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Volume 9(1); February 2004
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Original Articles
Factors Associated with Breakfast Skipping in Elementary School Children in Korea
Sang Jin Chung, Yoonna Lee, Sunja Kwon
Korean J Community Nutr 2004;9(1):3-11.   Published online February 29, 2004
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The objective of this study was to examine relationships between breakfast skipping and ecological factors related to eating practice. Participants were 537 children (male: 274, female: 263) from two elementary schools in Kyunggido (School A) and Seoul (School B). Analysis included cross-tabulation of demographics, factors related to eating practice and weight status, frequency of breakfast skipping and types of breakfast and the number of foods at breakfast by schools. Logistic regression were conducted to identify the factors associated with breakfast skipping. Children in school B showed higher socioeconomic status by living environment and the type of fathers' job than those in school A. Eighty six percent of children in school B and 75% in school A ate breakfast 5 times and more per week. School and father's occupation differences correlated with the frequency of breakfast, but not mother's employ status was not. After controlling school, type of father's job, mother's employ status, eating breakfast 5 times and more was associated with eating with other family members, feeling hungry before breakfast, normal weight status, eating Korean traditional meal type and number of food eaten at breakfast. The results stress the need for intervention programs aimed at decreased skipping breakfast among elementary school children. While programs need to reach all children skipping breakfast, approaches need to be suitable to in particular those from low socioeconomic backgrounds.
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A Study on Middle School Students' Recognition of Food and Nutrition Part in Home Economics
Sun Jeong Choi, Hee Sook Sohn, Youn Soo Cha, Sook Bae Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2004;9(1):12-18.   Published online February 29, 2004
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences of middle school students' recognition of food and nutrition part in Home Economics by gender, school location and school type. The study was carried out through questionnaire about three category: perception (interests, practical usefulness, attitude change in food behavior), difficulty (nutrition and health in adolescence, balanced diet, principle of cooking and preparing food), necessity (nutrition and health in adolescence, balanced diet, principle of cooking and preparing food). The subjects were 1014 middle school students of 1st grade in Jeonbuk area; urban 334, suburban 339 and rural 341. The results of this study were as follows. 1) There was difference in 'interests' by gender (girls > boys), school location (urban, suburban > rural) and school type (coeducation > boys, girls). There were differences in 'practical usefulness' by school location (urban > rural) and in 'attitude change in food behavior' by school location (urban > suburban > rural) and school type (boys, girls > coeducation). 2) There was difference in difficulty in section of 'nutrition and health in adolescence' by school location (suburban > rural). There were no differences in section of 'balanced diet' by gender, school location and school type. But there were differences in section of 'principle of cooking and preparing food' by school location (urban, rural > suburban)and school type (coeducation > boys). 3) There were differences in necessity for 'balanced diet' and for 'principle of cooking and preparing food' by school location (urban, suburban > rural) and school type (coeducation > boys, girls). Characteristically, the boys had more necessity for 'nutrition and health in adolescence' and for 'balanced diet' than girls but girls had more necessity for 'principle of cooking and preparing food' than boys. It suggests that gender, school type and school location should be considered for an effective and practical curriculum of food and nutrition part in Home Economics.
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Effects of Smoking, Drinking, Exercise on Body Composition, Nutrient Intakes and Serum Lipids in Male High School Students
Jung Hee Kim, Young In Chon
Korean J Community Nutr 2004;9(1):19-28.   Published online February 29, 2004
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This study was done to investigate effects of smoking, drinking and exercise on body composition, dietary intakes, serum lipids of male high school students in Seoul. Body Composition was analyzed by the Bioelectrical Impedance Fatness Analyzer. Dietary survey was conducted by 24-hour recall method and nutrient intakes were analyzed by the Computer Aided Nutritional analysis program for professional (CAN-Pro). All data were statistically analyzed by SAS PC package program. Mean and standard error were examined for each items. The significant difference was examined by student's t-test. Body composition data showed that protein mass, mineral mass and lean body mass of regular exercisers were significantly higher (p < 0.05) than those of irregular exercisers. Energy and protein intakes of male high school students were 1868 kcal/day (69.2% RDA), 68 g/day (91.3% RDA), respectively. Ca, Fe and Vitamin B2 intakes were lower than 2000 RDA. Analysis of serum lipids showed that serum levels of HDL-cholesterol of drinkers were significantly higher (p < 0.05) than those of nondrinkers. Overall results imply that smoking and alcohol drinking of adolescent males may not much influence on serum lipids levels because pack-years of smoking or the amount of alcohol drinking was not serious enough to be harmful to health.
