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Analysis of Relative Importance of Key Performance Indicators for Center for Child-Care Foodservice Management through Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
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Original Article
Analysis of Relative Importance of Key Performance Indicators for Center for Child-Care Foodservice Management through Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Yun-Hui Jeong, In-Sook Chae, Il-Sun Yang, Hye-Young Kim, Hae-Young Lee
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2013;18(2):154-164.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5720/kjcn.2013.18.2.154
Published online: April 30, 2013

Deptartment of Food and Nutrition, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea

1)Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Jeju National University, Jeju, Korea

2)Institute of Symbiotic Life-TECH, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea

3)Department of Food and Nutrition, Sangji University, Wonju, Korea

†Corresponding author: Hae-Young Lee, Department of Food and Nutrition, Sangji University, 660 Woosan-dong, Wonju 220-702, Korea Tel: (033) 730-0492, Fax: (033) 738-7740 E-mail: hy1317@sangji.ac.kr
• Received: March 11, 2013   • Revised: April 15, 2013   • Accepted: April 24, 2013

Copyright © 2013 The Korean Society of Community Nutrition

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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  • The objectives of this study were to assign reasonability to importance of weight selection issue in key performance indicator for performance evaluation of Centers for Child-care Foodservice Management (CCFSM) developed by using Balanced Scorecard (BSC), to draw key performance indicator (KPI) by perspective and to analyze differences in recognition on importance. From September 25 to October 9, 2012, we conducted a questionnaire-based study via e-mail, targeting chiefs and team leaders of nationwide 21 CCFSMs (43 persons), officials of local governments where CCFSM was established (21 persons), officials of Korea Food and Drug Administration (2 persons) and foodservice management experts (27 persons) in order to estimate the relative importance on 4 perspectives and 14 KPIs and analyzed its results by using 61 collected data. The results showed that relative importance of perspectives was estimated in order of importance as follows: business performance (0.3519), customer (0.3393), resource (0.1557), learning and growth (0.1531). Relative importance of KPIs was in order of importance as follows: Evaluation of sanitary management level in childcare foodservice facilities (0.1327), Level of customer recognition and behavior improvement (0.1153), performances of round visiting inspection on foodservice, sanitary, safety management, and foodservice consulting (0.0913). Our results showed that the recognition differences exist on the relative importance of perspectives and KPIs between officials of CCFSM, KFDA, local government and foodservice management experts. These observations will form the basis for developing evaluation systems, and it is considered that performance indicators developed on this basis will suggest direction of operation which CCFSM will have to perform.
Fig. 1.
The hierarchical diagram for the performance evaluation of operation in Centers for Child-care Foodservice Management (CCFSM).
Fig. 2.
The relative importance of perspectives.
Fig. 3.
The relative importance of key performance indicator in customer perspective.
Fig. 4.
The relative importance of key performance indicator in business performance perspective.
Fig. 5.
The relative importance of key performance indicator in learning & growth perspective.
Fig. 6.
The relative importance of key performance indicator in resource perspective.
Fig. 7.
Compound relative importance of key performance indicators.
Table 1.
Random Indicator (RI)
n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
RI 0 0 0 .58 0.90 1.12 1.24 1.32 1.41 1.45 1.49
Table 2.
General characteristics of the subjects
Characteristics Frequency (%)
Gender Male 7 (11.5)
Female 54 (88.5)
Total 61 (100.0)
Age (years) 40.6 ± 9.71)
Occupation Chief of CCFSM 13 (21.3)
Team leader of CCFSM 27 (44.3)
Officials in executive department related to CCFSM2) 13 (21.3)
Foodservice management experts (Professor, Researcher) 8 (13.1)
Total 61 (100.0)
Career (years) 11.2 ± 7.9

