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In Sook Chae 8 Articles
Effectiveness of Center for Child-Care Foodservice Management for Menu Management and Dietary Variety
Hye Young Kim, Il Sun Yang, In Sook Chae, Bo Sook Yi, Moon Kyung Park, Ha Young Kim, Tae Seok Kang, Dong Gil Leem, Jin Ha Lee, Hae Young Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2013;18(3):243-256.   Published online June 30, 2013
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Centers for Child-care Foodservice Management (CCFSM)'s support on menu management in child-care centers and kindergartens by comparing two perspectives of pre-support vs. post-support and established vs. non-established. To evaluate dietary variety, we used methods that considered both Dietary Diversity Score (DDS) and Dietary Variety Score (DVS). For surveying pre-support and post-support state by CCFSM, we collected and analyzed menus of June and September, 2012, targeting 7 CCFSM supported institutions. Meanwhile, for surveying state in CCFSM established and non-established areas, we collected and analyzed menus of June, 2012, which were implemented in institutions in CCFSM established (181 places) and non-established (106 places) areas. The results of evaluation on the dietary support by CCFSM showed that post-supporting state by CCFSM (95.3%) was significantly higher than pre-supporting state (77.2%) (p < 0.001) and established areas (87.4%) were significantly higher than non-established ones (77.2%) (p < 0.05) on 'Meeting the DRI for infant'. Evaluation of dietary variety between pre- and post-support state by CCFSM showed that post-support state (total 77.3 point) was higher than pre-support state (total 76.4 point). Evaluation of dietary variety between established and non-established areas showed that established areas (total 81.1 point) were significantly higher than non-established ones (total 77.1 point) (p < 0.001). Therefore, it is considered that dietary support service conducted by CCFSM contributes to improve variety level of diet provided by child-care centers and kindergartens.


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  • Assessment of the Effectiveness and Perception of Education by Center for Child-Care Foodservice Management: Focus on Parents of Child-Care and Kindergarten in Seoul
    Se-Young Ju, Wan-Soo Hong
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    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2018; 51(3): 254.     CrossRef
  • Center for Children's Foodservice Management (CCFSM) Employees' Perception of Difficulties in Performing Tasks
    Eun Hye Park, Young Eun Lee
    Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.2015; 44(4): 619.     CrossRef
  • The Assessment of Food Safety Practices and the Effect of Visiting Education on Food Safety Improvement in Children's Foodservice Facilities
    Jae-Eun Paik, Hyun-A Lee, Hyun-Joo Bae
    Korean journal of food and cookery science.2015; 31(6): 764.     CrossRef
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  • Effects of an Education Program on Sanitation Status at Centers for Children's Food Service Management: Focusing on Jung-gu and Dong-gu regions of Daejeon Metropolitan City
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    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2015; 20(6): 447.     CrossRef
  • Task Satisfaction, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Turnover Intension of Center for Children's Foodservice Management Employees
    Eun Hye Park, Young Eun Lee
    Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.2015; 44(12): 1881.     CrossRef
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Analysis of Relative Importance of Key Performance Indicators for Center for Child-Care Foodservice Management through Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Yun Hui Jeong, In Sook Chae, Il Sun Yang, Hye Young Kim, Hae Young Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2013;18(2):154-164.   Published online April 30, 2013
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
The objectives of this study were to assign reasonability to importance of weight selection issue in key performance indicator for performance evaluation of Centers for Child-care Foodservice Management (CCFSM) developed by using Balanced Scorecard (BSC), to draw key performance indicator (KPI) by perspective and to analyze differences in recognition on importance. From September 25 to October 9, 2012, we conducted a questionnaire-based study via e-mail, targeting chiefs and team leaders of nationwide 21 CCFSMs (43 persons), officials of local governments where CCFSM was established (21 persons), officials of Korea Food and Drug Administration (2 persons) and foodservice management experts (27 persons) in order to estimate the relative importance on 4 perspectives and 14 KPIs and analyzed its results by using 61 collected data. The results showed that relative importance of perspectives was estimated in order of importance as follows: business performance (0.3519), customer (0.3393), resource (0.1557), learning and growth (0.1531). Relative importance of KPIs was in order of importance as follows: Evaluation of sanitary management level in childcare foodservice facilities (0.1327), Level of customer recognition and behavior improvement (0.1153), performances of round visiting inspection on foodservice, sanitary, safety management, and foodservice consulting (0.0913). Our results showed that the recognition differences exist on the relative importance of perspectives and KPIs between officials of CCFSM, KFDA, local government and foodservice management experts. These observations will form the basis for developing evaluation systems, and it is considered that performance indicators developed on this basis will suggest direction of operation which CCFSM will have to perform.


