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Customers' Perceptions of Operational Status of and Needs for Sodium Reduction in the Industry Foodservice in Seoul
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Research Article
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2020;25(1):21-31.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5720/kjcn.2020.25.1.21
Published online: January 20, 2020

Department of Food and Nutrition, Daejeon University, Daejeon, Korea Professor

†Corresponding author Na-Young Yi Department of Food and Nutrition, Daejeon University, Daejeon 34520, Korea. Tel: (042) 280-2468 Fax: (042) 280-2468 Email: nayoung1@dju.kr
• Received: January 4, 2020   • Revised: February 6, 2020   • Accepted: February 17, 2020

Copyright © 2020 Journal of the Korean Society of Community Nutrition

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  • Objectives
    This study aimed to compare customers' perceptions of the need for a low-sodium diet and sodium-reduced operations in the industry foodservice by age. The relationships between health concerns and perceptions of the need for sodium-reduced operations and low-sodium diets in the industry foodservice were analyzed.
  • Methods
    A survey was conducted among 340 industry foodservice customers aged 20–50 years and residing in Seoul, Korea. This study investigated the respondents' health concerns, their perception of the need for sodium-reduced foodservice operations, their perception of a sodium-reduced diet, and the general details of the foodservices they used. A cross-tabulation analysis and ANOVA were performed to identify differences in measurement items by age, and a simple regression analysis was performed to examine relationships between measurement items.
  • Results
    For the customers' perception of the need for a sodium-reduced foodservice operation, the item “it is necessary to provide separate spices and sauces to reduce sodium intake” achieved the highest score (3.88 points out of a possible 5 points). For the perception of a sodium-reduced diet, the item “I think it is helpful for one's health” obtained the highest score (4.13 points). Respondents' health concerns had a positive effect on increasing the level of perception of the need for sodium-reduced foodservice operations and that of a sodium-reduced diet.
  • Conclusions
    Foodservice nutritionists could help enhance their customers' perceptions of the needs for sodium-reduced foodservice operations and sodium-reduced diets by frequently providing them with sodium-related health information.
Table 1.
General characteristics and health concerns of respondents
Variables   Total (n=340) Age χ2 or F-value
20s 30s 40s 50s
(n=85) (n=85) (n=85) (n=85)
Gender Male 186 (54.7) 40 (47.1) 47 (55.3) 50 (58.8) 49 (57.6) 82.896
Female 154 (45.3) 45 (52.9) 38 (44.7) 35 (41.2) 36 (42.4)
Educational level High school 30 (88.8) 8 (89.4) 3 (83.5) 7 (88.2) 12 (14.1) 20.130∗
College degree 50 (14.7) 18 (21.2) 13 (15.3) 8 (89.4) 11 (12.9)
Undergraduate degree 210 (61.8) 49 (57.6) 63 (74.1) 52 (61.2) 46 (54.1)
Graduate degree 50 (14.7) 10 (11.8) 6 (87.1) 18 (21.2) 16 (18.8)
Work place Office 262 (77.1) 69 (81.2) 72 (84.7) 67 (78.8) 54 (63.5) 38.779∗∗∗2)
Hospital 29 (88.5) 7 (88.2) 4 (84.7) 13 (15.3) 5 (85.9)
Factory 16 (84.7) 1 (81.2) 2 (82.4) 4 (84.7) 9 (10.6)
Sales or service 12 (83.5) 1 (81.2) 3 (83.5) 0 (80.0) 8 (89.4)
Others 21 (86.2) 7 (88.2) 4 (84.7) 1 (81.2) 9 (10.6)
Foodservice Self-operated 117 (34.4) 25 (29.4) 26 (30.6) 25 (29.4) 41 (48.2) 89.630∗
operation type Contracted 223 (65.6) 60 (70.6) 59 (69.4) 60 (70.6) 44 (51.8)
Frequency of use per week (Lunch) Once 23 (86.8) 9 (10.6) 7 (88.2) 2 (82.4) 5 (85.9) 20.379
2 times 30 (88.8) 13 (15.3) 7 (88.2) 6 (87.1) 4 (84.7)
3 times 66 (19.4) 16 (18.8) 17 (20.0) 22 (35.9) 11 (12.9)
4 times 78 (22.9) 19 (22.4) 17 (20.0) 23 (27.1) 19 (22.4)
5 times 143 (42.1) 28 (32.9) 37 (43.5) 32 (37.6) 46 (54.1)
Frequency of use per day Once 295 (86.8) 72 (84.7) 78 (91.8) 70 (82.4) 75 (88.2) 85.4093)
2 times 34 (10.0) 10 (11.8) 6 (87.1) 12 (14.1) 6 (87.1)
3 times 11 (83.2) 3 (83.5) 1 (81.2) 3 (83.5) 4 (84.7)
Heath concerns I choose health food for my health1). 3.52 ± 0.94 3.54b ± 1.13 3.34 b± 0.96 3.65b ± 0.87 3.55b ± 0.73 81.615
I have regular checkups. 3.54 ± 0.90 3.00b ± 1.06 3.51a ± 0.83 3.78a ± 0.78 3.87a ± 0.63 18.507∗∗∗
I look for books or information for health. 3.02 ± 1.01 2.95a ± 1.27 2.80a ± 1.02 3.13b ± 0.87 3.21b ± 0.76 82.886∗
I am interested in health. 3.56 ± 0.81 3.51 b± 0.90 3.42b ± 0.85 3.65 b± 0.81 3.67b ± 0.81 81.788
I exercise regularly for good health. 3.39 ± 1.07 3.54 b± 1.20 3.15b ± 1.12 3.39b ± 0.99 3.46b ± 0.93 82.089

