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Management of Food Allergy in the Facilities Registered at Center for Children's Foodservice Management in Gangdong-gu
Soon Mi Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2021;26(5):396-407.   Published online October 31, 2021
AbstractAbstract PDF
We examined the common allergenic foods, symptoms and management of food allergies in children attending the facilities registered at Center for Children's Foodservice Management in Gangdong-gu, Korea. Methods: The survey was conducted among the directors or head teachers of 186 children’s food service facilities with 7,591 children in 2019. The questionnaire consisted of three parts, including general information about food service facilities, information related to food allergies and allergenic foods and symptoms in individual children. Results: The number of children with food allergy was 271 (3.6%), and the proportion decreased with the increase of age. There were 91 children (33.6%) with a medical certificate, and these children had a significantly higher number of allergenic foods and symptoms than those without a medical certificate. Allergenic food groups included meat, fish, eggs and legumes (59.1%), fruits (12.4%), milk and dairy products (8.9%), cereals (7.8%), vegetables (6.2%), processed foods (3.8%) and oils and sugars (1.9%). Eggs accounted for 22.1%, followed by peanut and tree nuts (18.6%), fruits (12.4%), milk and dairy products (8.9%), shellfish (8.6%), vegetables (6.2%), fish (5.7%), cereals (4.3%) and meat (1.1%). The common allergenic foods were eggs, peanuts, walnuts, kiwi, shrimp, milk, tomatoes, mackerel, blue-green fish, peaches, shellfish (clams and abalone), buckwheat, wheat and soybeans. The most common allergic symptoms were skin and mucous membrane symptoms, such as hives, rash, itching and oral angioedema. Meal management for children with food allergies showed different trends depending on the causative food. Conclusions: The objective diagnosis by an allergist should be done for food allergy management in children's catering facilities. A system for systematic meal management of causative foods should be prepared.


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  • Knowledge and management of food allergy by parents of preschool children who experience food allergies
    Seung Hui Kim, Seung-Min Lee
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2023; 56(2): 184.     CrossRef
  • Knowledge of atopic dermatitis and food allergies, as well as health information literacy, among North Korean refugee mothers: a descriptive survey study
    In-Sook Lee, Jeong-Hee Jeon
    Child Health Nursing Research.2023; 29(4): 300.     CrossRef
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Original Articles
Food Allergy-related Awareness and Performance of Dietitians at Children's Hospitals in Korea: Comparison of Certificate Possession among Clinical Dietitians
Hye Ran Shin, Sook Bae Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2019;24(6):512-524.   Published online December 31, 2019
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
The purpose of this study was to examine the food allergy-related knowledge, awareness, and performance of dietitians at children's hospitals, depending on whether or not they have a clinical dietitian certificate.
A questionnaire survey was administered to 41 dieticians at children's hospitals registered as a part of the Korean Hospital Association. The survey consisted of questionnaires examining general characteristics, nutritional counseling-related characteristics, and food allergy-related characteristics (food allergy-related knowledge, awareness, and performance). We examined differences according to the status of clinical dietitian certification.
The proportion of subjects who were holders of clinical dietitian certificates was 48.8%. There were differences between holders of clinical dietitian certificates and non-holders as follows. Regarding nutritional awareness and performance, ‘needs to provide nutrition counseling in children's hospitals’, ‘providing nutrition counseling services in working hospitals’, and ‘whether there is a nutrition counseling room’ scored higher among holders of clinical dietitian certificates than non-holders. Holders of clinical dietitian certificates showed higher scores for knowledge of food allergy symptoms and food allergy management than non-holders. For food allergy awareness and performance, ‘self-assessment of food allergy knowledge understanding level’, ‘awareness of open oral food challenge (OFC)’, ‘recognition of the need for education and counseling on food allergy for patients/guardians’, and ‘food allergy related educational experience’ scored higher among holders of clinical dietitians certificates than in non-holders.
