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Volume 3(2); May 1998
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Original Articles
The Difference of Lead and Cadmium Concentration of Blood, Urine and Hair between Children with Suboptimal Iron Status and Normal Children
Sook Mee Son, Jung Sook Yang
Korean J Community Nutr 1998;3(2):167-173.   Published online May 31, 1998
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This study was performed to assess the lead and cadmium status of children residing in urbanfactory area and to see if there is a difference of lead and cadmium status between the group with normal iron status. The mean lead concentration of male hair was 9.55ppm which is significantly higher than 6.61 ppm that of female. The mean lead concentration of male urine sample was 0.04ppm, 10.3ppm and 48.14 microgram/L, which is higher than 0.08ppm, 6.08ppm and 20.69 microgram/L of normal group, respectively. In a suboptimal group the proportion of children whose urinary lead is higher than normal(35 microgram/L)was 87.3%, whereas 2.5% for a normal group. The mean cadmium concentration of male hair was 2.58ppm, which is higher than 2.48ppm that of a female. The mean cadmium concentration of erythrocyte, hair and urine was 0.25ppm, 2.65ppm and 38.83 microgram/L, which is higher than 0.20ppm, 2.40ppm and 19.78 microgram/L of the normal group, respectively. The proportion of children whose urinary cadmium level is higher than the low limit of risk of cadmium intoxication(40 microgram/L) was 21.4%, whereas 0% for a mormal group. Urinary lead and cadmium level showed significantly negative correlation with the RBC count, hematocrit, hemoglobin and serum ferritin, whereas they had significantly positive correlation with FEP/Hb(p<0.01). There was no correlation between the IQ and the level of lead and cadmium.
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Ecological Studies of Maternal-Infant Nutrition and Feeding in Urban Low Income Areas: III. Infant's Nutrient Intakes and Growth pattern
Hong Seok Ahn, Ji Yoon Jeong
Korean J Community Nutr 1998;3(2):174-189.   Published online May 31, 1998
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the nutritional status and growth of Korean infants, who were atending peripheral community clinics in low income areas, by anthropometric measurements and estimating dietary intakes. Dietary intakes and growth were compared among different feeding patterns of 143 infants until age 9 months. The overall mean nutrient intakes of infants in this study were below the recommended allowances except the calcium intake from significant difference in each groups; however, calcium, zinc and iron intake of the formula fed infant(FF) was higher than the breast fed infant(BF) or the mixed fed infant(MF). Form ages 4-6 months, the nutrient intakes were shown to be higher in groups that were given supplementary foods than groups that were not. From ages 7-9 months, all nutrient intakes were higher in or the formula and supplementary foods fed(ESF) infants than in the breast and supplementary food(BSF) or the formula and supplementary food(FSF) groups, All subjets in this study showed a large Z-score. The growth of infants up to 6 months of age showed no significant difference in the feeding pattern, however, after 7 months of age the BSF group had significantly lower weight than the FSF or the ESF groups, There were significant positive relationships between infants weight gain at age 7-9 months from birth and the current protein or zinc intakes. As a result the average status of nutrient intakes of infants in this area was loser than the RDA, however, the growth pattern was fairly good. Although the breast milk is beneficial for infants, mothers should be educated for the importance of supplemental food and its practice to support good nutrition.
