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Evaluation of Nutrient Intake and Meal Variety with Breakfast Eating in Korean Adolescents: Analysis of Data from the 2008~2009 National Health and Nutrition Survey
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Original Article
Evaluation of Nutrient Intake and Meal Variety with Breakfast Eating in Korean Adolescents: Analysis of Data from the 2008~2009 National Health and Nutrition Survey
Yun-Jung Bae
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2013;18(3):257-268.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5720/kjcn.2013.18.3.257
Published online: June 30, 2013

Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Hanbuk University, Gyeonggi, Korea.

Corresponding author: Yun Jung Bae, Hanbuk University, 233-1, Sangpae-dong, Dongducheon-si, Gyeonggi-do 483-777, Korea. Tel: (031) 860-1445, Fax: (031) 860-1449, byj@hanbuk.ac.kr
• Received: February 5, 2013   • Revised: April 2, 2013   • Accepted: April 30, 2013

Copyright © 2013 The Korean Society of Community Nutrition

This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate nutrient intake and meal variety with breakfast eating in Korean adolescents using data from the 2008-2009 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The analysis included 1245 adolescents aged 12 to 18 years. The subjects were divided into two groups according to breakfast skipping (BS: breakfast skipping, n = 235, BE: breakfast eating, n = 1110). The BS group was significantly higher in its frequency of eating soda drinks, instant noodle, and ice cream than the BE group. The BS group consumed significantly lower quantities of plant calcium and plant protein per 1,000 kcal compared to the BE group. Also the intake of cereal and vegetables in the BS group was significantly lower than those in the BE group, however, the intake of beverage in the BS group was significantly higher than that in the BE group. The average number of foods of the BE and BS groups were 29.50 and 25.85, respectively and revealed a statistical significance (p < 0.0001). The snack intake and % energy from snack intake of the BS group were significantly higher than those of the BE group. Also, the fasting blood glucose concentrations were significantly higher in the BS group compared to the BE group. In conclusion, adolescents who skip breakfast may have lower meal variety and higher blood glucose concentrations. Therefore, in support of proper dietary management, it is necessary to promote and encourage breakfast eating.
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Table 1
General characteristics of the subjects

1) EB (Eating breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast more than one time in survey 1 and 2 days ago

2) SB (Skipping breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast both survey 1 and 2 days ago

3) Age and sex-adjusted Mean ± SE (expect age and sex)

4) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by ANCOVA test adjusted for complex sampling designs

5) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by Rao-Scott chi-square test

Table 2
Dietary habits of the subjects

1) EB (Eating breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast more than one time in survey 1 and 2 days ago

2) SB (Skipping breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast both survey 1 and 2 days ago

3) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by Rao-Scott chi-square test

4) N (%)

Table 3
Food frequency of the subjects

1) EB (Eating breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast more than one time in survey 1 and 2 days ago

2) SB (Skipping breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast both survey 1 and 2 days ago

3) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by ANCOVA test adjusted for complex sampling designs

4) Age and sex-adjusted Mean ± SE

Table 4
Dietary intakes of the subjects

1) EB (Eating breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast more than one time in survey 1 and 2 days ago

2) SB (Skipping breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast both survey 1 and 2 days ago

3) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by ANCOVA test adjusted for complex sampling designs

4) Age and sex-adjusted Mean ± SE

Table 5
The percent of the subjects consumed under EAR of the subjects

1) EB (Eating breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast more than one time in survey 1 and 2 days ago

2) SB (Skipping breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast both survey 1 and 2 days ago

3) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by Rao-Scott chi-square test

4) Estimated energy requirement

5) %

EAR: Estimated average requirement

Table 6
Food intakes from each food group of the subjects

1) EB (Eating breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast more than one time in survey 1 and 2 days ago

2) SB (Skipping breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast both survey 1 and 2 days ago

3) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by ANCOVA test adjusted for complex sampling designs

4) Age and sex-adjusted Mean ± SE

Table 7
Food scores from each food group of the subjects

1) EB (Eating breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast more than one time in survey 1 and 2 days ago

2) SB (Skipping breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast both survey 1 and 2 days ago

3) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by ANCOVA test adjusted for complex sampling designs

4) Age and sex-adjusted Mean ± SE

Table 8
Energy intake and variety according to different meals and snack of the subjects

1) EB (Eating breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast more than one time in survey 1 and 2 days ago

2) SB (Skipping breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast both survey 1 and 2 days ago

3) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by ANCOVA test adjusted for complex sampling designs

4) Age and sex-adjusted Mean ± SE

Table 9
Blood metabolic parameters of the subjects

1) EB (Eating breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast more than one time in survey 1 and 2 days ago

2) SB (Skipping breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast both survey 1 and 2 days ago

3) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by ANCOVA test adjusted for complex sampling designs

4) Age and sex-adjusted Mean ± SE

Figure & Data



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      Evaluation of Nutrient Intake and Meal Variety with Breakfast Eating in Korean Adolescents: Analysis of Data from the 2008~2009 National Health and Nutrition Survey
      Korean J Community Nutr. 2013;18(3):257-268.   Published online June 30, 2013
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    Evaluation of Nutrient Intake and Meal Variety with Breakfast Eating in Korean Adolescents: Analysis of Data from the 2008~2009 National Health and Nutrition Survey
    Evaluation of Nutrient Intake and Meal Variety with Breakfast Eating in Korean Adolescents: Analysis of Data from the 2008~2009 National Health and Nutrition Survey

    General characteristics of the subjects

    1) EB (Eating breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast more than one time in survey 1 and 2 days ago

