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Volume 6(3); August 2001
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Original Articles
A Comparison of the Food and Nutrient Intake of Adolescents between Urban Areas and Islands in South Kyungnam
Gae Su An, Dong Soon Shin
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(3):271-281.   Published online August 31, 2001
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This study was performed to compare the anthropometric and the food and nutrient intake of the adolescents between urban areas and islands in south Kyungnam and to identify their nutritional problems. A questionnaire survey was distributed among 383 middle school students for the food and nutrient consumption and other nutritional attitudes including socioecomonic status. The height and weight of the students were measured as well. Socioeconomic status, such as income, educational level, and jobs of the urban students parents was better than that of the island students. There was no significant difference in height between the students of both areas, but the body weight of the urban male students was far heavier than that of the other group. It is very interesting to note that the energy intake of the urban male students was much lower than that of the island male students. The students of the two areas consumed more protein, Vit B1, Vit B2, niacin and Vit C than the recommended daily allowances(RDA) but the intake of Ca, Fe, Vit A was less. As to the sources of animal fat, the urban males consumed much more. Regarding the taste preference, the study shows that urban male students are more likely to choose sweet, salty and soft tastes than island male students. In the case of female students, although island students prefer a rather hot taste, urban students are more likely to prefer sweet and soft tastes. The favorite foods of urban students are meat products, fastfoods, chocolate, cheese and milkshakes, while foods like cooked rice with assorted vegetable are the favorite of the island students. In general, the preference degree for meat products and fruits rates higher than for vegetables. Conclusively the urban students had a tendency of being obese and the intake of all nutrients by the urban adolescents was much lower than that of the islanders. In this study, the cause can be found in significant differences in consuming animal fat, of taste preference and of choosing favorite food. Accordingly a nutritional intervention or educational program is required to adjust the imbalanced intake of some nutrients for the adolescents in this province.
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The Effects of Vit C Supplementation and Nutrition Education on Nutrition Knowledge, Food Habits and Antioxidative Enzyme Activity in Male Adolescent Smokers
Jae Yeon Lim, Jung Hee Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(3):282-289.   Published online August 31, 2001
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The study evaluated the effectiveness of intervention for male adolescent smokers by making an assessment in terms of changes in food habits, nutrition knowledge, plasma catalase, superoxide dismutase(SOD), glutathione peroxidase peroxidase(GSH-px) activities and thiobarbituric acid reactive substance(TBARS) after Vit C supplementation and nutrition education. The subjects, male adolescent smokers, were assigned into four groups : Control group(19 students), education(Educ.) group(19 students), Vit C supplementation (suppl) group(19 students), and Educ. + Vit C suppl. group(19 students). The Educ. group and Educ. + Vit C suppl. group received nutrition education once a week for 2 weeks. The Vit C suppl. group Educ. + Vit C suppl. group received 500 mg ascorbic acid for 35 days. All data were collected before intervention and after intervention. Nutrition knowledge of those who received education increased, and the frequency of fruit and yellow-green vegetable consumption also increased. Plasma antioxidant enzyme activities were not different except for the SOD activity in the Educ. + Vit C suppl. group, which was significantly increased. The plasma ceruloplasmin level of groups that received Vit C supplementation was reduced more than any other groups, and the specific ceruloplasmin ferroxidase activity of groups that received Vit C supplementation was elevated more than other groups. These intervention programs had an impact on food habits, nutrition knowledge, plasma antioxidant enzyme activities, and plasma TBARS in male adolescent smokers. Various nutrition education programs must be implemented for adolescent smokers, and further studied are needed regarding sorts and amount of antioxidant nutrients and supplementation duration.
