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Development of a Zinc Database to Estimate the Zinc Intake Levels in the Korean Toddlers and Preschool Children
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Research Article
Development of a Zinc Database to Estimate the Zinc Intake Levels in the Korean Toddlers and Preschool Children
Su-In Yoon, Jae Eun Shim
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2021;26(2):103-110.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5720/kjcn.2021.26.2.103
Published online: April 30, 2021
1Instructor, Department of Food and Nutrition, Daejeon University, Daejeon, Korea
2Professor, Department of Food and Nutrition, Daejeon University, Daejeon, Korea
Corresponding author:  Jae Eun Shim, Tel: +82-42-280-2469, Fax: +82-42-280-2468, 
Email: jshim@dju.kr
Received: 4 April 2021   • Revised: 27 April 2021   • Accepted: 27 April 2021
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The objective of this study was to develop a zinc database (DB) to estimate the intake levels of zinc in Korean toddlers and preschool children using the data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES). Methods: A total of 3,361 food items for the DB representing the usual diet of Korean toddlers and preschool children were selected based on KNHANES (2009~2013) and the food composition table of Rural Development Administration (RDA). The existing values of zinc in foods were collected from the latest food composition tables of RDA (9th revision) and the US Department of Agriculture (legacy release). The zinc contents were filled preferentially with these collected values. The missing values were replaced with the calculated values or imputed values using the existing values of similar food items from the data source. The zinc intake levels of Korean toddlers and preschool children were estimated using KNHANES and zinc DB Results: A total of 1,188 existing values, 412 calculated values, and 1,727 imputed values were included in the zinc DB. The mean intake levels of zinc for 1-2-year-old children and 3-5-year-olds were 5.17 ± 2.94 mg/day and 6.30 ± 2.84 mg/day, respectively.There was no significant difference in the zinc intake levels between boys and girls in each group. Conclusions: This newly developed zinc DB would be helpful to assess the zinc nutritional status and investigate the association between the zinc intakes and related health concerns in Korean toddlers and preschool children.

Korean J Community Nutr. 2021 Apr;26(2):103-110. Korean.
Published online Apr 30, 2021.
Copyright © 2021 The Korean Society of Community Nutrition
Original Article

Development of a Zinc Database to Estimate the Zinc Intake Levels in the Korean Toddlers and Preschool Children

Su-In Yoon,1 and Jae Eun Shim2
    • 1Instructor, Department of Food and Nutrition, Daejeon University, Daejeon, Korea.
    • 2Professor, Department of Food and Nutrition, Daejeon University, Daejeon, Korea.
Received April 04, 2021; Revised April 27, 2021; Accepted April 27, 2021.

This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.



The objective of this study was to develop a zinc database (DB) to estimate the intake levels of zinc in Korean toddlers and preschool children using the data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES).


A total of 3,361 food items for the DB representing the usual diet of Korean toddlers and preschool children were selected based on KNHANES (2009~2013) and the food composition table of Rural Development Administration (RDA). The existing values of zinc in foods were collected from the latest food composition tables of RDA (9th revision) and the US Department of Agriculture (legacy release). The zinc contents were filled preferentially with these collected values. The missing values were replaced with the calculated values or imputed values using the existing values of similar food items from the data source. The zinc intake levels of Korean toddlers and preschool children were estimated using KNHANES and zinc DB


A total of 1,188 existing values, 412 calculated values, and 1,727 imputed values were included in the zinc DB. The mean intake levels of zinc for 1–2-year-old children and 3–5-year-olds were 5.17 ± 2.94 mg/day and 6.30 ± 2.84 mg/day, respectively. There was no significant difference in the zinc intake levels between boys and girls in each group.


This newly developed zinc DB would be helpful to assess the zinc nutritional status and investigate the association between the zinc intakes and related health concerns in Korean toddlers and preschool children.

zinc database; nutrition survey; Korean toddlers; Korean preschool children; KNHANES


Fig. 1
Overall flow of development of zinc database for the dietary assessment of Korean toddlers and preschool children KNHANES: Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; DB: database


Table 1
Data sources of zinc database

Table 2
Distribution of food groups and value types in the newly developed zinc database

Table 3
Calculation of zinc intake of Korean toddlers and preschool children with the newly eveloped zinc database using data of the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 2009 to 2013 years and their characteristics of macro nutrient intake by age and sex


This work was supported by a grant from the National Research Foundation of Korea (2016R1D1A1B03931820).


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