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Sook Bae Kim 23 Articles
Food Allergy-related Awareness and Performance of Dietitians at Children's Hospitals in Korea: Comparison of Certificate Possession among Clinical Dietitians
Hye Ran Shin, Sook Bae Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2019;24(6):512-524.   Published online December 31, 2019
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
The purpose of this study was to examine the food allergy-related knowledge, awareness, and performance of dietitians at children's hospitals, depending on whether or not they have a clinical dietitian certificate.
A questionnaire survey was administered to 41 dieticians at children's hospitals registered as a part of the Korean Hospital Association. The survey consisted of questionnaires examining general characteristics, nutritional counseling-related characteristics, and food allergy-related characteristics (food allergy-related knowledge, awareness, and performance). We examined differences according to the status of clinical dietitian certification.
The proportion of subjects who were holders of clinical dietitian certificates was 48.8%. There were differences between holders of clinical dietitian certificates and non-holders as follows. Regarding nutritional awareness and performance, ‘needs to provide nutrition counseling in children's hospitals’, ‘providing nutrition counseling services in working hospitals’, and ‘whether there is a nutrition counseling room’ scored higher among holders of clinical dietitian certificates than non-holders. Holders of clinical dietitian certificates showed higher scores for knowledge of food allergy symptoms and food allergy management than non-holders. For food allergy awareness and performance, ‘self-assessment of food allergy knowledge understanding level’, ‘awareness of open oral food challenge (OFC)’, ‘recognition of the need for education and counseling on food allergy for patients/guardians’, and ‘food allergy related educational experience’ scored higher among holders of clinical dietitians certificates than in non-holders.
Children's hospital dietitians with a clinical dietitian certificate showed high knowledge, awareness, and performance related to food allergies. It is thus necessary to employ a clinical dietitian for food allergy management in children's hospitals. In addition, training and conservative education are necessary for the management of food allergies for children's hospital dietitians.
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Effects of Nutrition Education Using Dietary Guidebook in Higher Grade Elementary Students of Jeonbuk Area
Mi Ran Park, Sook Bae Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2018;23(1):13-27.   Published online February 28, 2018
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
This study was conducted to examine the effects of nutrition education with a dietary guidebook for children on dietary attitude, nutrition knowledge and nutrient intakes.
The subjects were 54 higher grade elementary students (27 educated vs. 27 non-educated). The educated group was provided individual and/or group lessons (40 min/lesson/week, 4 week) using a dietary guidebook of Children developed by The Korean Society of Community Nutrition (KSCN) & Korean Food and Drug Administration (KFDA). The contents were Balanced Diet, Smart Food Choices, Cooking a Healthy Snack and Building a Healthy Body. We examined the differences in nutrition knowledge, dietary attitudes and dietary intake between the educated group and non-educated group.
After education, the educated group improved dietary attitude, nutrition knowledge and qualitative nutrient intakes compared to the non-educated group. Specifically, among dietary attitudes, ‘taking a meal with salty and spicy food’ increased, while among nutrition knowledge, ‘functions of protein’, ‘functions of fat’, ‘foods with carbohydrates’, ‘foods with fat’, ‘foods with vitamins’, and ‘foods with minerals’ were increased. Nutrition adequacy ratio (NAR) scores for vitamin C, iron, and zinc were increased.
Nutrition education using a dietary guidebook for children developed by the KSCN & KFDA had positive effects on nutrition knowledge and qualitative nutrient intakes. These findings suggest that nutrition education focused on personalized daily energy and nutrient requirements may improve dietary attitude and quantitative nutrient intakes of children.


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  • Developing educational videos to inform rightly about school foodservice from kindergarten to high school: a case study
    Gyoungok Gang, Chaewon Park, Haejin Kang, Wan Soo Hong, Yoo Kyoung Park, Sook Hee Choi, Seung Hye Kim, Jieun Choi, Jihyun Park, Hyeja Chang
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2024; 29(2): 97.     CrossRef
  • Awareness and Practice of Sugar Reduction in School Foodservice and the Practice of Nutrition Education in Daegu
    Suhyang Jang, Kilye Kim, Yeon-Kyung Lee
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2021; 26(3): 167.     CrossRef
  • Development of Educational Board Game for Dietary Education; ‘Food-Bicycle’
    Jung Hoon Kim
    Korean Journal of Human Ecology.2018; 27(5): 411.     CrossRef
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Effects of Nutrition Education at a Community Health Center on Overweight and Obese Middle-aged Women in Jeonbuk Area-Focused on Personalized Daily Energy Requirement and Food Exchange Units
Se Yeon Kim, Sook Bae Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2017;22(4):307-322.   Published online August 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
This study examined the effects of nutrition education focused on personalized daily energy requirement and food units using Food Exchange System on anthropometric, biochemical characteristics, nutrition knowledge, dietary attitude and nutrient intakes for overweight and obese in a public health center.
