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Volume 1(3); October 1996
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Solid Foods Intake Pattern During the First 6 Months of Life
Korean J Community Nutr 1996;1(3):335-345.
AbstractAbstract PDF
The solids(supplementary food) consumption of 200 healthy infants aged from 4 to 6 months have been measured. Five groups were assigned to different feeding patterns. Breastfed group(BF, n=38), formula-fed group(FF, n=102) and mixed-fed group(MF, n=14) were fed breast milk, formula and mixed(breast mile+formula) from birth until 6 months of age respectively. Convert 1 group(C1F, n=14) and convert 2 group(C2F, n=32) were fed breast milk and mixed milk at 2 months of age respectively and were switched to formula thereafter. All infants received solids form 4 months of age. The energy intake from solids at 4 and 6 months averaged 59.1 and 110.3㎉/d among BF groups vs 151.9 and 239.3㎉/d among FF groups respectively. Intakes of protein, calcium and iron were 38-46$\%$, 34-44% and 25-37$\%$ higher in the FF than in the Bf group during the first 6 months. However, no significant differences were found in the intakes of energy and nutrient intakes from solids in all 4 groups excluding BF group(39$\%$). Although BF infant's nutrient intakes from solids were lower than other group's intakes, they intaked evenly solids from various food groups. As the age of infant had increased, the energy intake ratio from solids was cereals and dairy products was increased whereas energy intake ratio from meats, eggs, fruits and vegetables was decreased. TSC4, TSC6(the frequency score for the kinds of weaning food taken) showed no significant difference among 5 feeding groups but CIF-and C2F group's scores tended to be high. Consequently, these results suggest that BF group's solid intake pattern is more desirable and that Korean lactating Mother's dependence on commercial weaning food is too high.
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The Study of Nutrient Intake and Mineral Contents of Hair and Urine in Autistic Children
Korean J Community Nutr 1996;1(3):346-353.
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The anthropometric measurements, nutrient intake, concentrations of minerals in scalp hair and urine and urinary 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid(5-HIAA) of 30 autistic children not taking psychoactive drugs and 30 nonautistic control children were determined. The autistic children were taking significantly lower amounts of vitamin A, niacin, ascorbic acid and iron. The intake of vitamin A, niacin, and iron in autistic children were found to be 22$\%$, 75$\%$ and 58 of RDA, respectively. The decreased anthropometric measurements in height and weight of autistic children seems partly due to lower intake of these micronutrients. The food intake in vitamin and mineral group of autistic children was significantly lower. It is probably related to decreased intake of fruit in autistic children. There was no toxicity of cadmium and aluminum in both groups according to their contents in scalp hair. Autistic children showed elevated levels of hair calcium and zinc but lowered levels of copper and iron. The urinary excretion urinary excretion of 5-HIAA.
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Diet-ralated Factors of Overweight Adolescent Girls
Korean J Community Nutr 1996;1(3):354-365.
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The purpose of this study was to search the obese related dietary factors of young adolescent girls for developing nutrition education program. In the cross-sectional study of 371 young adolescent girls, 25$\%$ were moderately obese, 13.2$\%$ obese, and a total of 39.1 were over moderately obese. The characteristics of obese girls were as follows. First, obese girls consumed more energy than is needed for physical activity. Their average daily energy intakes were not significantly higher and the daily energy expenditures were significantly lower than those of normal girls. Second, obese girls showed higher intakes of protein and fat, and ate more animal foods than normal girls. Fourth, obese girls skipped meals more often, especially breakfast. They ate less rice. For both normal and obese girls, their common dietary problems were low intake of calcium and iron, and high intake of snack foods. The result of this study shows that nutrition education programs for obese adolescent girls should be designed for eating habits, food balance and moderation. future research is to develop the effective nutrition education program for the obese adolescent girls.
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Macronutrient Intake and Blood Pressure of Adolescents in Rural Korea
Young-Ok Kim, Il Suh, Chung-Mo Nam, Suk-Il Kim, Im-Soo Park, Hong-Seok Ahn
Korean J Community Nutr 1996;1(3):366-375.
