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Cost-benefit Analysis of Sodium Intake Reduction Policy in Korea
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Original Article
Cost-benefit Analysis of Sodium Intake Reduction Policy in Korea
Chulhee Lee, Dae-il Kim, Jeonglim Hong, Eunmi Koh, Baeg-won Kang, Jong Wook Kim, Hye-Kyung Park, Cho-il Kim
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2012;17(3):341-352.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5720/kjcn.2012.17.3.341
Published online: June 30, 2012

Department of Economics, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.

1Department of Health Industry & Policy, Korea Health Industry Development Institute, Choongbuk, Korea.

2Nutrition Policy Office, Korea Food & Drug Administration, Choongbuk, Korea.

Corresponding author: Cho-il Kim, Department of Health Industry & Policy, Korea Health Industry Development Institute, Osong-eup, Choongbuk 363-700, Korea. Tel: (043) 713-8611, Fax: (043) 713-8907, kimci@khidi.or.kr
• Received: February 29, 2012   • Revised: April 6, 2012   • Accepted: May 15, 2012

Copyright © 2012 The Korean Society of Community Nutrition

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  • It is well established that excessive sodium intake is related to a higher incidence of chronic diseases such as hypertension, stroke, coronary heart disease, cardiovascular disease and gastric cancer. Although the upper limit of the current sodium intake guideline by WHO is set at 2,000 mg/day for adults, sodium intake of Koreans is well over 4,700 mg/capita/day implying an urgent need to develop and implement sodium intake reduction policy at the national level. This study investigated the cost-effectiveness of the sodium intake reduction policy, for the first time, in Korea. Analyses were performed using most recent and representative data on national health insurance statistics, healthcare utilization, employment information, disease morbidity/mortality, etc. The socioeconomic benefits of the policy, resulting from reduced morbidity of those relevant diseases, included lower medical expenditures, transportation costs, caregiver cost for inpatients and income losses. The socioeconomic benefits from diminished mortality included reductions in earning losses and welfare losses caused by early deaths. It is estimated that the amount of total benefits of reducing sodium intake from 4.7 g to 3.0 g is 12.6 trillion Korean Won; and the size of its cost is 149 billion Won. Assuming that the effect of sodium intake reduction would become gradually evident over a 5-year period, the implied rate of average return to the sodium reduction policy is 7,790% for the following 25 years, suggesting a very high cost-effectiveness. Accordingly, development and implementation of a mid-to-long term plan for a consistent sodium intake reduction policy is extremely beneficial and well warranted.

This research was supported by a grant (11162KFDA163) from Korea Food & Drug Administration in 2011.

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Table 1
Diseases considered in cost-benefit analysis of sodium intake reduction policy

1) International Classification of Diseases (WHO 2010b)

Table 2
Expected effect of salt intake reduction on specific diseases
Table 3
Estimated reduction in health-care costs

unit: 103 won (in 2009)

Table 4
Estimated reduction in cost of death based on human capital approach

unit: 103 won (in 2009)

Table 5
Estimated reduction in cost of death based on the estimated value of life

unit: 103 won (in 2009)

Table 6
Overall benefits of sodium intake reduction

unit: 103 won (in 2009)

Table 7
Estimated cost of sodium intake reduction policy

unit: million USD, 103 won (in 2009)

Table 8
Rate of return (%) to investment in sodium intake reduction

Figure & Data



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      Cost-benefit Analysis of Sodium Intake Reduction Policy in Korea
      Korean J Community Nutr. 2012;17(3):341-352.   Published online June 30, 2012
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    We recommend
    Cost-benefit Analysis of Sodium Intake Reduction Policy in Korea
    Cost-benefit Analysis of Sodium Intake Reduction Policy in Korea

    Diseases considered in cost-benefit analysis of sodium intake reduction policy

    1) International Classification of Diseases (WHO 2010b)

    Expected effect of salt intake reduction on specific diseases

    Estimated reduction in health-care costs

    unit: 103 won (in 2009)

    Estimated reduction in cost of death based on human capital approach

    unit: 103 won (in 2009)

    Estimated reduction in cost of death based on the estimated value of life

    unit: 103 won (in 2009)

    Overall benefits of sodium intake reduction

    unit: 103 won (in 2009)

    Estimated cost of sodium intake reduction policy

    unit: million USD, 103 won (in 2009)

    Rate of return (%) to investment in sodium intake reduction

    Table 1 Diseases considered in cost-benefit analysis of sodium intake reduction policy

    1) International Classification of Diseases (WHO 2010b)

    Table 2 Expected effect of salt intake reduction on specific diseases

    Table 3 Estimated reduction in health-care costs

    unit: 103 won (in 2009)

    Table 4 Estimated reduction in cost of death based on human capital approach

    unit: 103 won (in 2009)

    Table 5 Estimated reduction in cost of death based on the estimated value of life

    unit: 103 won (in 2009)

    Table 6 Overall benefits of sodium intake reduction

    unit: 103 won (in 2009)

    Table 7 Estimated cost of sodium intake reduction policy

    unit: million USD, 103 won (in 2009)

    Table 8 Rate of return (%) to investment in sodium intake reduction

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