Children's hospital dietitians with a clinical dietitian certificate showed high knowledge, awareness, and performance related to food allergies. It is thus necessary to employ a clinical dietitian for food allergy management in children's hospitals. In addition, training and conservative education are necessary for the management of food allergies for children's hospital dietitians.
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Food Allergy Awareness and Nutritional Management by Preschooler's Faculty Members of Child Care Facilities
Soo Bin Kim, Jung Hee Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2017;22(4):298-306.   Published online August 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
The purpose of this study was to investigate the awareness and nutritional management of food allergy (FA) by preschooler's faculty members in child care centers.
A questionnaire survey was conducted among faculty members of child care centers in Seoul. The questionnaire was designed to identify the prevalence of food allergies, requirements of food allergy support and differences in food management depending on the presence of allergic diseases. After excluding incomplete responses, the data of 171 faculties in 137 child care centers (95.0%) were used for statistical analysis.
According to the 137 collected questionnaires, 96 child care centers asked parents about their children's allergic disease and 151 children from 66 child care centers had food allergies. A reported 89 children from 43 child care centers had food restrictions. However, 9 child care centers (21.0%) were not aware of food restriction for children with food allergies. Only 6 child care centers (14.0%) supplied substitute foods with the same amount and type of nutrients. Forty eight faculties (28.1%) received training about food allergies. Although there were some differences according to institution type, most of the faculty members wanted food allergy-related support.
This study identified a lack of food allergy training for faculty members in child care centers. For proper management, it is necessary for faculty members of child care centers to be educated on overall food allergies. Food allergy-related support such as menus without allergenic ingredients, guidelines on emergency care for food allergies and anaphylaxis should be provided for faculty members in child care centers.


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  • Knowledge and management of food allergy by parents of preschool children who experience food allergies
    Seung Hui Kim, Seung-Min Lee
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2023; 56(2): 184.     CrossRef
  • Risk factors for food allergy among children in Seoul: focusing on dietary habits and environmental factors
    Mijung Jang, KyooSang Kim
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2019; 52(6): 559.     CrossRef
  • Study on the snack menu pattern, food diversity and satisfaction of parent provided by Center for Children's Foodservice Management in Jeonbuk area
    Eun-Byul Sym, Jeong-Ok Rho
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2019; 52(5): 501.     CrossRef
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Food Allergy Awareness and Nutritional Management by the Parents of Preschool Children
Soo Bin Kim, Jung Hee Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2016;21(5):426-439.   Published online October 31, 2016
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
This study was performed to measure the food allergy (FA) awareness and management by the parents of preschool children.
A questionnaire survey was conducted with the parents of preschool children. The questionnaire was designed to identify the prevalence of food allergies, requirements of food allergy support and differences in food management according to the presence or absence allergic diseases, using a modified International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) questionnaire. After excluding incomplete responses, the data of 158 parents of preschool children (90.3%) was used for statistical analysis.
The rate of the preschool children who had experienced food allergy (FA, ever) was 38.6% while diagnosed for food allergy by doctor (Diagnosis of FA, ever) was 17.7%. Forty nine preschool children (80.3%) had food restriction, and twenty three of them (37.7%) had self-restriction without diagnosis. The consumption frequencies of allergenic foods in FA group, such as ramyeon, noodles, bread, eggs, yogurt and ice cream were significantly (p<0.001) lower than those of the other two groups. The major allergenic foods were eggs, milk, wheat and processed foods in FA group. The overall food allergy-related knowledge level of parents was insufficient. Only 26 parents (16.5%) had received training about food allergies. All parents wanted to receive food allergy-related supports. In addition, most of parents wanted information on substitute menu for children with food allergy.
This study identified a lack of food allergy training for the parents of preschool children and the necessity for food allergy education. Food allergy-related supports, such as menus without allergenic ingredients, guidelines for managing food allergy & anaphylaxis emergency care plan etc, should be provided to the parents in order to avoid events related to food allergies.