Citations to this article as recorded by  
  • A study on the improvement of evaluation scheme for the installation and operation of Center for Children’s and Social Welfare Foodservice Management: utilizing interviews with center stakeholders and external experts
    Jinhyun Kim, Dahye Han, Jieun Oh, Hyun joo Ryou, Ji-Yun Hwang, Kirang Kim, Sohyun Park
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2024; 57(6): 685.     CrossRef
  • The Effect of Hygiene Guidance by Center for Children's Foodservice Management on Food Safety Improvement in Child-care Foodservices in Changwon
    Jeong-Min Cheon, Jae-Kyoung Shin, Hye-Kyung Moon
    Korean Journal of Food and Cookery Science.2018; 34(6): 653.     CrossRef
  • Assessment of the Effectiveness and Perception of Education by Center for Child-Care Foodservice Management: Focus on Parents of Child-Care and Kindergarten in Seoul
    Se-Young Ju, Wan-Soo Hong
    Korean Journal of Food and Cookery Science.2018; 34(4): 404.     CrossRef
  • Task Satisfaction, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Turnover Intension of Center for Children's Foodservice Management Employees
    Eun Hye Park, Young Eun Lee
    Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.2015; 44(12): 1881.     CrossRef
  • The Assessment of Food Safety Practices and the Effect of Visiting Education on Food Safety Improvement in Children's Foodservice Facilities
    Jae-Eun Paik, Hyun-A Lee, Hyun-Joo Bae
    Korean journal of food and cookery science.2015; 31(6): 764.     CrossRef
  • Center for Children's Foodservice Management (CCFSM) Employees' Perception of Difficulties in Performing Tasks
    Eun Hye Park, Young Eun Lee
    Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.2015; 44(4): 619.     CrossRef
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Interrelations Among Fast Food, Beverage Intake and Sociality, Anger Expression of Adolescents in the Busan Area
Eun Soon Lyu, In Sook Chae, Kyung Hae Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2008;13(6):829-839.   Published online December 31, 2008
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation of the fast food and beverage intake on sociality and anger expression of adolescents. Questionnaires were distributed to the adolescents of 599 middle and high school students in Busan. According to the results, the preference-intake frequency analysis (PEA) on fast food grid, high preference and high intake frequency were 'dukbokki', 'chicken' and 'mandu' and low preference and high intake frequency were 'ramyon', 'gimbab. PEA on beverage grid, high preference and high intake frequency were 'milk dairy product', 'fruit juice', 'isotonic beverage' and low preference and high intake frequency were 'carbonate drink'. The intake frequency of 'pizza', 'sandwich', 'udong', and 'dukbokki' had a positive relationship with sociality. 'Hamburger', 'chicken', 'french fry', 'gimbab', 'mandu', and 'ramyon' showed a positive relationship with anger-out. The intake frequency of 'carbonated drink' had a negative relationship with anger-control, but 'green tea' showed a positive relation with it. 'Carbonate drink', 'isotonic beverage', 'coffee', and 'milkshake' had a negative relationship with anger-out. The explanation power (R2) of intake of fast food and beverage on sociality was 0.019~0.038, and 'carbonated drink' and 'coffee' had a negative influence on sociality. The explanation power (R2) of intake of fast food and beverage on anger expression was 0.011~0.041, and 'carbonated drink' had a negative influence on angercontrol. 'Hamburger', 'carbonated drink', and 'coffee' showed a positive influence on anger-out. From these results, it was necessary to develop the practical eating-out habits program on proper fast food and beverage choice for adolescents.
