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Volume 12(4); August 2007
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Original Articles
A Study on Lifestyles, Dietary Habits, Nutrition Knowledge and Dietary behaviors of Male University Students According to Residence Type
Jung Hyun Hwang, Hong Mie Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2007;12(4):381-395.   Published online August 31, 2007
AbstractAbstract PDF
For the purposes of participation in research projects, living in a laboratory has become popular among male university students who tend to have less opportunity for nutrition education and overestimate their own health, suggesting possibilities of many undesirable practices of lifestyle and dietary habits. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate and compare health-related lifestyle practices, dietary habits, nutrition knowledge, food preference and dietary behaviors of the male university students according to residence type. The subjects were 260 (34, 15, 44, and 167, respectively for lab-living, self-boarding, dormitory and commuting) male engineering majors in the Gyeonggi area. Self-administered questionnaires consisted of general characteristics, health-related lifestyle practices, dietary habits, fast food consumption, nutrition knowledge, preference for foods and tastes, and selfexamination of dietary behaviors. Lab-living subjects showed many undesirable practices, particularly with more smokers (p < 0.05), irregular eating (p < 0.01), overeating (p < 0.05) and skipping breakfast (p < 0.01), compared to the dormitory students and more time in computer/TV usage (p < 0.05), overeating (p < 0.05), more frequent use of fastfood (p < 0.05), less nutrition knowledge (p < 0.01) and less intake of milk/dairy products (p < 0.01) and fruits (p < 0.01), compared to commuting subjects. More smokers (p < 0.05) and irregular (p < 0.01) and unrelaxed meal times (p < 0.05), compared to the dormitory group, and less intake of fruits (p < 0.01) and dietary fiber (p < 0.01), compared to the commuting group were shown as undesirable practices of the self-boarding group. Therefore, continuous effort should be made to correct undesirable health- and diet-related practices found in this study in order to improve nutritional status as well as general health by developing a nutrition education program and contents of lectures focusing on more specific problems according to each subgroup such as lab-living and self-boarding male university students.
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Levels of Serum Antioxidant Minerals and Enzyme Capacities of Korean Male Patients with Coronary Artery Disease
Eugene Shim, Soo Yeon Kim, Eun Jung Chung, Seung Yun Cho, Yang Cha Lee-Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2007;12(4):396-404.   Published online August 31, 2007
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Increased oxidative stress contributes to the progression of atherosclerosis. We measured serum antioxidant mineral concentrations, capacities of serum antioxidant enzymes and fasting lipid profile in 97 male patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and 21 male controls. Nutrient intake was assessed by the semi-quantitative food frequency method. CAD patients were divided into single-vessel disease (SVD, n = 66) and multi-vessel disease (MVD, n = 31) groups on the coronary angiography. The ratio of serum LDL- to HDL-cholesterol elevated with an increasing number of diseased vessels compared to the control (control < SVD
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Needs Assessment for Developing a Nutrition Information Site for Elementary School Children Among Elementary School Dietitians
Yun Ahn, Hyungmee Kim, Jung Sook Seo, Eun Young Yoon, Hyun Joo Bae, Kyungwon Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2007;12(4):405-416.   Published online August 31, 2007
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was to examine the needs among elementary school dietitians (n = 115) for developing a nutrition information internet site for children. A survey questionnaire included general characteristics, internet use regarding health and nutrition information, and needs for developing a nutrition information site. The mean age of the subjects was 36.2 years. The higher working experience group (> 10 years of working as dieticians) had higher mean age (p < 0.001), had a larger number of enrolled students at school (p < 0.01) and the number of those receiving school lunch (p < 0.01) than the counterparts (< or = 10 years group). Sources of health and nutrition information were mainly PC/internet (60.4%) and seminar (14.4%). About 95% used health or nutrition information using the internet, however, the majority of users (71.6%) used internet information only when they needed it. Major reasons for using internet information was 'to get nutrition education materials' (63.8%) and 'to obtain general nutrition information' (21%). One third of the subjects were satisfied with nutrition information internet sites; major problems with internet sites were 'lack of content' (38.9%) and 'lack of practical information' (33%). These characteristics regarding internet use were not different between work experience groups. Major problems with nutrition education were 'lack of nutrition educational materials' (41.1%) and 'lack of nutrition education skills' (32.1%). These were significantly different between the work experience groups (p < 0.01). Subjects preferred CD/ internet to leaflet/booklet as nutrition educational materials. In developing nutrition sites for children, subjects wanted topics such as obesity assessment, dietary assessment, and obesity. Subjects responded that contents of nutrition information should be 'suitable to the children's knowledge levels' (31.1%), 'interesting enough by including quizzes, games and songs' (27.8%), 'inserting many illustrations/icons' (16.3%). In terms of designing internet sites for children, they wanted that internet sites should 'be easy enough to find the sites' (29.2%), 'use illustrations and characters' (24.8%), 'use communication channels such as Q&A' (18.7%). Needs for developing internet sites for children were not different by the work experience group. This study suggests that web sites for children should be carefully developed considering the contents and design, have less information with more illustrations, designed to induce the interest of children, as well as including sections such as eating habit assessment and games.