n (%) or Mean ± SD, ∗ P < 0.05, ∗∗∗ P < 0.001 Means with different superscripts are significantly different at the alpha=0.05 by LSD post-hoc test. 1) A 5-point scale was used (1: strongly disagree ∼ 5: strongly agree). 2) P < 0.001 by Fisher's exact test 3) P = 0.489 by Fisher's exact test

Table 2.
General characteristics of foodservice
Variables   Total (n=340) Age χ2
20s 30s 40s 50s
(n=85) (n=85) (n=85) (n=85)
Serving low sodium diets None 176 (51.8) 54 (63.5) 48 (56.5) 42 (49.4) 32 (37.6) 22.568
Everyday 55 (16.2) 10 (11.8) 10 (11.8) 16 (18.8) 19 (22.4)
Daily selection 25 (97.4) 4 (94.7) 3 (93.5) 7 (98.2) 11 (12.9)
Regularly 30 (98.8) 6 (97.1) 9 (10.6) 7 (98.2) 8 (99.4)
Sometimes 47 (13.8) 10 (11.8) 15 (17.6) 10 (11.8) 12 (14.1)
Others 7 (92.1) 1 (91.2) 0 (90.0) 3 (93.5) 3 (93.5)
Salinity posting of kimchi or soup None 173 (50.9) 39 (45.9) 50 (58.8) 40 (47.1) 44 (51.8) 14.9921)
Once∼twice/month 36 (10.6) 8 (99.4) 6 (97.1) 10 (11.8) 12 (14.1)
3∼4 times/month 23 (96.8) 11 (12.9) 5 (95.9) 3 (93.5) 23 (94.7)
2∼3 times/week 14 (94.1) 4 (94.7) 3 (93.5) 6 (97.1) 1 (91.2)
4∼5 times/week 94 (27.6) 23 (27.1) 21 (24.7) 26 (30.6) 24 (28.2)
Perception the saltiness of foodservice meals Very salty 2 (90.6) 0 (90.0) 0 (90.0) 1 (91.2) 1 (91.2) 13.9122)
Salty 73 (21.5) 18 (21.2) 22 (25.9) 22 (25.9) 11 (12.9)
Moderate 229 (67.4) 62 (72.9) 54 (63.5) 52 (61.2) 61 (71.8)
Unsalty 35 (10.3) 5 (95.9) 8 (99.4) 10 (11.8) 12 (14.1)
Very unsalty 1 (90.3) 0 (90.0) 1 (90.0) 0 (90.0) 0 (90.0)
Education and promotion of the sodium reduction None 237 (69.7) 57 (67.1) 65 (76.5) 60 (70.6) 55 (64.7) 97.5333)
Once∼twice/3 months 81 (23.8) 21 (24.7) 17 (20.0) 18 (21.2) 25 (29.4)
3∼4 times/3 months 16 (94.7) 6 (97.1) 1 (91.2) 5 (95.9) 4 (94.7)
5∼6 times/3 months 6 (91.8) 1 (91.2) 2 (92.4) 2 (92.4) 1 (91.2)
Contents of education and promotion of the sodium reduction Relationship between Sodium and blood pressure 20 (19.4) 5 (17.9) 3 (15.0) 1 (94.0) 11 (36.7) 27.928∗∗4)
Relationship between Sodium and Disease 32 (31.1) 3 (10.7) 8 (40.0) 12 (48.0) 9 (30.0)