AbstractAbstract PDF
The effect of carbohydrates, fat and protein consumption on the blood pressure of adolescents was investigated from the cross sectional data. The two major areas of inquiry were : 1)measuring the variation of blood pressure at various levels of macronutient intake. 2)measuring the relative importance between the factor of nutrient intake and physical growth. A total of 726 students(341 boys and 385 girls) in the first grade of middle school in Kangwha country were studied for their dietary consumption and physical growth as well as blood pressure. Multiple regression analysis was used as the analytical method to identify the relative importance between the factors. Besides the macronutrient consumption, other nutrients such as vitamin and mineral intakes were included in the regression model. The results showed a variation of blood pressure by macronutrient intake level was in consistant both in blood pressure and by gender. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased with increasing protein intake for girls(p<0.05). However, it was not observed in the case of boys. The systolic blood pressure of boys showed a tendency to decrease with fat intake increase, while their diastolic blood pressure showed the opposite trend. Results of the regression analysis showed that physical growth was a more influential factor than nutrition on blood pressure for both sexes. This could imply that the dietary hypertension factors observed in adults may not be operative generally in a population with normotensive blood pressure during growth.
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Reproducibility and Validity of a Self-Administered Semiquantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire
Korean J Community Nutr 1996;1(3):376-394.
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study evaluated the reproducibility and validity of the self-administered semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire used in a large prospective cohort study(Korean Cancer Research Survey) in middle-aged men. The questionnaire was administered twice at an interval of approximately two years(December, 1992-January, 1995), and four or five 24-hour recalls for each subject were collected at intervals of approximately three months. The results were as follows; 1) Although the distributions of the data estimated by the questionnaire were somewhat wider, the mean nutrient intakes of group estimated by our questionnaires and the multiple 24-hour recalls were roughly comparable. 2) The reproducibility determined by correlation of absolute(unadjusted nutrient intake) and calorie adjusted nutrient intakes from two semiquantitative food frequency questionnaires were more than 0.5, and the weighted kappa values were more than 0.4. 3) The Pearson correlation coefficients between unadjusted nutrient intakes values were average 0.40 on the average(Ca, 0.13-Carbohydrate, 0.58) at the first questionnaire vs. 24-hour recalls, and 0.28 at the second questionnaire vs. 24-hour recalls. The spearman rank order correlation coefficients were similar. When energy intake was adjusted, there was a slight reduction : 0.28 at the second questionnaire, 0.25 average on the second. In order to correct the measurement error of 24-hour recall data, the deattenuated correlation coefficient was calculated. It averaged 0.53 on the first questionnaire, 0.37 on the second questionnaire for unadjusted nutrient intake. for calorie-adjusted nutrient intake, it averaged 0.44 on the first questionnaire, 0.37 on the second questionnarie. 4) There was lower agreement(k<0.4) between the questionnaries and the 24-hour recalls. And the subjects classified in the same quartile by 24-hour recalls and first questionnaire were average 37$\%$(energy-adjusted values) and 40$\%$(unadjusted values) on the average. More than k10$\%$(average) of subjects were in the extreme quartile of the questionnarie and 24-hour recall method. But 8.2$\%$(average) of subjects classified in the lowest quartile of unadjusted nutrient intake level by the 24-hour recalls were in the highest quartile by the first questionnaire. These data indicate that our self-administered semiquantitative food frequency questionnarie is reproducible. Correlation coefficients comparing nutrient intakes measured by two different dietary assessment methods were less than 0.5. The validity of our questionnarie is not high enough.
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Nutritional and Health status of Korean Elderly form Low-Income, Urban Area and Improving Effect of meal Service on Nutritional and Health Status -IV. The Effect of Meal Serivice on Mineral Status and Clinical symptoms-
Korean J Community Nutr 1996;1(3):395-404.
