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Volume 6(5); December 2001
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Original Articles
A Study on the Obesity and Stress of Elementary School Children in the Kangnung Area
Eun Kyung Kim, Tae Sun Park, Ki Kyung Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(5):715-725.   Published online December 31, 2001
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This study was carried to estimate the prevalence of obesity and to investigate the relationship between stress and obesity in children. The subjects were 508 children, who were randomly selected from the fifth and sixth grade at nine elementary schools in Kangnung. The height, body weight, waist and hip circumferences and body fat(%) were measured and the levels of stress were assessed by a questionnaire consisting of the following 3 domains ; 4 items for personal factors, 11 for home, and 18 for school. The prevalence of obesity in male and female children greatly varied by the indices from 2.5% and 1.7% when judged by BMI, 9.5% and 4.0% by obesity index, and 29.7% and 34.4% by body fat(%). The stress scores from personal(47.1%) and school (47.9%) factors were higher than the stress score from home(38.5%). The stress score from personal factors of female children is significantly higher than that of male children, but the stress score from home of female children is significantly lower than that of male children. The personal stress score and the total stress score of obese female children were significantly higher than those of non-obese female children. In male children, the obesity index(%) or body fat(%) have a significant positive correlation with the stress scores from over-expectation of parents, a lack of conversation with family, examinations, discontent about school, teacher's partiality to students, and sexual curiosity. The female children have a significantly positive correlation of obesity index (%) or body fat(%) with stress scores from appearance, quarrels of parents, and inferiority complex to brothers or sisters. These results suggested that counselling and education about not only balanced diet but also the strategies for actively coping with stress are needed to prevent and treat childhood obesity.
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Effects of Iron Supplementation on Iron Status of Anomic High School Girls
Soon Myung Hong, Hye Jin Hwang
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(5):726-733.   Published online December 31, 2001
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This study was designed to investigate the effect of iron supplementation on the iron nutritional status and anemia of high school girls in Korea. One hundred thirty-five female students residing in Ulian metropolitan city in Korea diagnosed as having anemia or iron deficiency participated in this study. One or two tablets of iron medicine(80-160 mg Fe as ferrous sulfate/day) were administered to all participants for 3 months. Subjects were evaluated with a questionaire, measurement of hematological indices before and after iron supplementation. The average height and weight of respondents were 161.62 +/- 4.68 cm and 53.87 +/- 6.10 kg, respectively. Daily intakes of energy were 1597.8 +/- 302.35 kcal(76.0% RDA). Iron intakes were 13.72 +/- 4.17 mg (76.3% of RDA) and calcium intakes were 580.74 +/- 177.21(72.5% of RDA) before iron supp]ementation. At baseline, 63% of all participants had depleted store(serum ferritin 12 ug/ml and/or transferrin saturation(TS)<14%). After iron supplementation, this proportion declined to 19.3%. 55.6% of subjects had 12 ug/m1 of basal ferritin concentration before iron supplementation, and this proportion declined to 16.3% after iron supplementation. The basal hemoglobin(Hb) concentrations were 12.13 +/- 1.01 g/dl and they increased to 12.79 +/- 0.81 g/dl, which showed significant difference artier iron supplementation(p<0.001). The basal ferritin and TS(%) were 13.24 +/- 11.66 ng/ml, 18.42 +/- 10.12% and they significantly increased to 32.95 +/- 21.14 ng/ml, 33.53 +/- 16.64%, respectively(p<0.001). The basal total iron binding protein(TIBC) were 467.81 +/- 97.24 ug/dl and they significantly decreased to 325.05 +/- 48.89 ug/dl(p<0.001) after iron supplementation. The number of tablets administered was positively correlated with serum iron(t = 0.553, p<0.01), serum ferritin(t = 0.557, p<0.01), TS(%)(t = 0.588, p<0.01) and negatively correlated with TIBC(t= -0.409, p<0.01). The anemia symptoms such as 'Shortening of breath when going upstairs(p<0.01)', 'Tired out easily(p<0.01)', 'Feeling blue(p<0.001)', 'Decreased ability to concentrate(p<0.01)', and 'Poor memory(p<0.001)'improved significantly after iron supplementation. In this study, daily iron supplementations were efficacious in improving the iron status and anemic symptoms of female high school students. Regular check-ups and nutrition education for adolescents are necessary because of their vulnerability to iron deficiency. Further studies are needed to determine the minimum effective dose of iron and to examine the adverse effect of long-term iron supplementation.