Cooking methods to reduce sodium 19 (18.4) 9 (32.1) 1 (95.0) 4 (16.0) 5 (16.7)
Method to choose low sodium food 5 (94.9) 0 (90.0) 3 (15.0) 2 (98.0) 0 (90.0)
Sodium content in food 27 (26.2) 11 (39.3) 5 (25.0) 6 (24.0) 5 (16.7)

n (%), ∗∗ P < 0.01 1) P = 0.259 by Fisher's exact test 2) P = 0.248 by Fisher's exact test 3) P = 0.568 by Fisher's exact test 4) P = 0.002 by Fisher's exact test

Table 3.
Customers' perception of needs on sodium-reduced operation in foodservice
Variables Total (n=340) Age F-value
20s (n=85) 30s (n=85) 40s (n=85) 50s (n=85)
Foodservice operations are needed to reduce sodium1). 3.82 ± 0.67 3.79a ± 0.80 3.86a ± 0.62 3.78a ± 0.64 3.87a ± 0.61 0.431
It is necessary for foodservices to provide low sodium diets. 3.87 ± 0.76 3.80a ± 0.87 3.82 ± 0.69 3.88a ± 0.82 3.99a ± 0.63 1.039
Foodservice should prepare a low sodium diet for good health. 3.71 ± 0.84 3.60a ± 0.93 3.55a ± 0.88 3.72a ± 0.75 3.98b ± 0.76 4.413∗∗
Foodservice should provide a way to consume less sodium. 3.77 ± 0.72 3.79a ± 0.76 3.76a ± 0.77 3.71a ± 0.70 3.84a ± 0.67 0.468
Foodservice should provide education and promotional materials on overall dietary practices to reduce sodium intake. 3.71 ± 0.75 3.59a ± 0.90 3.65a ± 0.77 3.75a ± 0.65 3.84a ± 0.61 1.861
Foodservice should operate a "day without soup" to reduce sodium intake. 3.14 ± 1.04 3.25b ± 1.06 2.80a ± 1.17 3.22b ± 0.99 3.28b ± 0.87 4.156∗∗
Foodservice should reduce the amount of soup or stew to reduce sodium intake. 3.39 ± 0.92 3.45b ± 0.99 3.12a ± 0.98 3.46b ± 084 3.54b ± 0.81 3.596∗
To reduce sodium intake, foodservices should provide more raw vegetables than kimchi. 3.36 ± 0.89 3.28a ± 1.04 3.24a ± 0.87 3.51a ± 0.80 3.42a ± 0.82 1.687
Foodservice should provide separate spices and sauces to reduce sodium intake. 3.88 ± 0.83 4.04a ± 0.94 3.93a ± 0.67 3.71a ± 0.86 3.85a ± 0.82 2.387
In order to reduce sodium intake, foodservices should supply low sodium processed foods. 3.19 ± 0.97 2.93a ± 0.94 2.99a ± 1.03 3.35b ± 0.97 3.47b ± 0.85 6.714∗∗∗

