient Adequacy Ratio) of most nutrients, especially in iron and Vitamin C were higher, than those of 1993, but the NAR of calcium, iron, Vitamin B2, niacin and MAR (Mean Adequacy Ratio) were lower than 0.75 in the males. The INQ (Index of nutritional quality) of Vitamin C was higher than that of 1993, and the INQ of calcium and Vitamin B2 were lower than 1 among the males. Among the females, there was no change in height and weight between 1993 and 2000, but the normal weight group, as assessed by the BMI, increased as among the males. However, unlike among the males, significant decreases in meal regularity and significant increases in the rate of alcohol drinking were noted over time. The intake of energy and nutrients showed trends similar to those among the males. The NARs of most nutrients were lower than those of 1993 among in the females. The INQs of protein, calcium, Vitamin B1, and Vitamin C increased significantly, but the INQs of calcium, iron, and Vitamin B2 were lower than 1 among the females. From these results, we found that male students showed relatively desirable changes over time in their dietary and health-related habits and the quality of their diets, while female students showed undesirable changes in their dietary and alcohol drinking habits and the quality of their diets.
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Regional Differences in Food Intake and Diversity among Korean College Students of a Nutrition Education Course through the Internet
Jeong Hee Lee, Kyung Ja Chang
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(1):41-52.   Published online February 28, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diversity of food intake among Korean college students of a nutrition education course through the internet. Subjects were 796 nation-wide college students (male 278, female 518). A dietary survey collected from 3 day-recalls were analyzed by the Computer Aided Nutritional Analysis Program. Diet variety was assessed by DDS (dietary diversity score), MBS (meal balance score), and DVS (dietary variety score). The foods consumed in largest amounts were rice (54.42 g), citrus fruit (36.41 g) and milk (30.91 g). The foods consumed most frequently were rice (65.28%), garlic (63.65%) and salt (63.64%). The average food intake was 1325.3 g (male 1420.6 g, female 1274.1 g), with vegetable and animal food comprising 78.5% and 21.5% of total food intake, respectively. The consumption of the major five food groups comprised DDS, and 66.0% (male 56.1%, female 71.3%) of subjects had a DDS of 5 and 27.4% (male 33.5%, female 24.1%) of subjects had a DDS of 4. The groups most frequently missed were dairy products (56.5%) and fruits (41.6%). The average of MBS were 10.88 (11.61 in Seoul, 11.03 in Kyungsang, 10.88 in Chungcheong, 10.85 in Incheon, 10.57 in Kyunggi) in male and 11.08 (11.47 in Kyungsang, 11.20 in Seoul, 11.18 in Kyunggi, 10.82 in Chungcheong, 10.64 in Incheon) in female. Male students in Seoul (18.2) and female students in Kyungsang (18.6) had the greater number of consumed food items. Subjects who had higher DDS had significantly higher DVS (p < 0.001). Based on these results, the food intake of the subjects regarded as not adequate, especially with regards to the dairy and fruit groups. Considering their nutritional characteristics, dietary guidelines as well as education should be made to improve the food intake and include various foods in their diet.
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Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Explain Dairy Food Consumption among University Female Students
Kyung Won Kim, Eun Mi Shin
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(1):53-61.   Published online February 28, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was designed to explain the intentions and consumption of dairy foods among university female students. The factors related to intentions of consumption or actual consumption of dairy foods were identified within the theory of planned behavior. The survey questionnaire, developed using open-ended questions (n = 35), was administered to university female students (n = 184). Subjects completed information regarding attitudes, subjective norms, perceived control, intentions and consumption of dairy foods. Correlation analysis and multiple regression were used to study the association of factors with intentions and consumption of dairy foods. Subjects showed relatively low intention to consume dairy foods (- 0.4 +/- 1.6 from a scale of - 4 ~ + 4). They ate 1.2 +/- 0.9 servings of dairy foods a day and 52.2% of subjects had less than a serving a day, showing inadequate consumption of dairy foods. All three factors, attitudes, subjective norms and perceived control were significantly correlated to the intentions to take dairy foods regularly (r = 0.26 - 0.27). Multiple regression results, however, revealed that subjective norms (p < 0.01) and perceived control (p < 0.05) contributed to the model of explaining intentions, while attitudes did not (model R2 = 0.154). To predict and explain actual consumption of dairy foods, two regression models were examined. In the first model, perceived control was significant in predicting dairy foods consumption, while attitudes and subjective norms were not. In the second model, intentions and perceived control were significantly related to actual consumption of dairy foods, providing the empirical evidence of the theory (model R2 = 0.121). These results suggest that perceived control was significant in explaining actual behavior as well as intentions. This study suggests that nutrition education to increase dairy foods consumption for young adults should focus on increasing perception of control and eliciting social support from respected others.