The subjects were 60 overweight/obese women based on BMI (educated 30 vs. noneducated 30, 50~64 years). Educated group was provided individual and/or group lessons (40 min/ lesson/week, 5 week), ‘Introduction: obese & health’, ‘6 nutrients and 6 food groups’, ‘My obesity & daily needed energy’, ‘Meal planning for personalized daily energy and food units using Food Exchange Systems’, and ‘Smart food choices’. After education, we examined the differences in anthropometric/biochemical characteristics, nutrition knowledge, dietary attitude and nutrient intakes between educated group and non-educated group.
After nutrition education, in the educated group, there were improvements on anthropometric/biochemical characteristics, nutrition knowledge, dietary attitude and nutrient intakes in the educated group compared to the non-educated group. We observed a decrease in the mean weight, total cholesterol (TC) and the incidence of overweight/obesity and hypercholesterolemia and an increase in the mean lean body mass. The scores of nutrition knowledge, ‘Function of carbohydrate, protein, vitamin, mineral’ and ‘Food Sources of fat, vitamin, mineral’ were increased. The scores of dietary attitudes, ‘Taking a joyful meal, a leisurely meal, a balanced meal, a meal with sufficient vegetables, a meal with diversity, a meal with spicy foods, a meal with overeating’ were increased. The intakes of energy, carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamin A, thiamin, Zn and cholesterol were decreased. The scores of INQ, protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B6, folate, Ca, P, Fe, Zn were increased.
The nutrition education focused on personalized daily energy requirement and food exchange unit using Food Exchange System for overweight and obese may improve food behavior, dietary intakes and symptoms of overweight and obese, even in a community health center.


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  • Influence of Comprehensive Lifestyle Intervention (LSI) Program on Health, Fatigue, and Quality of Life in Middle-Aged Women
    Su-Jin Jung, Seung-Ok Lee, Min-Jun Choi, Jun Heo, Soo-Wan Chae, Baik-Hwan Cho
    Journal of Lifestyle Medicine.2022; 12(3): 127.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Nutrition Education and Exercise Program on Obesity Index and Behavioral Modification in Moderate Obese Women
    Myung-Hee Chang, Su-Jin Jung
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2018; 23(4): 318.     CrossRef
  • Effects of an Intensive Management Program for Diabetic Patients on a Blood Biochemical Profile and Diabetes Knowledge
    Su-Jeong Yeo, Bok-Hee Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2018; 23(2): 148.     CrossRef
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Effects of Nutrition Education Providing School Lunch by Personalized Daily Needed Food Exchange Units for Adolescent Athletes in Jeonbuk Province
Kang Mo Ko, Sook Bae Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2016;21(1):25-36.   Published online February 29, 2016
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of nutrition education providing school lunch by personalized daily needed food exchange units using Food Exchange System for adolescent athletes.
The subjects were 60 sports high school students (educated group, 30 vs. non-educated group 30). Nutrition education was provided for 4 weeks (40 min/lesson/week). In addition, personalized school lunch was served for 4 weeks, nutrition education period. The personalized lunch were provided Food Exchange Units according to personalized daily needed energy. The lessons were '5 Major nutrients, functions and foods', 'My daily needed energy and food exchange units by Food Exchange System', 'My meal plan by food exchange units according to my daily needed energy' and 'Smart choice of healthy snacks and eating outs'. After nutrition education, we examined the differences in anthropometric characteristics, nutrition knowledge, dietary attitude and dietary intake between the educated and the non-educated group.
We observed improvements in lean body mass in the educated group. With regard to nutrition knowledge, there were improvements in 'Functions of vitamins', 'Functions of minerals', 'Foods of fat', 'Foods of vitamin', and 'Foods of mineral' in the educated group. In relation to dietary attitude, there were improvements in 'Taking a meal with family and friend', 'Taking a meal at ease', 'Taking a meal with kimchi and vegetables', 'Taking a meal with three kinds of side dishes', 'Priority of choosing snacks' and 'Type of snacks' in the educated group. With regard to dietary intakes according to Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans, there were improvements in intakes levels of fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, calcium, iron and zinc. The index of nutrition quality, as indicated by nutrition adequacy ratio also improved in the educated group.
These results showed that a nutrition education program providing education lessons and personalized school lunch by food exchange units according to daily needed energy showed positive changes in nutrition knowledge, dietary attitude and dietary intake of adolescent athletes. Nutrition education program providing personalized school lunch by Food Exchange Units may improve dietary behaviors and dietary intakes of adolescents.