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A Screening Tool for Identifying High-Risk Pregnant Women of Fe Deficiency Anemia : Process I
Jung A Park, Jin Sook Yoon
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(5):734-743.   Published online December 31, 2001
AbstractAbstract PDF
Iron deficiency anemia is a worldwide public health problem relevant to unsound nutritional practice. While the prevalence of iron deficiency anemia is very common among pregnant women, appropriate nutritional service programs to improve the iron status are lacking in Korea. In an attempt to develop a nutritional screening tool to separate the high-risk subjects of iron deficiency, we carried out a nutritional survey for 115 Korean pregnant women whose gestational age ranged from 13 to 24 weeks. Each subject was interviewed with questionnaires for general characteristics and dietary habits. Food intake was measured by 24-hour recap method and 2 day record. Fasting blood was drawn for measuring hemoglobin and serum ferritin. It appeared that half of the pregnant women belonged to the anemia group and had insufficient dietary habits to provide adequate amounts of dietary iron. The first gravida and the working women had better hematological iron indicators than the second or more gravida and the housewives. It also appeared that women who had bigger family size and lower BMI in pre-pregnancy had poorer iron status. Among the food consumption habits, fruit dependent dietary habit was related to poor iron status. Sufficiently consumed green leafy vegetable and appropriate amount of food before morning sickness were positive factors of iron stares. Our results indicated that parity, BMI, current job, family size, food habits including consumption of fruits, green & yellow vegetables, and food habits before the onset of morning sickness are significant factors to contribute the Fe deficiency anemia during pregnancy.
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Effect of Self-Perception of Health and Related Factors of Food Life and Disease on Health Foods Intakes among the Middle Aged in the Jeonbuk Region
Hye Soon Chang, Mi Ra Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(5):744-754.   Published online December 31, 2001
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study examined the effect of self-perception of health and related factors of flood life and disease on health floods intakes among the middle aged(150 men and 159 women) in the Jeonbuk region. The health foods were classified into 4 groups including Chinese medicine(CM), toner foods(TF), nutritional supplements(NS), and other manufactured health foods supplements(MHFS). Differences of BMI and self-perception for body shape was that overweight was 30% in men and 24.5% in women on BMI, but conversely was 21.3% in men and 43.4% in women on self-perception for body shape. Men thought themselves more than normal weight, but women thought themselves less than normal weight for the criteria of normal weight. Consumption of CM was high in the overweight group on BMI and was a low in the overweight group on self-perception for bodyshape Men thought themselves better than women and those in their 40's thought better than those in their 50's on self perception of health status, and women were better than men on self-perception of food habits. The difference of health foods intakes according to the self-perception of health status and food habits was not significant. The points of food habits, food attitude and nutrition knowledge were 11.21 +/- 2.43, 68.18 +/- 15.56 and 15.53 +/- 1.59 in women and 10.49 +/- 2.71, 67.53 +/- 14.41, and 15.11 +/- 1.79 in men respectively. The points of all were higher for women than for men. Consumption of CM (p<0.01) and TF(p<0.01) were a low in groups that scored high points on nutrition knowledge. The points of climacteric symptoms were that men were 48.36 +/- 6.30 and woman were 46.43 +/- 6.70. Men thought themselves in good condition more than women(p<0.01), and those in their 40's thought themselves in good condition as opposed to those in their 50's in men(p<0.05). Consumption of TF and NS were high in the low points group on climacteric symptoms(p<0.01). Women were higher than men on morbidity, but men were more than women on cases of liver disease(p<0.01). Consumption of CM was high in the liver disease group(p<0.05), MHFS was high in the kidney disease group(p<0.05), TF and NS were hgih in the bone disease group(p<0.05) and NS was hgih in the endocrine disease group(p<0.05). People in their 40's were higher than those in their 50's in men on morbidity of cold(p<0.05), women were higher than men by about 2 times on constipation (p<0.01), those in their 40's were higher than those in their 50's in mein on gastritis(p<0.05). Consumption of NS was highest for those with diseases in respiratory organs and gastrointestinal tracts. This study suggests that nutritional education for the right recognition of self-perception of health status and food habits, and nutrition knowledge are needed to select for health floods. Consumption of health foods was different according to kinds of diseases. Thus, recognition of etiology, symptoms and dietetics of diseases is needed to select adequate health foods for diseases in middle age.
