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Assessment of Physical Activity Pattern, Activity Coefficient, Basal Metabolic Rate and Daily Energy Expenditure in Female University Students
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Original Article
Assessment of Physical Activity Pattern, Activity Coefficient, Basal Metabolic Rate and Daily Energy Expenditure in Female University Students
Yoonji Park, Jung Hee Kim
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2013;18(1):45-54.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5720/kjcn.2013.18.1.45
Published online: February 28, 2013

Department of Food and Nutrition, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul Women's University, Seoul, Korea.

Corresponding author: Jung Hee Kim, Department of Food and Nutrition, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul Women's University, 623 Hwarangno Nowon-gu, Seoul 139-774, Korea. Tel: (02) 970-5646, Fax: (02) 976-4049, jheekim@swu.ac.kr
• Received: January 31, 2013   • Revised: February 13, 2013   • Accepted: February 13, 2013

Copyright © 2013 The Korean Society of Community Nutrition

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  • This study was conducted to investigate the physical activity pattern, activity coefficient, basal metabolic rate and energy expenditure of female university students. One-day activity diaries were collected from 95 female university students in Seoul. Body composition was measured by Inbody 720. Subjects spent 7 hr 8min on sleeping, 6 hr 31min on studying, 2 hr 50min on physiological activity, 2 hr 3min on leisure, 2 hr 2min on walking and jogging, 1 hr 58 min on commuting and 22min on house chores. The activity coefficient of these subjects was 1.58. The comparison of body composition of subjects according to PAL showed that body weight, body fat mass, arm circumference and arm muscle circumference of physically active group were significantly higher than those of the sedentary group. BMR calculated by Harris-Benedict (H-B) formula and DRI formula and BMR measured by Inbody 720 was 1375 kcal, 1306 kcal and 1209 kcal, respectively. Total energy expenditure (TEE) examined by one-day activity diaries and calculated by H-B formula and estimated energy requirement (EER) formula in DRI was 2102.1 kcal, 2184.4 kcal, and 2164.5 kcal, respectively. The Pearson correlation coefficient between TEE examined by one-day activity diaries and H-B TEE was 0.795 (p < 0.001) while that between TEE examined and DRI EER was 0.604 (p < 0.001). Overall data indicated that female university students seemed to be less active. Therefore it is recommended that universities develop good exercise programs for their students. Further studies are needed to generate more meaningful results with a larger sample size and using machine attached to the body, which are able to detect physical activity more accurately.

This study was supported by a grant of the Institute of Natural Sciences at Seoul Women's University in 2011.

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Fig. 1
Distribution of time spent on each activity of female university students.
Table 1
Anthropometric measurements of female university students

1) Values are Mean ± SD

Table 2
Comparison of time spent on each activity according to physical activity level

1) Source from recommended dietary allowance for Japanese (5th revision, 1985) and dietary reference intake for Koreans (1st revision 2010)

2) Sedantary: PAL < 1.40, 3) Low active: PAL 1.40~1.60, 4) Active: PAL > 1.60, 5) Values (min/day) are Mean ± SD

a,b: Means with the different superscripts are significantly different at p < 0.05 by Duncan's multiple range test

ns: not significantly different among groups at p < 0.05

Table 3
Physical activity patterns of female university students according to physical activity level

1) Sedentary: PAL < 1.40, 2) Low active: PAL 1.40 - 1.60, 3) Active: PAL > 1.60, 4) Values (min/day) are Mean ± SD, 5) (Values) from DRI for Koreans (1st revision, 2010)

Table 4
Comparison of time spent on each activity according to BMI

1) Underweight: BMI < 18.5, 2) Normal: BMI 18.5 - 23.0, 3) Overweight and obesity: BMI > 23.0, 4) Values (min/day) are Mean ± SD

ns: Not significantly different among groups at p < 0.05

Table 5
Comparison of body composition according to physical activity level

1) Sedantary: PAL < 1.40, 2) Low active: PAL 1.40 - 1.60, 3) Active: PAL > 1.60

4) Values are Mean ± SD

SMM: skeletal muscle mass

AC: arm circumference

AMC: arm muscle circumference

BMI: body mass index

BFM: body fat mass

W/H ratio: waist-hip ratio

a,b: Means with the different superscripts are significantly different at p < 0.05 by Duncan's multiple range test

ns: not significantly different among groups at p < 0.05

Table 6
Comparison of basal metabolic rate and total energy expenditure calculated by three different methods

  • 1) Harris-Benedict formula: BMR = 655 + [9.6 × Weight (kg)] + [1.8 × Height (cm)] - [4.7 × Age]

