Department of Food and Nutrition, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, Korea.
Copyright © 2016 The Korean Society of Community Nutrition
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1) DEBQ: Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire
2) BMI: Body mass index, WHR: Waist hip girth ratio
1) Normal Day: September 20-24, 2015
2) Holiday: September 25-29, 2015
3) Peak Holiday: September26-28, 2015
4) CHO: Carbohydrate
ab: Values with the same letter within the same row are not significantly different at <0.05 by Duncan's multiple range test.
1) DEBQ: Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire
2) BMI: body mass index
3) WHR: waist hip girth ratio
**: p<0., ***: p<0.1 by Pearson's product-moment correlation
1) DEBQ: Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire.
*: p<0.05 by Pearson's product-moment correlation
1) Values with the same Roman character within the same column are not significantly different at p<0.05 by Kruskal wallis test and Wilcoxon signed rank test.
2) Values with the same alphabet within the same row are not significantly different at p<0.05 by Kruskal wallis test and Wilcoxon rank sum test.
3) CHO: Carbohydrate
1) BMI:body mass index
2) WHR: waist hip girth ratio
*: p<0.05, **: p<0.01 by Spearman's rank correlation
1) DEBQ: Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire.
All values are not significantly different at p<0.05 by Kruskal wallis test.
1) DEBQ: Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire 2) BMI: Body mass index, WHR: Waist hip girth ratio
1) Normal Day: September 20-24, 2015 2) Holiday: September 25-29, 2015 3) Peak Holiday: September26-28, 2015 4) CHO: Carbohydrate ab: Values with the same letter within the same row are not significantly different at <0.05 by Duncan's multiple range test.
1) DEBQ: Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire 2) BMI: body mass index 3) WHR: waist hip girth ratio **: p<0., ***: p<0.1 by Pearson's product-moment correlation
1) DEBQ: Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire. *: p<0.05 by Pearson's product-moment correlation
1) Values with the same Roman character within the same column are not significantly different at p<0.05 by Kruskal wallis test and Wilcoxon signed rank test. 2) Values with the same alphabet within the same row are not significantly different at p<0.05 by Kruskal wallis test and Wilcoxon rank sum test. 3) CHO: Carbohydrate
1) BMI:body mass index 2) WHR: waist hip girth ratio *: p<0.05, **: p<0.01 by Spearman's rank correlation
1) DEBQ: Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire. All values are not significantly different at p<0.05 by Kruskal wallis test.