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Estimation of the Usual Food Intake Distribution Reflecting the Consumption Frequency and a Comparison of the Proportion of Non-consumers: Based on the KNHANES 2009
Su Ji Ham, Dong Woo Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2021;26(4):296-306.   Published online August 31, 2021
AbstractAbstract PDF
The objective of this study was to estimate the distribution of the usual dietary intake of foods with respect to the probability of consumption derived from the Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) of the 2009 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES).
The intake quantity and frequency of 63 food items were assessed from the 2009 KNHANES which was completed by 7,708 participants. The participants completed one or two 24-h dietary recalls and one FFQ. The usual intake distribution was estimated using the multiple source method (MSM), and the proportion of nonconsumers was calculated through the usual intake distribution. This was then compared with the proportion of non-consumers from the 24-hour recall method.
The difference in the proportion of non-consumers ranged from 2% to 82.9%, indicating that there is a very large difference based on food groups. The food groups in which the proportion of non-consumers did not differ was composed of foods consumed daily, such as ‘rice’, ‘cereal and barley’, and ‘Chinese cabbage and kimchi’, or foods with distinct palatability such as ‘coffee’ and ‘alcohol’. On the other hand, in the case of the food groups with a high difference in the proportion of non-consumers, most comprised fruits that emphasized seasonality.
In the case of foods or food groups that are occasionally consumed, it is desirable to use 2 recalls with additional FFQ data by combining the consumption frequency and the quantity consumed.


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  • Dietary Management of Obesity
    Sang Hoon Lee, San Ha Kim, Sung Chul Park
    The Korean Journal of Gastroenterology.2024; 83(3): 87.     CrossRef
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Comparison of 24-hour Recalls with a Food Frequency Questionnaire in Assessing Coffee Consumption: The Health Examinees (HEXA) Study
An Na Kim, Jiyoung Youn, Hyun Jeong Cho, Taiyue Jin, Sangah Shin, Jung Eun Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2020;25(1):48-60.   Published online February 29, 2020
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub
Most cohort studies used food frequency questionnaires (FFQ) to evaluate coffee consumption as it assesses habitual dietary patterns, whereas some studies have used the 24-hour recalls (24HR) as it elicits in-depth description of foods and the amount eaten. The aim of this study was to compare FFQs and 24HR to assess the consumption of various types of coffee.
We included 25,904 participants aged 40 years or older from the Health Examinees (HEXA) Study of the Korean Genome and Epidemiologic Study (KoGES). Each participant completed one FFQ and one-day (n=11,280) or two-day 24HR (n=14,624). We classified coffee types into: black coffee, coffee with sugar and cream, and coffee with sugar alone or cream alone. We compared the proportions of nondrinkers, black coffee, and coffee with sugar and cream through FFQ and 24HR.
Among those who completed one FFQ and one-day 24HR, 39.4% of “nondrinkers” on one-day 24HR reported that they did not drink coffee on their FFQs. Whereas among those who complete two-day 24HR, 71.2% of “nondrinkers” on two-day 24HR said that they did not drink coffee on their FFQs. Among those who completed one FFQ and oneday 24HR, 58.3% marked “black coffee” on one-day 24HR said that they drank black coffee on their FFQs. Among those who complete two-day 24HR, 58.8% marked “black coffee” on two-day 24HR said that they drank black coffee on their FFQs. The kappa coefficients and percent agreements were 0.4 and 59.6%, respectively, for the comparison of coffee intake between FFQ and one-day 24HR, and 0.6 and 72.8%, respectively, for the comparison of coffee intake between FFQ and two-day 24HR.
We found discrepancies between FFQs and 24HR in the types of coffee consumed. Such limitations should be considered when using the 24HR data to examine the effect of coffee consumption on disease development.


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  • Association Between Instant Coffee Consumption and the Development of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Results From a Community-Based Prospective Cohort
    Moon-Kyung Shin, Kyoung-Nam Kim
    Journal of Korean Medical Science.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Genetic variation rs1121980 in the fat mass and obesity-associated gene (FTO) is associated with dietary intake in Koreans
    Young Goh, Jeong-Hwa Choi
    Food & Nutrition Research.2022;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Coffee Consumption and the Risk of All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality in the Korean Population
    Seong-Ah Kim, Li-Juan Tan, Sangah Shin
    Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.2021; 121(11): 2221.     CrossRef
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Accuracy of 24-hour Diet Recalls for Estimating Energy Intake in Elderly Men using the Doubly Labeled Water Method
Ji Hye Jeon, Na Young Go, Mo Ran Lee, Didace Ndahimana, Eun Kyung Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2018;23(6):516-524.   Published online December 31, 2018
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
This study assessed the accuracy of the 24-hour diet recall method for estimating the energy intake of elderly men using the doubly labeled water as a reference method.