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  • Nutrition Quotient and Dietary Self-efficacy according to the Transtheoretical Model in Adolescent Athletes
    Nahan Kim, Kwang-Seok Hong, In-Kyung Jung
    Exercise Science.2022; 31(4): 499.     CrossRef
  • Biochemical Characteristics and Dietary Intake according to the Frequency of Milk Consumption in Korean Adolescents: Data from the 2010~2011 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
    Ji Hyun Kim, Sook-Bae Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2020; 25(6): 485.     CrossRef
  • Status and Needs Assessment on Nutrition Management and Meal Service for Elementary · Middle · High School Athletes among Athlete's Parents
    Jung Hyun Hwang, Ji Yeon Kim, Kyung A Kim, Kyung Won Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2019; 24(1): 47.     CrossRef
  • Evaluation of educational school meal programs in Gyeonggi province, South Korea
    Youngmi Lee, Oksun Kim, Uiok Lee, Sooyoun Kwon
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2017; 50(1): 111.     CrossRef
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Sodium Related Recognition, Dietary Attitude and Education Needs of Dietitians Working at Customized Home Visiting Health Service
Yun Jeong Mo, Sook Bae Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2014;19(6):558-567.   Published online December 31, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
The purpose of this study was to investigate recognition, dietary attitude and education needs for reducing sodium intakes of dietitian at customized home visiting health service (CHVHS).
The subjects were 75 dietitian at CHVHS. We investigated several variables (recognition, dietary attitude, education needs for reducing sodium intakes) and determined sodium intakes level of subjects as 'low', 'middle' and 'high' by Dish Frequency Questionnaire 25 (DFQ 25). Also, we assessed the differences in recognition, dietary attitude, sodium intake level and education needs by dietitian career period (under 3 yrs vs. over 3 yrs) at CHVHS.
In recognition related reducing sodium intake, they showed 'checking a sodium content in nutrition labeling' score 2.5/4.0 and 'perception difference between sodium and salt' score 3.1/4.0. There was no difference in the recognition between under 3yrs' group and over 3yrs' group. In dietary attitude related reducing sodium intake, they showed 'palatability for salty taste' score 0.8/1.0, 'attitude in related soups' 0.7/1.0, 'attitude in related using natural spice' 0.6/1.0. There was a difference in 'attitude in related soups' between under 3yrs' group and over 3yrs' group (0.6 vs. 0.7). In sodium intake level by DFQ 25, they showed 'low group' 41.3%, 'middle group' 41.3% and 'high group' 17.3%. There was no difference in the distribution of sodium intake level by the career. In education needs related reducing sodium intakes, there were 'teaching experience' 93.3%, 'have a difficulty in teaching about reducing sodium intakes' 86.6%, and 'necessity of education for CHVHS dietitians' 100.0%. 'Needed education contents for CHVHS dietitians' were ranked as 'cooking way to reduce sodium intake' 58.7%, 'relation between hypertension and sodium' 17.3%, 'composing way to reduce sodium intake' 17.3%. There was a difference in needed education contents 'relationship between hypertension and sodium' (33.3% vs. 2.6%) and 'The cooking way to reduce sodium intake' (38.9% vs. 76.9%) by the career.
The results suggested that a capacity training program for reducing sodium intake may be needed for dietitians at CHVHS to improve health of the community elderly. For effective training program related reducing sodium intake for dietitians at CHVHS, it may be necessary to consider the career period as dietitians at CHVHS.
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Blood Pressure and Dietary Related Risk Factors Associated with High Sodium Intake Assessed with 24-hour Urine Analysis for Korean Adults
Yeon Seon Jeong, Hwa Jae Lim, Sook Bae Kim, Hee Jun Kim, Sook Mee Son
Korean J Community Nutr 2014;19(6):537-549.   Published online December 31, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
This study was conducted to examine blood pressure and other characteristics of a high sodium intake group assessed with 24-hr urine analysis and the dietary factors related to the risk of high sodium intake among Korean adults.
A cross-sectional study was conducted with adults aged 20-59 years. Subjects who completed 24-hr urine collection (N = 205) were divided into 3 groups (tertile) according to the sodium intake estimated with 24-hour urine analysis. We compared the blood pressure, BMI and dietary related factors of the 3 groups (low, medium, high sodium intake group) with General Linear Model (GLM) and Duncan's multiple range test (p < 0.05). The risk factors related to high sodium intake were assessed with odds ratio (p < 0.05).
The sodium intake (mg/day) of the 3 groups were 3359.8 +/- 627.9, 4900.3 +/- 395.1 and 6770.6 +/- 873.9, respectively, corresponding to daily salt intake (g/day) 8.5, 12.4 and 17.2, respectively. High sodium group showed significantly elevated age, BMI and systolic/diastolic blood pressure. Being male gender was associated with significantly increased risk of sodium intake (OR = 1.972; 95%CI: 1.083-3.593). The other factors related to high sodium intake were higher BMI (> or = 25) (OR = 2.619; 95% CI: 1.368-5.015), current alcohol consumption (OR = 1.943; 95%CI: 1.060-3.564), and having salty soybean paste with salt percentage > 14% (OR = 3.99; 95% CI: 1.404-6.841). The dietary attitude related to increased risk of high sodium intake included 'enjoy dried fish and salted mackerel' (p < 0.001) and 'eat all broth of soup, stew or noodle' (p < 0.001).
