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Volume 10(3); June 2005
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Original Articles
Health Status by Anthropometric Values and Serum Biochemical Indices of Preschool Children in Day-Care Centers in Gumi
Eun Kyung Sin, Yeon Kyung Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(3):253-263.   Published online June 30, 2005
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was conducted to investigate health status of preschool children utilizing anthropometric values and serum biochemical indices. The subjects were 1,159 boys and 1,019 girls in Gumi day-care centers aged 4 to 6 years. The mean height and weight of 4, 5 and 6 year old children were 103.0 cm and 17.1 kg, 107.2 cm and 18.3 kg and 113.4 cm and 20.6 kg, respectively. By the obesity index criteria, 5% of boys and 4% of girls were obese:whereas 10% of boys and 9% of girls were underweight. By the Kaup index criteria, 7% of boys and 4% of girls were obese. By the percentage of body fat criteria, 5% of boys and girls were obese. The mean concentrations of serum total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, Atherogenic Index and serum glucose were 154.1 - 156.5 mg/dL, 80.1 - 81.9 mg/dL, 46.8 - 47.4 mg/dL, 90.9 - 92.8 mg/dL, 2.34 - 2.39 and 76.4 - 77.8 mg/dL, respectively. Serum triglyceride level, AI and body fat percentage of obese children were significantly higher than other children and were significantly lower in HDL-cholesterol level (p < 0.05). In addition there were significant correlation between anthropometric values and serum biochemical indices:Kaup index and obesity index were positively correlated to the systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure in boys and girls (p < 0.01) and to the triglyceride concentration in boys (p < 0.05). These results indicate the need of developing and implementation of nutrition education program for preschool children to prevent further development of childhood obesity and to maintain normal serum lipid profiles.
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Sensitization of Food Allergen in Breastfed Infant with Atopic Dermatitis
Young Shin Han, Sang Jin Chung, Kang Mo Ahn, Kwang Shin Lee, Hay Mie Choi, Sang Il Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(3):264-270.   Published online June 30, 2005
AbstractAbstract PDF
Breastfeeding has been known as the best feeding practice to prevent allergies including atopic dermatitis (AD). However, the benefit on the prevention of allergic disease is still controversial. The objectives of this study were to examine the rate of sensitization to the protein of eggs, cow's milk and soy in exclusively breastfed infants and to evaluate antigen-antibody reaction between breast milk and serum of AD infant. Data on feeding and food hypersensitivity were obtained for 62 AD infants (32 male, 30 female) aged < 6 month who had visited Samsung Medical Center from September 2001 to May 2003. Food hypersensitivity was determined by measuring specific IgE to egg, cow's milk and soy. Specific IgE levels > 0.7 kU/L by CAP assay (Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden) were considered positive. The rates of sensitization in breastfed infants were 41.9% (26/62) to egg, 30.6% (19/62) to milk and 18.0% (11/62) to soy. Immunoblotting analyses were performed using breast milk with the matched serum of seven AD infants (4 male/3 female). Binding patterns of AD infant's IgE to breast milk extract showed visible specific band for immunoglobulin, especially in case of a lactating mother who did not completely restricted ingestion of egg, milk and soy. These results indicate that sensitization to food allergen develops via breast milk feeding. Breast milk feeding should be recommended in infants at risk of developing allergic disease, but maternal intake of highly allergenic food might be restricted for prevention and treatment of food allergy among the babies with AD.
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Nutrient Density of Fast-Food Consumed by the Middle School Students in Cheongju City
Kinam Kim, Enjoo Park
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(3):271-280.   Published online June 30, 2005
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The purpose of this study was to investigate fast-food consumption and it's nutrient density, and the correlation between subject's characteristics and consumption frequency of fast-foods among middle school students. The questionnaires were distributed to 150 male and 190 female students in Cheongju city. The data were analyzed using SAS and statistics used were percent of frequency, chi-test, t-test, and pearson's correlation coefficient. The main reasons for using fast-food restaurants were 'good taste' and 'convenience'. The major concerns when the subjects choose fast-foods were 'taste (65.9%), price (20.3%) and 'nutrition' (6.0%). The consumption pattern of fast-foods go as follows: twice a month (42.3%), once a week (31.5%), and less than once a week. The number of fast food items that the subjects ate for one meal was two (46.0%) or three (33.2%). The most frequently chosen combination of foods for number of two choices was beefburger and cola . The mean average energy intake from fast foods for one meal was 620.7 kcal for male, 504.5 kcal for female. The energy ratio of carbohydrate :protein :fat from fast foods was 49 :14 :43, which means fat intake is much higher than recommended level (20%). Fiber was appeared to be the lowest on the nutrient density which was 17.7% of the recommended level for Koreans, vitamin C was next (22.8% for male, 20.7% for female). In mineral, iron was the lowest (71.8% for male, 67.1% for female), and protein was over 100% for both males and females. Frequency of fast food intake was positively correlated with eating frequency of the salty, the sweets, ham, caffeine containing foods, instant noodles, and cookies. In conclusion, frequent consumption of fast foods can lead unbalanced nutrient intakes for middle school students, and those who consumed fast foods frequently showed undesirable food habits in their daily meal. Therefore, nutrition education for middle school students should be needed to encourage them to choose more nutritious food and have healthier dietary pattern.