Mean ± SD, ∗ P < 0.05, ∗∗ P < 0.01, ∗∗∗ P < 0.001 Means with different superscripts are significantly different at the alpha=0.05 by LSD post-hoc test. 1) A 5-point scale was used (1: strongly disagree ∼5: strongly agree).

Table 4.
Customers' perception of low sodium diets provided by foodservice
Variables Total (n=340) Age F-value
20s 30s 40s 50s
(n=85) (n=85) (n=85) (n=85)
A low sodium diet is necessary in foodservice1). 3.79 ± 0.77 3.79a ± 0.80 3.76a ± 081 3.62a ± 0.83 4.00b ± 0.58 3.526∗
A low sodium diet is good for my health in foodservice. 4.13 ± 0.67 4.13a ± 0.77 4.08a ± 0.64 4.04a ± 0.65 4.27a ± 0.61 1.972
A low sodium diet will help improve the quality of the foodservice. 3.46 ± 0.85 3.41a ± 0.92 3.46a ± 0.98 3.44a ± 0.76 3.55a ± 0.73 0.445
A low sodium diet increases trust in foodservice. 3.66 ± 0.78 3.76a ± 0.78 3.56a ± 0.84 3.58a ± 0.84 3.75a ± 0.65 1.654
A low sodium diet uses less processed food in foodservice. 3.57 ± 0.82 3.58a ± 0.97 3.53a ± 0.87 3.53a ± 0.70 3.66a ± 0.70 0.475
When a low sodium diet is available, I think a new recipe has been developed. 3.52 ± 0.83 3.53a ± 0.89 3.46a ± 0.84 3.47a ± 0.73 3.62a ± 0.83 0.705
A low sodium diet is nutritionally superior. 3.61 ± 0.76 3.86b ± 0.77 3.58a ± 0.78 3.40a ± 0.73 3.62a ± 0.71 5.447∗∗∗

Mean ± SD, ∗ P < 0.05, ∗∗∗ P < 0.001 Means with different superscripts are significantly different at the alpha=0.05 by LSD post-hoc test. 1) A 5-point scale was used (1: strongly disagree ∼5: strongly agree).

Table 5.
Correlation relationship between main variables
Variables Health concerns Perception of need for sodium-reduced operation in foodservice Perception of low sodium diets in foodservice
Health concerns 1.284∗∗    
Perception of need for sodium-reduced operation in foodservice 0.284∗∗ 1.624∗∗  
Perception of low sodium diets in foodservice 0.381∗∗ 0.624∗∗ 1

∗∗ P < 0.01

Table 6.
Effects of customers' health concerns on perceptions of the need for sodium-reduced operation and of low sodium diets in foodservice
Independent variables Dependent variables Unstandardized coefficients Standardized coefficients t-value
B S.E β
  Constant 2.793 0.148   18.870∗∗∗
  Perception of need for sodium-reduced operation in foodservice 0.239 0.044 0.284 5.437∗∗∗
Health concerns R2 = 0.080, Adjusted R2 = 0.078, F = 29.561∗∗∗    
Constant 2.549 0.152   16.778∗∗∗
Perception of low sodium diets in foodservice 0.342 0.045 0.381 7.571∗∗∗
R2 = 0.145, Adjusted R2 = 0.142, F = 57.320∗∗∗    

