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Breast-feeding and Obesity in Early Childhood: Based on the KNHANES 2008 through 2011
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Original Article
Breast-feeding and Obesity in Early Childhood: Based on the KNHANES 2008 through 2011
Miyong Yon, Haeng-Shin Lee, Dohee Kim, Jeeyeon Lee, Jiwoon Nam, Gui-Im Moon, Jinhwan Hong, Cho-il Kim
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2013;18(6):644-651.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5720/kjcn.2013.18.6.644
Published online: December 31, 2013

Nutrition Management Service Team, Korea Health Industry Development Institute, Chungbuk, Korea.

1Food Safety Risk Assessment Division, Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, Chungbuk, Korea.

2Department of Anti-ageing Industry & Policy, Korea Health Industry Development Institute, Chungbuk, Korea.

Corresponding author: Cho-il Kim, Department of Anti-ageing Industry & Policy, Korea Health Industry Development Institute, Osong Health Technology Administration Complex, 187 Osongseangmyeong2-ro, Osong-eup, Cheongwon-gun, Chungbuk 363-700, Korea. Tel: (043) 713-8611, Fax: (043) 713-8907, kimci@khidi.or.kr
• Received: August 27, 2013   • Revised: November 11, 2013   • Accepted: December 13, 2013

Copyright © 2013 The Korean Society of Community Nutrition

This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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  • Although there has been a significant increase in breast-feeding (BF) rate in Korea, it is plateaued since 2008 and still low compared with that of other countries. Because BF has been related to lower obesity prevalence in many studies and the increase in childhood obesity became evident in Korea, we wondered if a relatively lower BF rate has anything to do with this increase. Therefore, we looked into the relationship between mode & duration of BF during infancy and weight status of toddlers using the data from Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2008 through 2011. Number of 2-3 year old toddlers with complete information on BF, anthropometry and normal birth weight was 674. While 87% of them were ever-breastfed, 6.2% each of them were either obese or overweight based on the Standard Growth Chart for Korean Children. Not only the obesity prevalence was different among groups of different mode of feeding, but also the mean duration of BF was significantly longer in normal weight group (9.2 mo.) compared with obese group (5.5 mo.). Accordingly, overweight and obesity prevalence of the toddlers breast-fed for 12 months or longer was significantly lower than that of the toddlers breast-fed for less than 12 months (OR 0.53, 95% CI 0.32-0.87). This study revealed that both BF and duration of BF affect the childhood obesity and, BF for 12 months or longer should be encouraged more aggressively as one of the main strategies to prevent and/or decrease childhood obesity in Korea.

This research was supported by a grant (11162유해영732) from Ministry of Food and Drug Safety in 2013.

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Fig. 1
Mean duration of breast-feeding by weight status among 2~3 year old toddlers with normal birth-weight in KNHANES 2008~2011.
1) Numbers with different superscripts are significantly different by Duncan's multiple range test (p < 0.05)
Fig. 2
Distribution of subjects by mode of feeding and duration of breast-feeding among 2-3 year old toddlers with normal birth-weight in KNHANES 2008-2011.
Fig. 3
Mean duration of breast-feeding by mode of feeding among 2~3 year old toddlers with normal birth-weight in KNHANES 2008~2011.
Table 1
Characteristics of 2~3 year old toddlers with normal birth-weight in Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) 2008~2011

1) Based on the individual income calculated from monthly household income in KNHANES: Household income / √ number of household members

Table 2
Birth weight comparison by mode of feeding among 2~3 year old toddlers with normal birth-weight in KNHANES 2008~2011

1) Mean ± SD

Table 3
Odds ratio for independent risk factors associated with being overweight and/or obese in the final logistic regression model of 674 2~3 year old toddlers with normal birth-weight in KNHANES 2008~2011

1) Based on the individual income calculated from monthly household income in KNHANES: Household income/ √ number of household members

Table 4
Prevalence and adjusted odds ratio for some risk factors associated with being overweight and/or obesity among 2~3 year old toddlers with normal birth-weight in KNHANES 2008~2011

1) Adjusted by controlling for birth weight only

Figure & Data



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      Breast-feeding and Obesity in Early Childhood: Based on the KNHANES 2008 through 2011
      Korean J Community Nutr. 2013;18(6):644-651.   Published online December 31, 2013
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    Breast-feeding and Obesity in Early Childhood: Based on the KNHANES 2008 through 2011
    Image Image Image
    Fig. 1 Mean duration of breast-feeding by weight status among 2~3 year old toddlers with normal birth-weight in KNHANES 2008~2011. 1) Numbers with different superscripts are significantly different by Duncan's multiple range test (p < 0.05)
    Fig. 2 Distribution of subjects by mode of feeding and duration of breast-feeding among 2-3 year old toddlers with normal birth-weight in KNHANES 2008-2011.
    Fig. 3 Mean duration of breast-feeding by mode of feeding among 2~3 year old toddlers with normal birth-weight in KNHANES 2008~2011.
    Breast-feeding and Obesity in Early Childhood: Based on the KNHANES 2008 through 2011

    Characteristics of 2~3 year old toddlers with normal birth-weight in Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) 2008~2011

    1) Based on the individual income calculated from monthly household income in KNHANES: Household income / √ number of household members

    Birth weight comparison by mode of feeding among 2~3 year old toddlers with normal birth-weight in KNHANES 2008~2011

    1) Mean ± SD

    Odds ratio for independent risk factors associated with being overweight and/or obese in the final logistic regression model of 674 2~3 year old toddlers with normal birth-weight in KNHANES 2008~2011

    1) Based on the individual income calculated from monthly household income in KNHANES: Household income/ √ number of household members

    Prevalence and adjusted odds ratio for some risk factors associated with being overweight and/or obesity among 2~3 year old toddlers with normal birth-weight in KNHANES 2008~2011

    1) Adjusted by controlling for birth weight only

    Table 1 Characteristics of 2~3 year old toddlers with normal birth-weight in Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) 2008~2011

    1) Based on the individual income calculated from monthly household income in KNHANES: Household income / √ number of household members

    Table 2 Birth weight comparison by mode of feeding among 2~3 year old toddlers with normal birth-weight in KNHANES 2008~2011

    1) Mean ± SD

    Table 3 Odds ratio for independent risk factors associated with being overweight and/or obese in the final logistic regression model of 674 2~3 year old toddlers with normal birth-weight in KNHANES 2008~2011

    1) Based on the individual income calculated from monthly household income in KNHANES: Household income/ √ number of household members

    Table 4 Prevalence and adjusted odds ratio for some risk factors associated with being overweight and/or obesity among 2~3 year old toddlers with normal birth-weight in KNHANES 2008~2011

    1) Adjusted by controlling for birth weight only

    Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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