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Nutritional Status of Preschool Children Residing in Low Income Urban Area: Biochemical Parameters of Protein Nutrition and Immunity
Sook Mee Son, Sung Hee Park
Korean J Community Nutr 1999;4(2):132-138.   Published online June 30, 1999
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The purpose of this study was to determine biochemical parameters related to protein and immunity. Subjects were 125 preschool children(M:69, F:56) residing in low income area of Seoul. Mean serum total protein of the children aged 6 was 7.3g/dl which was significantly higher than 6.6g/dl of the group aged 3. The mean serum albumin was 4.7g/dl for 3, 4, 5 age group, and 4.9g/dl for 6 age group and there was no significant difference. Serum retinol binding protein(RBP) is used as a sensitive indicatior of protein, becase it tends to fall rapidly in response to protein status and respond to quickly dietary treatment. Mean RBP for each group(3, 4, 5 and 6 age group) were 2.5 microgram/dl was 15.9%, 19.2%, 24.3% and 16.7%, respectively. The 24-hour urinary excretion of hydroxyproline was 7.9 mg, 14.6 mg, 11.7 mg and 11.8 mg for each group and the mean excretion of all children was 12.2 mg/day. Children aged 3 were excreting significantly lower amount of hydroxprolinc per day than the children aged 4. The mean hydroxyproline index were 2.18, 2.39, 2.52, 2.80 for each age group and the mean of a group aged 6 was significantly higher than that of the group aged 3. The proportion of children assessed as malnourished and impaired growth(hydroxyproline index<2.0) was 18.8%, 4.9%, 2.5% and 4.3%, respectively. The nutrients which showed significant relationship with protein and immunity parameters were niacin, vitamin C and calcium. Vitamin C showed significant positive relationship(p<0.05-p<0.01) with serum RBP, total protein and globulin. The triceps skinfold thickness was significantly and positively correlated with serum globulin. Serum IgG showed significant positive relationship with height, weight, girth of chest and midarm circumference(p<0.05-p<0.01).
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Drug Use and Nutritional status of the Elderly in chungbuk area: IV. effects of drug Use & Health-Related Habits (Alcohol drinking, cigarette smoking & exercise) on Nutritional status
Kyung Hee Han, Ki Nam Kim, Dong Yean Park
Korean J Community Nutr 1998;3(3):397-409.   Published online August 31, 1998
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The purposes of this study were to investigate the effects of drug use & the health-related habits(alcohol drinking, smoking and exercise) on the nutritional status of elderly. subjects were 362 free-living elderly aged over 65(male 131, female 231) in Chungbuk area. Interviews with questionaire on drug use, health-related habits, and nutrient intakes, anthropometric measurement and biochemical blood test were carried out from August to October in 1996. Energy intakes of the males who used drug were lower than those of males who did not use any drug, while energy intakes of the females who used drug were higher than those of females who did not. In biochemical indices, LDL-cholesterol level of the males who used drug was higher than that of males who did not have drug. serum triglycerides, VLDL-cholesterol and obesity degree(BMI & TS) of the females who used drug were higher than those of females who did not have drug. Alcohol drinking, smoking and exercise habits of the elderly who used drug had little effects on the nutrient intakes while those habits had considerable effects on biochemical indices and obesity degree. Among drug users, male drinkers showed higher triglycerides & HDL-cholesterol level, and female drinkers showed higher triglycerides and lower total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol level, compared to non drinkers. Among female drug users, smokers showed lower body mass index(BMI) compared to non smokers. Males and females who had both drinking and smoking habits showed higher serum triglycerides and VLDL-cholesterol level. Especially females who had both drinking and smoking habits showed lower BMI & Tricep skinfold thickness compared to those who had netiher drinking nor smoking habits.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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