∗∗∗ P < 0.001

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        Customers' Perceptions of Operational Status of and Needs for Sodium Reduction in the Industry Foodservice in Seoul
        Korean J Community Nutr. 2020;25(1):21-31.   Published online February 29, 2020
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      We recommend
      Customers' Perceptions of Operational Status of and Needs for Sodium Reduction in the Industry Foodservice in Seoul
      Customers' Perceptions of Operational Status of and Needs for Sodium Reduction in the Industry Foodservice in Seoul

      General characteristics and health concerns of respondents

      Variables   Total (n=340) Age χ2 or F-value
      20s 30s 40s 50s
      (n=85) (n=85) (n=85) (n=85)
      Gender Male 186 (54.7) 40 (47.1) 47 (55.3) 50 (58.8) 49 (57.6) 82.896
      Female 154 (45.3) 45 (52.9) 38 (44.7) 35 (41.2) 36 (42.4)
      Educational level High school 30 (88.8) 8 (89.4) 3 (83.5) 7 (88.2) 12 (14.1) 20.130∗
      College degree 50 (14.7) 18 (21.2) 13 (15.3) 8 (89.4) 11 (12.9)
      Undergraduate degree 210 (61.8) 49 (57.6) 63 (74.1) 52 (61.2) 46 (54.1)
      Graduate degree 50 (14.7) 10 (11.8) 6 (87.1) 18 (21.2) 16 (18.8)
      Work place Office 262 (77.1) 69 (81.2) 72 (84.7) 67 (78.8) 54 (63.5) 38.779∗∗∗2)
      Hospital 29 (88.5) 7 (88.2) 4 (84.7) 13 (15.3) 5 (85.9)
      Factory 16 (84.7) 1 (81.2) 2 (82.4) 4 (84.7) 9 (10.6)
      Sales or service 12 (83.5) 1 (81.2) 3 (83.5) 0 (80.0) 8 (89.4)
      Others 21 (86.2) 7 (88.2) 4 (84.7) 1 (81.2) 9 (10.6)
      Foodservice Self-operated 117 (34.4) 25 (29.4) 26 (30.6) 25 (29.4) 41 (48.2) 89.630∗
      operation type Contracted 223 (65.6) 60 (70.6) 59 (69.4) 60 (70.6) 44 (51.8)
      Frequency of use per week (Lunch) Once 23 (86.8) 9 (10.6) 7 (88.2) 2 (82.4) 5 (85.9) 20.379
      2 times 30 (88.8) 13 (15.3) 7 (88.2) 6 (87.1) 4 (84.7)
      3 times 66 (19.4) 16 (18.8) 17 (20.0) 22 (35.9) 11 (12.9)
      4 times 78 (22.9) 19 (22.4) 17 (20.0) 23 (27.1) 19 (22.4)
      5 times 143 (42.1) 28 (32.9) 37 (43.5) 32 (37.6) 46 (54.1)
      Frequency of use per day Once 295 (86.8) 72 (84.7) 78 (91.8) 70 (82.4) 75 (88.2) 85.4093)
      2 times 34 (10.0) 10 (11.8) 6 (87.1) 12 (14.1) 6 (87.1)
      3 times 11 (83.2) 3 (83.5) 1 (81.2) 3 (83.5) 4 (84.7)
      Heath concerns I choose health food for my health1). 3.52 ± 0.94 3.54b ± 1.13 3.34 b± 0.96 3.65b ± 0.87 3.55b ± 0.73 81.615
      I have regular checkups. 3.54 ± 0.90 3.00b ± 1.06 3.51a ± 0.83 3.78a ± 0.78 3.87a ± 0.63 18.507∗∗∗
      I look for books or information for health. 3.02 ± 1.01 2.95a ± 1.27 2.80a ± 1.02 3.13b ± 0.87 3.21b ± 0.76 82.886∗
      I am interested in health. 3.56 ± 0.81 3.51 b± 0.90 3.42b ± 0.85 3.65 b± 0.81 3.67b ± 0.81 81.788
      I exercise regularly for good health. 3.39 ± 1.07 3.54 b± 1.20 3.15b ± 1.12 3.39b ± 0.99 3.46b ± 0.93 82.089

      n (%) or Mean ± SD, ∗ P < 0.05, ∗∗∗ P < 0.001 Means with different superscripts are significantly different at the alpha=0.05 by LSD post-hoc test. 1) A 5-point scale was used (1: strongly disagree ∼ 5: strongly agree). 2) P < 0.001 by Fisher's exact test 3) P = 0.489 by Fisher's exact test