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Juvenile Drinking and Dietary Habit in High School Students
Eun Hee Jung
Korean J Community Nutr 2004;9(1):29-37.   Published online February 29, 2004
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This study was conducted to investigate the drinking status, drinking habit and dietary habit of high school students using anonymous questionnaires. DVS and skipped meal status were obtained by 24 hour recall method. Two hundreds ninety seven of 380 students (78.2%) have experienced the drinking even though 73.7% of them was not addictive. One hundred sixty one students (54.2%) initiated drinking in the middle school, mostly because of 'peer pressure' and 'curiosity'. The most plausible reasons for drinking were 'for mingling' and 'for stress reduction', and they used to have desire for drinking mostly when felt 'anger or frustration' and 'feel good'. Drinking behavior was significantly different in age of first smoking, drinking history, amount, reason for drinking and desire for drinking between male and female student. There was no significant difference in dietary habits between drinking students and non-drinking students. DVS, skipped meal status, snack preferences and food intake frequency also did not show the significant differences. However, considering that the drinking experience of high school students increased, and drinking experience of female students approached to that of male student, more attention needs to be given to juvenile drinking and its' prevention.
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The Correlation of Usual Dietary Isoflavone Intake and Serum Osteocalcin
Hong Seok Ahn, Yoon Shin Park
Korean J Community Nutr 2004;9(1):38-46.   Published online February 29, 2004
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Few studies have conducted the bone health benefits of usual dietary isoflavone intake in Korean college-student women. To elucidate this benefitial effects and correlations between dietary isoflavone and nutrients intake and bone formation marker (ALPase, osteocalcin), questionnaires, anthropometric measurements, serum mineral (Ca, P, Mg) concentrations were analyzed. Fifty three subjects were used in this study. The average age, height, body weight, BMI, body fat content and triceps skinfold thickness were 21.43 year, 161.07 cm, 52.81 kg, 20.48 kg/m2, 20.72% and 17.59 mm respectively. Soy food intake frequencies were soybean > soybean curd > soypaste stew > soybean milk. The average calorie, protein and Ca intake were 1766.21 +/- 62.54 kcal, 66.45 +/- 2.00 g and 549.62 +/- 27.55 mg respectively. Serum ALPase activity and osteocalcin concentration were 115.74 +/- 3.6 u/L and 7.15 ng/ml respectively. Usual dietary isoflavone intake was positively related to calory, protein, Ca, P intake and serum Ca, Mg concentration. Serum osteocalcin concentration was negatively correlated with isoflavone intake (r2=0.28, p < 0.05). In these results, usual dietary isoflavone can support an additive effect to bone health and Ca nutrition.
