- [English]
Application and Evaluation of Web-based Food Frequency Questionnaire for Korean Adolescents
Jinhee Yum, Seungmin Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2016;21(5):440-450. Published online October 31, 2016
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5720/kjcn.2016.21.5.440
We previously developed a dish-based semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) for Korean adolescents and reported that it had reasonable reliability and validity. The objective of the current study was to construct a web-based dietary evaluation system applying the FFQ for Korean adolescents and examine its applicability in the context of reliability and validity. METHODS A web-based food frequency questionnaire system was designed using a comprehensive approach, incorporating not only dietary data survey but also up-to-date nutrition information and individualized eating behavior guidelines. A convenience sample of 50 boys and girls aged 12~18 years agreed to participate in the study and completed the FFQ twice and 3 days of dietary recall on the developed website during a two-month period. The FFQ’s reliability and validity was examined using correlation and cross classification analysis. We also measured participants’ subjective levels of the web site’s usability, visual effect, understanding, and familiarity. RESULTS Spearman correlation coefficients for reliability ranged from 0.74 (for vitamin A) to 0.94 (for energy). From cross-classification analyses, the proportion of subjects in the same intake quartile was highest for energy (82.0%) and lowest for vitamin A (56.0%). With regard to validity analysis, Spearman correlation coefficients ranged from 0.34 (for fiber) to 0.79 (for energy). The proportions of subjects in the opposite categories between the first FFQ and 3-day diet recall data were generally low from 0.00% (for fat) to 36.2% (for sodium). Average subjective levels of the website’s usability, visual effect, understanding, and familiarity were all found to be over 4 points out of 5 points. CONCLUSIONS The web-based dietary evaluation system developed can serve as a valid and attractive tool for administering FFQ to Korean adolescents.