Food and Nutrition, Seoul Women's University, Seoul, Korea.
1National Training Center of Korea Olympic Committee, Seoul, Korea.
2Sports Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Yongin, Korea.
Copyright © 2017 The Korean Society of Community Nutrition
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*: P<0.05, **: P<0.01, ***: P<0.001
1) Mean±SE, 2) n (%), 3) t value by t-test or χ2 value by χ2-test
*: P<0.05
1) Estimated Energy Requirements, 2) kcal/kg body weight, 3) g/kg body weight, 4) Recommended Nutrient Intake, 5) Ratio of energy intake, 6) Adequate Intake, 7) Intake Goal, 8) Mean±SE, 9) F value by analysis of covariance (covariate: weight, height). For variables analyzed by kg/body weight, only height was used as a covariate.
*: P<0.05, **: P<0.01
1) Estimated Energy Requirements, 2) kcal/kg body weight, 3) g/kg body weight, 4) Recommended Nutrient Intake, 5) Ratio of energy intake, 6) Adequate Intake, 7) Intake Goal, 8) Mean±SE, 9) F value by analysis of covariance (covariate: weight, height). For variables analyzed by kg/body weight, only height was used as a covariate.
1) Multiple response, 2) n (%), 3) χ2 value by Fisher's exact test
*: P<0.05, **: P<0.01
1) kcal/kg body weight, 2) g/kg body weight, 3) Mean±SE, 4) F value by analysis of covariance. (covariate: weight, height)
*: P<0.05, **: P<0.01, ***: P<0.001 1) Mean±SE, 2) n (%), 3) t value by t-test or χ2 value by χ2-test
*: P<0.05 1) Estimated Energy Requirements, 2) kcal/kg body weight, 3) g/kg body weight, 4) Recommended Nutrient Intake, 5) Ratio of energy intake, 6) Adequate Intake, 7) Intake Goal, 8) Mean±SE, 9) F value by analysis of covariance (covariate: weight, height). For variables analyzed by kg/body weight, only height was used as a covariate.
*: P<0.05, **: P<0.01 1) Estimated Energy Requirements, 2) kcal/kg body weight, 3) g/kg body weight, 4) Recommended Nutrient Intake, 5) Ratio of energy intake, 6) Adequate Intake, 7) Intake Goal, 8) Mean±SE, 9) F value by analysis of covariance (covariate: weight, height). For variables analyzed by kg/body weight, only height was used as a covariate.
1) Multiple response, 2) n (%), 3) χ2 value by Fisher's exact test
*: P<0.05, **: P<0.01 1) kcal/kg body weight, 2) g/kg body weight, 3) Mean±SE, 4) F value by analysis of covariance. (covariate: weight, height)