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Hye Jin Hwang 5 Articles
A Study on Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), Nutrient Intake, Psychological Index according to the Obesity Degree of College Women
Se Na Kang, Jung Hwa Park, Hye Jin Hwang
Korean J Community Nutr 2011;16(1):14-22.   Published online February 28, 2011
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This study was designed to compare the incidence and severity of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) between normal (N = 85) and overweight or obese (N = 28) college female students and investigated correlation between PMS, nutrient intake, hematological index and psychological index (depression, anxiety, stress). Each subject was asked a Menstrual Discomfort Questionnaire (MDQ) for PMS by 5 Likert scale. The PMS scores of women in the normal weight subjects ranked in order of severity were water retention (2.71), followed by behavioral change (2.58), negative affect (2.46), pain (2.31), autonomic reaction (2.27), decreased concentration (2.16). The symptoms of 'pain' and 'behavioral change' of overweight or obese subject were significantly higher than those of normal subject (p < 0.05). And total cholesterol concentration of overweight or obese subjects was significantly higher than in normal subject (p < 0.05). There was a significant positive correlation (p < 0.05) between the symptoms of 'negative effect' and BMI. And the triglyceride concentration was positively related with 'water retention (p < 0.01)'. The symptoms of 'decreased concentration' were negatively correlated with calcium (p < 0.01) and vitamin B6 intake (p < 0.05). The depression score were positively related with symptoms of 'behavioral change (p < 0.05)', 'negative affect' (p < 0.01), and the anxiety score was positively correlated with 'behavioral change (p < 0.05)' and 'decreased concentration (p < 0.05)'. The stress score was positively correlated with 'decreased concentration (p < 0.01)', 'behavioral change (p < 0.05)' and 'negative affect (p < 0.05)'. This suggests that PMS represents the clinical manifestation of a calcium, vitamin B6 deficiency and psychological disorder. Therefore we concluded that nutrient supplementation, depression and stress management may help to relieve PMS symptoms.


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Iron Status and Anemia of Middle School Girls in Ulsan Metropolitan City
Soon Myung Hong, Young Eun Seo, Hye Jin Hwang
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(1):26-32.   Published online February 28, 2003
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This study was designed to assess the nutritional iron status and anemia of middle school girls. Three-hundred-fiftythree female subjects in Ulsan metropolitan city were evaluated using a questionnaire, and hematological indices. The average height and weight of the respondents were 157.19 +/- 5.57 cm and 51.06 +/-9.42 kg, respectively. The average Body Mass Index (BMI, Kg/m2) was 20.63 +/-3.23, which was within the normal range. With regard to clinical symptoms, the greatest number of respondents reported that they experienced 'decreased ability to concentrate'. The total caloric intake of each subject was 1743.28 +/- 343.47 kcal (83.01% of the Korean RDA) and the calcium intake was 634.98 +/- 201.43 mg (79.37% of the Korean RDA). The mean daily intake of iron was 14.76 +/- 4.36 mg (92.25% of the Korean RDA) and the heme iron intake was 6.12 +/- 2.30 mg, which was 41.5% of the total iron intake. The average hemoglobin (Hb) concentration of the subjects was 13.24 +/- 1.01 g/dl, and the average hematocrit (Hct) level was 37.79 +/- 4.10%. The transferrin saturation {TS (%)} was 19.41 +/- 9.21%, and the ferritin level was 26.26 +/- 18.60 ng/ml. The iron deficiency anemia among the subjects was estimated at 6.1% by using Hb (< 12 g/dl), 20.5% by using Hct (< 36%), 30.8% by using TS (< 14%), and 23.1% by using ferritin (< 12 ng/ml). The total iron binding capacity (TIBC) showed a negative correlation with the Hb, iron, ferritin and TS. With regard to the correlation between blood biochemistry and clinical symptoms related to anemia, the Hb concentration was negatively correlated with 'pale face' (p < 0.05). In addition, the level of iron was significantly and negatively correlated with 'poor memory' (p < 0.01) and the ferritin concentration was negatively correlated with 'no appetite' (p < 0.05), 'pale face (p < 0.05). These results suggest that the prevalence of iron deficiency among middle school girls is very high; therefore, guidelines on dietary support and nutritional education to improve their dietary iron status should be provided.