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  • The status of food allergy and parental burden of preschoolers in Jeju area
    Jeong Eun Oh, Eunyoung Kim, Yunkyoung Lee
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2021; 54(6): 664.     CrossRef
  • Study on the snack meal management for infants and toddlers and the demand for snack products according to the sustainable dietary style of mothers in Jeonbuk area
    Ji-Eun Lee, Jeong-Ok Rho
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2020; 53(1): 39.     CrossRef
  • Study on the status of food allergy management and importance-performance analysis about precautions of food allergy in school foodservice according to the school types in Jeonbuk area
    Ji Yeon Kim, Jeong Ok Rho
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2020; 53(3): 329.     CrossRef
  • Study on the snack menu pattern, food diversity and satisfaction of parent provided by Center for Children's Foodservice Management in Jeonbuk area
    Eun-Byul Sym, Jeong-Ok Rho
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2019; 52(5): 501.     CrossRef
  • Food Allergy-related Awareness and Performance of Dietitians at Children's Hospitals in Korea: Comparison of Certificate Possession among Clinical Dietitians
    Hye-Ran Shin, Sook-Bae Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2019; 24(6): 512.     CrossRef
  • Food Allergy Awareness and Nutritional Management by Preschooler's Faculty Members of Child Care Facilities
    Soo Bin Kim, Jung Hee Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2017; 22(4): 298.     CrossRef
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Food Allergy Management Status by Dietitians and Nutrition Teachers in Elementary and Middle Schools in Incheon
Aruem Yoon, Soo Kyung Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2016;21(3):247-255.   Published online June 30, 2016
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
Food allergy appears to be increasing in prevalence and can potentially result in significant damaging impact on children's mental and physical health. This study investigated how dietitians/nutrition teachers in Incheon, where a fatal fool allergy incidence occurred, manage food allergy issues in school lunch systems.
A survey with a pre-tested questionnaire was conducted with 358 dietitians/nutrition teachers in Incheon area. The final analytical sample included questionnaire data from 208 study participants (58.1%). Statistical analyses used SPSS ver 19.0.
A total of 99.5% respondents reported having received food allergy education. The respondents showed a correction rate of the food allergy test slightly higher than 70%, where nutrition teachers and respondents working in elementary schools had correction rates higher than dietitians and those working in middle schools (p<0.05). All respondents reported regular monitoring to identify students with food allergy and making notification of allergy-prone foods on menu in their school. More nutrition teachers provided "elimination meals" (57.6%) or "replacement meals" (37.0%) than dietitians (43.1%, 19.8%, respectively) (p<0.05). Elimination and replacement meals were provided more in elementary schools than in middle schools (p<0.05). Although counseling students with food allergy on nutrition was done by 64.9% of respondents, the areas of counseling were limited to basics of food allergy and how to use the notification system on menu. To prepare for handling food allergy events effectively, networks with regional clinics or hospitals (34.1%), hotline with parents (87.4%), and keeping an Epi-Pen ready (46.7% elementary school) were established. Only 34.1% of respondents knew how to use Epi-Pens.
Dietitians and nutrition teachers in Incheon widely adapted food allergy management methods. It appears that education/training on food allergy for dietitians/nutrition teachers can move on from teaching basics of food allergy to providing applicable food allergy management methods at school system.


Citations to this article as recorded by  
  • Study on the status of food allergy management and importance-performance analysis about precautions of food allergy in school foodservice according to the school types in Jeonbuk area
    Ji Yeon Kim, Jeong Ok Rho
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2020; 53(3): 329.     CrossRef
  • The School Meal Workers' Recognition and Management of Food Allergy in Gangwon Province
    Meera Jang, Soo-Jin Lee
    Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life.2018; 28(6): 391.     CrossRef
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The Current State of Food Allergy of Preschool Childcare Facilities in Hanam
Wookyoun Cho, Jinah Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2015;20(4):251-258.   Published online August 31, 2015
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
The purpose of this study was to investigate how to manage food allergy of pre-school children, focusing on the current status of the food allergy in childcare facilities in Hanam which have less than 100 children.