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Development and Application of Menu Engineering Technique for University Residence Hall Foodservice
Il Sun Yang, Hae Young Lee, Seo Young Shin, Hyun Wook Do
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(1):62-70.   Published online February 28, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDF
This article aims to summarize the development and application of menu engineering technique, 'Menu Engineering Modified by Preference (MEMP)'. The site selected for this project was a foodservice operation in Yonsei University residence hall. Sales and food costs data were collected from the daily sales reports for 1 month, and the survey of food preference was conducted during May, 1999. Statistical data analysis was completed using the SAS/Win 6.12 for descriptive analysis. The calculation for menu analysis were carried out with MS 2000 Excel spreadsheet program. This MEMP technique developed had 6 category criteria and 2 dimensions of the contribution margin (CM) and the menu mix modified% (MMM%). The MMM% was calculated by the sales volumes and also weighted by food preference. The CM and MMM% for each item were compared with a mean menu CM as well as a 70% rule. Four possible classifications by MEMP were turned out as 'STAR', 'PLOWHORSE', 'PUZZLE', 'DOG'. 'STAR' items were the most popular and profitable items and required to maintain rigid specifications for quality. The decision actions for 'PLOWHORSE' menu items which were relatively popular, but yield a low menu average CM included combining a plowhorse item with lower cost products and reducing the frequency of serving or serving size. There was a need for 'PUZZLE' items to be changed in the menu combination, improve recipe, and promote menu. The last 'DOG' items were desired to be deleted. This study demonstrates that menu information can be interpreted more easily with MEMP. The use of MEMP is therefore an effective way to improve management decisions about menu of university residence hall foodservice.
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Study on Hygiene Knowledge and Recognition on Job Performance Levels for HACCP Application for Employees at Contract Foodservices
Hye Kyung Moon, Jam Ok Hwang
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(1):71-82.   Published online February 28, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDF
In this study, hygiene knowledge and recognition on job performance levels of foodservice employees at different degrees of HACCP application had been compared. As for the comparison of hygiene knowledge for HACCP application, foodservice employees at "Appointed" showed significantly higher HACCP knowledge (p < 0.01). As for recognition on job performance levels, this status also assured the significant difference between the comparison groups (p < 0.01): "Appointed" showed the highest point of 4.24 while "Voluntary applying" and "Non-applying" showed 3.39 and 2.53 respectively. The "Appointed" group showed the well performance of most of the surveyed items. "Voluntary applying" group showed unsatisfactory performance in various log recordings and some part of surveyed items. As for "Non-applying", many items were performed under the average score as they do not apply HACCP.
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The Case Study of the Nutrition Services for Patients as a Result of the Changes in Food Services Management
Seung Lim Lee, Yu Kyung Chang
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(1):83-90.   Published online February 28, 2003
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between changes in the Department of Nutrition and patient satisfaction, following the changes in Food Services Management. Statistical data analyses were completed using the SAS/Win 6.12 program. The results can be summarized as follows. The working environment for dietitians and cooking and meal serving assistants was improved following to a change catering of food service management. The number of dietitians who worked in medical nutritional therapy and food services was increased from one to four, and the number of dietary consultations and meal rounds were increased 2.5-fold and 5-fold, respectively after the change services were implemented. Among the 10 items included in the patient satisfaction questionnaire, "Taste of meals" (p < 0.01) and "Satisfaction of offered menus" (p < 0.01) showed significantly higher scores before the catering. "Kindness of meal serving assistant" this increase was not statistically significant, showed increased satisfaction after the catering, however.
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Compliance and Need Assessment for Diet Therapy among Diabetics and Their Caregivers
Gwang Soon Park, Sun Yung Ly
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(1):91-101.   Published online February 28, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to investigate the compliance and need for diet therapy among diabetics and their caregivers. A total of 625 respondents participated in this survey. Appropriate management for long-term blood glucose control and difficult-to-manage cases appeared to be diet therapy, physical activity, medical treatment and folk remedies, in that order. The most important educational avenues for diet therapy were books, magazines and TV. Most respondents were educated in diet therapy within a year after diagnosis and had practiced diet therapy for over four years. The most common diet therapy practices were food selection and quantity control. Of the specific problems in practicing diet therapy, time and labor, taste, and meal planning appeared to be equally difficult factors. The prevailing diet therapy skills were controlling food amounts at breakfast and supper, and selecting food for lunch and refreshments. Respondents practicing both skills were about 20% of the participants; this shows the need to improve the current situation. The nutrients most frequently considered in diet therapy practice were simple sugars (sugar and sweet foods), total fats and cholesterol. Since the perception of the role of dietary fiber among respondents was very low, nutrition education about the importance of dietary fiber and food sources of dietary fiber was needed. Diabetics seemed to be concerned about diabetic menus. Three difficult problems in planning diabetic menus were daily menu planning, patient's preferences, and the calculation of calories. As a means of nutrition counseling, they preferred interviews. The higher the educational status and the lower the age, the higher the preference was for internet or PC counseling. Therefore, it is necessary to develop nutrition educational programs so that diabetics can obtain practical knowledge of diet therapy. Furthermore, it is also necessary to develop additional means of informing diabetics about menu planning, while still considering Korean dietary behavior.