    • TEE = BMR × activity coefficient

  • 2) Formula in DRI for Koreans (1st revision, 2010)

    • BMR = 255 - [2.35 × Age] + [361.6 × Height (m)] + [9.39 × Weight(kg)]

    • EER = 354 - 6.91 × Age (years) + PA × [9.36 × Weight (kg) + 726 × Height (m)]

      • PA = 1.0 (sedentary), 1.12 (low active), 1.27 (active), 1.45 (very active)

  • 3) Inbody 720 (Biospace): REE = LBM × 21.6 + 370

  • 4) TEE examined by One-day activity diariest = basal metabolic rate + energy for physical activity + thermic effect of food

  • 5) Values are Mean ± SD

  • BMR: Basal metabolic rate

  • TEE: Total energy expenditure

Table 7
Pearson correlation coefficient among different methods of the basal metabolic rate

1) H-B BMR: basal metabolic rate calculated by Harris-Benedict formula

2) DRI BMR: basal metabolic rate calculated by Institute of Medicine (2002)

3) Inbody BMR: basal metabolic rate measured by Inbody 720

***: p < 0.001 by Pearson correlation analysis

Table 8
Pearson correlation coefficient among different methods of total energy expenditure

1) H-B TEE: total energy expenditure calculated by Harris-Benedict formula

2) DRI EER: estimated energy requirement by DRI

3) TEE examined by One-day activity diaries: basal metabolic rate + energy for physical activity + thermic effect of food

***: p < 0.001 by Pearson correlation analysis

Figure & Data



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      Assessment of Physical Activity Pattern, Activity Coefficient, Basal Metabolic Rate and Daily Energy Expenditure in Female University Students
      Korean J Community Nutr. 2013;18(1):45-54.   Published online February 28, 2013
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    We recommend
    Assessment of Physical Activity Pattern, Activity Coefficient, Basal Metabolic Rate and Daily Energy Expenditure in Female University Students
    Fig. 1 Distribution of time spent on each activity of female university students.
    Assessment of Physical Activity Pattern, Activity Coefficient, Basal Metabolic Rate and Daily Energy Expenditure in Female University Students

    Anthropometric measurements of female university students

    1) Values are Mean ± SD

    Comparison of time spent on each activity according to physical activity level

    1) Source from recommended dietary allowance for Japanese (5th revision, 1985) and dietary reference intake for Koreans (1st revision 2010)

    2) Sedantary: PAL < 1.40, 3) Low active: PAL 1.40~1.60, 4) Active: PAL > 1.60, 5) Values (min/day) are Mean ± SD

    a,b: Means with the different superscripts are significantly different at p < 0.05 by Duncan's multiple range test

    ns: not significantly different among groups at p < 0.05

    Physical activity patterns of female university students according to physical activity level

    1) Sedentary: PAL < 1.40, 2) Low active: PAL 1.40 - 1.60, 3) Active: PAL > 1.60, 4) Values (min/day) are Mean ± SD, 5) (Values) from DRI for Koreans (1st revision, 2010)

    Comparison of time spent on each activity according to BMI

    1) Underweight: BMI < 18.5, 2) Normal: BMI 18.5 - 23.0, 3) Overweight and obesity: BMI > 23.0, 4) Values (min/day) are Mean ± SD

    ns: Not significantly different among groups at p < 0.05

    Comparison of body composition according to physical activity level

    1) Sedantary: PAL < 1.40, 2) Low active: PAL 1.40 - 1.60, 3) Active: PAL > 1.60

    4) Values are Mean ± SD

    SMM: skeletal muscle mass

    AC: arm circumference

    AMC: arm muscle circumference

    BMI: body mass index

    BFM: body fat mass

    W/H ratio: waist-hip ratio

    a,b: Means with the different superscripts are significantly different at p < 0.05 by Duncan's multiple range test

    ns: not significantly different among groups at p < 0.05

    Comparison of basal metabolic rate and total energy expenditure calculated by three different methods

    1) Harris-Benedict formula: BMR = 655 + [9.6 × Weight (kg)] + [1.8 × Height (cm)] - [4.7 × Age]

    TEE = BMR × activity coefficient

    2) Formula in DRI for Koreans (1st revision, 2010)

    BMR = 255 - [2.35 × Age] + [361.6 × Height (m)] + [9.39 × Weight(kg)]

    EER = 354 - 6.91 × Age (years) + PA × [9.36 × Weight (kg) + 726 × Height (m)]

    PA = 1.0 (sedentary), 1.12 (low active), 1.27 (active), 1.45 (very active)