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Using and Understanding of Nutrition Labels and Related Factors among Female Adults in the Seoul Area
Jayong Chung, Mi Jin Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2007;12(4):417-425.   Published online August 31, 2007
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence of nutrition label use and its association with demographic, weight control related factors, and diet among female adults in the Seoul area. Also, the study subjects' comprehension of nutrition labels was examined using objective measures. 279 females, between ages of 20 and 49, participated in this study. 66% of the participants reported to always or often use nutrition labels when purchasing foods. Nutrition label use was significantly higher among participants who were interested in losing weight and have more knowledge on nutrition, but significantly lower among subjects who were underweight (p < 0.05). Label users had higher fruit consumption and lower intake of fatty foods and snacks (p < 0.01). Only 20% of participants answered correctly regarding questions about the total amount of calories and fats contained in the entire food package tested, and only 15% answered correctly on questions about understanding of the % daily value. Comprehension of nutrition labels were significantly lower among participants who were less educated, underweight, and married (p < 0.05). In conclusion, our study suggests that proper use of nutrition labels may improve food choices and enable healthy dietary practices. Further efforts are needed to provide public a nutrition education program on how to read nutrition labels. Modifications of nutrition labels to make it easier to understand by the public should also be considered.
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Comparison of Awareness and Practice on Well-being Life and Related Behaviors According to Generations
Hye Kyung Kim, Jin Hee Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2007;12(4):426-439.   Published online August 31, 2007
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to investigate the awareness and practice on well-being life and well-being related behaviors, and the various factors affecting well-being related behaviors such as purchasing food materials, food habits, eating out and daily routine activities. A survey was conducted by questionnaire and on a 5-point Likert scale. The subjects of this study were composed of 221 students and their 102 parents who were over 40 years residing in the Ulsan area. The results of this study are summarized as follows: Almost half of the subjects (47.4%) responded that they have good health conditions; to keep a good health condition, 41.2% of the subjects were exercising regularly and 20.4% of them kept diet control. In regard to the meaning of well-being, 66.6% of the subjects thought it is the lifestyle for physical and mental richness (children: 70.6%, parents: 57.8%). 30.3% of the subjects answered that the most important part of well-being was food related. The importance order was mental richness, food related things, physical health for children, and for the parents, it was food related things, physical health, mental richness. Most of population (45.8%) answered that they have a willingness for the pursuit of a well-being life. Among the well-being related behaviors, 69.7% of subjects have purchased items (children: 61.5%, parents: 87.3%). 37.2% of the subjects have acquired information from TV. The average well-being practice score was 61.01+/-10.36. Children's scores were significantly lower than the parent's scores (p < 0.001). And the average practice score of 'purchasing food materials,' 'eating out,' 'food habits,' 'daily routine activities' were 15.3+/-3.3, 15.5+/-3.1, 16.8+/-3.3 and 13.4+/-3.5, respectively. Among five types of purchasing food materials, 'purchasing domestic agricultural food' was greatest (3.64+/-0.91) and 'purchasing of organic or low agricultural chemical food products' was lowest (3.15+/-0.91). In regard to food habits, 'eating rice and bread made of mixed grains' was greatest (3.46+/-1.12) and 'eating uncooked food or zen food' was lowest (2.46+/-0.99). The practice scores were significantly affected by gender (p < 0.05), monthly income (p < 0.01), educational level (p < 0.01), presence of disease (p < 0.05), subjective health condition (p < 0.05), well-being awareness (p < 0.001) and concern with well-being (p < 0.001). Well-being awareness scores and well-being practice scores are related positively. Therefore various programs in well-being education should be necessary in order to boost the authentic perceptions of well-being and well-being oriented behaviors in any socioeconomic situation, such as different generations; industrial companies producing well-being goods for consumer's needs and satisfaction; and government and local community create various conditions for well-being oriented behavior.