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Survey of Alcoholic and Non-alcoholic Beverage Preference in College Students of the Chonnam Area
Bok Mi Jung, Eun Sil Oh, Sung Mi Choi, Youn Soo Cha
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(3):290-296.   Published online August 31, 2001
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This study investigated the intake of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages in college students. Five hundred and eighty seven students age 19-30 (432 male and 155 female) responded to the beverage consumption survey. Of the students 19.9% were freshman, 42.2% sophomore, 23% junior, and 15% seniors. Results are summarized as follows : 1) Beer and soju were the most commonly consumed alcoholic beverages by the college students. The amount of beverage normally consumed was 3 cans of beer or 1 bottle of soju. 2) There was no age related change in amount of alcoholic beverage consumed, but preference for liquor rather than beer increased with age. 3) Foods most commonly consumed prior to drinking were cooked rice and milk. 4) Following the drinking of alcoholic beverages the most commonly consumed food or beverage was cold water for both males and females. The next most commonly foods were cooked rice, instant noodles, and cola for males ; and cooked rice, milk, and fruit for females. 5) Cola and pear juice were the preferred non-alcoholic beverages for college students. Also popular among students were date juice for males and orange juice for females. Milk and non-cola carbonated beverages were not commonly consumed. This study provides information for the identification of possible alcoholic beverage related public health risks among college students.
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Influence of Food Behavior and Life-Style Behavior on Health Status in Male Industrial Workers
Myeung Hee Park, Young Sun Choi, Bong Soon Choi
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(3):297-305.   Published online August 31, 2001
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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of food behavior and life-style behavior on the health-status of male industrial workers in the Masan region. The average age of the 173 male subjects was 42.9 years and 59% of the subjects were labor workers, 25% office workers, and 70% of them earned 1 - 1.5 million won monthly. The subjects were categorized into one of three groups : normal group, health-concerned group, and disease-suspected group classified by the criteria of the data (blood pressure, blood glucose, blood hemoglobin, serum total cholesterol, and serum triglyceride) obtained from a health examination. Forty seven belonged to the normal group, 71 to the health-concerned group, and 55 to the disease-suspected group. The health-concerned group, and disease-suspected group had significantly higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure, blood glucose, and serum total cholesterol than the normal group, and the disease-suspected group showed a significantly higher serum triglyceride level than the normal and health-concerned groups. The disease-suspected group consumed carbohydrate foods, such as cereals more frequently and protein foods such as beans and eggs less frequently than the normal group and health-concerned group. However, there was no difference in nutrient intakes among the three groups. The disease-suspected group and health-concerned group smoked more cigarettes and drank more frequently than the normal group, and the disease-suspected group exercised less as compared to the normal group. The kinds of diseases diagnosed in the disease-suspected group were hypertension, hyperlipidemia, liver disease, and neurological disease. The results of this study indicate that nutrition education and monitoring should be implemented for industrial workers to prevent chronic diseases and to reduce medical cost for the treatment of disease.
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Nutrient Intake According to Dietary Attitudes of School Foodservice Dietitians
Hyun Sook Yoon
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(3):306-316.   Published online August 31, 2001
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This study investigated the correlations between nutrient intake and dietary attitudes in Korean school dietitians. A total of 493 school dietitians working in the Kangwon and Kyungnam areas participated in this study. The subjects were classified as the good group(33.5%), fair group(36.9%) and bad group(29.6%) based on dietary attitude score. The results were as follows. The average intake of energy, calcium, and iron were lower than the Korean RDA and average CPF ratio of energy intake was 64 : 17 : 19. The percent RDAs of nutrient intake of energy, calcium, iron and vitamin B1 were lower in the bad group than those in the fair group and good groups(p<0.001). The mean adequacy ratio(MAR), an index of overall dietary quality, were different among the three groups(p<0.001), the highest was 0.96 in the good group, the lowest was 0.88 in the bad group. The index of nutritional quality(INQ) was significantly higher in the good group than the other groups. The nutrient intakes were positively correlated with dietary attitudes(p<0.01). The nutrient intakes, INQ, NAR and MAR were significantly increased as the dietary attitude score increased.