    3) Inbody 720 (Biospace): REE = LBM × 21.6 + 370

    4) TEE examined by One-day activity diariest = basal metabolic rate + energy for physical activity + thermic effect of food

    5) Values are Mean ± SD

    BMR: Basal metabolic rate

    TEE: Total energy expenditure

    Pearson correlation coefficient among different methods of the basal metabolic rate

    1) H-B BMR: basal metabolic rate calculated by Harris-Benedict formula

    2) DRI BMR: basal metabolic rate calculated by Institute of Medicine (2002)

    3) Inbody BMR: basal metabolic rate measured by Inbody 720

    ***: p < 0.001 by Pearson correlation analysis

    Pearson correlation coefficient among different methods of total energy expenditure

    1) H-B TEE: total energy expenditure calculated by Harris-Benedict formula

    2) DRI EER: estimated energy requirement by DRI

    3) TEE examined by One-day activity diaries: basal metabolic rate + energy for physical activity + thermic effect of food

    ***: p < 0.001 by Pearson correlation analysis

    Table 1 Anthropometric measurements of female university students

    1) Values are Mean ± SD

    Table 2 Comparison of time spent on each activity according to physical activity level

    1) Source from recommended dietary allowance for Japanese (5th revision, 1985) and dietary reference intake for Koreans (1st revision 2010)

    2) Sedantary: PAL < 1.40, 3) Low active: PAL 1.40~1.60, 4) Active: PAL > 1.60, 5) Values (min/day) are Mean ± SD

    a,b: Means with the different superscripts are significantly different at p < 0.05 by Duncan's multiple range test

    ns: not significantly different among groups at p < 0.05

    Table 3 Physical activity patterns of female university students according to physical activity level

    1) Sedentary: PAL < 1.40, 2) Low active: PAL 1.40 - 1.60, 3) Active: PAL > 1.60, 4) Values (min/day) are Mean ± SD, 5) (Values) from DRI for Koreans (1st revision, 2010)

    Table 4 Comparison of time spent on each activity according to BMI

    1) Underweight: BMI < 18.5, 2) Normal: BMI 18.5 - 23.0, 3) Overweight and obesity: BMI > 23.0, 4) Values (min/day) are Mean ± SD

    ns: Not significantly different among groups at p < 0.05

    Table 5 Comparison of body composition according to physical activity level

    1) Sedantary: PAL < 1.40, 2) Low active: PAL 1.40 - 1.60, 3) Active: PAL > 1.60

    4) Values are Mean ± SD

    SMM: skeletal muscle mass

    AC: arm circumference

    AMC: arm muscle circumference

    BMI: body mass index

    BFM: body fat mass

    W/H ratio: waist-hip ratio

    a,b: Means with the different superscripts are significantly different at p < 0.05 by Duncan's multiple range test

    ns: not significantly different among groups at p < 0.05

    Table 6 Comparison of basal metabolic rate and total energy expenditure calculated by three different methods

    1) Harris-Benedict formula: BMR = 655 + [9.6 × Weight (kg)] + [1.8 × Height (cm)] - [4.7 × Age]

    TEE = BMR × activity coefficient

    2) Formula in DRI for Koreans (1st revision, 2010)

    BMR = 255 - [2.35 × Age] + [361.6 × Height (m)] + [9.39 × Weight(kg)]

    EER = 354 - 6.91 × Age (years) + PA × [9.36 × Weight (kg) + 726 × Height (m)]

    PA = 1.0 (sedentary), 1.12 (low active), 1.27 (active), 1.45 (very active)

    3) Inbody 720 (Biospace): REE = LBM × 21.6 + 370

    4) TEE examined by One-day activity diariest = basal metabolic rate + energy for physical activity + thermic effect of food

    5) Values are Mean ± SD

    BMR: Basal metabolic rate

    TEE: Total energy expenditure

    Table 7 Pearson correlation coefficient among different methods of the basal metabolic rate

    1) H-B BMR: basal metabolic rate calculated by Harris-Benedict formula

    2) DRI BMR: basal metabolic rate calculated by Institute of Medicine (2002)

    3) Inbody BMR: basal metabolic rate measured by Inbody 720

    ***: p < 0.001 by Pearson correlation analysis

    Table 8 Pearson correlation coefficient among different methods of total energy expenditure

    1) H-B TEE: total energy expenditure calculated by Harris-Benedict formula

    2) DRI EER: estimated energy requirement by DRI

    3) TEE examined by One-day activity diaries: basal metabolic rate + energy for physical activity + thermic effect of food

    ***: p < 0.001 by Pearson correlation analysis

    Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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