Targeting 159 preschool childcare facilities, survey was carried out for a month in March, 2015. Recovery rate was 66.7%. 106 surveys out of 159 were available for analysis using SPSS statistical program version 19.0.
Among 106 facilities, 58 (54.7%) reported that none of their children had a food allergy and 48 (45.3%) reported one more children had a food allergy. Total number of children having a food allergy was 71. Among them, the occurrences of food allergy in males were significantly more than that of the females (p < 0.001). Further, children under 2 years of age had significantly more food allergy than the other ages (p < 0.001). The allergic inducing foods were nuts (23.3%), egg (17.8%), milk and dairy products (16.4%), fish and shellfish (13.7%), instant foods (12.3%), fruits (8.2%), soybean (4.1%), meat (2.7%), and cereals (1.4%) in order, and 6 children out of 71 were allergic to more than 2 food items. The clinical symptoms of the food allergy were a skin reaction (87.9%) and an oropharyngeal & respiratory reaction (12.1%). Majority of childcare facilities (80.3%) didn't serve alternative foods for children with food allergy. Necessity for food allergy education was significantly higher in facilities with food allergy issues than without such issues.
The Center for Children's Foodservice Management need to educate workers of childcare facilities and parents about managing food allergy and enforce a plan to provide alternative menu to children with food allergies.


Citations to this article as recorded by  
  • Knowledge and management of food allergy by parents of preschool children who experience food allergies
    Seung Hui Kim, Seung-Min Lee
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2023; 56(2): 184.     CrossRef
  • Cleaning Methods to Effectively Remove Peanut Allergens from Food Facilities or Utensil Surfaces
    Sol-A Kim, Jeong-Eun Lee, Jaemin Shin, Won-Bo Shim
    Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety.2023; 38(4): 228.     CrossRef
  • Risk factors for food allergy among children in Seoul: focusing on dietary habits and environmental factors
    Mijung Jang, KyooSang Kim
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2019; 52(6): 559.     CrossRef
  • Study on the snack menu pattern, food diversity and satisfaction of parent provided by Center for Children's Foodservice Management in Jeonbuk area
    Eun-Byul Sym, Jeong-Ok Rho
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2019; 52(5): 501.     CrossRef
  • Food allergic reactions in the community: a questionnaire survey of caregivers
    An Deok Seo, Jun Yeol Lee, Song I Yang, Hye Ran Lee, So-Yeon Lee
    Allergy, Asthma & Respiratory Disease.2017; 5(1): 27.     CrossRef
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Possibility Analysis of a Rice Based Bread by Analyzing Customers' Needs of Menus for School Foodservice
So Jung Lee, Min A Lee, Il Sun Yang, Hae Young Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2009;14(5):545-555.   Published online October 31, 2009
AbstractAbstract PDF
School foodservice customers are likely to be tired of repeated cycle menus and their satisfaction for meals offered in school is inclined to be low. The menu variety is an important factor in increasing customer satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to investigate customer perspectives for applying rice based bread menus in order to add menu variety and promote using rice processed products in school foodservice. The questionnaire was distributed to 760 parent samples in elementary schools and 520 student samples in middle/high schools and a total of 665 and 387 usable data were collected, respectively. Food habits such as preference for cooking method, menu preference, food allergy and nutritional perspectives for menu and customer perception for rice based bread like quality, reliability, price, and purchasing convenience were investigated using 7 Likert scale. Also expected menu types applying rice based bread and offering frequency of rice bread menu were examined. Preference level for bread-based meals were moderate and students' preferences were slightly higher than parents. Menu types applying rice bread expected by middle/high school students were western food (49.4%), spaghetti (28.4%), set menu (13.7%), noodle (17.6%), Korean food (11.1%), Chinese food (10.9%) and porridge (4.5%). The most occupied rate was once in a week for expected offering frequency. Most respondents perceived that rice bread was more nutritive and qualitative than the wheat based one.
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