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Comparison of Lifestyle and Nutrient Intake by Number of Components of Insulin Resistance Syndrome in the Daegu Community
Hee Ja Lee, Jin Sook Yoon
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(3):317-330.   Published online August 31, 2001
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The purpose of this study was to figure out the characteristics of dietary habits and lifestyles related to the development of insulin resistance syndrome(IRS). The participants in this study were 595 adults with one or more abnormal data from a health examination and 215 normal adults. When IRS was defined as a condition in which the subjects have 2 or more abnormalities among obesity, hyperlipidemia, hypertension and hyperglycemia, the prevalence rate was 37.8%. We classified the 595 adults by the number of components of IRS components they had, the higher age and obesity index they had. Total cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood were also positively related to the number of IRS components. IRS subjects tended to practice less habitual drinking and more exercise and weight control. Coffee consumption and dining out frequency were also lower in the IRS group. An analysis of food habits by odds ratio indicated that total food score was better in the IRS group. However, it appeared that food habits such as \"frequent snacking\" and \"never rejecting offered foods\" need to be improved in IRS subjects. Other undesirable food habits were related to the consumption of eggs, dairy products, fried foods, garlic and onion. Dietary intake of Ca, Fe, riboflavin, Vit A, and energy were less than 75% of the Korean recommended allowance for more than half of the subjects. Nutrient intake was lower, Ca/P ratio from food intake was worse in the IRS group. Our results indicated that nutrition counseling for IRS need to be focused on balanced food intake to supply sufficient amount of each nutrient.
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A Study on Predicting Behavioral Intention of Breastfeeding among Primigravida
Jie Eun Kim, Dong Yean Park
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(3):331-339.   Published online August 31, 2001
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This study was conducted to examine the predicting factors for the intention of breastfeeding with The Theory of Planned Behavior. The questionnaires were distributed to 131 primigravidas who were in their third trimester of pregnancy in Seoul, Kyonggido, Kyongsangbukdo, and Kyongsnagnamdo. Descriptive statistics, Pearsons Correlation and Multiple Regression were used to analyse the data. The subjects showed strong intention of breastfeeding. The subjects showed favorable attitudes toward breastfeeding. This fact showed significant correlation with the belief that their breastfeeding intention was due to the advantage of breast milk for the infant with regard to allergy prevention, disease protection, contribution to intellectual development, psychological closeness between mother and infant, convenience, cost, and the reduction of breast cancer risk and weight of the mother. No item of outcome evaluation did showed significant correlation with behavioral intension. The subjects were influenced about breastfeeding by their referents such as siblings and friends with breastfeeding experience, their mothers and husbands, and mothers-in-law. Most items of the control beliefs had a significant influence on the intention of breastfeeding. The subjects felt they could not control the situation ie. "when I have to breastfeed in public". However they felt they could control the situation ie. "when I suffer from mastitis", "when I have to cut down on coffee, alcohol, and smoking", "when I have Caesarean section", "when I need to maintain breast condition", and "when the infant hates to suck my nipple". Regression analysis revealed that control beliefs and attitudes toward breastfeeding could predict the behavioral intention of breastfeeding. Control beliefs were the most important factor in predicting behavioral intention. Therefore, nutrition education is needed to enhance the ability to cope with difficult situations while breastfeeding and increase faborable attitudes toward breastfeeding.
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A Study on Health Related and Eating Related Behaviors by Self-Recognized Health Status
Hai Sook Lee, Jung Ae Yee, Ahn Soo Yeon, Keum Jee Kang
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(3):340-353.   Published online August 31, 2001
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The aim of this study was to investigate health-related and eating-related behaviors as part of self-recognized health status. The survey was conducted among 304 elderly people in Chunchon city in 1999. Fifty two percent(52%) of the respondents recognized they were healthy, 32% felt so-so and 16% thought themselves unhealthy. When they felt healthy, they engaged in more social work and regular exercise, had better appetites, lower conflict scores with their children, lower depression, higher satisfaction in life, better physical condition(eye, ear, tooth, mentality and walking), and higher ability of ADL(activities of daily living) and IAD(instrumental activities of daily living). Also, the self-recognized group consumed each food groups (meats, green, yellow and white vegetables, fruits, milks, seaweeds, beans) more often and showed a higher preference of food. The results of this study indicate that self-recognized health status affects every pattern of life among the elderly. As a result, comprehensive education(such as nutrition, health, physical and psychological education) should be offered to the elderly.