1) Mean ± SD

2) Officials of Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA) included

Table 3.
Difference in perception on the relative importance of perspectives
Perspective Relative importance
CCFSM (n = 40) KFDA (n = 1) Foodservice management expert (n = 8) Local government (n = 12)
Customer 0.3330 0.3255 0.3173 0.3685
Business performance 0.3537 0.2578 0.3734 0.3307
Learning & growth 0.1703 0.0769 0.1013 0.1453
Resource 0.1430 0.3399 0.2080 0.1555
Table 4.
Difference in perception on the relative importance of key performance indicators according to perspective
Perspective Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Relative importance
CCFSM (n = 40) KFDA (n = 1) Foodservice management expert (n = 8) Local government (n = 12)
Customer Evaluation of sanitary management level in child-care foodservice facilities 0.4023 0.4286 0.4098 0.3363
Evaluation of nutrition management level in child-care foodservice facilities 0.2639 0.4286 0.2584 0.2782
Level of customer recognition and behavior improvement 0.3338 0.1429 0.3318 0.3855
Business performance Enrollment rate 0.1543 0.0475 0.1251 0.0783
Performance of round visiting inspection on foodservice, sanitary, safety management and foodservice consulting 0.2713 0.2653 0.2345 0.2931
Performance of sanitation education 0.2156 0.2653 0.2465 0.2092
Performance of menu management 0.1734 0.1565 0.1959 0.2072
Performance of nutrition education 0.1854 0.2653 0.1980 0.2121
Learning & growth Performance of participation in education 0.4912 0.2500 0.0676 0.6057
Performance of self-checking and improvement in CCFSM 0.5088 0.7500 0.9324 0.3943
Resource Performance of budget management 0.2680 0.4941 0.2934 0.2032
Rate in secure of professional employee 0.3797 0.0729 0.4598 0.3857
Performance of management of facilities and equipments 0.1318 0.1572 0.1044 0.1139
Performance of supporting local government and connection with local community 0.2205 0.2759 0.1423 0.2971
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  • 31. Staskel DM, Briley ME, Field LH, Barth SS. Microbial evaluation of foodservice surfaces in texas child-care centers. J Am Diet Assoc 2007; 107(5):854-859.
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      Analysis of Relative Importance of Key Performance Indicators for Center for Child-Care Foodservice Management through Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
      Korean J Community Nutr. 2013;18(2):154-164.   Published online April 30, 2013
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    Analysis of Relative Importance of Key Performance Indicators for Center for Child-Care Foodservice Management through Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
    Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
    Fig. 1. The hierarchical diagram for the performance evaluation of operation in Centers for Child-care Foodservice Management (CCFSM).
    Fig. 2. The relative importance of perspectives.
    Fig. 3. The relative importance of key performance indicator in customer perspective.
    Fig. 4. The relative importance of key performance indicator in business performance perspective.
    Fig. 5. The relative importance of key performance indicator in learning & growth perspective.
    Fig. 6. The relative importance of key performance indicator in resource perspective.
    Fig. 7. Compound relative importance of key performance indicators.
    Analysis of Relative Importance of Key Performance Indicators for Center for Child-Care Foodservice Management through Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
    n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    RI 0 0 0 .58 0.90 1.12 1.24 1.32 1.41 1.45 1.49
    Characteristics Frequency (%)
    Gender Male 7 (11.5)
    Female 54 (88.5)
    Total 61 (100.0)
    Age (years) 40.6 ± 9.71)
    Occupation Chief of CCFSM 13 (21.3)
    Team leader of CCFSM 27 (44.3)
    Officials in executive department related to CCFSM2) 13 (21.3)
    Foodservice management experts (Professor, Researcher) 8 (13.1)
    Total 61 (100.0)
    Career (years) 11.2 ± 7.9
    Perspective Relative importance
    CCFSM (n = 40) KFDA (n = 1) Foodservice management expert (n = 8) Local government (n = 12)
    Customer 0.3330 0.3255 0.3173 0.3685
    Business performance 0.3537 0.2578 0.3734 0.3307
    Learning & growth 0.1703 0.0769 0.1013 0.1453
    Resource 0.1430 0.3399 0.2080 0.1555
    Perspective Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Relative importance
    CCFSM (n = 40) KFDA (n = 1) Foodservice management expert (n = 8) Local government (n = 12)
    Customer Evaluation of sanitary management level in child-care foodservice facilities 0.4023 0.4286 0.4098 0.3363
    Evaluation of nutrition management level in child-care foodservice facilities 0.2639 0.4286 0.2584 0.2782
    Level of customer recognition and behavior improvement 0.3338 0.1429 0.3318 0.3855
    Business performance Enrollment rate 0.1543 0.0475 0.1251 0.0783
    Performance of round visiting inspection on foodservice, sanitary, safety management and foodservice consulting 0.2713 0.2653 0.2345 0.2931
    Performance of sanitation education 0.2156 0.2653 0.2465 0.2092
    Performance of menu management 0.1734 0.1565 0.1959 0.2072
    Performance of nutrition education 0.1854 0.2653 0.1980 0.2121
    Learning & growth Performance of participation in education 0.4912 0.2500 0.0676 0.6057
    Performance of self-checking and improvement in CCFSM 0.5088 0.7500 0.9324 0.3943
    Resource Performance of budget management 0.2680 0.4941 0.2934 0.2032
    Rate in secure of professional employee 0.3797 0.0729 0.4598 0.3857
    Performance of management of facilities and equipments 0.1318 0.1572 0.1044 0.1139
    Performance of supporting local government and connection with local community 0.2205 0.2759 0.1423 0.2971
    Table 1. Random Indicator (RI)

    Table 2. General characteristics of the subjects

    Mean ± SD

    Officials of Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA) included

    Table 3. Difference in perception on the relative importance of perspectives

    Table 4. Difference in perception on the relative importance of key performance indicators according to perspective

    Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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