Seventeen subjects (mean age 72.5 ± 3.9 years), who maintained the same body weight during the two weeks study period, were included in this study. Three 24-hour diet recalls (two weekdays and one weekend) were obtained over a 14 day period to estimate the mean energy intake. The total energy expenditure was measured over the same 14 days using the doubly labeled water method. The total energy intake and total energy expenditure were compared by paired t-test.
The total energy intake from the 24-hour diet recalls method was 2536.7 ± 350.6 kcal/day, and the total energy expenditure from the doubly labeled water method was 2659.8 ± 306.8 kcal/day. The total energy intake was slightly under-reported by −123.2 ± 260.8 kcal/day (−4.4%). On the other hand, no significant difference was observed between the total energy intake and total energy expenditure of the subjects (p=0.069). The percentage of accurate predictions was 64.7%. The correlation between the total energy intake and total energy expenditure was statistically significant (r=0.697, p < 0.005).
The present study supports the use of the 24-hour diet recall method to estimate the mean energy intake in elderly men group. More studies are needed to assess the validity of 24-hour diet recall method in other population groups, including elderly women, adults and children.


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  • Health Outcome Comparison Based on Dietary Inflammatory Levels among Sample of Korean Elderly
    Seul-Ki Koo, Hee-Sook Lim
    Healthcare.2024; 12(10): 1003.     CrossRef
  • Evaluation of Menopausal Syndrome Relief and Anti-Obesity Efficacy of the Korean Fermented Food Doenjang: A Randomized, Double-Blind Clinical Trial
    A Lum Han, Myeong Seon Ryu, Hee-Jong Yang, Do-Youn Jeong, Keum Ha Choi
    Nutrients.2024; 16(8): 1194.     CrossRef
  • Validation of a physical activity classification table in Korean adults and elderly using a doubly labeled water method
    Hye-Ji Han, Ha-Yeon Jun, Jonghoon Park, Kazuko Ishikawa-Takata, Eun-Kyung Kim
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2023; 56(4): 391.     CrossRef
  • Validity of Interviewer-Administered 24-h Dietary Recalls in Older Korean Women: A Pilot Study
    Seunghee Kim, Clara Y. Park
    Nutrients.2023; 15(7): 1757.     CrossRef
  • Comparison of total energy intakes estimated by 24-hour diet recall with total energy expenditure measured by the doubly labeled water method in adults
    Eun-Kyung Kim, Justice Otoo Fenyi, Jae-Hee Kim, Myung-Hee Kim, Seo-Eun Yean, Kye-Wol Park, Kyungwon Oh, Sungha Yoon, Kazuko Ishikawa-Takata, Jonghoon Park, Jung-Hyun Kim, Jin-Sook Yoon
    Nutrition Research and Practice.2022; 16(5): 646.     CrossRef
  • A short education session increases the accuracy of estimated food records in young Korean women during a controlled-feeding study
    Seunghee Kim, Bora Lee, Clara Yongjoo Park
    Nutrition Research and Practice.2021; 15(5): 613.     CrossRef
  • Accuracy of the 24-hour diet recall method to determine energy intake in elderly women compared with the doubly labeled water method
    Kye-Wol Park, Na-Young Go, Ji-Hye Jeon, Didace Ndahimana, Kazuko Ishikawa-Takata, Jonghoon Park, Eun-Kyung Kim
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2020; 53(5): 476.     CrossRef
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Development and User Satisfaction of a Mobile Phone Application for Image-based Dietary Assessment
Seo Yoon Kim, Sang Jin Chung
Korean J Community Nutr 2017;22(6):485-494.   Published online December 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
The objective of this study was to develop mobile phone application for image-based dietary assessment and evaluate satisfaction regarding respondent's use of the mobile phone application.
