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Volume 11(5); October 2006
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Original Articles
Effect of Mothers' Weaning Attitudes on Their Children's Food Habits and Development
Joo Hee Lee, Changim Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2006;11(5):551-561.   Published online October 31, 2006
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This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of mothers' attitudes on preparing baby foods for their children's food habits and development. The subjects were allocated to 419 preschool children, aged 3 - 5 years. This study surveyed by questionnaire, which was answered by the children's mothers. Subjects were classified by two groups, active and passive, based on their mothers' weaning attitudes. In the active group, mothers tried to make a variety of foods for preparing the baby foods, whereas mothers in the passive group didn't try to make it too much. Family income was higher in the active group and the subjects' mothers had more jobs than those in the passive group, whereas their parent's education levels showed no differences. According to Rohrer index, 2.6% of subjects were obese in the active group, whereas 7.7% in the passive group. These data were shown significantly different between the groups. There were no differences in mother's food habits and breast-feeding versus formula feeding between the two groups. However, children's food habits were shown statistically different between the two groups. Higher regularity of meals, higher frequencies of snacks at home, higher frequencies of fruit, corn, sweet potato as a snacks and less instant foods were revealed in the active group more than in the passive group. The major problem of children's food habits was an unbalanced diet (52.7%) and the major reasons for unbalanced diet were the taste (58.7%) and the texture (23.2%). The active group used more fruits and vegetables than the passive group. Also there were significant differences to solve problems of children's unbalanced diets. In the positive group, 14.4% of mothers tried to develop new cooking methods for solving the problem of an unbalanced diet, but 8.2% did in the passive group. Furthermore, 2.3% of mothers in the positive group removed unpleasant items of the food, whereas 6.9% did in the passive. The average nutritional knowledge scores on a 10 scale were 7.2 and 6.9 in active and passive groups, respectively, and they were statistically different. Mothers among the active group explained the knowledge for food and nutrition to their children more than those in the passive group. These results suggest that mothers' attitudes for baby food are an important factor for forming their children's food habits. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a nutritional education program, materials and new recipes for a variety of baby foods to mothers.
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Comparison of Weight Control Behavior and Self-esteem between Healthy Weight and Obese Children
Seolhyang Baek, Junghee Yeo
Korean J Community Nutr 2006;11(5):562-574.   Published online October 31, 2006
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The study compared eating and physical activity related behaviors and self-esteem between healthy weight and obese children by presenting 175 primary school students in Busan City and Gyeongsang province with a self-reported questionnaire and Coopersmith's self-esteem inventory. The questionnaire was composed of 25 items, weighted primarily by a Likert scale. The self-esteem inventory presented to the students comprised 25 "Yes" or "No" response questions to different statements. The study found obese children were more likely to think they always had to control their weight (p = 0.000), reportedly measuring their weights significantly more than the healthy weight children. Also the study found that obese children are significantly more likely than healthy weight children to go on a diet, however neither group were successful in losing weight as the duration of the diet in 79.5% of the total sample lasted no longer than one week. In comparison to healthy weight children, obese children reported that they consumed fewer snacks during the day, avoided snacking subsequent to an evening meal and exercised more frequently for as long as physically possible. Interestingly, we found no difference of reported self-esteem between groups, though the obese group were more likely to answer that their parents did not understand them (p = 0.055). Based on these findings, we concluded that the obese children who participated in the study were more aware of their body weights than the healthy weights children. It may be necessary to investigate further the relationship between self-esteem and participants' weights while considering other variables such as personality and body image.