Because high sodium intake was associated with higher blood pressure, nutrition education should focus on alcohol consumption, emphasis on related dietary factors such as using low salt soybean paste, improvements in the habit of eating dried fish and salted mackerel or eating all broth of soup, stew or noodle.


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  • Effect of fermented soybean on metabolic outcomes, anthropometric indices, and body composition: a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials
    Fatemeh Maleki Sedgi, Nazanin Mozaffari, Mohammad Reza Pashaei, Fatemeh Hajizadeh-Sharafabad
    Food & Function.2025;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Comparison between 24-hour diet recall and 24-hour urine collection for estimating sodium and potassium intakes and their ratio among Korean adults
    Taisun Hyun, Mi-Kyeong Choi, Young-Ran Heo, Heekyong Ro, Young-Hee Han, Yeon-Kyung Lee
    Nutrition Research and Practice.2023; 17(2): 284.     CrossRef
  • Development and application of the sodium index to estimate and assess sodium intake for Korean adults
    Yeon-Kyung Lee, Taisun Hyun, Heekyong Ro, Young-Ran Heo, Mi-Kyeong Choi
    Nutrition Research and Practice.2022; 16(3): 366.     CrossRef
  • Comparison of Sodium-Related Dietary Behavior and Low-Salt Dietary Attitude Based on the Gender and Salty Taste Assessment of Chinese International Students in the Jeonbuk Area
    Qi Li, Ji Eun Lee, Jeong Ok Rho
    Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life.2021; 31(2): 91.     CrossRef
  • Estimation model for habitual 24-hour urinary-sodium excretion using simple questionnaires from normotensive Koreans
    Ji-Sook Kong, Yeon-Kyung Lee, Mi Kyung Kim, Mi-Kyeong Choi, Young-Ran Heo, Taisun Hyun, Sun Mee Kim, Eun-Soon Lyu, Se-Young Oh, Hae-Ryun Park, Moo-Yong Rhee, Hee-Kyong Ro, Mi Kyung Song, Tatsuo Shimosawa
    PLOS ONE.2018; 13(2): e0192588.     CrossRef
  • Relationship of sodium consumption with obesity in Korean adults based on Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2010~2014
    Se Young Cheon, Hye Won Wang, Hwa Jung Lee, Kyung Mi Hwang, Hae Seong Yoon, Yoon Jung Kang
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2017; 50(1): 64.     CrossRef
  • Study of the characteristics of dietary behavior and the effects of nutrition education for sodium reduction according to the stages of behavioral change in sodium reduction of male adult subjects in Gwangju·Jeonnam regions
    Young Ran Heo, Hyun Young Oh, Hee Kyong Ro
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2017; 50(5): 472.     CrossRef
  • Correlation analysis of sodium-related knowledge, dietary behavior, attitudes towards a low-salt diet and meal attitude guidance for elementary school teachers in Jeonbuk area
    Hyun Ok Moon, Jeong Ok Rho
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2017; 50(2): 180.     CrossRef
  • Verification of Utility of Simple Mensuration of Cl-from Urine to Estimate the Amount of Sodium Intake
    Sung-Ho Lee, Chae-Joon Lee, Sung-Mi Ju, Hyun-Joo Lee, Wang-Yeon Ra, Soon-Ok Kim
    The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition.2016; 29(1): 27.     CrossRef
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Implementation and Evaluation of Nutrition Capacity Training Program for Dietitians and Related Professionals Working at Customized Home Visiting Health Services
Sook Bae Kim, Jin Sook Yoon, Kyung Won Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2014;19(1):71-83.   Published online February 28, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
The purpose of the study was to implement and evaluate a nutrition capacity training program for dietitians and other professionals working at customized home visiting health services (CHVHS). This program focused on nutrition services for hypertension or diabetes mellitus patients including topics regarding CHVHS, and composed of 10 sessions with lectures, discussion and practice. Dietitians (n = 54) and other professionals (n = 20) participated in the program and completed the questionnaire to assess their understanding of nutritional management, nutrition services and CHVHS before and after the program, and to examine program satisfaction and education needs. Subjects were mostly women (98.6%) and college or university graduates (93.2%). Total score (p < 0.001), as well as all items (p < 0.001 or p < 0.01) of understanding regarding nutritional management, nutrition services and CHVHS, were significantly increased after the program both in dietitians and in other professionals. Subjects were generally satisfied with the program, showing more satisfaction with items regarding subject's participation, acquiring new knowledge, usefulness of the program for CHVHS, and education materials. In future nutrition capacity training programs, subjects wanted to have classes regarding nutrition services for specific chronic diseases, development of education materials, methods for dietary life education, modifying eating habits and so on. Other professionals compared to dietitians, showed higher education needs in meal management (p < 0.01) and nutrition counseling skills (p < 0.05). This study showed the effectiveness of a nutrition capacity training program for home-visiting dietitians and other professionals, and suggests the need and direction for future nutrition capacity training programs.


