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Volume 2(5); December 1997
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Original Articles
Using Social Science Theories in Community Nutrition
Jeffery Sohal, Soo Kyung Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(5):671-679.   Published online December 31, 1997
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Community nutritionists draw upon theories from the social sciences to improve their work in health promotion and disease prevention. Social science theories are sets of concepts that provide systematic explanations that can predict events or situations, and are classified into several paradigms and worldviews. these theories interact with research and practice around the subject matter of community nutrition. Use of these theories provides benefits in community nutrition by helping to organize thinking about nutrition topics in ways that are useful for assessing, understanding, intervening, and evaluation community nutrition issues. Community nutrition researchers and practitioners can be choose from many available social science theories by evaluating assumptions, scope, applicability, complexity, effectiveness, and other aspects of the theories. Awareness and use of social science theories should enhance the development of community nutrition.
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A Study on Obesity-promoting Factors for the Elementary School Chirdren
Min Shon cheong, Ok Hyun Kim, Ki Chul Cha, Jung Hee Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(5):680-686.   Published online December 31, 1997
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The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships among body composition, dietary intake, exercise, and life style in children(M=80, f=102) of the 5th and 6th grades of elementary school. Anthropometry and multifrequency bioelectrical impedance analysis were conducted to estimate body composition. Dietary intake, exercise, and life style were determined by using . When obesity was classified greater than 120% of the ideal body weight, the prevalence rates of obesity were 31.2% for boy and 20.6% for girl. There were significant differences in body composition between nonobese(NO) and obese(OB) groups. Mean fat mass(FM) and lean body mass(LBM) were 8.6 kg and 27.7 kg for NO group and 16.7 kg and 32.3 kg for OB group, respectively. Also a significant difference was found in hydration rate(TBW/body weight)between groups(<0.01). No significant difference was found I total calorie intake and nutrient intakes between groups. No difference was found in the frequency and duration of outdoor exercise and indoor activities. Mean sleeping hours was 8-9hours for 62% of nonobese children and for 59% of obese children. However, calorie intake per body weight was significantly lower inobese children than in nonobese. The present study showed that significant differences existed in their body size and composition between NO and OB groups, while no differences existed in daily calorie intake, excercise, and life style. This may indicate that important obesity-promoting factors of early onset obesity may rely on other factors such as hereditary or environmental factors besides factors considered. Further studies are required to understand obesity-promoting factors in children.
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Randomized Controlled Trial
Effect of Vitamin C Supplementation on Iron Status of Adolescent Girls with Low Hemoglobin Levels
Joung Won Lee, Chun Keun Park
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(5):687-694.   Published online December 31, 1997
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This study investigated the effects of vitamin C supplementation on the nutritional iron status of 31 adolescent girls, aged 12-15 years, with low hemoglobin levels. They were randomly divided into four groups, and for two groups daily150 mg or 900 mg of L-ascorbic acid(AsA) was given in three equal doses at three meals during 9 weeks. To another group daily 60 mg iron as ferrous sulfate was given in the same way as AsA. The control group was given sugar placebo. Body iron status was monitored through the determination of Hb, Hct, MCHC, and serum ferritin concentrations. Dietary AsA and iron intakes were measured from food consumption surveys performed by 3-day 24-hour recalls. The amount of absorbed iron was estimated from the model of Monsen et al. The average amounts of food iron for four groups were 12.3- 15.0 mg and 11.1 - 18.9 mg at initial and at final period of the supplementation trial, respectively. The tentatively estimated amount of absorbed iron was significantly increased in the 900 mg AsA and iron supplementing groups, but not in the 150 mg AsA and placebo groups. Both Hb and MCHC were improved to above normal levels in all groups except the placebo group. Hct was elevated only in the AsA 900 mg group whose Hct was relatively lower than the other groups. Serum ferritin concentrations of the four groups, which were as low as 8.50 - 14.39ng/mL on average at the intial periods, augmented significantly to 20.18ng/mL and 26.63ng/mL in the 900 mg AsA and iron groups, respectively. Serum ferritin was not elevated in either the AsA 300 mg group or the placebo group. The above data indicated that the daily supplementaion of 150 mg AsA to the meals containing 12-15 mg iron per day promoted Hb levels of adolescent girls with low Hb, and the 900 mg AsA supplementing improved not only Hb level but also body iron store. A supplementation of 60 mg iron per day appeared to be slightly more effective in improving the iron status in comparison to the 900 mg AsA supplement.
