1Department of Food Nutrition and Cooking, Sangji Youngseo College, Wonju, Korea.
2Department of Food and Nutrition, Suwon Women's University, Suwon, Korea.
Copyright © 2015 The Korean Society of Community Nutrition
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1) Mean±SD
2) p-value by student's t-test, NS: not significant
3) N (%)
4) p-value by chi-square test, NS: not significant
1) Mean±SD
2) p-value by student's t-test
3) N (%)
4) p-value by chi-square test
1) p-value by chi-square test, NS: not significant
2) N (%)
1) p-value by chi-square test, NS: not significant
2) N (%)
1) N (%)
2) p-value by chi-square test, NS: not significant
3) Correct answer was given one point. Higher score indicates having more nutrition knowledge, with a possible score of 0 - 20
4) Mean±SD
5) p-value by student's t-test, NS: not significant
1) p-value by student's t-test, NS: not significant
2) Mean±SD
1) Mean±SD 2) 3) N (%) 4)
1) Mean±SD 2) 3) N (%) 4)
1) 2) N (%)
1) 2) N (%)
1) N (%) 2) 3) Correct answer was given one point. Higher score indicates having more nutrition knowledge, with a possible score of 0 - 20 4) Mean±SD 5)
1) 2) Mean±SD