      General characteristics of foodservice

      Variables   Total (n=340) Age χ2
      20s 30s 40s 50s
      (n=85) (n=85) (n=85) (n=85)
      Serving low sodium diets None 176 (51.8) 54 (63.5) 48 (56.5) 42 (49.4) 32 (37.6) 22.568
      Everyday 55 (16.2) 10 (11.8) 10 (11.8) 16 (18.8) 19 (22.4)
      Daily selection 25 (97.4) 4 (94.7) 3 (93.5) 7 (98.2) 11 (12.9)
      Regularly 30 (98.8) 6 (97.1) 9 (10.6) 7 (98.2) 8 (99.4)
      Sometimes 47 (13.8) 10 (11.8) 15 (17.6) 10 (11.8) 12 (14.1)
      Others 7 (92.1) 1 (91.2) 0 (90.0) 3 (93.5) 3 (93.5)
      Salinity posting of kimchi or soup None 173 (50.9) 39 (45.9) 50 (58.8) 40 (47.1) 44 (51.8) 14.9921)
      Once∼twice/month 36 (10.6) 8 (99.4) 6 (97.1) 10 (11.8) 12 (14.1)
      3∼4 times/month 23 (96.8) 11 (12.9) 5 (95.9) 3 (93.5) 23 (94.7)
      2∼3 times/week 14 (94.1) 4 (94.7) 3 (93.5) 6 (97.1) 1 (91.2)
      4∼5 times/week 94 (27.6) 23 (27.1) 21 (24.7) 26 (30.6) 24 (28.2)
      Perception the saltiness of foodservice meals Very salty 2 (90.6) 0 (90.0) 0 (90.0) 1 (91.2) 1 (91.2) 13.9122)
      Salty 73 (21.5) 18 (21.2) 22 (25.9) 22 (25.9) 11 (12.9)
      Moderate 229 (67.4) 62 (72.9) 54 (63.5) 52 (61.2) 61 (71.8)
      Unsalty 35 (10.3) 5 (95.9) 8 (99.4) 10 (11.8) 12 (14.1)
      Very unsalty 1 (90.3) 0 (90.0) 1 (90.0) 0 (90.0) 0 (90.0)
      Education and promotion of the sodium reduction None 237 (69.7) 57 (67.1) 65 (76.5) 60 (70.6) 55 (64.7) 97.5333)
      Once∼twice/3 months 81 (23.8) 21 (24.7) 17 (20.0) 18 (21.2) 25 (29.4)
      3∼4 times/3 months 16 (94.7) 6 (97.1) 1 (91.2) 5 (95.9) 4 (94.7)
      5∼6 times/3 months 6 (91.8) 1 (91.2) 2 (92.4) 2 (92.4) 1 (91.2)
      Contents of education and promotion of the sodium reduction Relationship between Sodium and blood pressure 20 (19.4) 5 (17.9) 3 (15.0) 1 (94.0) 11 (36.7) 27.928∗∗4)
      Relationship between Sodium and Disease 32 (31.1) 3 (10.7) 8 (40.0) 12 (48.0) 9 (30.0)
      Cooking methods to reduce sodium 19 (18.4) 9 (32.1) 1 (95.0) 4 (16.0) 5 (16.7)
      Method to choose low sodium food 5 (94.9) 0 (90.0) 3 (15.0) 2 (98.0) 0 (90.0)
      Sodium content in food 27 (26.2) 11 (39.3) 5 (25.0) 6 (24.0) 5 (16.7)

      n (%), ∗∗ P < 0.01 1) P = 0.259 by Fisher's exact test 2) P = 0.248 by Fisher's exact test 3) P = 0.568 by Fisher's exact test 4) P = 0.002 by Fisher's exact test