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Original Articles
The Effect of an Energy Restriction Program on the Weight Loss and the Change of Biochemical nutritional Status in Obese Women
Sook Mee Son, Hee Jun Kim, Yoon Na Lee, Hing Sup Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(5):695-700.   Published online December 31, 1997
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This study was conducted to investigate the effect of an energy restriction program on the weight loss and changes of the biochemical nutritional status for 35 obese women. The energy restriction program took place over a 3-week period that was devided into two parts. The first part consisted of 750-800kcal diet and the second part of 800-1000kcal. Subjects were provided a low energy formula and a menu for the recommended diet. Anthropometric and biochemical measurement before and after the energy restriction program were estimated. Mean weight loss was 3.0 kg, accordingly the obestiy rate was lowered from 40.2 to 34.4, BMI from 29.2 to 28.9 and fat weight from 23.3 kg to 21.0 kg(<0.01.<0.05). Waist circumference loss was most prominent(4.4%) compared to triceps(21% loss)and hip circumference(2.2%loss). Mean RBC count, hemoglobin and hematocrit were significantly lowered(<0.01) but they were in the normal range. Systolic blood pressure was significantly decreased from 124.1 mmHg to 113.1 mmHg . Mean SGOT and SGPT were lowered from 29.3u/L to 20.0u/L and from 28.7u/L to 16.6u/L, respectively. It seems that the 3 weeks of energy restriction program used in this study was effective in improving anthropometric measurements without producing deficiency of iron or other susceptible nutrients.
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Comparison of Riboflavin Status between Traditional Farming Women and Commercial Farming Women in Korea
Hwa Jae Lim, Jin Sook Yoon
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(5):701-710.   Published online December 31, 1997
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this study was undertaken to compare the riboflavin status of rural women with different physical activity intensity and to determine factors influencing biochemical fiboflavin status. The study was carried out over three different farming seasons : planting (June), harvest(October) and interim(February) in two rural regions of Korea. One was a traditional farming region, the other a commercial farming region with heavier work intensity. Twenty women in the traditional region and eighteen women in the commercial region were involved. The intensity of physical activity was determined by a daily activity record. Body composition was assessed by bioelectrical impedence. Dietary riboflavin intake was measured by the food frequency method. Riboflavin biochemical status was assessed by erythrocyte glutathione reductase activity coefficient (EGR AC) and ruinary riboflavin excretion. The results from the EGR AC and urinary riboflavin excretion during the period showed the overall riboflavin status of the commercial farming women was significantly worse than that of the traditional farming women(EGR AC p<0.0001, urinary riboflavin excretion p<0.05). The traditional farming group had about 40% with risk of riboflavin deficiency, whereas the commercial farming group had about 70%. Overall mean nutrient intake was not significantly different between the two groups, however, overall mean percent lean body mass representing long term physical activity was significantly higher in the commercial farming group (<0.005). It appears that the biochemical riboflavin status of traditional farming women was significantly influenced by riboflavin intake and crude nitrogen balance while the biochemical riboflavin status of the commercial farming women was significantly influenced by riboflavin intake and percent of lean body mass over the three seasons.
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Housewives' Behavior of Purchasing Special Eggs and Cooking Patterns of Eggs in Kyunggi-do and Inchon
kyung Ja Chang, Young Bum Cho
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(5):711-720.   Published online December 31, 1997
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the purchase of special and cooking patterns of eggs. This survey was carried out through questionnaire and the subjects were 435 housewives whose children were middle or high school students in Kyunggi-do and Inchon. The results are summarized as follows : 1) As for age, 66.4% of subjects were 40 years or older. Also 57.1% of subjects received a high school education. As for occuption, full-time housewives accounted for 60.5%. Monthly family income of 39.1 % was 1-2 million won. As for monthly cost of food, 51.7% of subjects paid less than 500 thousand won. Also 40.2% of subjects lived in apartments. 2)Most housewives knew about the sale of special eggs. However, they perceived that the price of special eggs was expensive. 3) The higher their age, education level. household income and food cost, were, the more frequent their purchase of special eggs was. 4) The reason for their purchasing special eggs was in order of nutrition and freshness. 5) Most housewives didn't trust the brands of special eggs. 6) The most popular method of cooking eggs was fried-eggs. Therefore, it is necessary to provide cheap, fresh and nutritious special eggs.