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Effects of Eating Behavior and Body Fat on Exercise Performance of High School Students in Sungnam Area
Young Mee Lee, Sang Won Yoon
Korean J Community Nutr 1998;3(2):190-201.   Published online May 31, 1998
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This study was carried out with 505(243 boys and 262 girls in the Sungnam area) high school students to investigate the effects of eating behavior and anthropometric variables of weight and height on excercise performance. General characteristics about subjects and eating behavior were surveyed by questionnaire, anthropometric data were collected using two methods. The weight and height of subjects in 1996 were measured, but the same data in 1995 were collected from health records of each student. Body fat content of subjects was measured by BIA(Body Impedance Analysis). The grades of exercise performance, which were evaluated by physical education teachers were collected from records of a physical strength test score of each subject. From these, the following result were found. Groups with different eating behaviors such as skipping meals, overeating, food preference for a specific food(milk, carbonated drink etc.) were significantly different in their weight and height and body fat contents. The growth rate of height in first and second grade boys was significantly higher than that for grade boys. The amount of weight gain from second grade to third grade was significantly more than that of other grades both for boys and girls. The mean of BMI was 21.66+/-2.95 in boy, 21.50+/-2.62 in girls. The percentage of body fat was 24.91+/-6.55% in boy 34.73+/-4.88% in girls. Amounts of body fat were significantly increased in third grade. The group with higher fat content and the higher BMI group had lower values of physical strength. And the ability to exercises perform decreased significantly by promotion of grade. The other variables such as degree of concern about weight control and preference of exercise, and frequencies of exercise per week were significant factors in body fat content and physical strength. As a countermeasure for these problems, nutrition and health education must be developed for adolescents and a practical, proper physical activity guidance campaign for them is necessary.
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Relations of Perception of Obesity and Experiences of Weigh Control and Body Image in High School Students
Ho Kyung Ryu, Jin Sook Toon
Korean J Community Nutr 1998;3(2):202-209.   Published online May 31, 1998
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was conducted to investigate the relationship among pereption of obesity, experience of weight control control and satisfaction with body image in adolescence. The subjects were 221 high school students(91 boys, 130 grils), aged 16.7 years living in a rural area. To determine the perception of obesity, knowledge about obesity, belidfs about obese people, and attitudes towards obese people were measured. The results were as follows: There was high correlation between beliefs about obese people and attitudes toward obese people. When the perception of obesity was compared by sex, girls had significantly more accurate knowledge, stronger beliefs that obesity couldn't be controlled by oneself, the higher the eating disturbance score was. It also appeared that BMI was positively correlated with the positive attitude towards obese people.
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Energy and Macronutrient Intakes during Menstrual Cycle in Young Women
Seok Young Kim, Bok Kyeong cha, Phil Sook Park
Korean J Community Nutr 1998;3(2):210-217.   Published online May 31, 1998
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The purpose of this study was to examine changes in energy and macronutrient intakes during the premenstrual(days -10-1) and postmenstrual(days 5-14) phases. Thirty-two college female students recorded their food consumption and dietary patterns over 5 weeks from September 8 to October 12, 1997. Mean daily energy and macronutrient intakes and the percentage of energy intake from protein and carbohydrate were relatively consstant over the two menstrual cycle phases, but the energy intake from fat increased 1%(P<0.05)during the postmenstrual phase. Two different dietary patterns were identified by the shifts in energy intake between postmenstrual and premenstrual phases. Seventy five percent of subjects revealed a consistent pattern with the results of previous studies investigating food intake over the menstrual cycle, in which the premenstrual phase is associated with an increment in energy, carbohydrate, and protein intake. Incontrast, energy, protein, and fat intakes increased during the postmenstrual phase in 25% of the subjects. We conclude that cyclical fluctuations in energy and macronutrient intakes occur in both postmenstrual and premenstrual dietary pattern groups across the two menstrual phased with the opposite directions.
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Effects of Dietary Protein and Calcium Levels on Iron and Zine Balance in Young Korean Women
Kisun Nam, Kyungwon Kim, Jaoeok Koo, Haymie Choi
Korean J Community Nutr 1998;3(2):218-227.   Published online May 31, 1998
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No abstract available.