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  • Sodium Related Recognition, Dietary Attitude and Education Needs of Dietitians Working at Customized Home Visiting Health Service
    Yun-Jeong Mo, Sook-Bae Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2014; 19(6): 558.     CrossRef
  • Evaluation of Nutrition Education for Hypertension Patients Aged 50 Years and Over
    Eun Hye Moon, Kyung Won Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2011; 16(1): 62.     CrossRef
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Effects of Nutrition Education for Chinese College Students in Korea: Focused on Personalized Daily Energy Requirement and Food Exchange Units
Jia Li Guo, Soon Kyung Kim, Jeong Weon Kim, Mi Hyun Kim, Se Na Kim, Sook Bae Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2013;18(6):565-576.   Published online December 31, 2013
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of nutrition education on nutrition knowledge, dietary attitude and dietary intake of Chinese college students in Korea. The subjects were 64 Chinese college students in Korea (educated group, 32 students vs. non-educated group, 32 students). Educated group was lessoned as group and/or individual. Nutrition education program consisted of four lessons (40min / lesson), '6 major nutrients & function (group lesson)', '6 food group and sources (group lesson)', 'personalized daily needed energy and food exchange units using Food Exchange System (individual lesson)', and 'smart choice of snacks and eating-out foods (group lesson)'. We examined the differences between educated group and non-educated group in nutrition knowledge, dietary attitudes and nutrients intake. After education, there were positive improvements on nutrition knowledge: 'function and foods of 6 nutrients', on dietary attitudes: 'type of breakfast' in educated group. In the evaluation of nutrient intakes according to Dietary Reference Intakes for Korean (KDRI), there were positive improvements on intake levels of riboflavin, fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin C, folate, Ca and K in the educated group. In the index of nutrition quality (INQ), nutrition adequacy ratio (NAR) and mean nutrition adequacy ratio (MAR) were significantly increased in the educated group. In conclusion, it is possible to improve nutrition knowledge, dietary attitude and dietary intake of Chinese college students in Korea through the nutrition education focused on personalized daily needed energy and food exchange units.


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  • Effects of Nutrition Education at a Community Health Center on Overweight and Obese Middle-aged Women in Jeonbuk Area-Focused on Personalized Daily Energy Requirement and Food Exchange Units
    Se-Yeon Kim, Sook-Bae Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2017; 22(4): 307.     CrossRef
  • Comparisons of Health Related Lifestyle and Dietary Behaviors according to Gender, Ethnicity and Residence Type of University Students in Yanbian, China
    Kyung Hee Hong, Unju Hwa Oh
    The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition.2016; 29(4): 486.     CrossRef
  • A Study on Weight Control Behaviour, Eating Habits and Health-related Life Habits According to Obesity Degree of University Students in Jeonbuk
    Hye-Soon Chang
    Korean Journal of Human Ecology.2016; 25(1): 73.     CrossRef
  • Acculturation and changes in dietary behavior and anthropometric measures among Chinese international students in South Korea
    Jounghee Lee, Ran-Ran Gao, Jung-Hee Kim
    Nutrition Research and Practice.2015; 9(3): 304.     CrossRef
  • Survey on Health-related Factors, Nutrition Knowledge and Food Habits of College Students in Wonju Area
    Seung Lim Lee, Sun Hee Lee
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2015; 20(2): 96.     CrossRef
  • A study on hypertension relevant nutritional knowledge and dietary practices in Chinese college students studying in South Korea
    Zhe Sun, Wookyoun Cho
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2015; 48(5): 441.     CrossRef
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A study on Consumer's Needs for Development of Diet Guide Application for Pregnant Women
Sook Bae Kim, Jeong Weon Kim, Mi Hyun Kim, Young Sook Cho, Se Na Kim, Hee Sook Lim, Soon Kyung Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2013;18(6):588-598.   Published online December 31, 2013
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
This study was conducted to assess needs of educational mobile application (App) development for nutritional management and information on pregnant women. A total of 105 pregnant women were investigated on general characteristics, dietary habits, health behavior and needs for contents and composition of the application. The mean age of the subjects was 31.9 years and the mean gestation period was 25.4 weeks. The rate of skipping meal was 39.0% and the rate of irregular meal time was 46.6%. The consciousness of the meal as balanced nutrition and health was 19.9%. Eating out at least forth a week was 35.3%. Obtaining information about pregnancy and childbirth were internet (35.3%), hospital or health center (19.9%), books (17.1%), experience (15.2%), mobile (8.6%) and friends or acquaintances (4.8%). If the application is developed, subject replied 'frequently use' (51.4%), 'when needed' (47.6%) respectively. The favour topic in developing application were 'nutrition information of pregnant and fetal' (36.2%), 'weight management, feeding' (33.3%), 'food choice and cooking' (21.9%), 'shopping' (5.7%), 'example of menu' (1.9%), 'effect of smoking, drinking, exercising' (1.0%). The favorite content was 'include sufficient amount about information' (44.8%). Depending on the age and education level, the best age for pregnancy group have significantly higher ability for utilize and information gathering than old age pregnant group. Also the best age for pregnancy group have high demands of design, convenience and various contents in App development. Therefore, mobile application (App) for pregnant women could be widely used as an effective dietary guide.