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Dietary Intakes and Serum Lipids and Iron Indices in Obese Children
Jin Yi Kim, Young Shin Han, Hyun Sook Bae, Hong Seok Ahn
Korean J Community Nutr 2006;11(5):575-586.   Published online October 31, 2006
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was performed to compare nutrient intakes, diet quality and serum indices (TG, Total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, RBC, Hb, Hct, Serum iron, ferritin, MCV) of obese and normal weight children. The subjects were 149 children living in the Seoul and Gyeonggi areas. Each subject was assigned to one of such as normal weight group (15th < or = BMI percentile < 85th, n = 82) or obese children (85th < or = BMI percentile, n = 67) according to their percentile of BMI by The Korean Pediatric Society. Data on dietary intakes, body composition and serum indices were obtained. Differences of all the above variables were assessed. Energy, carbohydrate, fat, cholesterol, total fatty acid, SFA, MUFA, PUFA, phosphate, potassium, zinc, vitamin B1 and vitamin B6 intakes of girls in the obese group were higher than those of the normal weight group (p < 0.05). The intake of fiber was as insufficient as below 50% of KDRIs in both groups. Nutrient adequacy ratio of calcium, iron, phosphate, zinc and folate in obese boys were lower than those of normal weight boys (p < 0.05). Energy intakes of grain and milk and dairy food in the obese girl group (905.9 +/- 344.5 kcal, 210.9 +/- 166.4 kcal) were higher than those of normal weight girls (671.2 +/- 360.7 kcal, 184.0 +/- 103.5 kcal) (p < 0.05). HDL-cholesterol level of obese boys (52.7 +/- 6.3 mg/dL) was significantly lower than that of normal weight boys (65.3 +/- 15.6 mg/dL). Serum iron level of obese boys and girls (boys: 79.4 +/- 32.6 mg/dL, girls: 98.3 +/- 16.2 mg/dL) was significantly lower than those of normal weight children (boys: 104.8 +/- 38.6 mg/dL, girls: 106.7 +/- 28.9 mg/dL) (p < 0.05). These results suggest that there should be sensible food selection and more intakes of fruit and vegetable are needed to improve the nutritional status in obese children.
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Relationship between Nutritional Status and Facial Sebum Content of Young Women
Young Sook Park, Farrah Rou, Sunga Jaegal
Korean J Community Nutr 2006;11(5):587-597.   Published online October 31, 2006
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was performed in order to identify nutritional factors affecting on skin sebum content with 131 female university undergraduates in 2003. We measured the sebum contents of 4 facial spots to classify their skin types. Daily energy and nutrient intakes of the subjects were not deficient except in calcium and iron, which were 466.2 mg (66.6% RDA) and 8.5 mg (53.4%RDA) relatively. We observed no significant difference of energy and nutrient intakes among the 3 skin types. But significantly higher consumption of grains and slightly higher frequencies of several food groups (excepting starches) were shown in oily skin types, so they might have higher nutrient intakes. Serum indices and food preferences mostly revealed no difference among the 3 skin types. But in the oily skin type, serum phosphorus levels were significantly lower than others, suggesting phosphorus-rich food consumption like soft drinks and grains could lead to a dry skin type rather than an oily one. Also in the oily skin type, sweet taste preference was slightly lower than others; moreover, sweet intake was lower samely significantly. There was mostly no significant relationship between facial sebum contents and nutrient intakes, dietary behavior, food frequency and food preference except in some factors. Animal protein intake showed a significant negative relationship toward facial sebum content. On the other hand, in normal skin type, fishes consumed was slightly higher than others, so that higher animal protein consumption presumably leads to normal skin type. Frequency of fried food and bacon and preference of fried foods showed slightly negative relationships toward facial sebum content. Regular meal times showed significantly increased facial sebum content.