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Drug Consumption and Nutritional Status of the Elderly in Chung-buk Area: II. Nutritional Status of Urban and Rural Elderly
Kyung Hee Han, dong Yean Park, Ki Nam Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 1998;3(2):228-244.   Published online May 31, 1998
AbstractAbstract PDF
The nutritional status of 362 elderly men and women in Chung-bud area was evaluated in terms of their nutrient intakes, biochemical and anthrophometric measurements by interviews with questionnaires from August to October 1996. Mean intake of all nutrients except ascorbic acid did not meet the RDA for this sample. Protein, vit A, reboflavin, calcium were the most likely to be deficient on the basis of propotions of elderly consuming less than 75% of the RDA. The subjects nutrient intake was significantly affected by gender, marital status, number of family, family composition, educational level, pocket money, and region. Men in rural areas and women over 75 in urban areas were the most vulnerable groups with nutritional deficiency. According to serum biochemical indices, mean level of cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, total protein, albumin and iron belonged to normal range but mean level of HDL showed below the normal range. More elderly men and women in urban areas showed a higher percentage of abormal level of cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL and HDL than those in rural areas. More elderly men and women in rural areas had abnormal levels of RBC, Hematocrit and hemoglobin compared to those in urban areas. Mean height and weight of elderly men was 161.4cm and 56.2Kg, respectively and 149.1cm and 50.5kg for women. The elderly in rural areas were taller than those in urban areas but had less weight, MAC, TSF, MAMC. Mean BMI of this sample belonged to normal range. However, the elderly in rural areas had a higher rate of underweight and lower for overweight than those in urban areas. The elderly in urban areas had higher blood pressure than those in rural areas.
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Drug Consumption and Nutritional Status of the Elderly in Chung-buk Area: III. Psychological Effect on Drug Consumption and Nutritional Status
Dong Yean Park, Kyung Hee Hanm, Ki Nam Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 1998;3(2):245-260.   Published online May 31, 1998
AbstractAbstract PDF
The influences of depression and health anxieth on the elderly's drug use and nutritional status were evaluated by interviews with questionaire from August to October in 1996. One hundred and thirty-one male and 231 female elderly in Chung-buk area were the sample for this study. Men's depression score was 22.3 and 25.2 for women, respectively out of 27. Women showed a significantly higher score for depression and health anxiety than men. Gender, age, marital status, number of family, education, income, medical insurance, and mobility and region significantly affected the health anxiety score. The higher depression score the elderly had, the more frequently they took drugs. Conversely. the higher depression score the elderly had, the less frequently they took nutritional supplements. For women, the higher depression score the elderly had, the more they smoked. More depressed elderly showed a significantly smaller BMI compared to the less depressed ones. A negative correlationship existed between the depression score and the elderly's nutrient intakes, especially energy intake which showed a significant negative correlation. There were no significant differences between health anxiety score and nutrient intakes of men. Women who had a higher health anxiety score consumed more energy significantly. The depression score did not affect the elderly's blood biochemical indices. Women who had a low health anxiety score showed a significantly higher HDL-C level.
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Development and Evaluation of Nutrition Education Program for Middle Aged Men at Worksite
Mee Kyung Woo, Sung A Jegal, Seong Ai Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 1998;3(2):261-272.   Published online May 31, 1998
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to develop, implement and evaluate a nutrition education program for middle aged men at a worksite. To be read easily, induce interest, and selected at need, seven 6-page leaflet aets were developed, which was the most preferable from chosen by the subjects. The contents of leaflet set were [Changing life style], [Good food habit],[Weight control and diet],[Cardiovascualr disease and diet], [Alimentary disease and diet],[Diaabetes and diet],and [Liver disease and diet]. Nutrition education was provided for 61 middle aged men(30 professors, 31 office workers) at a worksite from 40 mins to one hour. And the level of nutrition knowledge and nutrition attitude were tested to evaluate the effects of the nutrition education program with a developed leaflet set before and after nutrition education. After the nutrition deucation. the nutrition knowledge score had increased significantly at p<0.001, from average 9.3 point to 11.4 point. The level of nutrition knowledge was increased significantly at p<0.001, and the prevalence of misconceptions and the uncertainty of knowledge were decreased significantly at p<0.05. There was a significant difference between professors and office workers both before and after the program. Also, there was a significant increase in the attitude about nutrition score after the program and this means that the subjects were flexibly more open minded about nutrition than before(from 39.9 point, at p<0.001). The difference in the nutrition attitude score between professors and office workers was not significant both before and after the nutrition deucation. The developed leaflet set was evaluated very positively in understanding, interest, timing, and usage by the subjects.