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Status and Needs for Nutrition Services for Infants and Preschoolers among Public Health Center Workers and Infants Mothers
Jaeok Koo, Kyungsuk Choi
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(3):354-360.   Published online August 31, 2001
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This study was carried out to investigate the present status of nutrition services for infants in public health centers and the need for nutrition services of health workers and infants mothers. The study subjects were 146 health workers and 197 infants mothers. The results were as follows : At present, the only major nutrition services for infants were vaccination and dental care. Proper nutrition management services were available to infants. Nutrition knowledge scores were 16.8 for health workers and 15.3 for mothers out of 20 possible points. Health workers strongly demanded a well-organized nutrition education program, government support, audio-visual materials and the employment of a community nutritionist. The public health workers, in particular, demanded the development of education programs for breastfeeding and weaning. The infants mothers demanded services of nutrition information and teaching of cooking and menu planning. Based on this, the results suggest that the employment of a community nutritionist and the development of practical nutrition service programs for infants are needed very urgently for public health centers.
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A Study of Health Professionals Awareness, Satisfaction and Desirable Nutrition Labeling of Foods for Special Dietary Uses
Kyung Hee Song, Hae Ryun Park, Ju Young Hong
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(3):361-370.   Published online August 31, 2001
AbstractAbstract PDF
This survey was conducted to evaluate with 457 health professionals from July, 1999 to September, 1999 the awareness of and satisfaction with the nutrition labeling system in Korea and to determine a desirable labeling system. Professors of food and nutrition and nutrition researchers in the food industry had the hightest scores on awareness of the nutrition labeling system(75.6% and 73.4%, respectively), which was significantly different from each other by occupation(p<0.01). Frequently checked labeling information were expiration date, production date, price, and company respectively. Special nutrient food producers(56.9%), dietitians(49.3%), nurses(48.1%), researchers(42.3%) answered moderately on satisfaction with nutrition information for products, which was statistically significant(p<0.01). This suggests that health professionals were unsatisfied with the present nutrition labeling system. In nutrition focusing statements, nutrient content claims, health claims, and working periods were significantly related with nutrition focusing statements and health claims, but not with nutrient content claims : the subject who had been working for more than 10 years and less than 5 years had positive thoughts or those matters while the subjects whose working periods were between 10 and 5 years had the lowest score. The most desirable labeling units were serving size(65.1%). Ninety two percent of the subjects wanted absolute nutrient contents in food and their percentage of the KRDA. Eight nine percent of health professionals agreed that the health claims should be used only with scientific approval by the government or food research institutions. Only 4.4% of subjects were satisfied with current regulations of health claims(p<0.001). More studies regarding labeling units, their range and nutrient reference values are needed. The opinions of health professionals in nutrition labeling system should discussed to establish a desirable nutrition labeling system.
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Dietary Patterns and Nutrient Intake in North Koreans by Utilizing Literature Search and Survey
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(3):371-379.
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The present study was conducted to determine whether the food shortage situation in North Korea has affected its people differentially according to social class. We performed a literature search on North Korean books and documents on food and nutrition. We also conducted a mail survey on North Korean defectors to estimate the energy and nutrient intake and the practice of foraging for wild foods at the time of food crisis in North Korea. The subjects were 150 adults, 104 men and 46 women, aged 20 years and older, who resettled in the South Korea after the food crisis. The mean energy intakes for men and women were estimated to be 1,260 kcal and 980.6 kcal, respectively, which were far less than 2,900 kcal and 2,600 kcal, the intake levels recommended for North Korean men and women, respectively. Thirty seven percent of the subjects reported a lack of foods adequate enough for work and other daily activities, and fifty seven percent reported a routine use of wild foods such as roots, grass, stalks, and tree bark with an average of 4 items per day. Food consumption patterns on a typical day were different by social classes with the high class people consuming an affluent diet in the midst of a severe food shortage.
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A Comparison of the Past Physical Growth, Eating Habits and Dietary Intake by Obesity Index of Sixth Grade Primary School Students in Seoul
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(3):475-485.
