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Volume 7(5); October 2002
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Original Articles
A Comparison of Nutritional Status and Muscle Strength of Elderly Women in a Social Welfare Center and Those Residing at Home
Ok Hee Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(5):603-614.   Published online October 31, 2002
AbstractAbstract PDF
In this study, the nutrient intakes, dietary quality, and muscle strength of elderly women in a social-welfare center of a large city were compared with those of elderly women at home in a large city. Also, the relationships between muscle strength and nutrient intake status were investigated in both elderly group. The results of this study were as follows: The ages of elderly in the social welfare center and of elderly in general home residing elderly were 68.2 and 70.3 years, respectively. The average energy and nutrient intakes of both groups were lower than the Korean RDA. There were no differences between the groups in terms of macro-nutrient composition and quantity. The elderly in center showed significantly lower intakes of vitamin B2, niacin and calcium than the home-residing elderly. The hand grip strength and back muscle strength were lower in the elderly of social welfare center, but a significant difference was found only in the left hand grip strength. The muscle strength, especially the left hand grip strength of those in social welfare center, showed significant correlations with various nutrient intakes. In contrast, generally no relationship between muscle strength and nutrients intakes status could be found in the home residing elderly. The variances in the mean hand grip strength and the left hand grip strength 19.0% and 18.6% respectively, were explained by their ages. This is in contrast to 22.3% and 32.4% of calorie intake and vegetable protein intake in the elderly of the social welfare center. In conclusion, the status of nutrient intake in those in the social welfare center seems to be low, and it is assumed that the low calorie and vegetable protein intake may contribute to the muscle strength decline in the socioeconomically high risk elderly.
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A Study of the Eating Habits and Nutrient Intake of Industrial Workers Who Work Day and Night Shifts
Yeon Ok Park, In Seon Choi, Sung Sug Lee, Seung Ho Oh
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(5):615-627.   Published online October 31, 2002
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The purpose of this study was to examine the eating habits and nutrient intake of industrial workers who work day and night shifts. In the area of percentage of skipped meals, the day shift workers responded that they usually skipped breakfast and the night shift workers often skipped lunch and dinner. The day shift workers answered that they skipped meals because of lack of time. The night shift workers cited poor appetite as their main reason for skipping meals. The intake of calories, Vitamin B2 and calcium of the industrial workers who worked day and night shift was lower than the Korean RDA. The intake of iron of the male night shift workers was lower than the Korean RDA. The intake of calories, protein, calcium, iron, Vitamin B2 and niacin, vitamin C of the female night shift workers was lower than the Korean RDA. In the area of nutrient intake, the night shift workers both male and female got lower scales than the day shift workers. The nutrient intake of the female night shift workers was the worst. Because they cook for themselves and live alone, their nutrient intake and eating habits were bad. The night shift workers were worse than the day shift workers and the female night shift workers were the worst. Considering the above results, night shift workers should correct their poor eating habits, their nutrient intake and have a well-balanced diet.
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Eating Behaviors and Food Preferences of Mentally Retarded Children according to the Degree of their Handicap
Young Sook Park, Ki Soon Park, Chang Im Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(5):628-638.   Published online October 31, 2002
AbstractAbstract PDF
The handicapped frequently suffer from inappropriate food intake often resulting in overweightness, malnutrition, and poor growth and development. Our study was done on 7 to 12 year old mentally retarded children attending a special education school in Seoul. We administered questionnaire surveys and 3-day dietary recalls of the subjects, with help when needed from their stay-at home or their care-giving teachers. The questionnaires covered the general characteristics and dietary behaviors of the subjects. The degrees of handicap of the 142 children ranged from the trainable (54.9%), the educable (31.0%), and the non-trainable (14.1%). Of the children studied, 70.4% had 'breakfast always', which was higher than normal. Appetites were highest in the Down's Syndrome group. We found that the more serious the handicap, the higher the breakfast eating ratio and appetite level. The main reason for their missing breakfast differed accroding to the handicap level: 'late rising' in the educable and non-trainable groups but 'no appetite' in the trainable group. Most of the children (52.2%) spent less than 20 minutes eating their meals, the parents described their children's dietary habit problems as a pica (22.3%) or overeating (17.3%), and they indicated that teaching the children how to use spoons and chopsticks (33.1%) was the most stressful. Actually more than 85% of the subjects could not use chopsticks, and skill of using cutlery was significantly different according to the degree of handicap. The food preference for milk products was the highest. It was interesting that the handicapped who had serious food pica didn't like food groups such as grains/starches, meats/fishes/eggs/beans or vegetables/fruits.
