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Effects of Low-Calorie Diet Including High Protein-Low Carbohydrate Protein Bar on Weight Loss and Serum Lipid Indicators in Overweight Women according to Dietary Compliance
Dasom Park, Hyun Joo Lee, Sook Mee Son
Korean J Community Nutr 2019;24(6):485-496.   Published online December 31, 2019
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This study was conducted to investigate the effect of a 6-week low-calorie diet (LCD) program including high protein-low carbohydrate protein bar on weight loss, blood pressure, and blood lipid profile in 40 overweight women according to dietary compliance.
Subjects were 62 healthy overweight women (BMI ≥ 23.0 or body fat percentage ≥ 28%), aged 20~59 yrs who were provided a high protein-low carbohydrate protein bar (each 35 g, 154 kcal, protein energy %: 28.6%, carbohydrate energy %: 38.7%) as part of dinner for 6 weeks. Forty subjects who completed the whole diet program were categorized into high compliance (HC) group (days of eating protein bar ≥ 5 weeks) or low compliance (LC) group (days < 5 weeks).
Energy intake significantly decreased from 1,867.5 kcal at baseline to 1,137.4 kcal at 6 weeks for the HC group and from 1,971.7 kcal to 1,362.2 kcal for the LC group, respectively. On the other hand, a significant increase in protein energy percentage was observed in each group (HC group: 3.5%, LC group: 2.2%). Both groups showed significant decreases in weight (HC group: 1.8 kg, LC group: 1.1 kg), BMI, fat mass, systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, and LDL-cholesterol. Reduction of body fat percentage and diastolic blood pressure were only observed in the HC group.
The inclusion of a high protein-low carbohydrate protein bar as part of a low-calorie diet for a short period can be effective to achieve weight loss and concomitantly improve blood cholesterol level without serious physiological side effects. More evident results can be achieved by eating a diet with low calorie diet including high protein-low carbohydrate protein bar for more than 5 weeks.
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Nutritional Risk in Oncology Outpatients Receiving Chemotherapy
Won Gyoung Kim, Mi Sun Park, Young Hee Lee, Dae Seog Heo
Korean J Community Nutr 2008;13(4):573-581.   Published online August 31, 2008
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Although it is well known that cancer patients suffer from malnutrition, there are few published studies on malnutrition in outpatients receiving chemotherapy in Korea. This study aimed to evaluate nutritional risk in oncology outpatients receiving chemotherapy and to show the baseline data to set up nutritional management programs for cancer patients. This is a retrospective observational analysis on 1,962 patients referred for nutritional education before or during chemotherapy at Seoul National University Hospital Cancer Center from January 2006 to May 2007. According to a malnutrition screening tool, the proportion of patients having malnutrition risk was 23.0%. In the case of upper gastrointestinal cancer, more than 50% of patients were assessed as being at the risk of malnutrition. They showed more than 7% weight loss compared to their usual body weight and poor oral intake; energy intake was less than 100% of Basal Energy Expenditure (BEE) and protein intake was less than or equal to 0.77 g/kg/d. However, only 6.3% of breast cancer patients had risk of malnutrition and their oral intake was better; energy intake was 121% of BEE, and protein intake was 0.90 g/kg/d. Outpatients receiving chemotherapy had different nutritional risk depending on their cancer site. Nutritional management program should be conducted differently, depending on the cancer site and upper gastrointestinal cancer patients at high risk of malnutrition should basically have nutritional assessment and intervention.
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Relations Among Weight Control Behaviors, Health-related Lifestyles, and Diet Behaviors in Middle Aged Koreans
Yoon Jung Choi, Eun Mi Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2008;13(2):176-188.   Published online April 30, 2008
AbstractAbstract PDF
In this study, we compared demographic anthropometric characteristic, health-related lifestyle and diet behavior among weight control behaviors of 1187 (555 male, 632 female) aged 40~69yrs in Ganghwa country. All the data were analyzed by chi-square test, trend test, student t-test using SPSS 12.0 version at p < 0.05. 'Attempting weight control (loss)' was more in women than that was found in men (36.6% vs 20.7%), and women attempting weight loss most were 40-50 yrs. The reasons of weight loss were 'health problem' and 'health promotion'. Physical activity and diet restriction were commonly employed as weight control methods. Both genders attempting weight loss had a higher education level, BMI, percentage of body fat, waist circumference and physical activity than those not attempting weight control (p < 0.05). In dietary habits like 'meal regularity', 'slow eating' and 'over eating', women attempting weight loss were superior than those who not attempting weight control group (p < 0.05). Eating pattern changes like 'decrease of fats and fatty foods intake', 'vegetable oil usage', 'increase of fruit and vegetables intake', 'decrease of sugar and salt intake' showed significant differences (p < 0.001) between the attempted weight control groups and nonattempted weight control groups. Salt taste was a preference in male non-attempted weight control group, while sour, hot and spicy taste were preference in female attempted weight control group (p < 0.05). Preference for processed foods, fried foods and snack were significant differences (p < 0.05) in women attempted weight control group. Those attempting weight loss tried to improve their eating patterns. However, those attempting weight loss were poorer than the others in health-related lifestyle and eating habit. Therefore, it is necessary to make an effort that improve healthrelated lifestyle and diet behavior in middle aged group.
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