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This study was conducted to find the differences in the physical changes, eating habits and dietary intake by obseity index of sixth grade primary school students is Seoul.The subjests were classified into three groups, an underweight group(90% under, 12l Ug), normal group(between 90-110%, 153, NG), and obese group(110% over, 91, OG) according to WLI(Weight-Length Index)calculated with their present (6th grade) height and weight. The physical growth of the subjects was generally good, although problems of both underweight and obesity were existed together. The mean heigh growth velocity per year, weight growth velocity per year and WLI changes per year of OG were higher than those of the other groups(p〈0.01). The past physical status of the three groups were maintained from 1 st grade to sixth grade, As eating habits and lifestyles, they were not statistically significant but there were some differences among the three groups. More students of the UG disliked a certain food than those of the other groups. UG liked fried or roasted foods more(p〈0.001). NG tended to eat three meals more irregularly. OG tended to have meal times more regularly and do more regular exercise than the other groups. The dietary intakes of three groups were generally good. They were not statically significant among the three groups. With theses difference among the three groups, it is recommended to educate about unbalanced diet for the underweight group, regularity, of meals for the normal group, doing exercise for the obese for the obese group, and increasing Ca and vitamin A intake for most students, As the physical status for th lower grades have been maintained up to the sixth grade, nutrition education programs should be started at the lower grades in the elementary school.
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Evaluation of Nutrient Intakes and Diet Quality of Rural Middle School Students
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(3):486-494.
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This study was performed to assess the nutrient intakes and diet quality of rural middle school students provided with and without the national school lunch program(NSLP). The data on dietary intakes were obtained by using food record method questionnaires which were collected from 340 rural middle school students provided with(n=177) and without (n=163) NSLP. Diet quality was accessed by NAR(nutrient adequacy ration), MAR(mean adequacy ration), and INQ( index of nutritional quality). Total energy intakes of the boys were 2123 kcal with NSLP and 1857 kcal without NSLP. Total energy intakes of the girls were 1913 kcal with NSLP and 1814 kcal without NSLP. Phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin E, ascorbic acid, thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin intakes were above the RDA in the NSLP group. For those without NLSP, phosphorus, vitamin E, thiamin intakes were above RDA, however, calcium, iron vitamin A, vitamin $B_6$ were less than the RDA. The mean adequacy ration(MAR), an index of dietary quality was 0.69(with) 0.62(without) for males and 0.62(without) for females The indexes of nutritional quality(INQ) were over 1 for most nutrients except calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B$_2$ and zinc. The study showed that total daily energy and nutrient intakes were significantly higher in students provided with than those without school-lunches. Thus, the school-lunch program is recommenced and necessary to improve the nutritional status of middle school students.
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Nutrition Survery of Female Middle School Students in Urban and Rural Areas of Inchon
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(3):495-506.
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This study was conducted to investigate the nutrient intake, dietary and weight control behaviors and iron deficiency of adolescent girls. The subjects were 216 female middle school students living in urban and rural areas of Inchon. Thin cross- sectional study was conducted by questionnaires and data were analyze by SAS program. Nutrient intakes collected from 3 day-recalls were analyzed by the Computer Aided Nutritional Analysis Program(CAN-pro). The mean height, weight. BMI and obesity index for the subjects were 158.2 cm, 51.1kg, 20.4 and -5.3 % in urban students and 155.9 cm, 49.3 kg 21.1 and -8.2% in rural students, respectively. Easting blood samples were obtained and analyzed for iron nutritional status. The mean obesity index of the urban students was higher than that of the rural students. The proportion of the overweight group was higher in urban students compared to rural students, However, over 10% of both area students belonged to the low weight group, respectively. Most students of both areas skipped breakfast and the main reason was on appetite and lack of time. Urban students were more concerned with body image. The nutrients which showed a lower mean intake as percentile of RDA were Ca, iron, vit A an Vit B$_2$ and most nutrient intakes of urban students were significantly higher compared to those of rural students. These results indicate that nutrient intakes in the female middle school students were considerably lower than the RDA. Also they had undesirable food habits and lower self-satisfaction with their body image, There were significant differences in the mean MCV, TIBC and serum ferritin between urban and rural area subjects. Mean Hb, Hct, MCH, MCHC and TS, bowaver, were not significantly different. Prevalence of iron deficiency greatly varied by indices from urban(11.5%) and rural (8.7%) when judged by Hb to urban(23.1) and rural (23.3%) by serum ferrition. Therefore, proper nutrition education is required for good nutrition desirable food habits, weight control, and guidance for iron deficiency in anemic female of adolescents.