We developed a mobile phone application to assess dietary intakes using 24 hour dietary recall. After initial development, application was reviewed by ten adults and revised based on their comments. We recruited 192 volunteers (92 males, 100 females) to use the mobile phone application and to respond to a satisfaction survey. Participants were instructed to use the mobile phone application with fiducial marker five centimeter in width, length and two centimeter height at each eating occasion during designated 4 days, capturing 45° angle and 90° angle images of all food and beverage items before and after consumption. After using the mobile phone application for 4 days, participants were asked to complete an online questionnaire on the satisfaction of the mobile phone app. User satisfaction items composed of 12 questions of application user interface, 8 questions of emotional response, 9 questions of eating behavior in 5 likert scale. Participants were also asked to provide additional open-ended comments on the use of mobile phone application. Statistical analysis was performed by using the SPSS 23.0 (Statistical Package for the Social Science).
The average user interface score was 2.82 ± 1.08, which was close to the ‘normal’ response. Responses for emotion and eating behavior also were borderline to the ‘normal’.
This study found that the mobile phone application using 24-hour recall was acceptable to be used to assess dietary intakes for several days. However, there should be a need for such technology to be user-oriented instead of researcher-oriented. Easy and cost-effective new technology is needed for estimating the amounts of food eaten automatically when the photos are taken.


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  • Diet status of college students evaluated by applying the photographic analysis method
    Chae Hong Lee, Kyung A Lee
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2023; 56(4): 439.     CrossRef
  • Validity of Estimating Sodium Intake using a Mobile Phone Application of 24-hour Dietary Recall with Meal Photos
    Seo-Yoon Kim, Sang-Jin Chung
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2020; 25(4): 317.     CrossRef
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A Study on Application of Food Photographs for Estimating Individuals' Dietary Intake
Jong Sook Kwon, Kyungmin Kim, Hye Kyeong Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2010;15(6):760-775.   Published online December 31, 2010
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was performed to investigate the validity of food photographs for estimating individuals' dietary intakes and compare it with other dietary assessment methods. Subjects were 7 professors, 2 researchers, 12 dietitian and 16 graduate students majoring in food and nutrition. Among the subjects, 20 subjects had research experiences in the dietary intake survey more than one year while 17 had not. Each subject estimated 50 food portions displayed in computer monitor by comparing with standard food photographs, which were weighed portions of 28 foods from typical Korean diet. No significant differences between the estimated value and the weighed value of 17 (34%) food portions were shown in research-experienced group and those of 14 (28%) food portions were shown in no-researchexperienced group. 24-hour recall was the most frequently-used method for dietary assessment followed by in the order of food frequency questionnaire, dietary record, diet history and weighing method. After estimating food portions by photographs, 30 subjects (81%) were willing to use the method for dietary assessment because of its convenience and easy communication between researcher and subject. This study suggests that digital photography method would be a useful and convenient new instrument for estimating individuals' dietary intake. However, it is necessary to create standard database for food portions and carry out systematic education for food estimation in order to apply this method in the fields.
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Software for Nutritional Assessment Using a Semi-Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire and the 24-hour Recall Method
Sang Ah Lee, Kyoungsin Lee, Hyung Sook Kim, Hae Jeung Lee, Haymie Choi
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(4):548-558.   Published online August 31, 2002
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to develop a computer software program for nutritional assessment using a Semi-Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire (SQFFQs) and the 24-hour Recall Method. The software for the SQFFQ was divided into input, output, and database. For dietary analyses, recipe and food databases were used. The recipe database included 25 items and the food database was divided into 18 food groups. The food database was composed of 19 general nutrient items, 33 fatty acids, and 18 amino acids. The software developed in this study can be summarized as follows: 1) input items related to the individual's ages information, lifestyle, biological values, and dietary habits; 2) individualized data in percent of the Korean RDA, the energy ratios of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, the ratio of animal to plant source intakes, and the distribution of food group intakes; 3) Statistical data on the individual's information, lifestyle, biological values, and dietary intakes including the frequency of intake of cooked foods, the amounts of food, and the number of food groups, and nutrients. In the 24-hour Recall Method, the input and output consisted of the individual's information and cooked dish intakes. The individual's report included the amounts of nutrient intake according to number of meal and days, in comparison to the Korean RDA, the energy ratio for carbohydrates, proteins and fats, the ratio of animal to plant source intakes, and the distribution of food group intakes. The statistical report presented the number of food groups and foods, and the nutrient intakes. To evaluate the validity of the SQFFQ, the Spearman Rank Order Correlation and kappa values were used. As a result, correlation coefficients comparing the 24-hour Recall Method appeared to be more than 0.5, except for vitamin B1, B2, niacin, and vitamin E. The kappa values for energy and carbohydrate intakes were both 0.7, and protein, fat, vitamin C, folate, Ca, and iron intakes ranged from 0.3 to 0.7.
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