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Relations of Life Style, Nutrient Intake, and Blood Lipids in Middle-Aged Men with Borderline Hyperlipidemia
Mi Ja Choi
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(3):281-289.   Published online June 30, 2005
AbstractAbstract PDF
Hyperlipidemia and related heart disease will be growing public health problems as the population ages. It is therefore of great importance to identify modifiable risk factors. So this research investigated associations among life style, nutrient intake, and blood lipids in middle-aged men with borderline hyperlipidemia. Dietary intakes were assessed by food-frequency questionnaire and convenient method. The subject's histories of alcohol use and smoking were assessed via a questionnaire. Current smokers were classified as smokers, whereas past smokers and subjects who never smoked were classified as nonsmokers. With regard to alcohol intake, the subjects were stratified into drinkers and nondrinkers. In drinkers the frequency were measured. Frequency of alcohol intake and weight were associated with high blood lipids and blood pressure. The highest quartile of calcium intake had lower triglyceride concentration than did those in the lower three quartiles. High calcium intake was associated with low blood triglyceride concentration. These results suggest that healthy weight and high calcium intake and less alcohol intake can contribute to maintenance of healthy blood lipids in men.
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Nutritional Status of the Nonagenarian Population in Longevity Belt in Korea
Mee Sook Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(3):290-302.   Published online June 30, 2005
AbstractAbstract PDF
The nutrients intake and health-related habits of nonagenarian subjects in Korean representative longevity belts of Damyang, Gokseong, Kurye, Sunchang were evaluated for the purpose of providing the information on the desirable food selection and dietary pattern of elderly population. A survey was conducted with 91 subjects (26 males and 65 females) and their food intakes were measured by the combination of one meal weighing and 24-hr recall, and their general background information was collected by visit. The mean age of the subjects was 93.6 +/- 2.2 (male) and 97.6+/- 4.6 (female). The average smoking rate was 20.9%; the rate of regular drinking was 26.4%. The average energy intake was 1,284.9 kcal comprising 77.1% of RDA for elder people over 75. The energy ratio of carbohydrate, protein and fat were 66.5 :18.2 :15.3. The average intake of protein, calcium, iron and zinc were 107.4%, 59.9%, 106.3% and 60% of RDA respectively. The lower intake of vitamins as low as 70% was found except vitamin B6 and niacin. The majority of the subjects consumed rice as staple diet and mostly consumed white plain rice rather than mixed grain rice. The animal and plant food intakes were 88.4 :11.6 in males and those of females were 83.0 :17.0 showing a tendency of plant-based meals. Nutrients that showed NAR over 0.7 were protein, iron, vitamin B6, niacin and phosphate, but those with INQ over 1. Nutrient with INQ below 0.7 was only vitamin E. Even though their nutritional quantity did not appear to be enough, but their nutritional quality was relatively high. The adding dairy products, nuts and fruits for the purpose of proving sufficient vitamin and minerals can achieve the optimal nutritional intake patterns. Further research on RDA of this age population should be followed.
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Comparison of Nutrient Intake and Meal Service Satisfaction of Elderly at the Local Community Centers:Free and Reduced Meal Service Charge
Bong Soon Choi, Sun Young Kwon, Ju Young Seo, In Sook Lee, Hee Ja Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(3):303-310.   Published online June 30, 2005
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to compare the nutrient intake and foodservice satisfaction of homebound elderly had lunch at the local community centers by the difference of meal service charge. Two local community center with congregate meal service program located in Daegu and Gyongsan were selected; one with free of meal service charge (F), and the other with 500-1,000 won for meal service charge (K). According to the dietary assessment, energy and nutrient intakes of the 156 elderly subjects were as a whole under the Korean Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA). Elderly of F service center showed higher % RDA for the selected nutrients and MAR (mean adequacy ratio) than those of K service center (p<0.001). Participants were satisfied with most of the congregation meal service from community center with different reasons such as 'tasty (K service center)' and 'free of charge (F service center)'. In conclusion, elderly had the lunch at the community center with free of meal service charge was poor nutrition status and lower socioeconomic level than the other type of community center in this area. Therefore, healthy menu for elderly should be developed and managed by professional dietitian, as well as its impact on health status of this group, and congregate meal service system might be extended to the homebound elderly of whole community with free of charge.