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The Relationships of Health-Related Lifestyles with Homocysteine, Folate, and Vitamin $B_{12}$ Status in Korean Adults
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(3):507-515.
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The elevation of plasma total homocysteine(tHcy) is now established as a risk factro for cardiovascular disease. It is also well known that plasma levels of folate and vitamin $B_{12}$ influences homocysteine metabolism as cofactors. Recently, the effects of health-related lifestyle factors, such as smoking, alcohol drinking coffee consumption, regular exercise, and etc, on plasma tHcy have been determined. The Hordalane Homocysteine Study revealed that smoking and coffee consumption are major deter minants of plasma tHcy as well as folate levels; however, the influence of alcohol intake is still controversial. In Koreans, the effects of lifestyle factors of plasma tHcy have not yet been determined. Thus, we investigated the relationships of various lifestyle determinants with plasma tHcy, folate, and vitamin $B_{12}$ levels and the erythrocyte folate concentrations in Korean adults (99 males and 96 fermales). Plasma tHcy levels were significantly hight in male subjects. On the contrary, plasma levels of folate and vitamin $B_{12}$ and erythrocyte folate concentration of the females were significantly higher than those of the males. Among the five lifestyle factors determined in the study, regular exercise significantly affects plasma tHcy levels only in the females, Contrary to the expectation, there were on significant differences in plasma tHcy levels between alcohol drinkers and non-alcohol drinkers as well as smokers and non-smokers. And also, plasma tHcy leverls were not different between coffee consumers and non-coffee consumer and between green tea consumers and non-green tea consumers. Although alcohol intake did not influence plasma tHcy levels, the duration, frequency, and amount of alcohol drinking showed significant negative relationships with plasma folate levers. These results indicate the regular exercise and alcohol intake might influence plasma levels of tHcy and folate in Koreans, although the results were not reveled in both sexes.
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Nutrient Intake and Related Factors in Middle-Aged Urban Adults
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(3):516-526.
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Working towards the compression of morbidity, we attempted to find the way to contribute to desirable aging and/or healthy old age. By looking into the factors affecting nutrient intake in middle-aged adults, we sought to find ways to improve their health status, Two hundred and fifty middle-aged adults from 40 to 60 years of age residing in Seoul and its vicinity were recruited for the survey. Subjects were interviewed for general characteristics, dietary habits lifestyle, status and food intake by a trained interviewer. Two -day food record was included in addition to the 1 -day 24 hr recall. Date were analyzed for the relationship among nutrient intake, health status, socio-economic status dietary habits and lifestyle using a statistical program (SAS) Although the mean energy intake of the subjects did not reach the recommenced dietary allowances(RDA), mean protein intake was well above the RAD for both sex groups(111.2% and 129.1% for men and women, respectively) The caloric contribution of fat was 15 to 20 % of total energy intake among different groups. Riboflavin was the most deficient nutrient and its mean intake reached only 71.0% of RDA for mean This seemed to be due to the lower intake of milk and dairy products among middle-aged Koreans who are more accustomed to traditional meals. Income and exercise habit were the most important factors influencing the nutrient intake of middle-age adults. Also, BMI, smoking habit, level of education regularity of meal, and hours of sleeping influenced the nutrient intake, In conclusion, middle-age adults appeared to have similar problems with the elderly in terms of nutrient intake and this age group should to included when considering nutritionally vulnerable groups in addition to the elderly and young children. The improvement in the nutrition status of middle-age adults is even more important because that could lead into the better health the elderly.
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Nutrition Status of the Rural Elderly Living in Kyungnam-Focusing on Health-Related Habits , Dietary Behaviors of Nutrient Intakes-
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(3):527-541.