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Evaluation of Dietary Risk Factors for Abnormal Serum Cholesterol in Korean Sedentary Male Adults
Bok Hee Jin, Young Ok Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(5):721-727.   Published online December 31, 1997
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This study investigated whether dietary factors are more influential factor than other health behavior such as drinking, smoking and exercise on abnormal serum cholesterol level inspite of Korean dietary pattern differences compared to Europeans and Americans. A double case control study model has been used for the study design. One model consisted of high blood cholesterol cases and control. the other model consisted of low blood cholesterol cased and controls. 5.398 sedentary male workers who had taken medical examinations at a university hospital were used as the study subjects. Out of the study subjects, 36individuals with high blood cholesterol cases and 30 individuals with low blood cholesterol cases were selected. For the 66 individual control selection, the individual control selection, the individuals matching method was adopted. The food frequency method was used to collect the data for assessment of the dietary factors. A standardized questionnaire was used to investigate other health behavior. logistic regression analysis was employed to measure the relative importance between the factors considered. There were no statistically significant differences observed in nutrients consumption or other health behavior among the low, normal and high blood cholesterol groups, An overmatching effect had been suspected as the cause of those findings. However, the results of logistic regression analysis to identify the factors influencing high serum cholesterol showed that odd ratios of dietary factors such as tocopherol(3.0) and saturated fatty acid(1.6) were higher than I. I of smoking and 1.2 of drinking. Similar results were also observed incases of low serum cholesterol. The above findings imply that although the dietary pattern is quite different from that of Europeans and America, the dietary factor is still a significant factor for abnormal blood cholesterol in Koreans. Therefore, the dietary risk factor identified in high fat consumption populations are still relevant for the relatively healthy Korean as guideline for preventive health practices.
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Plasma Carotenoid Levels in Healthy men and Acute Cardiovascular Disease Patients in Taegu
Sung Hee Cho, Nan Hee Lee, Suna Im, Jung Gyo Im, bok Seon Bae, Young Sun Choi
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(5):728-734.   Published online December 31, 1997
AbstractAbstract PDF
Plasma carotenoid levels were compared among 64 healthy male subjects (control) and 38 patients of ischemic heart disease(IHD) and 20 ones of cerebral infarction(CI) all of whom were over 50years of age. Another 98 healthy male subjects aged 23 to 58 were selected to compare their plasma carotenoid levels by age groups, Levels of lutein, zeaxanthin and crpytoxanthin were lower in IHD(34+/-2, 13+/-1 and 62+/-7 microgram/dl)and CI(36+/-3, 12+/-2 and 41+/-6 microgram/dl)patient groups than in control group (84+/-5, 16+/-2 and 69+/-3 microgram/dl) while those of lycopene, alpha-and beta-carotene varied little among the three groups. The sum of the six carotenoid levels were levels were, therefore,highest(205+/-14 microgram/dl) in the control group followed by IHD(155+/-15 microgram/dl) and CI(128+/-17 microgram/dl) patient groups, Among the 98 healthy male subject for the age group study, levels of the three major carotenoids increased with age from the twenties to the fifities ; lutein, from 64+/-6 to 89+/-8 microgram/dl, cryptoxanthin, 57+/-8 to 73+/-4 microgram/dl and beta-carotene were more significantly correlated(r=0.30 to 0.61, p<0.01), whereas levels of lycopene and alpha-caroteme were significantly(r=0.21 - 0.23, p<0.05) correlated.
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Effects of Green Tea Infusion on the Preneoplastic Lesions and Peroxidation in Rat Hepatocarcinogenesis
Hee Seon Kim, Hyuung Sook Kim, Haymie Choi
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(5):735-744.   Published online December 31, 1997
AbstractAbstract PDF
The effect of green tea drinking on the hepatocellular chemical cacinogenesis have been studied. Placental glutathione S-transferase(GST-P) positive foci area in a liver tissue, contents of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances(TBARS), total cytochrome P450 and glucose 6-phospphatase(G6P) activity in hepatic microsomes were investigated. Weaning Sprague-Dawley male rats were fed AIN-76A diet with deionized water or green tea infusion, Rats of CTR and CTR+ groups were provided deionized water while GTI and GTI+ groups were provided green tea instead of deionized water for the entire experimental period of 13weeks. Rats of GTP and GTP + groups had deionized water for the first 6 weeks and switched to green tea for the last 7weeks of the experimental period. CTR+, GTI +, and GTP + groups were carcinogen treated groups, Diethylnitrosamine(DEN) was injected as a single dose of 200 mg/kg body weight intraperitoneally after 4 weeks of feeding. 2-Acetyla-minofluorene(AAF) was used as a carcinogen proliferater and suppled in the diets of carcinogen treated rats as 0.02% content for the last 6weeks starting from 2weeks after DEN injection. Rats were sacrificed after 13week weeks of feeding. The area and number of GST-P positive foci detected in carcinogen treated rats were decreased by green tea ingestion but when timing and duration of green tea ingestion was delayed after promotion period as in GTP + group, GST-P positive foci were not decreased as much as in GTI+ group. TBARS contents of carcinogen treated rats decreased by 13weeks of green tea ingestion but GTP groups did not show statiscally significant differences. G6P activities tended to decrease by carcinogen treatment but changes were not statiscally significant by green tea ingestion. Total cytochrome P450 contents were increased by carcinogen treatment. Thirteen weeks of green tea ingestion (GTI) also increased to total cytochrome P450 contents while 7weeks of green tea ingestion(GTP) did show any effects. These results suggest that green tea has suppressive effects on hepatocellular chemical carcinogenesis probably through the activities of antioxidant compounds.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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