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Fast Food Consumption and Related Factors among University Students in Daejeon
Kyung Won Kim, Yun Ahn, Hyung Mee Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2004;9(1):47-57.   Published online February 29, 2004
AbstractAbstract PDF
The study purpose was to investigate the factors related to fast food consumption of university students. Factors were identified using the Theory of Planned Behavior. Based on the pilot study, 18 behavioral beliefs, 7 normative beliefs and 19 control beliefs were identified. Data (n = 269) were analyzed using analysis of variance or chi-square tests. Subjects were categorized into non-users (27.9%), users (42%) and frequent users ( > or = 2 times/week, 30.1%). Regarding behavioral beliefs, users or frequent users responded more positively on advantages of eating fast foods including 'taste' (p < 0.001), 'making me feel full' (p < 0.001), 'diverse menus' (p < 0.05) than non-users. Compared to users, non-users responded more positively on the item that eating fast foods leads to eat vegetables less (p < 0.05), and negatively on 'making me eat more salt'(p < 0.05). Most of the referent groups, parents (p < 0.001), sisters/brothers (p < 0.01), relatives (p < 0.01), friends (p < 0.05), boy/girl friends (p < 0.05) were important sources of influence regarding subjects' fast food consumption. Users or frequent users felt less control over factors or situations that make it consume fast foods (9 out of 19 control beliefs). These factors included; availability issues (p < 0.001), 'not having other foods on hand'(p < 0.01), 'others eating together like fast foods', 'convenience', 'social increase in fast food use', 'easy to get fast foods anytime' (p < 0.05). In addition, users of fast foods were more likely to eat fast foods when they don't have time, when they do not like to cook, when they feel hungry (p < 0.05). These results suggest that interventions for university students include strategies to moderate fast food use by modifying behavioral beliefs, suggesting alternative menus and behavior modification techniques, increasing perception of control, and eliciting social support.
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Plasma LDL Particle Sizes Affect the Blood Lipid Profile and Dietary Intakes among Korean Adults
Youn Kyoung Suh, Hyung Sook Kim, Jeong Sook Kim, Cheol Ho Kim, Haymie Choi
Korean J Community Nutr 2004;9(1):58-65.   Published online February 29, 2004
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between the plasma LDL particle size and blood lipid profile, dietary factors and anthropometric values (body mass index, waist circumference and waist/hip ratio). The subjects were 173 adults aged 23 to 81 years, selected from the Outpatient Clinic and Cardiovascular Department of the Seoul Municipal Hospital. Dietary data were obtained using a 3-day food record and analyzed using Korean and US nutrient databases. The subjects were divided into three groups by LDL particle size:type A (large buoyant LDL, > 25.5 nm, n = 96), type I (Intermediate LDL, 25.2 < or = - < or = 25.5 nm, n = 18), and type B (small dense LDL, < 25.2 nm, n = 59) groups. The type B group had higher age, waist circumference, and waist/hip ratio (WHR) than the type A and type I groups. Serum concentration of triglyceride, Apo B, LDL/HDL cholesterol ratio and atherogenic index were significantly higher in the type B group as compared to those in the other two groups. HDL cholesterol level and Apo A-I/Apo B ratio were significantly lower in the type B group than the other two groups. The plasma LDL particle size was highly correlated with triglyceride (r = -0.450), Apo B (r = -0.402) and HDL cholesterol (r = 0.418). However, there was no correlation between plasma LDL particle size and dietary intakes. This study showed that small dense LDL was an important biochemical risk factor that was associated with other risk factors.
