Department of Food and Nutrition, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung, Korea.
Copyright © 2017 The Korean Society of Community Nutrition
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1) SED: Sedentary activity
2) LPA: Light activity
3) MPA: Moderate activity
4) VPA: Vigorous activity
5) Per 15s, all other counts reported per minute
METS: Metabolic equivalents, VO2: Volume of oxygen consumption (ml/kg/min), AEE: activity energy expenditure (kcal/kg/min), PAEE: physical activity energy expenditure (KJ/kg/min)
1) Measured by Cosmed K4b2
2) VO2: Oxygen consumption
3) EE: Energy expenditure
4) FAO/WHO/UNU (1985)
5) Compendium Child METS by Ridley and Olds (2008)
6) Mean±SD
7) Slow walking (2.5 mph), Brisk walking (3.5 mph), Running (5 mph)
8) abc: Different superscripts indicate significant difference p<0.05 by Tukey's multiple comparison test
1) SED: Sedentary activity
2) LPA: Light activity
3) MPA: Moderate activity
4) VPA: Vigorous activity
5) Per 15s, all other counts reported per minute
METS: Metabolic equivalents, VO2: Volume of oxygen consumption (ml/kg/min), AEE: activity energy expenditure (kcal/kg/min), PAEE: physical activity energy expenditure (KJ/kg/min)
1) Measured by Cosmed K4b2
1) Mean±SD
2) Measured by Inbody 620
3) Body weight (kg)/[Height (m)]2
4) Body weight (kg)−Fat mass (kg)
5) Significant difference between male and female was tested by Mann-Whitney test *: p<0.01
1) Measured by Cosmed K4b2
2) VO2: Oxygen consumption
3) EE: Energy expenditure
4) FAO/WHO/UNU (1985)
5) Compendium Child METS by Ridley and Olds (2008)
6) Mean±SD
7) Slow walking (2.5 mph), Brisk walking (3.5 mph), Running (5 mph)
8) abc: Different superscripts indicate significant difference p<0.05 by Tukey's multiple comparison test
1) Se: Sensitivity
2) Sp: Specificity
3) AUC: area under curve, CI: confidence interval
1) SED: Sedentary activity 2) LPA: Light activity 3) MPA: Moderate activity 4) VPA: Vigorous activity 5) Per 15s, all other counts reported per minute METS: Metabolic equivalents, VO2: Volume of oxygen consumption (ml/kg/min), AEE: activity energy expenditure (kcal/kg/min), PAEE: physical activity energy expenditure (KJ/kg/min)
1) Measured by Cosmed K4b2
1) Mean±SD 2) Measured by Inbody 620 3) Body weight (kg)/[Height (m)]2 4) Body weight (kg)−Fat mass (kg) 5) Significant difference between male and female was tested by Mann-Whitney test *: p<0.01
1) Measured by Cosmed K4b2 2) VO2: Oxygen consumption 3) EE: Energy expenditure 4) FAO/WHO/UNU (1985) 5) Compendium Child METS by Ridley and Olds (2008) 6) Mean±SD 7) Slow walking (2.5 mph), Brisk walking (3.5 mph), Running (5 mph) 8) abc: Different superscripts indicate significant difference p<0.05 by Tukey's multiple comparison test
1) Se: Sensitivity 2) Sp: Specificity 3) AUC: area under curve, CI: confidence interval