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Regional Differences in Dietary Supplement Use and Related Factors among College Students Participating in Nutritional Education Programs via the Internet
Jin Oh Kwak, Cheong Hee Lee, Hea Eun You, Hyun I Sung, Kyung Ja Chang
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(5):639-653.   Published online October 31, 2002
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to investigate the regional differences in dietary supplement use and related factors among college students participating in nutritional education programs via the internet. The subjects in this study were 797 college students (male: 518, female: 279). A cross-sectional survey was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire about dietary supplement use, demographic characteristics, health-related lifestyles, nutrient intake, and data were collected via the internet and by mail. Dietary supplements were taken by 82.2% of subjects (males: 76.3%, females: 85.3%). There was a significant regional difference in supplement use (p < 0.01). The supplements, used most frequent by male students in the Seoul and Incheon areas were lactic acid beverages and gagogi, in that order. Male students in the Kyunggi area used gagogi and lactic acid beverages in that order. Lactic acid beverages and Chinese medicine were used most frequently by male students in the Chungcheong area. Male students in the Kyungsang area used lactic acid beverages and water-soluble vitamins, in that order. Male students in Seoul and Kyungsang areas showed significantly higher percentage of keep on taking supplements compared to other areas (p < 0.05). Both male and female students in the Seoul area had more frequent medical examinations, in comparison to students in other areas (p < 0.05). Male students in the Kyungsang and Seoul areas took significantly more calcium (p < 0.05) and iron (p < 0.05), in comparison to students in other areas. Female students in the Kyunsang area took significantly more Vitamin A, phosphorous and iron (p < 0.05), while those in the Seoul area took significantly more Vitamin C (p < 0.01) and calcium (p < 0.05). Male students in the Chungcheong area took significantly less seaweed, in comparison to students in other areas (p < 0.05). Male students in the Seoul area had the highest amount of animal fat and oil, while those in the Incheon area ate the lowest amount of animal oil and fat (p < 0.05). Female students in the Kyunggi area ate the highest amount of fruit, while those in the Incheon area ate the lowest amount of fruit (p < 0.05). Female students in the Incheon area ate the highest amount of seaweed, while those in the Kyunggi area ate the lowest amount of seaweed (p < 0.01). Therefore, it can be concluded that it is necessary to develop dietary supplements to optimize the nutritional status of college students in different areas of Korea.
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A Study of the Lifestyle Factors Related to Constipation among Food Habits of College Students in Seoul and Gyunggi
Hea Jung Chung, Hye Won Park, Eun Jung Choi, Ji Jeung Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(5):654-663.   Published online October 31, 2002
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study is to investigate how the lifestyles of food habits of college students relate to constipation. The results were as follows : 1) All the total respondents were 541 college students. 220 (40.8%) respondents were male and 321 (59.2%) respondents were female. Based on their BMIs, 55.5% of the female respondents were under-weight (BMI < 20), 16.8% of the male respondents were under-weight, as well. These results point out the fact that a high percentage of female college students are under-weight, compared to male of students. 2) Of the respondents, 59.0% reported having 1 or 2 meals per day, but their eating patterns were irregular. Of the respondents, 71.2% preferred white rice with their meals. Of the respondents, 51.2% reported that they skipped breakfast. The main reasons why these respondents skipped breakfast were either that they were in a busy (44.7%), or it was their habit (38.4%). The response that their meals were nutritionally balanced was 34.6%, and the student who thought that their own meal pattern was healthful was 8.0%. 3) This research also focused on body image among female college students, and the results indicate that the majority of female respondents (62.5%) felt that they were overweight (very fatty or fatty) and 90.1% of the female respondents indicated they were interested in dieting (interest or very interest). Most of the students were involved in light or medium activity (94.2%) or no exercise (75.6%). The ratio of those who exercised was everyday only 33.6%. 4) Of the respondents, 48.7% reported that they had difficulty evacuating (every time very difficult, every time difficult and sometimes difficult) and 50.3% of the students reported that their bowel movements were irregular. 5) Of the females, 8.2% and Of the males, 0.5% were regarded as constipated. 6) The life habit factors that influenced constipation were skipping breakfast, the amount of water intake and exercise.