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The Study of Pytoestrogen Intake and Bone Mineral Density of Vegetarian and Nonvegetarian Postmenopausal Women
Mi Hyun Kim, Mi Kyeong Choi, Chung Ja Sung
Korean J Community Nutr 2004;9(1):66-72.   Published online February 29, 2004
AbstractAbstract PDF
There is some evidence that phytostrogen plays an important role in bone metabolism in postmenopausal women. In this study, we investigated the phytoestrogen intake levels and the relation between dietary phytoestrogens intake and bone mineral density of vegetarian (n = 77) and omnivore postmenopausal women (n = 122). Vegetarian women, all of them were seven day adventists, who had been on vegetarian diet (almost lacto-ovo vegetarians;a few vegans) over 20 yrs. The average age of vegetarians and omnivores were 62.3 yrs and 60.2 yrs, respectively and, there was no significant difference. However, body weight (p < 0.001), body mass index (p < 0.001) of vegetarians were significantly lower than those of omnivores. The mean daily energy intake of vegetarians and omnivores were 1386.1 kcal (76.3% of RDA) and 1424.5 kcal (76.9% of RDA), respectively. The mean calcium intake of vegetarians (456.7 mg, 66.3 % of RDA) was not significantly different from that of omnivores (453.5 mg, 65.2 % of RDA). The mean daily isoflavones (daidzein + genistein) intake of vegetarians and omnivore were 33.9 mg and 23.9 mg, respectively. The vegetarians consumed significantly greater quantities of isoflavones (p < 0.05) and lignans precursor (p < 0.05). In the vegetarians, intake of isoflavones was significantly positively correlated with BMD of femoral neck, after adjusted for age and BMI. Also lignan precursor intake of vegetarians was significantly positively correlated with BMD of spine, after adjusted for age and BMI. In conclusion, in omnivore post menopausal women, intake of phytoestrogen such as isoflavones and lignans was little low, and it is not clear that positive association with bone mineral density. But in vegetarian postmenopausal women, phytoestrogen intakes be important factors related to bone mineral density.
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Factors Affecting Bone Mineral Density in Korean Women by Menopause
Hye Bok Na
Korean J Community Nutr 2004;9(1):73-80.   Published online February 29, 2004
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Bone mineral density (BMD) focus one's attention on prevention effects of osteoporosis. This study was conducted to investigate BMD (lumbar spin:L2 - L4, femur neck:FN, femur trochanter:TR, femur ward's triangle:WT, wrist) and look into the factors that affect BMD by menopause in 89 nonsmoking healthy Korean women (40 - 60 yr). Anthropometric index and body composition, nutrient intakes, osteocalcin and total protein, albumin, total cholesterol, triacylglycerol and calcium in serum were determined. Body fat mass, diastolic blood pressure and serum cholesterol concentration of postmenopausal women were significantly higher than those of premenopausal women. FN, TR, WT, wrist BMD of postmenopausal women were not different from those of premenopausal women. However L2 - L4 BMD of postmenopausal women was lower than that of premenopausal women. Significant positive correlations were found between L2 - L4, FN, TR, WT and weight (r = 0.44, r = 0.64, r = 0.58, r = 0.57) and significant positive correlations were found between FN, TR, WT and BMI (r = 0.54, r = 0.45, r = 0.54) of premenopausal women. Whereas significant positive correlation was only found between TR BMD and weight, BMI (r = 0.38, r = 0.29) of postmenopausal women. FN BMD and WC (waist circumstance) of premenopausal women were found significant positive correlation (r = 0.35) whereas L2 - L4 BMD and WC of postmenopausal women was found significant negative correlation (r = -0.31). In premenopausal women, differences of bone BMD were not shown by exercise and alcohol drinking, but in postmenopausal women, significant difference of FN BMD was shown by exercise and alcohol drinking. These results suggested that by menopause, effects of weight, BMI, WC, exercise and alcohol drinking on bone BMD were different. Therefore, by menopause, we should consider the different ways to increase the bone BMD according to different factors.