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This study was conducted to provide basic information on the nutritional status and health status of the rural elderly. The food intake, food habits and others health related factors were surveryed by interview method. The subjects was 200 people(71 male, 129 female) aged over 65 year in the Han-an area. The obtained results as follows; Their average age is 73.5$\pm$5.6. Mean height and weight of elderly men were 163 cm and 58.1 kg. respectively and 148.7 cm and 50.0 kg for women. The regularity appetite and frequency of eating snacks and eating out were higher in men than in women. The favorite snacks for men were alcohol fruit coffee and for women was fruit, candy, cookies and coffee. The daily alcohol drinking and smoking ration were 50.0%, 60.6% for men, respectively and 14.0%, 24.8 % for women. The nutritional intake ratio to RDA of men was significantly higher than women. Especially, the intakes of energy, Ca, Vit.A, Vit B$_1$, Vit B$_2$ niacin were extremely low in women. The frequency of alcohol intake was related to nutrient intake of women . There was a negative correlation between age. smoking rate and the nutritional intake. The pocket money, weight height appetite, and frequency of snacks showed a positive relation to nutritional intake. In conclusion the study shows that gender did influence food intake in the elderly, Food intake of women was extremely in deficit, because the most elderly rural women live alone. For successful aging. a program for rural elderly is needed on the govermment level, i.e actions to provide minimum economic life, food delivery and psychological/ physical health care through regional pubilc health centers.
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Food Intake Frequency, and Compliance in Stroke Patients
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(3):542-552.
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The purpose of this study was to investigate dietary habits and food compliance in stroke patients. One-hundred sixty eight elderly stroke patients and 97 young patients with first -ever stroke admitted to Asan Medical Center between 1994 and 1998 were studied. Using a structured interview, we assessed food intake. food consumption frequency and compliance to low salt, low meat hight fish and high fruit and vegetable diets. These results were analyzed with X$^2$, t-tests, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the SAS package program. Salted food intake and cholesterol-containing food frequency were increased whereas frequency of fruits and vegetables intake was decreased in young stroke patients compared to the elderly. Meat intake and cholesterol-containing food frequency were increased in the males compared to the females in elderly stroke patients. and fish intake and cholesterol-containing food frequency were higher in the males than the females in the young. In patients with high economic status, frequency of fruits and vegetables was elevated. Also compliance the low meat and high fruit and vegetable diet in young patients was lower than that in the elderly. When the life-style risk factors influencing the food intake of frequency of fruits and vegetables was affected by education in young stroke patients. In elderly stroke patients, meat intake frequency of cholesterol-containing foods and fruits and vegetables were influenced by sex and /or income. Our results suggest that dietary intake of salt meat ,cholesterol-containing foods. fruits and vegetables in stroke patients may vary with age, sex the presence of risk factors or economic status therefore guidelines and nutrition education should by formulated to prevent stroke recurrence based on dietary habits and risk factors of individual patients.
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Characteristics of the Organizational Structures of Free Meal Service Centers and Cooperation with Community
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(3):553-564.
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The purpose of this research was to observe the management system of 18 free meal service centers for the low-income homebound elderly in Chungcheongbuk-Do In order researchers interviewed staff members of the free meal service centers. Based on the results of interviews with staff members of the meal service organization. only two centers used a standard recipe. and most of the meal preparation was controlled under the experience of volunteers. Only two meal service centers employed dietitians due to the lak of budgets. The cost of a meal per day ranged from ₩ 556 to ₩2,750 and the number of attendants at meal service ranged from 35 to 350 persons. The budget for most of the meal service centers is not enough to provide meals for the elderly who want to participated in free meal service programs. Home delivery meal service was not considered due to the lake of manpower and areal dispersion in rural ares. Most meal service organizations did not cooperate with other community service organizations. Several improvement strategies are recommended for the effective running of the free meal service centers. First, a nutrition specialist should be included in the staff members of the service organization to provide nutritious meal service to the elderly Second, a joint control system might be introduced into the present system to reduced the cost and the recover the limitations of areal dispersion. Third, service, coordination should be considered to overcome the problem of lake resources.
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