    2) SB (Skipping breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast both survey 1 and 2 days ago

    3) Age and sex-adjusted Mean ± SE (expect age and sex)

    4) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by ANCOVA test adjusted for complex sampling designs

    5) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by Rao-Scott chi-square test

    Dietary habits of the subjects

    1) EB (Eating breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast more than one time in survey 1 and 2 days ago

    2) SB (Skipping breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast both survey 1 and 2 days ago

    3) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by Rao-Scott chi-square test

    4) N (%)

    Food frequency of the subjects

    1) EB (Eating breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast more than one time in survey 1 and 2 days ago

    2) SB (Skipping breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast both survey 1 and 2 days ago

    3) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by ANCOVA test adjusted for complex sampling designs

    4) Age and sex-adjusted Mean ± SE

    Dietary intakes of the subjects

    1) EB (Eating breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast more than one time in survey 1 and 2 days ago

    2) SB (Skipping breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast both survey 1 and 2 days ago

    3) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by ANCOVA test adjusted for complex sampling designs

    4) Age and sex-adjusted Mean ± SE

    The percent of the subjects consumed under EAR of the subjects

    1) EB (Eating breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast more than one time in survey 1 and 2 days ago

    2) SB (Skipping breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast both survey 1 and 2 days ago

    3) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by Rao-Scott chi-square test

    4) Estimated energy requirement

    5) %

    EAR: Estimated average requirement

    Food intakes from each food group of the subjects

    1) EB (Eating breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast more than one time in survey 1 and 2 days ago

    2) SB (Skipping breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast both survey 1 and 2 days ago

    3) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by ANCOVA test adjusted for complex sampling designs

    4) Age and sex-adjusted Mean ± SE

    Food scores from each food group of the subjects

    1) EB (Eating breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast more than one time in survey 1 and 2 days ago

    2) SB (Skipping breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast both survey 1 and 2 days ago

    3) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by ANCOVA test adjusted for complex sampling designs

    4) Age and sex-adjusted Mean ± SE

    Energy intake and variety according to different meals and snack of the subjects

    1) EB (Eating breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast more than one time in survey 1 and 2 days ago

    2) SB (Skipping breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast both survey 1 and 2 days ago

    3) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by ANCOVA test adjusted for complex sampling designs

    4) Age and sex-adjusted Mean ± SE

    Blood metabolic parameters of the subjects

    1) EB (Eating breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast more than one time in survey 1 and 2 days ago

    2) SB (Skipping breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast both survey 1 and 2 days ago

    3) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by ANCOVA test adjusted for complex sampling designs

    4) Age and sex-adjusted Mean ± SE

    Table 1 General characteristics of the subjects

    1) EB (Eating breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast more than one time in survey 1 and 2 days ago

    2) SB (Skipping breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast both survey 1 and 2 days ago

    3) Age and sex-adjusted Mean ± SE (expect age and sex)

    4) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by ANCOVA test adjusted for complex sampling designs

    5) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by Rao-Scott chi-square test

    Table 2 Dietary habits of the subjects

    1) EB (Eating breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast more than one time in survey 1 and 2 days ago

    2) SB (Skipping breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast both survey 1 and 2 days ago

    3) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by Rao-Scott chi-square test

    4) N (%)

    Table 3 Food frequency of the subjects

    1) EB (Eating breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast more than one time in survey 1 and 2 days ago

    2) SB (Skipping breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast both survey 1 and 2 days ago

    3) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by ANCOVA test adjusted for complex sampling designs

    4) Age and sex-adjusted Mean ± SE

    Table 4 Dietary intakes of the subjects

    1) EB (Eating breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast more than one time in survey 1 and 2 days ago

    2) SB (Skipping breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast both survey 1 and 2 days ago

    3) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by ANCOVA test adjusted for complex sampling designs

    4) Age and sex-adjusted Mean ± SE

    Table 5 The percent of the subjects consumed under EAR of the subjects

    1) EB (Eating breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast more than one time in survey 1 and 2 days ago

    2) SB (Skipping breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast both survey 1 and 2 days ago

    3) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by Rao-Scott chi-square test

    4) Estimated energy requirement

    5) %

    EAR: Estimated average requirement

    Table 6 Food intakes from each food group of the subjects

    1) EB (Eating breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast more than one time in survey 1 and 2 days ago

    2) SB (Skipping breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast both survey 1 and 2 days ago

    3) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by ANCOVA test adjusted for complex sampling designs

    4) Age and sex-adjusted Mean ± SE

    Table 7 Food scores from each food group of the subjects

    1) EB (Eating breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast more than one time in survey 1 and 2 days ago

    2) SB (Skipping breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast both survey 1 and 2 days ago

    3) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by ANCOVA test adjusted for complex sampling designs

    4) Age and sex-adjusted Mean ± SE

    Table 8 Energy intake and variety according to different meals and snack of the subjects

    1) EB (Eating breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast more than one time in survey 1 and 2 days ago

    2) SB (Skipping breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast both survey 1 and 2 days ago

    3) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by ANCOVA test adjusted for complex sampling designs

    4) Age and sex-adjusted Mean ± SE

    Table 9 Blood metabolic parameters of the subjects

    1) EB (Eating breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast more than one time in survey 1 and 2 days ago

    2) SB (Skipping breakfast) group: Subjects who were skipping breakfast both survey 1 and 2 days ago

    3) Different between two groups at α = 0.05 by ANCOVA test adjusted for complex sampling designs

    4) Age and sex-adjusted Mean ± SE

    Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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