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A Survey on the Status of the Meal Management Behaviors of Housewives Living in the Apartments of Jinju
Joo Hee Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(5):755-764.   Published online December 31, 2001
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This study was carried out to evaluate meal management behavior of housewives and to improve their behavior by determining what problems exist. The survey was conducted using a questionnaire in Jinju from October to November in 1999. It was shown that 29.1% of housewives didn't plan food budget, whereas only 5.6% of them did. The reasons for not planning food budget were mostly due to not forming a habit(38.8%), irregularity of prices(19.9%) or irregularity of income(13.8%). The characters of planning food budget and the reasons for not planning were not affected by age, education, monthly income, family size or monthly flood cost. Only 17.8% of meal managers recorded their housekeeping in detail and 47.4% of them wrote only the important things. Recording housekeeping records was affected by age and education. It was found that most meal managers(90.8%) didn't set menu planning and they didn't fuel the need for menu planning. The frequency of food shopping was every two days(36.2%), twice a week(20.9%) or randomly(27.4%), and the places for food shopping were supermarket(49.0%) and traditional market(41.3%). Both were affected by education or age. The quality of food was the main reason(54.6%) far the selection of food shopping place. Important consideration for selection of food and meals was preference of family(47.4%) and this character was affected by education. It was shown that the score of nutrition knowledge was 7.36, and it was affected by education. The results of this study suggest that the government, educators and scientists in nutrition make efforts to develop various levels of practical education programs for meal management and nutrition depending on age, education and community using mass media.
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Relationship between Nutrient Intake and Biochemical Markers of Bone Metabolism in Korean Postmenopausal Women
Haeng Shin Lee, Da Hong Lee, Chung Ja Sung
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(5):765-772.   Published online December 31, 2001
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To delineate the relationship between the nutrient intake from diet and the serum biochemical markers of bone metabolism, 56 postmenopausal women of 50 to 77 years of age were recruited. The biochemical markers including osteocalcin, calcium, phosphorus, estradiol and free testosterone were measured in fasting blood. Bone mineral density(BMD) was measured also by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, and the nutrient intake of earth individual subject was estimated by 24-hour recall of 3 days. The age of the subjects was 64.8 +/- 7.7 years, and the BMDs of the subject were 0.86 +/- 0.26g/cm2(Lumbar spine), 0.60 +/- 0.10g/cm2 (Femoral neck), 0.49 +/- 0.10g/cm2(Trochanter), and 0.41 +/- 0.14g/cm2(Ward's triangle). There were no significant differences among age and nutrient intake level groups due to the small sample size. The biochemical markers showed certain degree of relationship with nutrient intake levels. The results were compared among 3 groups with different nutrient intake level classified by the percentage of Recommended Daily Allowances(RDA) for Koreans as follows low < 75% RDA, 75% RDA < or = adequate< 125% RDA, high > or = 125% RDA. The low energy and low riboflavin groups showed significantly higher serum osteocalcin levels than those of the high intake groups(p<0.05). On the other hand, there was a trend for serum Ca level to be higher with high nutrient intake. In this case, protein and thiamin were the only nutrients that reached a statistical significance(p<0.05). And the groups with low intake for protein and Ca showed significantly lower serum free testosterone levels than that of other intake groups(p<0.05). This study suggests an important role of nutrient intake levels on blood biochemical markers of bone metabolism.