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Investigation of Factors Influencing Career Decision-Making of Students in Foodservice Management and Culinary Arts Programs
Kyung Eun Lee, Tae Hee Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(3):311-318.   Published online June 30, 2005
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purposes of the study were to identify important attributes in foodservice management and culinary arts students' career decision-making and to investigate factors determining their preferred employment fields. A questionnaire that consisted of preferred employment fields, importance rating of 19 attributes related to job choices, and demographic information was developed based on a review of literature. A total of 319 students enrolled in food and nutrition, foodservice management, and culinary arts programs of eight 2-year colleges and 4-year universities in Seoul and Kyunggi Province participated in the survey. Data were analyzed using SPSS Win (version 10.0) with descriptive statistics, chisquare analysis, one-way analysis of variance, factor analysis, and discriminant analysis. Attributes of the highest importance scores included fringe benefits, wages and promotion opportunities, working environments, professional development opportunities, and organizational culture. The students who preferred non-commercial foodservice as a career choice depended more on "word-of-mouth from faculty" than those who preferred other fields (F = 3.094, p < .05) and rated importance of "participation in job fairs" higher than those who selected hotel food and beverage (F = 5.048, p < .01). A factor analysis of the 19 attributes resulted in five factors:job/compensation policy, impersonal communication, company image, word-of-mouth, and personal experience. The five factors explained 67% of the total variance. A discriminant analysis revealed that students who perceived "impersonal communication" and "word-of-mouth" more important were likely to prefer non-commercial foodservice as a career choice. The results would be used by university faculty in advising graduating students on career selection and by recruiters in developing effective and attractive recruiting programs.
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Comparison of Students' Satisfaction with a Meal of College Foodservice by Operating System
Sun Yung Ly, Su Hyun Kim, Sunja Kwon
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(3):319-330.   Published online June 30, 2005
AbstractAbstract PDF
College foodservice (FS) demands highly-developed operation technique which can provide adequate nutrients to their students, as well as to guide better eating habits and to meet students' various desires. The purpose of this study was to provide basic data to improve college FS satisfaction with food items by comparing 2 contract-managed and 2 self-operated college FS in Daejeon and Chungnam area. According to the results, 59.1% of students frequently (over 3 times per week) took meals at college cafeteria and the main reason for using college cafeteria was the low-price of meal, although the students' satisfaction degree with price of meal was lower in contract-managed FS than in self-operated FS. There were no differences in the food satisfaction degrees with overall appraisal of food items between 2 operating systems of college FS, but the satisfaction degrees with all food items were high in male as compared with female. The higher the negative self-perceived clinical symptoms scores, the lower the satisfaction with foods, which suggests that the health state of students was one of the factors that influenced college FS satisfaction. According to stepwise multiple regression analysis, 'taste of boiled rice', 'overall appraisal of boiled rice', 'overall appraisal of soup', and 'variety of side dish', in decreasing order, were the most relatively important attributes for overall customer satisfaction with food taste of college FS. Finally, there should be further studies on important management factors to improve college FS satisfaction according to 2 operating systems.
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Comparison of Students' Satisfaction with Sanitary, Environment, and Service of College Food Service by Operating System
Su Hyun Kim, Sunja Kwon, Sun Yung Ly
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(3):331-340.   Published online June 30, 2005
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to provide basic data to improve college food service satisfaction with sanitary, environment and service by comparing 2 contract-managed and 2 self-operated college food services in Daejeon and Chungnam area. According to the results, sanitation and environment satisfaction degrees of contract-managed college food services were higher than those of self-operated food services. The satisfaction degrees with service were also higher in contract-managed food services than self-operated food services except the category of quick food delivery. In all categories comprising the food service satisfaction, the satisfaction degrees were lower in female students than in male students. There were more negative self-perceived clinical symptoms in female students than male students. The higher the negative self-perceived clinical symptoms scores were, the lower the satisfaction degrees with food service were, which suggests that the health state of students was one of the factors that influenced college food service satisfaction. There was no difference between contract-managed and self-operated food services in terms of satisfaction with overall food taste and overall satisfaction degree. The average satisfaction degree for the contract-managed food services in terms of price relative to food quality was lower than that for self-operated food services. According to stepwise multiple regression analysis, 'overall food taste', 'price relative to quality', 'kindness of employees', 'coping with proposed opinions' and 'quickness of food delivery' in decreasing order, were the most relatively important attributes for overall satisfaction. There should be further studies on important management factors to improve satisfaction with sanitary, environment and service by self-operated college food service.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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