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    Hyung-ui Baik, Bo-Kyung Seo, Gyu-Ri Kim, Jung-Eun Ku
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2021; 18(16): 8807.     CrossRef
  • A comparative study on nutritional knowledge and dietary behavior between Korean and Chinese postpartum women
    Sohyun Kim, Heewon L Gray, Jia Li, Haeryun Park, Youngmi Lee, Kyunghee Song
    Nutrition Research and Practice.2019; 13(6): 535.     CrossRef
  • Development of Education Materials as a Card News Format for Nutrition Management of Pregnant and Lactating Women
    Young-Hee Han, Jung Hyun Kim, Min Jun Lee, Taeksang Yoo, Taisun Hyun
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2017; 22(3): 248.     CrossRef
  • Development of Nutrition Education Contents for Pregnant Women Based on Effective Communication Strategies
    Taeksang Yoo, Young-Hee Han, Jung Hyun Kim, Min Jun Lee, Taisun Hyun
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2017; 22(2): 115.     CrossRef
  • Comparison on the Use of Smartphone Application between International and Korean Pregnant Women
    Hyeon Jihye, Syed Nitas Iftekhar
    International Journal of Information and Education Technology.2016; 6(5): 404.     CrossRef
  • Comparing Nutrition Knowledge, Eating Habits, and Neonatal Health Status of Primipara for Pregnant Women of Advanced Maternal Age Compared to Those of Younger Ages
    Sun-Ok Lee, Kyung-Yeon Park, Mi-Jung Han
    Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing.2015; 21(4): 253.     CrossRef
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Development of 'Children's Food Avatar' Application for Dietary Education
Joo Han Cho, Sook Bae Kim, Soon Kyung Kim, Mi Hyun Kim, Gap Soo Kim, Se Na Kim, So Young Kim, Jeong Weon Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2013;18(4):299-311.   Published online August 31, 2013
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
An educational application (App) called 'Children's Food Avatar' was developed in this study by using a food DB of nutrition and functionality from Rural Development Administration (RDA) as a smart-learning mobile device for elementary school students. This App was designed for the development of children's desirable dietary habits through an on-line activity of food choices for a meal from food DB of RDA provided as Green Water Mill guide. A customized avatar system was introduced as an element of fun and interactive animation for children which provides nutritional evaluation of selected foods by changing its appearance, facial look, and speech balloon, and consequently providing chances of correcting their food choices for balanced diet. In addition, nutrition information menu was included in the App to help children understand various nutrients, their function and healthy dietary life. When the App was applied to 54 elementary school students for a week in November, 2012, significant increases in the levels of knowledge, attitude and behavior in their diet were observed compared with those of the control group (p < 0.05, 0.01). Both elementary students and teachers showed high levels of satisfaction ranging from 4.30 to 4.89 for the App, therefore, it could be widely used for the dietary education for elementary school students as a smart-learning device.


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  • A Qualitative Study on the Potential Utilization of a Mobile Phone for Obesity Management in Elementary-School Children : Parents Perspective
    Bo Young Lee, Mi-Young Park, Kirang Kim, Jea Eun Shim, Ji-Yun Hwang
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2019; 24(2): 117.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Nutrition Education Using Dietary Guidebook in Higher Grade Elementary Students of Jeonbuk Area
    Mi-Ran Park, Sook-Bae Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2018; 23(1): 13.     CrossRef
  • Development of Education Materials as a Card News Format for Nutrition Management of Pregnant and Lactating Women
    Young-Hee Han, Jung Hyun Kim, Min Jun Lee, Taeksang Yoo, Taisun Hyun
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2017; 22(3): 248.     CrossRef
  • A study on Consumer's Needs for Development of Diet Guide Application for Pregnant Women
    Sook-Bae Kim, Jeong-Weon Kim, Mi-Hyun Kim, Young-Sook Cho, Se-Na Kim, Hee-Sook Lim, Soon-Kyung Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2013; 18(6): 588.     CrossRef
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Effects of Nutrition Education and Personalized Lunch Service Program for Elderly at Senior Welfare Center in Jeonju
Jeong Sook Bae, Mi Hyun Kim, Sook Bae Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2013;18(1):65-76.   Published online February 28, 2013
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a nutrition education and personalized lunch service program in a senior welfare center. A total of 30 elderly (14 males, 16 females) aged 62~89 years participated in this study. Nutrition education lessons (2 hour/lesson/week) were provided for 4 weeks. Also, ten weeks from week 3rd to week 12th, personalized lunch providing 1/3 personal needed energy was served 5 times for a week. After the nutrition intervention program, we compared anthropometric characteristics, blood biochemical characteristics, nutrition knowledge, dietary attitude and dietary intake using 24 hr recall with those before the intervention. The body weight (p < 0.001) and body mass index (BMI) (p < 0.001) were decreased. There were significant increases in score of nutrition knowledge (p < 0.01) and consumption of milk & milk products for snacks. There was a positive effect on fasting blood sugar (FBS) showing significant decreases in portion of impaired fasting glucose and diabetes mellitus (p < 0.05). Also, serum triglyceride (TG) was significantly decreased (p < 0.05). In evaluation of nutrient intake by Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans (KDRIs), riboflavin (p < 0.01), vitamin C (p < 0.001), calcium (p < 0.05) were positively improved. The index of nutritional quality (INQ) and intakes of vitamin C (p < 0.001), riboflavin (p < 0.05), Ca (p < 0.01) and Fe (p < 0.05) were increased. In conclusion, this nutrition education and lunch service program providing 1/3 personal needed energy can be used to develop and implement a tailored nutritional intervention programs in the setting of a community senior welfare center to improve health and nutritional status of Korean elderly.


