1Department of Food and Nutrition, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung, Korea, Student.
2Department of Food and Nutrition, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung, Korea, Professor.
Copyright © 2018 The Korean Society of Community Nutrition
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TEEDLW: total energy expenditure measured by the doubly labeled water method
1) Mean±SD
2) Mean percentage error between total energy intake and energy expenditure
3) The largest underprediction
4) The largest overprediction
5) RMSE: root mean squared prediction error
6) The percentage of subject predicted by the 24-hour diet recalls within 10% of TEEDLW
7) The percentage of subject predicted by the 24-hour diet recalls < 10% of TEEDLW
8) The percentage of subject predicted by the 24-hour diet recalls > 10% of TEEDLW
1) No significantly different in body weight between pre and post measurement (p=0.05
2) Measured with Inbody 720 body composition analyzer
1) Mean±SD
2) a: means with same superscript is not significantly different at p<0.05 by Tukey HSD test (p=0.83).
1) Mean of energy intake estimated by three 24-hour diet recalls method
2) Total energy expenditure measured by the doubly labeled water method
3) Energy intake under-reporting by the 24-hour diet recalls = total energy intake − total energy expenditure
TEEDLW: total energy expenditure measured by the doubly labeled water method
1) Mean±SD
2) Mean percentage error between total energy intake and energy expenditure
3) The largest underprediction
4) The largest overprediction
5) RMSE: root mean squared prediction error
6) The percentage of subject predicted by the 24-hour diet recalls within 10% of TEEDLW
7) The percentage of subject predicted by the 24-hour diet recalls < 10% of TEEDLW
8) The percentage of subject predicted by the 24-hour diet recalls > 10% of TEEDLW
1) No significantly different in body weight between pre and post measurement (p=0.05 2) Measured with Inbody 720 body composition analyzer
1) Mean±SD 2) a: means with same superscript is not significantly different at p<0.05 by Tukey HSD test (p=0.83).
1) Mean of energy intake estimated by three 24-hour diet recalls method 2) Total energy expenditure measured by the doubly labeled water method 3) Energy intake under-reporting by the 24-hour diet recalls = total energy intake − total energy expenditure
TEEDLW: total energy expenditure measured by the doubly labeled water method 1) Mean±SD 2) Mean percentage error between total energy intake and energy expenditure 3) The largest underprediction 4) The largest overprediction 5) RMSE: root mean squared prediction error 6) The percentage of subject predicted by the 24-hour diet recalls within 10% of TEEDLW 7) The percentage of subject predicted by the 24-hour diet recalls < 10% of TEEDLW 8) The percentage of subject predicted by the 24-hour diet recalls > 10% of TEEDLW