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The Relationship among Insulin Resistance, Blood Profiles and Nutrient Intake in Overweight or Obese Children and Adolescents
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Original Article
The Relationship among Insulin Resistance, Blood Profiles and Nutrient Intake in Overweight or Obese Children and Adolescents
Jae-Hee Kim, Eun-Kyung Kim
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2012;17(5):530-542.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5720/kjcn.2012.17.5.530
Published online: October 31, 2012

Department of Food and Nutrition, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung, Korea.

Corresponding author: Eun-Kyung Kim, Department of Food and Nutrition, Gangneung-Wonju National University, 7, Jukheon-gil, Gangneung, Gangwon-do 210-702, Korea. Tel: (033) 640-2336, Fax: (033) 640-2330, ekkim@gwnu.ac.kr
• Received: July 18, 2012   • Revised: September 26, 2012   • Accepted: October 5, 2012

Copyright © 2012 The Korean Society of Community Nutrition

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  • The purposes of this study were to investigate blood profiles and nutrient intakes of groups that are different in obese levels, and to find the credible predictor of insulin resistance. The subjects were classified as normal weight (%IBW ≤ 110), obese without MS and obese with MS according to IDF definition of the risk group in metabolic syndrome (MS). Subjects of this study were included 137 (59 boys, 78 girls) free living children and adolescents (mean age 12.6 ± 3.4 years) in Gangneung area, South Korea. %IBW of normal weight (94.9%), obese without MS (123.8%) and obese with MS (131.5%) were significantly different among groups. HOMA-IR had positive correlations with TG (r = 0.634), waist circumference (r = 0.553), atherogenic index (r = 0.513), %IBW (r = 0.453) and ALT (r = 0.360), but showed negative correlations with HDL cholesterol (r = -0.417, p < 0.001). HOMA-IR showed positive correlation with polyunsaturated fatty acid intake (p < 0.05). The energy intake of obese with MS was 1762 kcal/day which was not significantly different from those of normal weight and obese without MS. Total fatty acid intakes of two obese groups were significantly higher than that of normal weight. The results of this study suggest that waist circumference and ALT as well as TG, atherogenic index and weight can be credible indices to predict the insulin resistance in children and in adolescents. In addition, nutrition education and adequate diet should be provided to prevent MS in children and in adolescents.

This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (2010-0004472).

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Table 1
Gender distribution of subjects by school and obese group (N = 137)

1) N (%)

2) NS: No Significant

3) MS: Metabolic Syndrome

Significant difference at ***: p < 0.001

Table 2
Distribution of risk factors of MS by obese group in total subjects (N = 137)

1) N (%)

Significant difference at **: p < 0.01

Table 3
Distribution of risk factors of MS in total subjects (N = 137)

1) N (%)

Significant difference at *: p < 0.05

Table 4
Anthropometric measurements of subjects by obese groups (N = 137)

1) Mean ± SD

2) [Body weight (kg) / Standard weight (kg)] × 100

3) Body fat (%) measured by Inbody 720

4) Muscle mass (kg) calculated by Heymsfield's formular

5) Body muscle (%) = [Muscle (kg) / body weight (kg)] * 100

abc means significant difference (p < 0.05) among groups by Duncan's multiple range test

All data are same after controlling for age using ANCOVA among groups

Table 5
Biochemistry characteristics of subjects by obese group (N = 137)

1) Mean ± SD

abc means significant difference at p < 0.05 among groups by Duncan's multiple range test

All data are same after controlling for age using ANCOVA among groups

Table 6
Pearson's correlation coefficient of HOMA-IR with anthropometric and biochemical variables of blood in subjects

1) % IBW = [body weight (kg) / standard weight (cm)] × 100

2) Body fat (%) = measured by inbody 720

3) Muscle mass (kg) was calculated by Heymsfield's formular

Significant difference at ***: p < 0.001

Table 7
Comparison of daily nutrient intakes in normal weight, obese without MS and obese with MS groups

1) Mean ± SD

abc means significant difference at p < 0.05 among groups by Duncan's multiple range test

Table 8
Comparison of nutrient adequacy ratio(NAR) and mean adequacy ratio (MAR)

1) Mean ± SD

No significant difference except Vit E among obese groups by Duncan's multiple range test