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Validity of Self-administered Semiquantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire by Conditions of One Portion Size
Mija Kim, Youngok Kim, Sukil Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 1998;3(2):273-280.   Published online May 31, 1998
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was designed to estimate the improvement of Validity for food frequency questionnaire(FFQ) by offering multiple choice portion size in developing a questionnaire. Validity of the two methods(food frequency questionnaire I=FFQ I & Food frequency questionnaire II=FFQ II) was tested in comparison with reference method of the 7-day weighed record(7DWR). Dietary consumption data of the thred methods(FFQ I, FFQ II & 7DWR) were colleced from 101 female university students for the analysis. Validity was measured in two categories : One was the nutrient intake value from the three methods, the other was the identification of between individual variation within the group. Spearman's rank order correlation test and distributio graphs were used for the analysis. The result showed that individual intake value of the FFQ II was closer to that of the 7DWR than that of the FFQ I.Spearman's rank order correlation between the FFQ II and the 7DWR did not show any improved correlation. The distribution graphs of nutrient intake derived from both the FFQ I and the FFQ II were different from that of the 7DWR. Therefore, it could be sugested that single one protion size food frequency questionnaire is an equally efficient method as a multiple choice food frequency questionnaire to be adopted in epidemiologic studies.
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Comparison of Human Attributes for School and Hospital Dietitians : by Importance and Frequency Scale
Eun Seung Song, Myung So kim
Korean J Community Nutr 1998;3(2):281-291.   Published online May 31, 1998
AbstractAbstract PDF
Job analysis was done by the method of interview and survey to find out the human attributes needed for dietitans' job performance. The knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics including personality were major items in the questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed to 340 schools and hospital dietitians. Among these, 201 were compeletely filled out, returned and statistically analyzed according to the frequency scale and importance scale respectively. The results were as follows : 1) The age, education, job experience and monthly pay of hospital dietitians were higher than those of school dietitians. This was partly due to the reflection of short chronicle of school foodservice. 2) The most important human attributes for rwo groups were commonly shown as sincere and faithful personality, good human relationship and responsibility for business outcome. 3) Computer skill and menuplanning ability were human attributes of the most frequently used by school dietitians, whereas knowledge of diet therapy, clinical nutrition, and pathology of disease were frequently used by hospital dietitians. 4) The correlation coefficients between two groups were as follows : Spearman's rho value of personality, skills and abilities, and knowledge were 0.806, -0.432,-0.203 respectively, according to the importance scale. 5) An overall view from t test between two groups, various human attributes, especially knowledge were more frequently used by hospital dietitians.
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An Ecological Study on Eating Behavior of Middle School Students in Seoul
Jung Hyun Kim, Joo hyun Choi, Min June Lee, Jae Moon
Korean J Community Nutr 1998;3(2):292-307.   Published online May 31, 1998
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was conducted to evaluate the eating behavior and to analyze the various factors affecting eating behavior among middle school students. The subjents consisted of 212 middle school students(106 boys and 106 girls between 13-14 years) residing in Seoul. A questionnaire was used as the questionnaire consisted of four parts : the socio-demographic characteristics of the subjects, value toward food and nutrition, diet diversity(the number of food items) and eating behavior. Results showed that fifty three point five percent of males and fifty seven percent of females skipped breakfast. The main reason for skipping breakfast was shortage of time. Fifty five percent of the total number of subjects stated that they had more than two plasant meals a day. The number of food items eaten was significantly higher in males than in females. In only 16.4% of total subjects(18.5% of male and 14.2% of female), the primary pursuit in having meals was not to satisfy hunger but to consider nutrition and health. The eating behavior of the adolescents showed that 65% of the subjects had a 'good' eating behavior score and 17.4% had scores of 'excellent' and 'poor' respectively. The existence of parents, the economic level of the family, and concern of health and nutrition affected the eating behavior score. The less the subject skipped breakfast, the greater they placed a value toward food and nutrition. Value toward food and nutrition had a significant influence on their eating behavior. Those who placed a value toward food and nutrition had a higher eating behavior. Those who placed a value toward food and nutrition had a higher eating eating behavior. As a result of the multiple regression analysis, factors affecting eating behavior were 'pleasant meal' , 'the value toward food and nutrition' and 'the numbers of food items' in order(R2=0.2984).
