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Research Article
Development of a Questionnaire for Dietary Habit Survey of Korean Adults
Jin Suk Jo, Ki Nam Kim
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2014;19(3):258-273.
Published online: June 30, 2014

Department of Food and Nutrition, Chungbuk National University, Chungbuk, Korea.

Corresponding author: Ki Nam Kim. Department of Food and Nutrition, Chungbuk National University, 52 Naesu-dong(Gaesin-dong), Heungduck-ku, Cheongju, Chungbuk 361-763, Korea. Tel: (043) 261-2745, Fax: (043) 267-2742,
• Received: April 25, 2014   • Revised: May 30, 2014   • Accepted: May 30, 2014

Copyright © 2014 The Korean Society of Community Nutrition

This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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  • Objectives
    The purposes of the study were to develop a questionnaire for dietary habit survey for Korean adults, and unify the terms related to dietary habits.
  • Methods
    The Delphi method by 43 professionals on dietary habit research was applied to unify the terms.
  • Results
    With regard to results on terms related to dietary habit, the respondents recorded the highest percentage (90.7%) of selecting the term "dietary habits" and also the highest percentage (76.7%) of choosing "dietary habits" for English. The biggest percentage of the respondents chose "individual dietary behaviors repeatedly formed and habitualized under the social, cultural, and psychological influence in the group" as the concept of dietary habits. The Delphi survey for the development of a questionnaire resulted in the first questionnaire of 31 items, the second one of 27 items, and the third one of 25 items. The validity of questionnaire items was tested with content validity ratios (CVR). The items whose CVR value was 0.29 or lower were eliminated or revised, because the minimum CVR value needed to test validity was 0.29. To test the reliability of questionnaire items, test-retest method was performed in 163 adults. According to the Kappa coefficient in the range of 0.314-0.716, all of the 25 items were in the reliability scope. A survey was taken with 702 adults to finally revise and supplement the third questionnaire whose validity and reliability were tested.
  • Conclusions
    Through those processes, a questionnaire for adults' dietary habit survey was finally completed. The significance of the study lies in the development of the first questionnaire on dietary habits equipped with both validity and reliability in South Korea.

This study was supported by the research grant of the Chungbuk National University in 2012

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Supplement 1


Supplement 2


Supplement 3


Supplement 4


Supplement 5

Fig. 1
Development process of a questionnaire.
Fig. 2
Revision process of question items.
Table 1
Items accepted from the first Delphi survey
Table 2
Items whose answers were revised based on the first and second Delphi survey

1) Detailed Korean questions : See Supplement 2

Table 3
Items whose question and answers were revised based on the first and second Delphi survey

1) Detailed Korean questions : See Supplement 3

2) They will be removed since their CVR is under the cut-off value (0.29).

Table 4
Added items based on the second Delphi survey

1) Detailed Korean questions : See Supplement 4

Table 5
Kappa coefficient of each item of the questionnaire

1) Detailed questions : See Table 6, Supplement 5

Table 6
A final questionnaire for dietary habit survey

Figure & Data



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      Development of a Questionnaire for Dietary Habit Survey of Korean Adults
      Korean J Community Nutr. 2014;19(3):258-273.   Published online June 30, 2014
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    We recommend
    Development of a Questionnaire for Dietary Habit Survey of Korean Adults
    Image Image
    Fig. 1 Development process of a questionnaire.
    Fig. 2 Revision process of question items.
    Development of a Questionnaire for Dietary Habit Survey of Korean Adults

    Items accepted from the first Delphi survey

    Items whose answers were revised based on the first and second Delphi survey

    1) Detailed Korean questions : See Supplement 2

    Items whose question and answers were revised based on the first and second Delphi survey

    1) Detailed Korean questions : See Supplement 3

    2) They will be removed since their CVR is under the cut-off value (0.29).

    Added items based on the second Delphi survey

    1) Detailed Korean questions : See Supplement 4

    Kappa coefficient of each item of the questionnaire

    1) Detailed questions : See Table 6, Supplement 5

    A final questionnaire for dietary habit survey

    Table 1 Items accepted from the first Delphi survey

    Table 2 Items whose answers were revised based on the first and second Delphi survey

    1) Detailed Korean questions : See Supplement 2

    Table 3 Items whose question and answers were revised based on the first and second Delphi survey

    1) Detailed Korean questions : See Supplement 3

    2) They will be removed since their CVR is under the cut-off value (0.29).

    Table 4 Added items based on the second Delphi survey

    1) Detailed Korean questions : See Supplement 4

    Table 5 Kappa coefficient of each item of the questionnaire

    1) Detailed questions : See Table 6, Supplement 5

    Table 6 A final questionnaire for dietary habit survey

    Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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