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Development and Effects' Analysis of Nutrition Education Pamphlet for the Higherr Grades Elementary Students: Focused on Individual Daily Needed Food Exchange Units
Eun Su Lim, Young Sook Cho, Se Na Kim, Sook Bae Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2012;17(6):689-706.   Published online December 31, 2012
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
The purpose of this study was to evaluate effects of a nutrition education focused on Food Exchange System for the higher grades elementary children. Nutrition education lessons (40 min/lesson, 4 times), '5 major nutrients and functions', '6 food groups', 'daily needed energy and food exchange units', 'good choice of snacks and balanced exercise' were provided to elementary students (5th grade students). This research was based on the data from two groups of elementary school children in the 'education' group (n = 31) and 'non-education' group (n = 31). We assessed the changes in dietary attitude, food habit and nutrition knowledge using questionnaire and nutrient intake using 24hr recall method by nutrition education using the developed pamphlet. After education, there was a significant difference in the dietary attitude score only in attitude of 'balanced meal' (p < 0.001) in the education group compared to the non-education group. In food habit, there were significant positive changes in the type of breakfast and in the priority of choosing snack in the educated group. In nutrition knowledge, there were significant increases in scores of 'function of carbohydrate' (p < 0.05), 'function of fat' (p < 0.01), 'function of vitamin' (p < 0.01), 'foods of carbohydrate' (p < 0.01), and 'foods of vitamin' (p < 0.01) in the educated group. After education,carbohydrate: protein: fat (CPF) ratio was significantly different between the two groups (education group, 59 : 16 : 26 vs. non-education group, 63 : 15 : 23). In evaluation of nutrient intake by Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans (KDRIs), there were significant positive effects in energy (p < 0.05), thiamin (p < 0.05), riboflavin (p < 0.05), vitamin C (p < 0.05), phosphorus (p < 0.01), Fe (p < 0.01) and zinc (p < 0.01) in the education group compared to the non-education group. In conclusion, the developed 4 times' nutritional education pamphlet focused on individual daily energy requirements and food exchange units using food exchange system for higher grades' elementary student may positively change nutrition knowledge and dietary intakes.


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  • Effects of Nutrition Education Using Dietary Guidebook in Higher Grade Elementary Students of Jeonbuk Area
    Mi-Ran Park, Sook-Bae Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2018; 23(1): 13.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Nutrition Education Providing School Lunch by Personalized Daily Needed Food Exchange Units for Adolescent Athletes in Jeonbuk Province
    Kang-Mo Ko, Sook-Bae Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2016; 21(1): 25.     CrossRef
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    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2013; 18(6): 565.     CrossRef
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Development and Effects' Analysis of Nutrition Education Pamphlet for the Lower Grades Elementary Students -Focused on Individual Daily Needed Food Exchange Units-
Min Jung Son, Young Sook Cho, Se Na Kim, Hye Ji Seo, Sook Bae Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2011;16(6):647-660.   Published online December 31, 2011
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of nutrition education program and pamphlet for the lower grades elementary students focused on individual daily needed food exchange units using Food Exchange System. Program consisted of four lessons (40 min/lesson), "5 major nutrients & function", "6 food group and sources", "daily needed food exchange units for normal body weight", and "smart snack choice and exercise". Pamphlet as activity book was developed for the program. The subjects were 3rd grade elementary students (educated group, 31 vs. non-educated group, 31). Educated group were lessoned as group and/or individual. We examined the differences in nutrition knowledge, dietary attitudes, dietary intakes and satisfaction of the program and pamphlet. In educated group, there were positive improvements on nutrition knowledge score "function and foods of 5 nutrients" and on dietary attitudes "type of breakfast and snacks". In the evaluation of dietary intakes according to KDRI, there were positive improvements on intakes level of riboflavin, vit. C, folate, Ca, P, Fe and Zn in educated group. In satisfaction with the program and pamphlet, contents, font size, visual, figure, difficulty and program curriculum were over 2.90/3.0. It showed that the developed nutrition education program and pamphlet focused on individual daily needed food exchange units using Food Exchange System improved nutrition knowledge, dietary attitudes and nutrients intake level in the lower grades elementary students.