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Effects of Milk Consumption on Calcaneal Quantitative Ultrasound and Bone Turnover Markers of Women Living in Asan
Hee Seon Kim, Min Kyoung Kim, Dong Min Jang, Nam Soo Kim, Jin Ho Kim, Byung Kook Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2007;12(4):440-448.   Published online August 31, 2007
AbstractAbstract PDF
The objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness of 16-month milk consumption as a part of the health promotion community program for women in Asan. Subjects included 313 women belonging to the milk group (mean age = 69.1, range 47~89 y) and 66 women to the control (mean age = 43.6, range 20~69 y) group. For those in the milk group, one cup (200ml) of partially lactose-digested low-fat milk was provided everyday for 16 months. Each subject was interviewed to assess calcium intake by a 24-h recall after fasting blood was obtained for analyzing bone turnover markers, and calcaneus broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) was measured by quantitative ultrasound (QUS) on the left heel before and after the milk supplementation. After 16 months, the calcium intake levels changed from 55% of recommended dietary allowance (RDA) to 85% RDA in the milk group and from 73% RDA to 84% RDA in the control group. BUA were reduced from 67.9+/-8.1 to 64.7+/-17.5 dB/MHz for milk and from 90.4+/-13.0 to 87.2+/-15.2 dB/MHz for control groups. Paired ttest showed the changes of BUA for both groups (-3.24 and -3.15 dB/MHz for milk and control groups, respectively) were significant, but the two groups did not show any differences in absolute changes. When post-BUA was analyzed after age, initial BUA and menopausal status were controlled as covariates in ANCOVA model, the milk group showed significantly (p < 0.05) smaller changes than the control group (-3.50 vs -6.71 dB/MHz, respectively). According to a multiple regression analysis, milk consumption and initial BUA showed significant interaction meaning that those with lower initial BUA showed higher milk effects. We conclude that one-cup a day milk consumption for 16 month can prevent further bone loss and significantly improve calcium intake.
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Changes of Obesity Indices, Body Satisfaction and Self-Esteem of Obese Children on Weight Control Program
Kyung Hee Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2007;12(4):449-461.   Published online August 31, 2007
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was conducted to investigate the changes of physical and psychological factors of obese children, obesity indices and blood serum levels, food habits and body and self-esteem after a weight control program. The results from this study were as follows: Participants of the study involved 20 boys (48.8%) and 21 girls (51.2%) totaling 41 children. Children's weight control experiences were 90.2% and parents' were 59.5%. Among methods of weight control, children and parents both used exercise and reduced amounts of meals. Sixty-one percent of the children had breakfast almost everyday. The reasons of skipping breakfast were having no time to eat by 44.4% and 50% of children watched TV while having a meal and they considered taste (55.3%) and nutrition value (21.1%) when choosing food. After the weight control program, the children's body fat percent (%) significantly decreased from 40.3% to 35.4% (p < 0.01). There was significant difference of boys and girls' hip circumferences (92.9 cm, 91.4 cm, p < 0.01) after the program but there was only a slight change in their WHR (0.91, 0.92). Girls' waist circumferences significantly decreased from 75.0 cm to 73.0 cm (p < 0.05) and there was a significant increase in HDL-cholesterol, 50.0 (mg/dL) to 55.2 (mg/dL), (p < 0.05). Knowledge levels of obesity significantly increased from 2.5 to 5.1 in the girls' cases (p < 0.001). Nonetheless, attitudes of weight control and food habits score had not changed a lot. After the program, both the boys and girls' body-esteem had significantly increased (p < 0.01) but self-esteem had not changed. These results suggest that a body weight control program must be included in nutrition education, exercise and psychotherapy to improve body and self-esteem of obese children.