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Importance, Support and Application for Contract Foodservice Management Company's Infra-System in the Viewpoint of Headquarters and Branch Office
Il Sun Yang, Moon Kyung Park, Kyung Soo Han, In Sook Chae, So Hyun Park, Hae Young Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2004;9(2):233-240.   Published online April 30, 2004
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was design to grope the suggestions leading synergic effects by bridging the gap between headquarters and branch office, and so to identify the infra-system of contract foodservice management company (CFMC) necessary for operating any kind of branch office including school, hospital and business and industry (B&I). Among 8 categories consisted of infra-system in CFMC, 'C8. Evaluation & analysis for branch office's operation' was the most important category in the headquarter's viewpoint, while 'C3. Sanitation management system' was the most important category in branch office's viewpoint. In support and application, 'C3. Sanitation management system' was the highest category in both headquarters and branch offices including school, hospital and B&I. As a result of analysis on gap between main and branch office in importance, support and application in 8 categories, the efforts of communication and community of perception for infrastructure were needed, because 'C4. Education & training for human resource management (HRM) system' and 'C8. Evaluation & analysis for branch office's operation' in importance, 'C2. Menu management system', 'C4. Education & training for HRM system', 'C6. Facility & utility support system' and 'C8. Evaluation & analysis for branch office's operation' in support had a gap. Correlation analysis to grasp the relation between importance of infra-system and headquarters' support or branch office's application showed that headquarters's importance and support were correlated positively in 'C3. Sanitation management system', 'C6. Facility & utility support system', 'C7. Customer satisfaction management system' and 'C8. Evaluation & analysis for branch office's operation' and branch office's importance and application were correlated positively in 'C1. Procurement & food processing system', 'C5. Management Information system', 'C7. Customer satisfaction management system' and 'C8. Evaluation & analysis for branch office's operation'. Lastly, 'C6. Facility & utility support system' in the branch office of school and hospital and 'C2. Menu management system' in the branch office of B&I were high in importance, low in support and application, therefore intensive support for these categories was needed. In conclusion, continuous check and improvement for categories, which were identified as an urgent problems to be solved in this study, among infra-structure qualifying for CFMC,would enable contract foodservice industry that has grown quantitatively till now to grow qualitatively.
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Analyzing the Current Congregate Meal Service Program for Homebound Elderly
Hyun Young Jung, Il Sun Yang, Hae Young Lee, In Sook Chae
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(6):919-926.   Published online December 31, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study is to examine the current congregate meal service program for homebound elderly. One hundred three meal service centers in charge of the congregate meal service programs as part of the elderly foodservice program were surveyed for administrative structure, menu management, food purchasing and production management, hygiene, equipment, and facilities. Statistical data analyses were completed using the SAS 8.1 program for descriptive analysis and ANOVA. The meal cost of 54.4% of the congregate meal service centers ranged from won1,500 to won1,999 per meal. According to the menu analysis, all nutrients except calcium and Vitamin B2 were at levels of more than 33% of the Recommended Dietary Allowances for Koreans. A total of 81.5% of the centers were operated without the services of a dietitian, and food purchasing, menu planning and other food-service management processes were handled by non-professionals, such as volunteers, cooks or social workers. Although 88.3% of the centers required a therapeutic diet menu for the health of the elderly, most directors (77.6%) replied that in their current status they could not afford to serve therapeutic diets. These results suggest that financial and systematic supports by government is very necessary. Fifty-five percent of the centers never used standard recipes. For determining portion sizes, 93.2% of the congregate meal service centers depended on the personal experience of the personnel. Finally, the current congregate meal services for the homebound elderly were not operated systematically. To improve the elderly food service program, it is strongly recommended that it be managed by professionals.