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The Effect Evaluation of Nutrition Education Program for Preschool Children in Gyunggi-do
Kyung Hee Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2006;11(5):598-607.   Published online October 31, 2006
AbstractAbstract PDF
The following study has been conducted by carrying out the nutrition education program for preschool children and measuring the change in their food preference and nutritional knowledge. The 28 boys and 22 girls with the average height of 117.4 +/- 5.1 cm and weight 21.8 +/- 3.5 kg participated in the study. The favorite foods of the children were: meat (51.1%) being the highest, fruits (38.3%), carbohydrates (23.4%), while the least favored food was vegetables (75%). It indicated that 36.2% of the children were having unbalanced diets. The change in food preference after the implementation of the nutrition education program was the significant increase in preference in vegetables and fruits (p < 0.01) and proteins such as meat, fish, eggs and beans (p < 0.05). The differences in food preference among boys and girls were that the boys showed significant increase in vegetables and fruits (p < 0.01) while there was a decrease in the simple sugar groups (p < 0.01). Regarding girls, there were significant increases in vegetables and fruits as well as protein groups of meat, fish, eggs and beans (p < 0.01). The changes in the nutritional knowledge of the preschool children after the implementation of the nutrition education program were scores for the fruits and vegetables group and carbohydrates group showed a significant increase while the scores for the oil and nuts group had decreased considerably. The average score on nutritional knowledge has significantly increased from 9.07 to 10.17 (p < 0.01) and the score on the roles of the nutrients increased from 3.02 to 3.48 (p < 0.05). The changes in eating habits of the children after the nutrition education were the answer for the change in eating habits of the children after the nutrition education was "slight change" 61.4%. Also, the change in food preference was "slight change" 61.4% and the improvement in nutrition education was "slightly" 50%. According to the results of this study, it is evident that the change in eating habits and the acquisition of nutritional knowledge is very difficult, thus requiring consistent and prolonged education. Therefore, it seems to be best to include a more systematic and professional nutrition education program in preschool education. Also, the education for the parents should be implemented since the effect of education on children is greater when it is closely connected with the education at home.
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The Study on Dietary Behaviors of Elementary School Student in Chungnam Area According to the School Food Service Type, Gender and Grade
Hye Soon Chang, Myung Ja Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2006;11(5):608-617.   Published online October 31, 2006
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study compared the food habits and attitudes towards dietary life culture in types of feeding management, gender and grade. The subjects were 352 elementary school students who lived in Seocheon, Chungnam. The independently managed school students were better than jointly managed school students in food habits (p < 0.05). In skipping school meals, upper grade students were skipped more than lower grade students (p < 0.05). In rate of eating school meals, boys were faster than girls (p < 0.001). The independently managed school students and the jointly managed school students were different on distasteful food. Boys disliked vegetables and girls disliked cereals and beans (p < 0.05). Upper grade students ate more well-balanced meals than lower grade students (p < 0.05). As for the question "what you will do if the distasteful foods are provided through school meals", they responded. the highest percent of students, "I will try once or twice". And the response "I have them for health" was higher independently in managed school students than the jointly managed school students (p < 0.05), girls than boy (p < 0.05), and the lower grades than the upper grades (p < 0.05). As for the question "what you will do if the distasteful foods are provided, after the guide for school meals was performed", the response, "I will make an effort to have it" accounted for the highest percents, and there were differences in lower grade students who were high percents than upper grade students (p < 0.01). As for the recognition for unbalanced diets, most of the students recognized that it is a "bad habit"; the girl students accounted for more percentage than boys (p < 0.05). The criterion of food choice were different in gender and grade (p < 0.01). As for the factor of influences for the food habits formation, lower grade students were "school education" and upper grade students were "parents" (p < 0.05). Thus, the systematic guide for proper intakes of nutrition should be performed. Also, the time when students can be educated by an expert of nutritional education, which is connected with school meals and students can grow healthily.
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Analysis on the Donators' Characteristics of Government-dominant and Non-governmental Food Bank Programs
Mi Na Jo, Min Ah Hong, Hye Seung Kang, Il Sun Yang
Korean J Community Nutr 2006;11(5):618-628.   Published online October 31, 2006
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to examine the donators' characteristics and donative foods of both government-dominant and non-governmental food bank program, to understand the problems and benefits of food bank program, and to find the solutions to activate food bank program. The questionnaires were distributed to 120 food bank operators and 3 donators were selected from each food bank for the survey from April 2002 to May 2002. 118 sheets (32.8%) from government-dominant food bank and 53 sheets (20.1%) from non-governmental food bank were collected. The main results of this study were as follows: The largest donators to either government-dominant or non-governmental food bank programs were bakery and confectionery companies 31.4% and 45.3% respectively. The majority of donated foods were "goods in stock" (55.6%) and frequency of donation were largely on a daily basis (27.1% for government-dominant and 22.6% for non-governmental). Some of the donators who had more donative food did not donate, and the reasons were closeness to expiration date of food (67.3%), lack of legal protection in the event of food poisoning (54.5%), and poor public image of food related accidents (52.3%).