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Effectiveness of Nutrition Intervention : Systematic Review & Meta-Analysis
Hae Young Lee, Hyun Ah Kim, Il Sun Yang, Chung Mo Nam, Eun Cheol Park
Korean J Community Nutr 2004;9(1):81-89.   Published online February 29, 2004
AbstractAbstract PDF
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the literatures was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of nutrition intervention by dietitian. The 31 studies that were all randomized controlled trials, were identified from computerized search of published researches on MEDLINE, Embase database until January, 2003 and review of reference lists. The main search terms were the combination "dietitian", "dietary intervention", "nutrition intervention" or "nutritional intervention" and "effectiveness". The subgroup analysis was performed by the publication year, quality score, type of disease, content of intervention, intervention provider, type of intervention (nutritional counseling and education/nutrition counseling and education + diet modification), method of intervention (individual/group/individual + group) and follow-up period. Two reviewers independently selected trials for inclusion, assessed the quality and extracted the data. The meta-analysis of 31 studies based on the random effect model showed that the medical nutrition therapy was significantly effective in treating the diseases (effect size 0.1715 ; 95% confidence interval 0.0938 - 0.2491). This study showed the clear evidence of the effectiveness of nutrition intervention through the meta-analysis. So the nutrition intervention by dietitian should be recommended and recognized as the effective therapy of treating the diseases. Also the nutrition intervention should be conducted regularly to maintain the effectiveness of the nutrition intervention. The nutrition intervention was significantly effective in treating the diseases on the random effect model (effect size :0.1715 ; 95% confidence interval 0.0938 - 0.2491).
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Analysis of the Rate of Sensitization to Food Allergen in Children with Atopic Dermatitis
Young Shin Han, Sang Jin Chung, Young Yun Cho, Hay Mie Choi, Kang Mo Ahn, Sang Il Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2004;9(1):90-97.   Published online February 29, 2004
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to determined the rate of sensitization to food allergen in children with Atopic Dermatitis (AD) in Korea. A total of 3,783 patients (male = 1983, female = 1800) with AD (age under 18 years) who had visited Samsung Medical Center from 1998 to 2003 were enrolled in the study. Food hypersensitivity was measured by specific IgE to egg, cow's milk, soy, peanut, wheat, buckwheat, beef, pork, chicken, shrimp, crab, salmon, mackerel, etc. Specific IgE levels >0.7 kU/L by Captured Allergen Product (CAP) assay were considered positive. Chi-square test at p value < 0.05 was used to examine the difference of the prevalence by sex and age. The rate of sensitization to multiple food allergens was 31.2% and decreased with age. Hypersensitivity to egg showed highest prevalence, which was 24.3%, compared to the prevalence of other foods. High prevalence of hypersensitivity to milk, wheat, soy, peanut, crab or shrimp was observed (11.6 - 17.7%). Low prevalence of hypersensitivity to beef, pork, tuna or chicken was observed (1.9 - 3.5%). Children aged under 3 years had significantly higher prevalence of hypersensitivity to egg, milk, soy and beef than children aged at least 3 years. Our results stress the need for examination of food hypersensitivity aimed at identified and limited each food allergen among children with AD caused by food to help patients outgrow their food allergy.
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Comparison of Dietary Intakes and Plasma Lipid Levels in Diabetes and Control Elderly
Sang Eun Lee, Jung Hee Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2004;9(1):98-112.   Published online February 29, 2004
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ABSTRACT This study was done to investigate and compare the nutritional status and plasma lipids in the diabetes and control elderly. Subjects were 105 persons (male 32, female 73) aged over 65 years and visited public health centers in Ulsan area. The subjects were divided into 2 groups, diabetes and control group. Athropometric measurement, dietary intakes, and plasma biochemical indices were examined. Body Mass Index (BMI), Percentage of Ideal Body Weight (PIBW) and Waist-Hip Ratio (WHR) of diabetes group were higher than those of control group. Overall eating behavior were worse in diabetes group than those of control group. There was no significant difference in smoking and exercise status among groups. The ratio of drinkers was significantly higher in control group. But the amount of alcohol consumed at once was higher in the diabetes group. There was no significant difference in most nutrient intakes between males and females. The intakes of fiber, natrium (Na), vitamin A, and beta-carotene were significantly higher in diabetes group than control groups while that of potassium (K) was lower in diabetes group. Diabetes group had the higher levels in triglyceride, VLDL-cholesterol, Chol/HDL-cholesterol ratio, LDL/HDL-cholesterol ratio, while they had lower HDL-cholesterol level. Overall results might imply that the elderly with diabetes have to be more careful to their meals and health-related behaviors to increase the likelihood of a healthier life.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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