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Nutrient Intake of the Rural Elderly Living in Kyungnam -Focusing on Health and Aging Status, and Life-Satisfaction
Kyung Hae Lee, Mi Young Park
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(5):773-788.   Published online December 31, 2001
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference in nutrient intake according to the level of self-perception of health status, aging status and life satisfaction of the rural elderly. The factors for the study were surveyed by interview method. The subjects were 270 people(71 male, 129 female) aged over 65 years(73.5 +/- 5.6ys) in the Ham-an area. The obtained results as follows : By evaluation of self-perception of health status, 57.5% of subjects answered they are in a bad health condition. The 91.5% of subjects had diseases(rheumatitis & arthritis 31.4%, cardiovascular disease 20.2%, gastric disease 10.2%). The women had more diseases than the men(p<0.01). The subjects took medical treatment in private hospital(40.5%) and public health centers(35.0%). The men showed better level of aging status(p<0.001) and life satisfaction index(p<0.01) than the worsen. Living with spouse influenced the aging status(p<0.05) and the more pocket money influenced life satisfaction(p<0.05) and aging status(p<0.05). The elderly who eat regularly 3 times a day(p<0.05) and have a good appetite(p<0.001) appeared to have positive effect on the self perception of health status and aging status. An increasing level of the self-perception of health status and regular exercise worked to improve aging status(p<0.001). The habits of smoking and alcohol drinking, however had no effect on any index. The self-perception of health status affected the nutrient intake, but only in female elderly. The aging status and the life satisfaction index related overall positively to the intake of nutrients. In conclusion, the study shows that gender did influence nutrient intake in the elderly. The women who live alone rated lowest in social resources and health condition therefore their nutrient intake was also extremely in deficit. For successful aging, a program for rural elderly is needed, i.e. actions to provide minimum economic life, food delivery and psychological/physical health care through regional public health centers.
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A Study on the Factors Influencing Food Consumption by Food Frequency Questionnaire far the Middle Aged and Elderly Living in the Chonju Area
Mee Sook Lee, Mee Kyung Woo
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(5):789-797.   Published online December 31, 2001
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was conducted to find the differences in food consumption frequency of the middle aged(male 20, female 50) and the elderly(male 15, female 15) living in Chonju in December, 1998 according to food habits, smoking, alcohol drinking and exercising habit, health status, and the levels of nutrition knowledge and attitude store. The foods frequently consumed among the subjects were kimchi(15.4/week), mixed rice(11.5/week), rice(7.6/week), vegetables in soup, jjigae and jorim(5.0/week), mandarins and oranges(5.e/week), and seasoned laver(4.3/week). There were several factors influencing food consumption patterns. These were age, regularity of meal times, the status of smoking, alcohol drinking and exercising, and the level of nutrition attitude. The elderly ate cooked rice more frequently, while the middle aged ate fish, especially blue fishes more frequently. The middle aged who had breakfast regularly ate milk and milk products, legumes and fruits frequently. Those who smoked seemed to eat less cereals and starches and fats, while those who didn't smoke ate more sugars. The alcohol drinking group also ate less fats and the exorcising group ate almost all of food groups frequently. The status of health showed to be related with food consumption patterns. The normal group in hemoglobin ate eggs more frequently than the anemia group and the high risk group in blood pressure ate almost all of food groups more frequently. The high level group for nutrition attitude score chose vegetables, fruits, and milk and milk products more frequently than the other groups. On the other hand, low level group for nutrition attitude score was apt to eat ramyun, ham-sausage, and carbonated beverages more frequently. Therefore, nutrition education to improve the food habits find to change nutrition attitude is necessary to promote health status anti mole attention should be taken to the high risk group in blood pressure to guide proper food and nutrition intakes.