AbstractAbstract PDF
The effect of meal service for home-staying, urban elderly with low income on their mineral status and prevalence of clinical symptoms was evaluated. One hundred. One hundred and eighty three subjects were assigned to meal-served(served) and non-served(non-served)groups. A meal containing approximately one half of the RDA for energy, protein, calcium and iron was served as lunch every day to served group at a welfare center. Dietary, biochemical and clinical data were collected before and after 6 months of meal service and the changes of parameters were analyzed with paired t-test. served female showed significantly increased intake of calcium. The mean hemoglobin, serum iron, TIBC and serum copper of female were significantly increase with meal service. The proportion of anemic female compared to reference data on hemoglobin, hematocrit and serum iron were 45.5$\%$, 29.1$\%$ and 16.4$\%$ respectively, but were lowered to 18.2$\%$, 7.3$\%$, and 5.5$\%$ after 6 months of meal service. served male showed significant increase in MCHC, serum copper, and urinary Na. The urinary Ca/Creatinine, which is often used as an index of bone resorption, was decreased significantly in served group. The decrease in the proportion of served women suffering from edema of ankle and diarrhea was most apparent and less women reported feeling clinical symptoms of dizziness, constipation, difficulty in hearing, and coughing after meal service. The symptoms of benumbness of hands and feet and coughing was lowered most among men after meal service. Clinical symptoms of non-served elderly did not show improvement in feeling clinical symptoms except slightly decreased frequency in coughing of female and buzzing sound in the ears and diarrhea of male.
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Anthropometric measurement and Comparative Study about Fat estimation methods for the Elderly
Korean J Community Nutr 1996;1(3):405-422.
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The purpose of this study is provide reference data for anthropometry and body composition and also to compare body fat estimation among skinfold thickness, BIA and NIR methods. Anthropometric measurements of height, weight, eight sites of skinfolds and six sites of circumferences were taken from 76 elderly male and 153 elderly female. Skinfold thicknesses, body composition and circumferences except waist were lowered with advancing age in elderly females and males. The degree of change with age vaired among parameters but was consistently and significantly(p<0.05) greater in elderly females than I males. Although sum of skinfold thicknesses and the amount of central and peripheral fat were significantly higher in females than that of males, the ratio of central fat to peripheral fat was significantly greater in males than in females. WHR is also significantly higher in males than that of females. This indicates that fat distribution of males tend to be centralized toward the trunk of the body than females. Estimation of body fat from skinfold thickness(male : 18.5$\pm$4.1$\%$, female : 29.7$\pm$4.0$\%$) and BIA(male : 19.5$\pm$7.3$\%$, female : 29.6$\pm$6.7$\%$) were similar but were significantly different from NIR method(male : 24.7$\pm$5.6$\%$, 34.8$\pm$4.9$\%$). Estimation of body fat by NIR measurement seemed to be more overestimated. Understanding the normal changes in body composition with increasing old age, and the ability to measure these changes and compare them with appropriate reference data are important for the health of the elderly.
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Nutrition Knowledge and Snack Serving Attitude of Kindergarten Teachers
Korean J Community Nutr 1996;1(3):423-432.
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the nutrition knowledge of kindergarten teachers and their attitude toward kindergarten lunch and snack service programs. Self-administered questionnaires were completed by 293 kindergarten teachers from January to February 1995. The results were as follows : 77.8% of the kindergarten teachers were taking part in the school meal service program. Most teachers were interested in the special training in child nutrition management, however, only 34.0% of the respondents had taken the nutrition related courses. The average score of nutrition knowledge of kindergarten teachers was 15.9$\pm$2.9 out of possible 28 points. They had better knowledge on such subjects as nutritional physiology and food choices for children, but had lower scores on practical subjects as calorie and nutrient value of food, cooking and nutrition management for children. When they chose snack items for children, teachers highly considered the nutritional value of snacks. Milk, cornflakes & milk, steamed potato, boiled egg, orange, apple and gimbap were their favorite choices for children's snacks. Other factors to be considered included children's preference, convenience in food service, and price of snack.
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A Study on Factor Affecting status and Method of Infant Feeding in Incheon
Korean J Community Nutr 1996;1(3):433-440.
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This study was carried out using a questionnaire in order to investigate factors affecting the status and the method of infant feeding in Incheon area. The subjects were 126 monthers of infants ranging from 3 months to 18 months. The results are : the percentages of those feeding colostrum and breast milk has decreased in comparison with the previous results. But the percentage of breast-feeding gets higher in a case where colostrum or breast milk is first fed after delivery. Also frequency and birth order of child plays a part : the more frequently monthers try to feed breast milk in the earliest period of feeding, the more they keep breast-feeding, and the latter-born(the second-born or the third born) children get more chances to be breast-fed than the first-born. Another noticeable factor is what babies feed on during hospitalization. if they get fed more breast milk than infant formula while they are in hospital, they tend to keep feeding on breast milk after they come back home. Breast-feeding group have good knowledge and information abut the importance of breast-feeding. The data shows that they believe the superiority of breast milk.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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