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A Study of the Relationship between the Eating Attitude Influenced by Eating DDisorder and Body Shape, Nutritional Knowledge among Female College Students in Won Ju Province
Hyang Rye Won
Korean J Community Nutr 1998;3(2):308-316.   Published online May 31, 1998
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was made to find out the relationship between the eating attitude influenced by an eating disorder and nutritional knowledge among 441 female college students. A self-report questionnaire was used, and the summary of the results are as follows : Almost all of the surveyed female college students were in criteria of standard weight, however they regard themselves more obese than what their actual body shape normally shows. The correlation between perceived body shape and the eating attitude influenced by an eating disorder turned out to be high(p<0.001). The significant level of correlation between the perceived body shape and the eating attitude test-26(EAT-26) scores showed much higher than that obtained between actual shape, degree of obesity and eating attitude test-26(EAT 26) scores(p<0.001). There was no significant level of correlation between the defree of obesity and the average score of nutritional knowledge obtained out of the total questionnaire, however it showed significant level of correlation between macronutrient and roughage(p<0.05), fat and calorie requirement(p<0.01). There was significant correlation among perceived body shape, actual weight and eating attitude influenced. by an eating disorder. Thus the correct perception of body shape turned out to be an important factor in obtaining the desirable eating attitude and adequate nutritional knowldege.
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Analyzing the Producer's Attitudes toward Specialist's Advice and the Panelist Constitution of Nutrition related TV programs
Joung Won Lee, Bokyung Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 1998;3(2):317-328.   Published online May 31, 1998
AbstractAbstract PDF
In order to investigate if nutrition-related TV programs give the public correct and useful imformation, 26 producers(PD) having worked for any one of the nutirtion-related TV programs were surveyed by using questionnaire on the attitudes toward seeking an expert's advice about the issues and the panelist's constitution of one typical nutrition-related TV show program broadcasted during the last 5 years was analyzed. The most important reason for selecting the nutrition-related issues was to satisfy the interests and demands of audiences. Both being motivated by food-related accidents and to educate people for the health promotion were the second ones. In the process of nutrition-related program production, 53.9% of PDs always requested expert's advice, while 46.1% occasionally did. Professors in food and nutrition were regarded as the most proper advisor. Dietitians, physicians and physicians of Chinese medicine wer the next in order. The similar pattern were shown in the rankd of specialists actually invited as panelists to the program. Both the speciality and being well-known were less positive and favorable for participating in the program compared to experts in other areas. The number of programs about food and nutrition broadcasted on the TV show during 1993-1997(July) was 361(about 30%). The total of 1,043 specialists appeared, 2.9 persons per program on the average. Of these, only 12.9% were professors in food and nutrition as well as dietitians. The largest(20.2%) was physicians or medical professors, and 13.6% cooks and 12.6% physicians of Chinese medicine. Of 361 programs 45 were thought to be undesirable on the panelist constitution. Particualrly in 19 programs, where nutritionists were not invited, physicians or physicians of Chinese medicine explained diet therapy, food, nutrient or dietary habit.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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