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A Study on Supplements Use in the Middle-Aged and Elderly
Jin Sook Kim, Mi Young Lee, Sun Hee Cheong, Jeong Hee Lee, Hyun Duk Kim, Joo Hee Lee, Tae Sun Hyun, Kyung Ja Chang
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(5):798-808.   Published online December 31, 2001
AbstractAbstract PDF
In order to investigate the current status of supplements use in the elderly during the last one year, a nationwide survey was conducted in metropolitan areas(6 cities) and middle-sized cities(8 cities). The subjects were 2188(male 765, female 1423) non-institutionalized adults and elderly people aged 50 and over, and information was collected by in-person interviews. Prevalence of supplements use and different types of supplements taken by subjects were examined using SPSS statistical package. Different category of supplements was used by 30.2% of the subjects. On the average, the subjects consumed at least one kind of supplements. Chinese medicine was the most commonly used supplements in both male and female subjects. Among the reasons for using supplements, health promotion ranked the highest, however, most supplement users did not know(35.3%) or knew roughly(48.9%) about the health claims of their supplements. Subjects reported the information source for supplements as family, friends or relatives(43.6%) followed by TV and radio(23.3%). Chinese medicine was most commonly used supplement in male subjects who have chronic diseases(40.7%), and vitamin and mineral supplements were most commonly used by female subjects who have chronic diseases(39.0%). Therefore, these results may provide basic information on different category of supplements used by the middle-aged and elderly,
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A Study on the Menu Patterns of Residents in Kangbukgu(II): Compared by the Sex, Age and Health Risk
In Young Hur, Hyun Kyung Moon
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(5):809-818.   Published online December 31, 2001
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to fad the specific character of menu patterns by sex, age and health risk of subjects for the basic data of a nutrition education program. The dietary intake of the subjects was investigated by the 24-hour recall method. Subjects consisted of male 94, female 394, total 488. To analyze patterns, dishes were classified into major staple foods ; kimchi, soup and side dishes and also classified into 24 categories by the cooking method. For the men, a frequently served pattern was cooked rice + soup + kimchi. For the women, the pattern was also cooked rice + soup + kimchi. For the 20-49 year olds and the 50-64 year olds, frequently served patterns were cooked rice + soup + kimchi > noodle + kimchi. For the 65-74 year olds, those patterns were cooked rice + stew > cooked rice + kimchi. For the normal group and the risk group, the frequently served pattern was cooked rice + soup + kimchi. The most used menu pattern by the number of dishes was cooked rice + soup + kimchi in the male, female, normal group and risk group. For the 20-49 year olds, the pattern was cooked rice + soup + kimchi and noodle + kimchi. For the 50-64 year olds, it was cooked rice + soup + kimchi. For the 65-74 years old, it was cooked rice + stew. The result of analyzing patterns for the most used main staple food was cooked rice in all groups. The results of analyzing patterns, with those considered basic food, cooked rice, soup and stew, showed that frequently served patterns were cooked rice + soup > cooked rice > cooked rice + stew in all groups. With these results, we can summarize that the menu patterns of people in Kangbukgu was the younger, the more non-traditional. Also, the normal group had more various patterns than those of the risk group. Thus, we need further research about menu patterns to provide adequate nutrition education.
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A Study on Dietary Patterns and Nutrient Intake in Women with Hypercholesterolemia
Seung Lim Lee, Sang Yeon Kim, Yu Kyung Chang
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(5):819-829.   Published online December 31, 2001
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference of general characteristics, menopause status, dietary patterns and nutrient intakes between women aged from 30 to 65 years old with a hypercholesterolemia group and normocholesterolemia group. The subjects were classified as belonging to the hypercholesterolemia group or normocholesterolemia group barred on The Guidelines for Korean Hyperlipidemia. Dietary intakes of fatty acids were measured by means of a 24-hr recall method with food models and measuring tools. We analyzed both data sets together using analysis of variance chi-square test and student's t-test(SPSS for WINDOWS, version 7.5). Significance was defied as a p value< 0.05. The results obtained are summarized as follows. Mean age and BMI of the hypercholesteroemia group were significantly higher than those of the normocholesterolemia group. Intakes of cereal, vegetables, mushrooms and sea food in the normocholesterolemia group were significantly higher than those in the hypercholesterolemia group. Most of the nutrient intakes were not significantly different between the normocholesterolemia group and the hypercholesterolemia group. However, vitamin E intake of the normocholesterolemia group was significantly higher than that of the hypercholesterolemia group. There was a significant negative correlation between vitamin E intake and serum TC(r = -.363, p<0.001) and LDL-C(r = -.359, p<0.001). In addition, Serum TG had significantly correlation with carbohydrate(r = 0.137, p<0.001) and vitamin E intake(r = -0.134, p<0.001). Therefore, women who suffered from hypercholesterolemia were recommended to control body weight, and to consume foods containing high vitamin E and foods containing high dietary fiber such as vegetables, mushrooms, and sea food.