      Customers' perception of needs on sodium-reduced operation in foodservice

      Variables Total (n=340) Age F-value
      20s (n=85) 30s (n=85) 40s (n=85) 50s (n=85)
      Foodservice operations are needed to reduce sodium1). 3.82 ± 0.67 3.79a ± 0.80 3.86a ± 0.62 3.78a ± 0.64 3.87a ± 0.61 0.431
      It is necessary for foodservices to provide low sodium diets. 3.87 ± 0.76 3.80a ± 0.87 3.82 ± 0.69 3.88a ± 0.82 3.99a ± 0.63 1.039
      Foodservice should prepare a low sodium diet for good health. 3.71 ± 0.84 3.60a ± 0.93 3.55a ± 0.88 3.72a ± 0.75 3.98b ± 0.76 4.413∗∗
      Foodservice should provide a way to consume less sodium. 3.77 ± 0.72 3.79a ± 0.76 3.76a ± 0.77 3.71a ± 0.70 3.84a ± 0.67 0.468
      Foodservice should provide education and promotional materials on overall dietary practices to reduce sodium intake. 3.71 ± 0.75 3.59a ± 0.90 3.65a ± 0.77 3.75a ± 0.65 3.84a ± 0.61 1.861
      Foodservice should operate a "day without soup" to reduce sodium intake. 3.14 ± 1.04 3.25b ± 1.06 2.80a ± 1.17 3.22b ± 0.99 3.28b ± 0.87 4.156∗∗
      Foodservice should reduce the amount of soup or stew to reduce sodium intake. 3.39 ± 0.92 3.45b ± 0.99 3.12a ± 0.98 3.46b ± 084 3.54b ± 0.81 3.596∗
      To reduce sodium intake, foodservices should provide more raw vegetables than kimchi. 3.36 ± 0.89 3.28a ± 1.04 3.24a ± 0.87 3.51a ± 0.80 3.42a ± 0.82 1.687
      Foodservice should provide separate spices and sauces to reduce sodium intake. 3.88 ± 0.83 4.04a ± 0.94 3.93a ± 0.67 3.71a ± 0.86 3.85a ± 0.82 2.387
      In order to reduce sodium intake, foodservices should supply low sodium processed foods. 3.19 ± 0.97 2.93a ± 0.94 2.99a ± 1.03 3.35b ± 0.97 3.47b ± 0.85 6.714∗∗∗

      Mean ± SD, ∗ P < 0.05, ∗∗ P < 0.01, ∗∗∗ P < 0.001 Means with different superscripts are significantly different at the alpha=0.05 by LSD post-hoc test. 1) A 5-point scale was used (1: strongly disagree ∼5: strongly agree).