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Analysis on the Characteristics of Government-dominant and Non-governmental Food Bank Programs from the Operators' Perspective
Min Ah Hong, Mina Jo, Hye Seung Kang, Il Sun Yang
Korean J Community Nutr 2006;11(5):629-641.   Published online October 31, 2006
AbstractAbstract PDF
The objectives of this study were to: (a) examine the overall operating conditions of both government-dominant and non-governmental food bank programs, (b) understand the operational management attributes on the target based on IPA (importance performance analysis)(c) analyze the present status of donating management, and (d) suggest a direction based on the analysis of advantages and disadvantages of food banks in each part. The random samples of 120 food bank operators were selected by a proportionate stratified random sampling method. A total of 60 government-dominant food banks and 25 non-governmental food banks were analyzed. The main results of this study were as follows: According to the Importance-Performance Analysis of operational management, "assistance for operating funds" and "deployment of experience staff" were placed at "Focus Here". There was a great shortage of experienced staff with food bank-specific knowledge. The average number of the government-dominant and non-governmental food bank program employees was 0.29 and 0.30 respectively, while the ratios of employees with other jobs were 0.96 and 0.83 respectively. Shortages of refrigeration facilities were an area that needs to be addressed. While 51.6% of donated food required cold storage, only 45% of government-dominant and 60% of non-governmental food bank programs had refrigeration facilities. Most of food bank operators (96.3%) were required to visit the donators' locations to pick up the donated foods. And the foods were distributed to the people in need, especially to the livelihood protectee.
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Using Activity-Based Cost in Menu Engineering for Restaurant Menu Analysis
Bong Shik Lee, Seo Young Shin, Mi Kyung Choi
Korean J Community Nutr 2006;11(5):642-649.   Published online October 31, 2006
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purposes of this study were to investigate methods of applying activity-based cost to menu engineering and to examine the feasibility. A total of 6 menu items of XYZ restaurant in Seoul were selected and the ledger of September 2005 was used for menu analysis. The menu mix percent of beef sirloin steak (61.95%) and beef tenderloin steak (17.13%) were labeled as high, whereas BBQ pork ribs (4.94%), salmon fillet (2.66%), seafood platter (5.77%), and teriyaki chicken (7.56%) showed low menu mix percent. In addition, the contribution margin for BBQ pork ribs (29,000 won), salmon fillet (25,810 won), seafood platter (22,400 won), and teriyaki chicken (22,000 won) were higher than the average contribution margin (21,957 won), and those for beef sirloin steak (21,200 won) and beef tenderloin steak (21,900 won) were lower than average. When popularity and contribution margin were applied in menu engineering, BBQ pork ribs, salmon fillet, seafood platter and teriyaki chicken were classified as puzzles and beef tenderloin steak and beef sirloin steak as plowhorses. Menu engineering using popularity and operating profit, which was calculated from activity-based cost, also gave the same results, whereas the additional label for activity cost placed BBQ pork ribs and salmon fillet in the brain teaser category. Ranking analysis on variables estimating menu profitability using Spearman's rho revealed that there were no significant correlation between variables, which means the estimation of menu item profitability could differ by methods of analysis. With these results, it was concluded that activity-based cost would help to establish more detailed marketing strategy for a restaurant.