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Assessment of Factors Affecting Plate Waste and Its Effects in Normal & Soft Diets Provided from Hospital Foodservice
Il Sun Yang, Jung Lye Kim, Hae Young Seoul
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(5):830-836.   Published online December 31, 2001
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purposes of this study were to : (a) analyze the portion size & plate waste of normal & soft diets provided by dietetic departments in hospital, (b) investigate the factors affecting plate waste, and (c) determine the nutritional & monetary value of plate waste. A questionnaire for food preference and sensory evaluation was developed and a survey was carried out for the 46 normal diet and 56 soft diet patients in Sanggye Paik hospital in Seoul. Serving size and plate waste were weighed by the electric scale, and CAN-Pro program was used to evaluate the nutrition value. The data were analyzed using the SAS package program for descriptive analysis, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson correlation. The average plate waste rate for normal diet and soft diet were 30.3% and 49.6%. More plate waste amount occurred on female patients' diet than male patients' diets regardless of the kind of diet. The plate waste percentage of male patients were higher than those of female on normal diet. On soft diet, patients who hospitalized in surgery or pediatrics department were higher than in other wards. Plate waste of normal diet and amount were correlated positively, but wastage and preference were correlated negatively Negative correlation was between taste and plate waste, and between temperature and plate waste, too. On the other hand, plate waste caused the deficiency of some nutrients such as Ca, Fe, Vit. B2 and a great monetary loss.
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The Study on Solid Waste Management in School Foodservices in the Kyungbuk Area
Sang Youl Jung, Hye Sang Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(5):837-848.   Published online December 31, 2001
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The main purposes of this study were to survey and assess the current situation surrounding solid waste generation in school foodservices, to identify and evaluate the measures(reduction and recycling programs) taken by the foodservices for waste disposal, and to suggest appropriate reform measures to improve the current status, especially in terms of environmental preservation. Questionnaires on solid waste management practices were mailed to 206 school foodservice dietitians in the Kyungbuk region : a 64.0%(N = 130) response rate was obtained. While there are food waste and packaging waste generated from the foodservice operations, about a third(34.1%) of the foodservice operations were responsible for the disposal of both the food wastes and packaging wastes. About 90% of school foodservice managers were responsible for managing solid wastes. The primary recycling methods of leftovers generated from the school food service operations were livestock feed(76.0%). About 60.0% of school foodservice managers conducted the food waste reduction program. The performance by the foodservice managers in reducing the food waste was not satisfactory in several fields, such as developing environmentally friendly menus or abiding by the standard recipe, etc. In addition, the government assistance system was not properly working in the food service management. In conclusion, we should focus on increasing the performance in reducing the food waste by the foodservice managers, strengthening and facilitating the government assistance system for the food waste management and to develop education methods and education materials for food waste management.
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The Study on Solid Waste Management in School Foodservices in the Kyungbuk Area
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(5):837-847.
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The main purposes of this study were to survey and assess the current situation surrounding solid waste generation in school foodservices, to identify and evaluate the measures(reduction and recycling programs) taken by the foodservices for waste disposal, and to suggest appropriate reform measures to improve the current status, especially in terms of environmental preservation. Questionnaires on solid waste management practices were mailed to 206 school foodservice dietitians in the Kyungbuk region : a 64.0%(N = 130) response rate was obtained. While there are food waste and packaging waste generated from the foodservice operations, about a third(34.1%) of the foodservice operations were responsible for the disposal of both the food wastes and packaging wastes. About 90% of school foodservice managers were responsible for managing solid wastes. The primary recycling methods of leftovers generated from the school food service operations were livestock feed(76.0%). About 60.0% of school foodservice managers conducted the food waste reduction program. The performance by the foodservice managers in reducing the food waste was not satisfactory in several fields, such as developing environmentally friendly menus or abiding by the standard recipe, etc. In addition, the government assistance system was not properly working in the food service management. In conclusion, we should focus on increasing the performance in reducing the food waste by the foodservice managers, strengthening and facilitating the government assistance system for the food waste management and to develop education methods and education materials for food waste management.
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Changes in Rice Consumption Pattern for Korean Since 1970
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(5):854-861.
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Rice Based Meal for Prevention of Obesity and Chronic Disease
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(5):862-867.
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Dietary Education for the Succession of Traditional Meal Pattern
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(5):868-876.
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Development of Rice-based Prepared Meals
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(5):877-887.
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쌀 소비패턴의 변화 -아침밥 먹기 운동과 관련하여-
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(5):888-889.
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쌀 중심의 식생활과 성인병 예방 효과를 중심으로
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(5):890-892.
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학교급식은 올바른 식습관 형성의 첫 길목입니다
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(5):893-893.
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쌀 가공식품의 개발 방향
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(5):894-897.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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