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A Study of Premenstrual Syndrome(PMS) and the Nutritional Intake of College Women Residing in Busan Metropolitan City
Hye Jin Hwang, Young Man Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(6):731-740.   Published online December 31, 2002
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was designed to identify premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and to investigate the correlation between premenstrual syndrome and nutritional intakes. The subjects of this study were 138 college women residing in Busan Metropolitan City. The subjects were asked to complete Menstrual Discomfort Questionnaire (MDQ) regarding PMS, food intake frequencies and nutritional intake. We studied the correlation between PMS symptoms and nutritional intake. The average height and weight of anemic subjects were 161.42 +/- 3.50 cm and 51.87 +/-5.42 kg. The average BMI (body mass index, kg/m2) was 19.92 +/-2.14 and PIBW (percent ideal body weight) were 93.02 +/-9.75%. Except for phosphorous, vitamin A and vitamin C intakes, the intake levels of all other nutrients were below the Korean RDA. The average calorie intake of the subjects was 1645.65 +/-352.63 kcal (82.2% of the Korean RDA) and iron intake of the subject was 11.06 +/-4.03 mg (69.1% of the Korean RDA). The calcium and vitamin B6 intakes were 512.26 +/-183.12 mg (73.1% of the Korean RDA) and 1.12 +/-0.14 mg (80.0% of the Korean RDA), respectively. With regard to their menstrual state, 45.9% subjects responded that their menstrual cycles were 'irregular'. The frequency of PMS of the subjects was 30.2% (over 3 points) on 5 point scale (1 : no. 5 : severe). The common symptoms of PMS of the subjects were pain (2.32 +/-1.01), negative effects (2.27 +/-0.87), behavioral changes (2.26 +/-0.85), water retention (2.07 +/-0.78), arousal (1.79 +/-0.84), autonomic reactions (1.77 +/-0.87), lack of control (1.69 +/-0.75) and decreased concentration (1.68 +/-0.75). There was significant correlation between all the PMS symptoms and calcium (p < 0.01), vitamin E (p < 0.05), carbohydrate (p < 0.05). This suggests that PMS represents the clinical manifestation of nutrient deficiency states especially calcium. Therefore we concluded that calcium supplementation is likely to be of benefit in relieving PMS symptoms.
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Effects of Iron Supplementation on Iron Status of Anomic High School Girls
Soon Myung Hong, Hye Jin Hwang
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(5):726-733.   Published online December 31, 2001
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was designed to investigate the effect of iron supplementation on the iron nutritional status and anemia of high school girls in Korea. One hundred thirty-five female students residing in Ulian metropolitan city in Korea diagnosed as having anemia or iron deficiency participated in this study. One or two tablets of iron medicine(80-160 mg Fe as ferrous sulfate/day) were administered to all participants for 3 months. Subjects were evaluated with a questionaire, measurement of hematological indices before and after iron supplementation. The average height and weight of respondents were 161.62 +/- 4.68 cm and 53.87 +/- 6.10 kg, respectively. Daily intakes of energy were 1597.8 +/- 302.35 kcal(76.0% RDA). Iron intakes were 13.72 +/- 4.17 mg (76.3% of RDA) and calcium intakes were 580.74 +/- 177.21(72.5% of RDA) before iron supp]ementation. At baseline, 63% of all participants had depleted store(serum ferritin 12 ug/ml and/or transferrin saturation(TS)<14%). After iron supplementation, this proportion declined to 19.3%. 55.6% of subjects had 12 ug/m1 of basal ferritin concentration before iron supplementation, and this proportion declined to 16.3% after iron supplementation. The basal hemoglobin(Hb) concentrations were 12.13 +/- 1.01 g/dl and they increased to 12.79 +/- 0.81 g/dl, which showed significant difference artier iron supplementation(p<0.001). The basal ferritin and TS(%) were 13.24 +/- 11.66 ng/ml, 18.42 +/- 10.12% and they significantly increased to 32.95 +/- 21.14 ng/ml, 33.53 +/- 16.64%, respectively(p<0.001). The basal total iron binding protein(TIBC) were 467.81 +/- 97.24 ug/dl and they significantly decreased to 325.05 +/- 48.89 ug/dl(p<0.001) after iron supplementation. The number of tablets administered was positively correlated with serum iron(t = 0.553, p<0.01), serum ferritin(t = 0.557, p<0.01), TS(%)(t = 0.588, p<0.01) and negatively correlated with TIBC(t= -0.409, p<0.01). The anemia symptoms such as 'Shortening of breath when going upstairs(p<0.01)', 'Tired out easily(p<0.01)', 'Feeling blue(p<0.001)', 'Decreased ability to concentrate(p<0.01)', and 'Poor memory(p<0.001)'improved significantly after iron supplementation. In this study, daily iron supplementations were efficacious in improving the iron status and anemic symptoms of female high school students. Regular check-ups and nutrition education for adolescents are necessary because of their vulnerability to iron deficiency. Further studies are needed to determine the minimum effective dose of iron and to examine the adverse effect of long-term iron supplementation.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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