      Customers' perception of low sodium diets provided by foodservice

      Variables Total (n=340) Age F-value
      20s 30s 40s 50s
      (n=85) (n=85) (n=85) (n=85)
      A low sodium diet is necessary in foodservice1). 3.79 ± 0.77 3.79a ± 0.80 3.76a ± 081 3.62a ± 0.83 4.00b ± 0.58 3.526∗
      A low sodium diet is good for my health in foodservice. 4.13 ± 0.67 4.13a ± 0.77 4.08a ± 0.64 4.04a ± 0.65 4.27a ± 0.61 1.972
      A low sodium diet will help improve the quality of the foodservice. 3.46 ± 0.85 3.41a ± 0.92 3.46a ± 0.98 3.44a ± 0.76 3.55a ± 0.73 0.445
      A low sodium diet increases trust in foodservice. 3.66 ± 0.78 3.76a ± 0.78 3.56a ± 0.84 3.58a ± 0.84 3.75a ± 0.65 1.654
      A low sodium diet uses less processed food in foodservice. 3.57 ± 0.82 3.58a ± 0.97 3.53a ± 0.87 3.53a ± 0.70 3.66a ± 0.70 0.475
      When a low sodium diet is available, I think a new recipe has been developed. 3.52 ± 0.83 3.53a ± 0.89 3.46a ± 0.84 3.47a ± 0.73 3.62a ± 0.83 0.705
      A low sodium diet is nutritionally superior. 3.61 ± 0.76 3.86b ± 0.77 3.58a ± 0.78 3.40a ± 0.73 3.62a ± 0.71 5.447∗∗∗

      Mean ± SD, ∗ P < 0.05, ∗∗∗ P < 0.001 Means with different superscripts are significantly different at the alpha=0.05 by LSD post-hoc test. 1) A 5-point scale was used (1: strongly disagree ∼5: strongly agree).

      Correlation relationship between main variables

      Variables Health concerns Perception of need for sodium-reduced operation in foodservice Perception of low sodium diets in foodservice
      Health concerns 1.284∗∗    
      Perception of need for sodium-reduced operation in foodservice 0.284∗∗ 1.624∗∗  
      Perception of low sodium diets in foodservice 0.381∗∗ 0.624∗∗ 1

      ∗∗ P < 0.01

      Effects of customers' health concerns on perceptions of the need for sodium-reduced operation and of low sodium diets in foodservice

      Independent variables Dependent variables Unstandardized coefficients Standardized coefficients t-value
      B S.E β
        Constant 2.793 0.148   18.870∗∗∗
        Perception of need for sodium-reduced operation in foodservice 0.239 0.044 0.284 5.437∗∗∗
      Health concerns R2 = 0.080, Adjusted R2 = 0.078, F = 29.561∗∗∗    
      Constant 2.549 0.152   16.778∗∗∗
      Perception of low sodium diets in foodservice 0.342 0.045 0.381 7.571∗∗∗
      R2 = 0.145, Adjusted R2 = 0.142, F = 57.320∗∗∗    

      ∗∗∗P < 0.001

      Table 1. General characteristics and health concerns of respondents

      n (%) or Mean ± SD, ∗ P < 0.05, ∗∗∗ P < 0.001 Means with different superscripts are significantly different at the alpha=0.05 by LSD post-hoc test. 1) A 5-point scale was used (1: strongly disagree ∼ 5: strongly agree). 2) P < 0.001 by Fisher's exact test 3) P = 0.489 by Fisher's exact test

      Table 2. General characteristics of foodservice

      n (%), ∗∗ P < 0.01 1) P = 0.259 by Fisher's exact test 2) P = 0.248 by Fisher's exact test 3) P = 0.568 by Fisher's exact test 4) P = 0.002 by Fisher's exact test

      Table 3. Customers' perception of needs on sodium-reduced operation in foodservice

      Mean ± SD, ∗ P < 0.05, ∗∗ P < 0.01, ∗∗∗ P < 0.001 Means with different superscripts are significantly different at the alpha=0.05 by LSD post-hoc test. 1) A 5-point scale was used (1: strongly disagree ∼5: strongly agree).

      Table 4. Customers' perception of low sodium diets provided by foodservice

      Mean ± SD, ∗ P < 0.05, ∗∗∗ P < 0.001 Means with different superscripts are significantly different at the alpha=0.05 by LSD post-hoc test. 1) A 5-point scale was used (1: strongly disagree ∼5: strongly agree).

      Table 5. Correlation relationship between main variables

      ∗∗ P < 0.01

      Table 6. Effects of customers' health concerns on perceptions of the need for sodium-reduced operation and of low sodium diets in foodservice

      P < 0.001

      Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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