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Product Development and Market Testing of Ready-to-Eat Mandu with Pond-Snail as a Health Food
Hyeja Chang, Yoonkyung Hwang
Korean J Community Nutr 2006;11(5):650-660.   Published online October 31, 2006
AbstractAbstract PDF
Recently, according to increase in production of pond snails resulting from the widespread organic farming, organic farmers are showing a lot of interests in the promotion of consumption and extending the market of pond snails. This study was performed to suggest the process of product development of the ready-to-eat pond-snail Mandu as a health food, to show the results of market test of the pilot product, and to investigate the change of the sensory characteristics during storage periods. For the market test of pond-snail Mandu, the survey was developed and delivered to consumers. The questionnaire consisted of 3 parts such as respondents demographic characteristics, customer's perception of pond-snail Mandu before tasting, and customer's perception of that after tasting. And the market test was carried out with university students, welfare institution residents and apartment residents in the Seoul and Gyeonggi areas. As a result of the test, the most important purchasing factors were determined in the order of taste (49.5%), hygienic quality (12.5%), nutritional value (10%) and price (9%). And only 4.2% of respondents selected brand name as an important purchasing factor. After tasting pondsnail Mandu, consumers had suggested the better taste (t = 6.986, p < 0.000) and price (t = 2.082, p < 0.05) than those of before tasting. In response to favorable impression of pond-snail Mandu, 54.5% of total respondents evaluated positively. The favorable impressions came from iron-rich Mandu (27.6%), high protein and nutritious Mandu (24.4%), calcium-rich Mandu (17.9%), diet Mandu (13.3%), and delicious Mandu (12.5%) respectively. Sensory characteristics of pond-snail Mandu were evaluated by professional panels in terms of the softness of Mandu skin, chewiness, moistness, toothpacking, color, aroma, saltiness, and degree of plain, taste, and aftertaste. The evaluation of sensory characteristics on a 7-point scale, showed that softness of mandu skin (4.44) and aftertaste (4.11) got a low scores. The statistical difference of the tastes (p > 0.05) was not founded by storage period of 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. Based on the result, the improvement of these characteristics are desired in developing the pond-snail Mandu. Research method applied to this study can be useful for developing a new product.
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Dietary Risk Factors Associated with Hypertension in Patients
Sook Mee Son, Gwui Yeop Huh
Korean J Community Nutr 2006;11(5):661-672.   Published online October 31, 2006
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was performed to determine the dietary risk factors associated with hypertension. The hypertensive group were composed of 112 hypertensive patients (male 53, female 59) who first visited the hypertension clinic and had been diagnosed as having primary hypertension (SBP > or = 140 mmHg or DBP > or = 90 mmHg). The regular visitors or the subjects on special diets or medical therapies were excluded. The normal group consisted of as subjects (male 41, female 54) matched with age and socioeconomic levels. The subjects having higher intakes (above the 75 percentile) in energy, protein, iron, vitamin A or C showed significantly higher hypertension risk estimated with odds ratio after the covariance factors (age, sex and BMI) were adjusted. More than 2400 mg of sodium (6 g of salt) intake was associated with significantly higher risk of hypertension (odds ratio: 1.773, CI: 1.014 - 3.014 for SBP > or = 140 mmHg; odds ratio: 2.373, CI: 1.359 - 4.215 for DBP > or = 90 mmHg). Hypertensive group showed significantly increased intakes of vegetables and fish and shell fish compared to the normal group. When the vegetable intakes were classified into Kimchi, fresh vegetables and cooked vegetables with seasoning, the hypertensive group was observed as having higher intakes of Kimchi and cooked vegetables with seasoning. The intakes of highest quartile for vegetables (> or = 327 g/day)(odds ratio: 3.164, CI: 1.740 - 5.752), fish and their products (> or = 102 g/day)(odds ratio: 2.756, CI: 1.486 - 5.109), grains(> or = 311 g/day)(odds ratio 2.393, CI: 1.186 - 4.832), meats and their product (> or = 106 g)(odds ratio: 2.210, CI: 1.225 - 3.987) compared to the lower were significantly associated with the higher risk of hypertension estimated with DBP (> or = 90 mmHg) after covariance factors were adjusted. In conclusion, our findings confirm that higher intake of energy or sodium are associated with the increased risk of hypertension. Because increased intake of vegetable or fish was associated with the higher risk of hypertension, in contrast with the finding of western countries, choosing or preparation of vegetables or fish with reduced salt is recommended.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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