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Analyzing the Current Practice of the Home-Delivered Meal(HDM) Service Program for Homebound Elderly
Il Sun Yang, Hyun Young Jung, Hae Young Lee, In Sook Chae
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(5):736-743.   Published online October 31, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to research the current home delivered meal (HDM) service programs for seniors living in the community. Fifty seven centers which operated a HDM service program were surveyed with respect to their administrative structure, menu management, food purchasing and production management, hygiene and equipment and facility. -Statistical data analyses were completed using the SAS 8.1 program for descriptive analysis and t-test. The results showed that 55 percent of the study group were from 70 to 79 years old. All of the participants received free HDM. As a result of the meal cost analysis, the meal cost at 56.1% of the HDM service centers was from won2,000 to won2,499 per meal. A total of 68.4% of the HDM service centers were operated without the services of a dietitian. According to the menu analysis, all nutrients except Vitamin B2 were at levels of more than 33% of the Recommended Dietary Allowances for Koreans. Although 96.6% of the HDM service centers required a therapeutic diet menu for the health of the elderly recipients, 68% of the directors responded that they could not afford to serve therapeutic meal. Food purchasing, menu planning and other foodservice management processes were handled by non-professionals, such as volunteers, cooks or social workers. Forty two percent of the HDM service centers never used standard recipes. For determining portion sizes, 75.4% of the HDM service centers depended on personal experience. Finally, the current HDM service programs for the homebound elderly were not operated systematically. It is suggested that professionally trained personnel should be included among the staff members to provide a more effective HDM service. The HDM service programs should be supported financially and systematically by the government.
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School Food Service in Korea: Investigation of the Operation and Management Systems
Young Eun Lee, Il Sun Yang, Jin A Cha, In Sook Chae, Hye Seung Kang
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(3):361-372.   Published online June 30, 2002
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to investigate the operation and management systems of the school food services in Korea and to provide useful data for improving the quality of the school food services. This study was conducted in school food service operations nationwide using a written questionnaire. The questionnaires were mailed to the dieticians of three types of school food service systems-conventional, commissary, and joint-management. Of the 660 schools that participated in this study, the responses from 212 conventional system, 212 commissary system and 200 joint-management system services were selected for analysis. Statistical analysis was performed utilizing the SAS/Win 6.12 program so as to provide a descriptive statistics. The main results of this study can be summarized as follows: The average number of meals served per day was 1014, 738 and 695 in the conventional food service, the commissary food service and the joint-management food service systems, respectively. Over half (58.9%) of food service facilities were utilizing computer programs for their operations. Most of the commissary food service systems (52.4%) had a satellite school and served a maximum of 2000 meals per day. In most of the joint-management food service systems (87.1%), the number of food service schools managed was two and a maximum of 3330 meals were served. Only one dietician was posted irrespective of the school food service system. The mean hours of work by the dietician per day was 8.9, 8.6 and 8.6 in the conventional food service, the commissary food service and the joint-management food service systems, respectively. The principal work functions of cook personnel were cooking and cleaning.
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A Conjoint-Based Approach to Analyze the Importance of Brand Choice Attributes: Pizza Restaurant Cases
In Sook Chae, Min A Lee, Seo Young Shin, Il Sun Yang, Jin A Cha
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(3):354-360.   Published online June 30, 2002
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The purposes of this study were (1) to understand how customers trade off one attribute against another when they choose a pizza restaurant, (2) to compare the importance of individual attributes with their relative importance and (3) to compare customers' brand choice patterns with the prediction of pizza restaurant operators. Empirical data for this study were collected from the customers (n = 307) and operators (n = 273) of four famous pizza franchise restaurants in Korea, Pizza Hut, Mister Pizza, Domino's Pizza and Pizza Mall. The attributes and attribute levels for the hypothetical profiles were decided from the focus group discussion. A total of 16 profiles was selected from fractional factorial designs. The SPSS conjoint procedure was used to calculate utility scores and simulate profiles. The overall group statistics showed the relative importance of all attributes compared with one other. Taste was the most important attribute (32.48%) in choosing a pizza restaurant, followed by service (21.87%), atmosphere (17.23%), price (15.17%) and speed of delivery (13.26%). There was a difference between the customers' ratings of the importance of the individual attributes and the ranking of the same attributes' relative importance as derived from the conjoint analysis. The operators rated service (26.54%) as also being important, as well as taste (27.76%), in choosing a pizza restaurant. The rankings of relative importance for pizza taste, service and price were statistically different in the customers' and operators' data (p < .001, p < .01, p < .05). Operators who want to differentiate themselves from their competitors should make decisions based on an increased understanding of their customers' brand choice decision process and measure the hidden needs of their customers.
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