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A Study of Dietary Behavior and Serum Leptin Levels of Obese Children
Su Jin Son, Hee Ja Lee, Bong Soon Choi, In Kyu Lee, Myeung Hee Park, Eun Ju Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(1):102-111.   Published online February 28, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among serum leptin, nutritional status, and the obesity indices of 55 obese children in Daegu and Kyungpook area. Obesity was defined as fat percentage that exceed 25% of body fat mass. Energy and nutritional status were tended to be low, and dietary intake of calcium and iron were less than any other nutrients in all the subjects. Especially, beverage intake of obese group was more than non-obese group. The leptin level were significantly correlated with %RDA of energy (0.41, p < 0.001), protein (0.44, p < 0.001), phosphate (0.40, p < 0.001), iron (0.37, p < 0.001), vitamin A (0.31, p < 0.01), thiamin (0.40, p < 0.001), riboflavin (0.26, p < 0.05), niacin (0.51, p < 0.001), and vitamin C (0.24, p < 0.05). The leptin level were significantly correlated with MAR (mean adequacy ratio, r = 0.43, p < 0.001) and INQ (index of nutrient quality) of thiamin (r = 0.22, p < 0.05). Multiple regression analysis showed that %RDA of niacin in obese group (R2 = 0.208, p = 0.001) and total subjects (R2 = 0.257, p = 0.000), MAR (p = 0.003) and INQ (p = 0.048) of niacin in obese group (R2 = 0.255) and MAR (p = 0.000) and INQ of Ca (p = 0.024) in total subjects (R2 = 0.231) may be important independent predictors to leptin level. MAR showed a significantly positive correlation with %fat (r = 0.42, p < 0.01), BMI (r = 0.46, p < 0.01), RW (r = 0.44, p < 0.01), WHR (r = 0.39, p < 0.01) and, %RDA (p < 0.05, p < 0.01). These data indicated relationships among leptin level, nutrient intake, %RDA, MAR, and INQ in children.
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Nutritional Status of Mentally Retarded Children by Residence and by Degree of Handicap
Changim Kim, Ki Soon Park, Young sook Park
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(1):112-119.   Published online February 28, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDF
We studied the nutritional status of on mentally handicapped children living at home or in institutions since early teenage years are nutritionally important. The subjects of 7 to 12 year old mentally retarded children attending a special education school in Seoul were surveyed with questionnaires as well as 2-day dietary recall records, with the help of persons of their care-giver when needed. Among the 64 children, 54.7% are living in institutions and the rest of them are living at home. They were ranged from the trainable (64.1%), the educable (26.6%), and the non-trainable (9.4%). Their average daily intake of energy intakes (%RDA) was 2,070.1 kcal (94.1%), Ca 603.9 mg (75.5%), Fe 11.1 mg (92.5%), Vt.A 507.5 RE (84.6%), Vt. B2 1.1 g (88.2%), niacin 14.1 g (93.6%) and Vt. C 58.2 g (83.1%). Their average intakes of these nutrients were significantly higher in subjects of institutions than at home. The nutrients consumed at a much higher level than the RDA of the normal children were Vt. B1 (1.6 g, 146.8%) and protein (75.3g, 136.9%). The higher percentage of children at home were under consumed of several nutrients (< 75% RDA) than ones in institutions. When comparing the degree of handicap, energy and nutrient intakes except Vt. C were highest in educable children than trainable ones or Dawn's children. MAR of the diets of the subjects was 0.84. Children at home showed lower MAR as well as NAR of each nutrients, whereas children belonged to INQ < 1 were less at home. Handicapped children at home were snacking higher amount relative to their calorie intake and too frequently, that may lead to their poor nutrition. There was positive correlations between factors of nutrition and physical and dietary behaviors, but there were no correlations between factors of nutrition and health-related habits. Nutritional caring mentally handicapped children in institutions seemed to be more effectively managed.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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