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A Needs Assessment to Develop Website Contents on Nutritional Information and Counseling for Teenagers
Joung Won Lee, Jung Sook Seo, Kyeung Eun Kim, Sun Yung Ly
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(5):664-674.   Published online October 31, 2002
AbstractAbstract PDF
A survey was conducted to investigate the current status of utilization of cyber nutritional information for teenagers and the reason for their need of such website content. In the four cities of Seoul, Daejeon, Gwangju and Daegu, in September and October, 2000, 1262 secondary school students were randomly selected. Survey results are summarized as follows: The participants searched for nutritional information by means of internet/PC communication for 137.0 +/- 100.6 (Mean +/- S.D.) minutes per day, mainly for the purpose of playing games, entertainment, chatting, or doing homework. Of the participants, 4.5% searched for nutritional information by means of internet/PC communication primarily for doing homework, and secondarily for reasons related to their own health or diet. Their satisfaction levels with the web sites used to obtain nutritional information was average. Needs assessments regarding the content of the web sites and the screen design showed that the teenagers wanted simple, clearly explained content, current information, easy access, less complicated screens and more use of characters. Only 8.1% of the participants had received nutritional counseling by means of internet/PC communication and 91% of them used it less than once a month, showing the very low utilization of nutritional counseling. The teenagers' main reasons for using nutritional counseling were related to their homework or diets, and their satisfaction levels regarding the counseling were below average. Poorly understood answers, and slow responses were mentioned. They had high interests in 'Diet for better growth,' 'Acne and diet,' 'Dental health and diet,' and 'Adolescent development'. These topics are mostly related to appearance. In conclusion, it is necessary to provide for teenagers, on nutritional information web sites, simple and well organized information, including simple graphics and characters, appropriate for their gender and age, as well as counseling sites offering kind and satisfying responses.
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Development of a Simple Evaluation Questionnaire for Screening the Dietary Patterns of Overweight Young Adults
Young Sook Park, Joung Won Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(5):675-685.   Published online October 31, 2002
AbstractAbstract PDF
A study was performed to develop as a screening tool, the Simple Evaluation Questionnaire for screening Overweight Dietary Patterns in people in their 20's. We used the data from the 20 to 29 year old subjects who participated in the three surveys: the health behavior survey, the dietary habit survey and the food intake survey - as part of the National Health and Nutrition Survey of 1998. The 1,493 adults were classified into two body fatness groups, that of normal (including the underweight), and the overweight (including the obese) on the basis of their relative body weight (RBW). When comparing general variables between the two groups, significant differences (11 variables) were found in gender, sadness/depression state, stress level, age, number of diseases, age when overweightedness started, maximum body weight, sleep length, presently a smoker, everyday smoking habits, number of alcoholic drinks in the past month, and the number of alcoholic drinks when drunk, as well as snacking frequency and fatty food consumption. There were significant differences between the two groups in the three variables of daily soup/kuk, pan fried fish/meat/poultry and cooked fish paste/ham/dried squid in terms of cooked food intake, and 11 variables of food size, cooked rice, stews, vegetables and kimchi at breakfast, panfried foods and beverage/teas at lunch, cooked rice and stews (liquid) at dinner, cooked fish paste/ham/dried squid at snacks and cooked fishpaste/ham/dried squid at snack between lunch and dinner. In terms of raw food intake, we observed significant differences (8 variables) in daily food intake and grains, grains/vegetables/fishes (shellfish) at breakfast, meat at lunch and milk at snack after dinner. After developing questions with indicators and analyzing the indicators by logistic regression analysis using 34 variables, including these 33, plus eating-out frequency, we chose 10 questions for the simple evaluation of dietary patterns for the overweight category, in order to give each one point each. Among them we assigned an additional point to one question and two points to another question. The average scores of the overweight and normal groups, as shown by the questionnaire developed, were 5.97 +/- 2.36 and 7.36 +/- 2.21, respectively. A score of seven points was selected as the cut-off point. We examined the sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value of the questionnaire to the results of 49.3%, 75.4% and 68.8%, respectively. The total score categorized as an overweight dietary pattern was 30.2%.