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Development of the Computer-assisted Nutrition Education Program of Eating-out Guidance for Teenagers
Eun Young Bae, Kyung Hea Lee, Eun Soon Lyu, Eun Sil Her
Korean J Community Nutr 2007;12(4):462-476.   Published online August 31, 2007
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study aimed to develop a nutrition education internet program for correcting the eating-out behaviorial problems of youth. A survey was performed to investigate the eating-out behavior patterns of youth by questionnaires. A nutrition education program was developed on the basis of the survey results, and evaluated by teenagers. The results of the developed homepage are summarized as follows: The contents of this program ( consist of 'x Health (Teenager, My Health, Healthy life, Beautiful life)', '+ Nutrition (To find slow foods, Fast foods campaign, Selecting fast foods, The best menu for eating-out, Recipes for health, Golden bell nutrition quiz)', '/ Information (Diet mini-homepage, Q & A, My knowhow, Game, Community)' and 'Basic Menu (home, Log in, Information and news, Mini-homepage, Site map, Free bulletin board)'. It can be used as educational material for dietary behaviorial changes in school. Also teachers and parents could get information on eating-out menus. Through this site, we anticipate contributing to nutritional health promotion by correcting the eating-out habits of youth.
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Comparison of Health Status and Dietary Habits by Percent Body Fat (PBF) Change for Adult Women in the Weight Control Program by the Community Health Center
Hyun Kyung Moon, Hyun Jin Lee, Young Park
Korean J Community Nutr 2007;12(4):477-488.   Published online August 31, 2007
AbstractAbstract PDF
Prevalence of an obese population has been increasing in Korea. Obesity is considered a major risk factor for chronic degenerative diseases. Specifically, prevalence of obesity is prominent for adult woman in Korea. In many weight control programs, weight change did not often show any beneficial effects for health. These facts discourage people in the program. Thus in this study, the anthropometry, blood pressure, serum biochemical indices and dietary habits were compared by percent body fat change for adult women to show the beneficial effects of the weight control program. Study subjects were 134. Measurements were done before and after the weight control program. Percent Body Fat (PBF) was measured by bioelectrical impedance analysis. Using PBF changes, subjects were grouped as I (more than 1% increase), M (+/- 1% change), and D (more than 1% decrease). Data were analyzed using SPSS 12.0 program. Among the 134 participants, 13 increased their weight and 100 decreased. For PBF, 19 increased and 59 decreased. Statistical significant differences were shown for anthropometric assessments before and after for all weight, fat mass, percent body fat, waist-hip ratio and body mass index. I had increases, and D shows decreases. But the difference of D is large than M. Systolic and diastolic blood pressures decreased in all groups (p < 0.05). Fasting blood glucose decreased in all groups but were statistically significant only in D. Also triglyceride decreased in D (p < 0.05). Thus health conditions showed desirable changes in I
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Factors Affecting Intention to Participate in School Breakfast Programs of Middle and High School Students in Seoul
Yangsuk Kim, Jihyun Yoon, Haengran Kim, Sungok Kwon
Korean J Community Nutr 2007;12(4):489-500.   Published online August 31, 2007
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to determine factors affecting intention to participate in school breakfast programs of middle and high school students in Seoul using the Theory of Planned Behavior. Out of 2,280 questionnaires distributed to the middle and high school students, 2,060 were returned (90.4% response rate) and 1,799 were analyzed (78.9% analysis rate). To determine factors affecting intention to participate in school breakfast programs, logistic regression analyses were conducted for middle and high school students, respectively. For logistic regression, data of 1,217 out of 1,799 students (637 middle and 580 high school students) were used after excluding 582 students which had an answer 'Not sure' to the question about intention to participate in school breakfast programs. In case of middle school students, male than female students (OR = 1.504), the students who skipped all breakfast (OR = 1.851), who ate breakfast 1~2 times (OR = 3.474) or 3~4 times (OR = 1.950) than those who ate breakfast everyday during weekdays of the previous week were more likely to participate in school breakfast programs. In case of high school students, male than female (OR = 1.967), the students who skipped all breakfast (OR = 4.187), the students who ate breakfast 1~2 times (OR = 3.024) or 3~4 times (OR = 2.095) than those who ate breakfast everyday during weekdays of the previous week were more likely to participate in school breakfast programs. In addition, both possibility of middle and high school students' participation in school breakfast programs increased as the satisfaction with school lunch service (OR = 1.704, 1.653) increased. Middle school students who perceived their household income level 'low or middle low' (OR = 1.999) than those who perceived their household income level 'middle' and the students who had more positive 'attitude' (OR = 1.311) toward eating breakfast were more likely to participate in school breakfast programs. However, high school students who had higher 'perceived difficulty in access to breakfast' (OR = 1.370) were more likely to participate in school breakfast programs. The results of this study could be useful data to plan and develop school breakfast programs in Korea.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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