Table 9
Correlation of insulin resistance HOMA-IR with nutrients intake

Significantly correlated at *: p < 0.05

Figure & Data



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      The Relationship among Insulin Resistance, Blood Profiles and Nutrient Intake in Overweight or Obese Children and Adolescents
      Korean J Community Nutr. 2012;17(5):530-542.   Published online October 31, 2012
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    We recommend
    The Relationship among Insulin Resistance, Blood Profiles and Nutrient Intake in Overweight or Obese Children and Adolescents
    The Relationship among Insulin Resistance, Blood Profiles and Nutrient Intake in Overweight or Obese Children and Adolescents

    Gender distribution of subjects by school and obese group (N = 137)

    1) N (%)

    2) NS: No Significant

    3) MS: Metabolic Syndrome

    Significant difference at ***: p < 0.001

    Distribution of risk factors of MS by obese group in total subjects (N = 137)

    1) N (%)

    Significant difference at **: p < 0.01

    Distribution of risk factors of MS in total subjects (N = 137)

    1) N (%)

    Significant difference at *: p < 0.05

    Anthropometric measurements of subjects by obese groups (N = 137)

    1) Mean ± SD

    2) [Body weight (kg) / Standard weight (kg)] × 100

    3) Body fat (%) measured by Inbody 720

    4) Muscle mass (kg) calculated by Heymsfield's formular

    5) Body muscle (%) = [Muscle (kg) / body weight (kg)] * 100

    abc means significant difference (p < 0.05) among groups by Duncan's multiple range test

    All data are same after controlling for age using ANCOVA among groups

    Biochemistry characteristics of subjects by obese group (N = 137)

    1) Mean ± SD

    abc means significant difference at p < 0.05 among groups by Duncan's multiple range test

    All data are same after controlling for age using ANCOVA among groups

    Pearson's correlation coefficient of HOMA-IR with anthropometric and biochemical variables of blood in subjects

    1) % IBW = [body weight (kg) / standard weight (cm)] × 100

    2) Body fat (%) = measured by inbody 720

    3) Muscle mass (kg) was calculated by Heymsfield's formular

    Significant difference at ***: p < 0.001

    Comparison of daily nutrient intakes in normal weight, obese without MS and obese with MS groups

    1) Mean ± SD

    abc means significant difference at p < 0.05 among groups by Duncan's multiple range test

    Comparison of nutrient adequacy ratio(NAR) and mean adequacy ratio (MAR)

    1) Mean ± SD

    No significant difference except Vit E among obese groups by Duncan's multiple range test

    Correlation of insulin resistance HOMA-IR with nutrients intake

    Significantly correlated at *: p < 0.05

    Table 1 Gender distribution of subjects by school and obese group (N = 137)

    1) N (%)

    2) NS: No Significant

    3) MS: Metabolic Syndrome

    Significant difference at ***: p < 0.001

    Table 2 Distribution of risk factors of MS by obese group in total subjects (N = 137)

    1) N (%)

    Significant difference at **: p < 0.01

    Table 3 Distribution of risk factors of MS in total subjects (N = 137)

    1) N (%)

    Significant difference at *: p < 0.05

    Table 4 Anthropometric measurements of subjects by obese groups (N = 137)

    1) Mean ± SD

    2) [Body weight (kg) / Standard weight (kg)] × 100

    3) Body fat (%) measured by Inbody 720

    4) Muscle mass (kg) calculated by Heymsfield's formular

    5) Body muscle (%) = [Muscle (kg) / body weight (kg)] * 100

    abc means significant difference (p < 0.05) among groups by Duncan's multiple range test

    All data are same after controlling for age using ANCOVA among groups

    Table 5 Biochemistry characteristics of subjects by obese group (N = 137)

    1) Mean ± SD

    abc means significant difference at p < 0.05 among groups by Duncan's multiple range test

    All data are same after controlling for age using ANCOVA among groups

    Table 6 Pearson's correlation coefficient of HOMA-IR with anthropometric and biochemical variables of blood in subjects

    1) % IBW = [body weight (kg) / standard weight (cm)] × 100

    2) Body fat (%) = measured by inbody 720

    3) Muscle mass (kg) was calculated by Heymsfield's formular

    Significant difference at ***: p < 0.001

    Table 7 Comparison of daily nutrient intakes in normal weight, obese without MS and obese with MS groups

    1) Mean ± SD

    abc means significant difference at p < 0.05 among groups by Duncan's multiple range test

    Table 8 Comparison of nutrient adequacy ratio(NAR) and mean adequacy ratio (MAR)

    1) Mean ± SD

    No significant difference except Vit E among obese groups by Duncan's multiple range test

    Table 9 Correlation of insulin resistance HOMA-IR with nutrients intake

    Significantly correlated at *: p < 0.05

    Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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