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Iron Status Indices of Maternal, Umbilical Cord, Placenta and Birth Weight
Hyun Sook Bai, Geum Ju Lee, Min Sook Lee, Ju Ye Lee, Yong Mi Shin, Hong Seok Ahn
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(5):686-695.   Published online October 31, 2002
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study is to assess the maternal iron status during pregnancy and to evaluate the relationships between the iron indices of maternal, umbilical cord serum, placenta and pregnancy outcomes. Venous bloods samples were drawn from 54 pregnant women just before delivery and cord bloods of their newborn babies were collected immediately after birth. And also, placental tissues were extracted. We investigated the difference of the iron status indices of maternal, umbilical cord serum and placental tissue between two gestational age group (PT group, NT group : preterm delivery and normal term delivery at 34.9wk and 39.0wk of mean gestational length, respectively) and also assessed correlations of iron status indices of maternal, umbilical cord serum and placenta tissue. And lastly, we related between birth weight and iron status indices of maternal, umbilical cord serum and placental tissue. The concentrations of maternal serum ferritin and of placental iron were significantly higher in PT group (32.1 +/- 21.1 ng/ml, 68.5 +/- 16.7microgram / g), than those of NT group (20.8 +/- 11.6 ng / ml, 53.2 +/- 17.4 microgram / g) respectively (p < 0.001). However the serum ferritin of umbilical cord were significantly higher in NT group (PT : 109.4 +/- 65.7 ng/ml, NT : 147.0 +/- 56.8 ng / ml) than those of PT group (p < 0.05). Our results showed that a negative association between birth weight (r=-0.361) and maternal serum ferritin and that a positive association between birth weight and umbilical cord serum ferritin (r=0.261). Despite not a significant difference, there was tendency that highest concentration of maternal serum ferritin was associated with the lowest birth weight. These findings indicate that birth weight of newborn is dependent of multiple factors such as maternal iron status during pre-pregnancy, body size, general nutritional status. Although for women who enter pregnancy with low iron stores, enough intakes of iron during pregnancy could produce undesirable pregnancy outcome. Therefore we suggest for successful pregnancy outcome and delivery differential iron supplementation program will be carried out individual pregnant women on the basis of pre-pregnancy nutritional status.
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The Dietary Behavior, Dietary Intakes and Internet Searches Reagarding by Disease in College Students Participating in a Nutrition Education Web Class
Hye Eun You, Hyun I Sung, Jin Oh Kwak, Kyung Ja Chang
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(5):696-704.   Published online October 31, 2002
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to investigate the dietary behavior, dietary intakes and internet searches regarding diseas by college students participating in a nutrition education web class. The study subject were 1184 college students and crosssectional survey was conducted by a self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire deal with anthropometric data, diseas, dietary behaviors, dietary intakes, and the use of nutrition information via the internet. The data was analyzed using a SPSS PC program. Disease group was 19.6% (male: 17.1%, female: 21.9%) and non-disease group was 80.4% (male: 82.9%, female: 78.1%) of subjects. As for the kinds of diseas, the male disease group had stomach diseas (15.7%), ozena (15.7%), hepatitis (10.8%) and allergic disease (7.8%), etc, and the female disease group had stomach diseas (32.8%), allergic diseas (12.0%), bronchitis and bronchial asthma (10.4%), anemia (7.2%), and constipation (1.6%), etc. Non-disease group showed significantly higher irregularity of meal time compared to disease group. Also, Disease group showed significantly higher concern about nutrition and health, worse recognition of theirown nutrition and health satus, and made greater efforts to prevention diseas compared to the non-diseas group. In the male subjects, the average intake of Calories, Vitamin B2 and calcium was lower than the Korean RDA and in the female subjects, those of Calories, calcium and Fe were lower than the Korean RDA. Most of the diseas (97%) and the non-disease (98.2%) groups had positive attituds toward the usefulness of internet nutrition information. The disease group showed a higher confidence in the internet nutrition information and recognition of internet information on poisons compared to the non-diseas group. However, this difference was not significant. Therefore. it is necessary to provide sientifically proven nutrition of information via the internet for college students in order to promote healthful lifestyles and to prevent diseas.
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The Effects of Stress and Social Support on Obesity in Junior High School Students Living in Small Cities
Young Ok Lim, Young Nam Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(5):705-714.   Published online October 31, 2002
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to examine the relative importance of everyday life stress, obesity stress, and social support on the BMIs of junior high school students. Subjects in this study consisted of 229 adolescents from two junior high schools in Iksan-city and Hamyul-eup. For data analyses, the frequencies, percentages, means, t-tests, Chi-squares, one-way ANOVAs, Pearson's correlation coefficients and regressions were conducted using SPSS WIN program. The mean BMI of the subjects was 20.18, and the ratio of students' BMIs less than 20 was 56.8%, that of students' BMIs greater than or equal to 25 was 8.3%. There were no statistical differences in BMIs by grade and sex. Statistically significant differences in the obesity of the junior high school students were detected according to demographic characteristics such as economic levels, areas of residence, TV watching time, and fathers' physiques. There were significant differences in everyday life stresses, obesity stresses, and social support by sex, but not by grade. Girls showed higher stress levels than boys, specially in family-related life stresses, social relationships, and self-related stresses. Also girls showed higher stress level related to obesity than boys. Girls got more support from their mothers, siblings and friends than boys. With respect to the type of social support, girls perceived more financial, informational, emotional, and judgemental support than boys. These results suggest that girls became more stressed, although on the other hand, they received more social support than boys. The higher the economic level, the longer the TV watching time, and the higher the stresses from everyday life and obesity, the higher the BMIs of the junior high school students were. In conclusion, everyday life stress and obesity stress were the important factors in relation to the junior high school students' obesity.
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The Development of High Fiber Food for Constipation
Hye Won Park, Hea Jung Chung, Eun Jung Choi, Ji Jung Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(5):715-723.   Published online October 31, 2002
AbstractAbstract PDF
In recent years, eating habit that is not right causes disease the dietary fiber (DF) intakes of Korean decreases. Occurrence of chronic disease such as constipation increased gradually. This study was performed to investigate of high fiber standard recipes for one day including major source of DF such as vegetables, cereals and grain products, seaweeds, fruits, fungi and mushrooms, and legumes and products for improving constipation through dietary treatment. Nutrient analysis per person marked energy, protein, fat and DF content. The food of high I : S ratio (Insoluble fibers: Soluble fibers) are soybean sprout salad, rice gruel with vegetables, pan fried mushroom with vegetables. The food of low I:S ratio are fermented soybean paste stew, fried rice with kimchi, fruits salad with yogurt dressing and seasoned noodle with vegetables. The representative high fiber diet menu is rice gruel with vegetable, rice with radish and oyster, fermented soybean paste stew, kimchi stew, assorted soybean sprout salad, three kinds of pancake roll, pan fried mushroom with vegetables, fruits salad with yogurt dressing and seasoned noodle with vegetables. The menu developed in this study, contains fiber of at least 8.97 times of RDA and in point view of 1 day intake, that is similar to the scope of RDA, 20-25 g per day. This findings should be appliable to nutritional education and medical food for constipation. And also, the aim of study is constipation patients easily applicate that developed the food of high fiber using Korean common food. And the result of the study will be the basic data about clinical test of food developed in this study and the danger of high fiber diet. The representative high fiber diet menu is rice gruel with vegetable, rice with radish and oyster, fermented soybean paste stew, kimchi stew, assorted soybean sprout salad, three kinds of pancake roll, pan fried mushroom with vegetables, fruits salad with yoghurt dressing and seasoned noodle with vegetables. This findings should be applicable to nutritional education and medical food for constipation.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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