Citations to this article as recorded by  
  • Effects of Nutrition Education Using Dietary Guidebook in Higher Grade Elementary Students of Jeonbuk Area
    Mi-Ran Park, Sook-Bae Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2018; 23(1): 13.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Nutrition Education Providing School Lunch by Personalized Daily Needed Food Exchange Units for Adolescent Athletes in Jeonbuk Province
    Kang-Mo Ko, Sook-Bae Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2016; 21(1): 25.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Nutrition Education for Chinese College Students in Korea - Focused on Personalized Daily Energy Requirement and Food Exchange Units -
    Jia-Li Guo, Soon-Kyung Kim, Jeong-Weon Kim, Mi-Hyun Kim, Se-Na Kim, Sook-Bae Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2013; 18(6): 565.     CrossRef
  • Development and Effects' Analysis of Nutrition Education Pamphlet for the Higherr Grades Elementary Students -Focused on Individual Daily Needed Food Exchange Units-
    Eun-Su Lim, Young-Sook Cho, Se-Na Kim, Sook-Bae Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2012; 17(6): 689.     CrossRef
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Establishment of One Portion Size of Foods Frequently Consumed by Korean Children Aged 6-11 Using 2005 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and Its Comparison with Adults
Mi Kyeong Choi, Hye Sang Lee, Sook Bae Kim, Se Na Kim, So Young Kim, Mi Hyun Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2010;15(5):625-635.   Published online October 31, 2010
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The purpose of this study was to define a one portion size of food frequently consumed by Korean children aged 6-11 for convenient use in food selection, diet planning, nutritional evaluation, and nutrition education. We analyzed using the original data on 889 persons (9.96%) aged 6-11 years among 8,930 persons to whom NHANES 2005 and selected food items consumed by the intake frequency of 10 or higher among the 500 most frequently consumed food items. A total of 172 varieties of food items of regular use were selected. Also the portion size of food items was set on the basis of the median (50 percentile) of the portion size for a single intake by a single person was analyzed. The portion size of cereals was 5 g for prosomillet to 120 g for hamburger. As for vegetables, it posted 1 g for red pepper to 50 g for nabakkimchi. The portion size of meats and products was 15 g for luncheon meat to 120 g for beef feet soup. In comparison of children's portion size with adults', the children's portion sizes of every food groups, with the exception of meats and eggs, were lower than those of adults. The portion size of the regular food items of children in this study will be conveniently and effectively used by children, children's diet planners and researchers in selecting food items for a nutritionally balanced diet and in assessing the children's diet intake.
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Development and Effects' Analysis of Nutrition Education Program for Diabetes Mellitus at Community Health Center: Focused on Individual Daily Energy Requirements and Food Exchange Units
Ji Yoon Oh, Sook Bae Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2010;15(4):485-497.   Published online August 31, 2010
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of the developed nutrition education program focused on individual daily energy requirements and food exchange units using Food Exchange System for diabetes mellitus at a community health center. Developed the nutrition education program, four weeks' nutrition education including provided twice individual meal as diet therapy (2 hour/lesson/week, 4 week), was provided to 20 diabetic elderly (12 male, 8 female, 50-75 yrs): 1st lesson "Introduction: management of diabetes mellitus", 2nd lesson "6 Food groups and sources of 6 food groups", 3rd lesson "Individual daily energy requirements and food exchange units", and 4th lesson "Food choice for diabetes mellitus". For effects' analysis of the developed program, we assessed the changes in anthropometric characteristics; biochemical characteristics and nutrient intakes using 24 hr recall method. Effects of the developed nutrition education program were as follows: weight was significantly decreased, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) were significantly decreased, and distribution of subjects in BUN and HbA1c was significantly changed. In protein : fat : carbohydrate (PFC) ratio, it was significantly changed from 15.98 : 16.30 : 66.69 to 17.51 : 18.94 : 64.10. In evaluation of nutrient intakes by Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans (KDRI), protein, fiber, fat, vitamin E, niacin, folic acid, calcium and zinc were shown significantly positive changes in distribution of subjects according to intake level. The index of nutrition quality (INQ), nutrition adequacy ratio (NAR) and mean nutrition adequacy ratio (MAR) were significantly increased. In conclusion, the developed 4 weeks' nutrition education program focused on individual daily energy requirements and food exchange units using Food Exchange System for diabetes mellitus at community health center may improve the symptom of diabetes mellitus.
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Effects of Nutrition Education Using Food Exchange System: Changes in Elementary Students' Nutrition Knowledge, Dietary Attitude and Nutrients Intake
Sook Bae Kim, Hee Jin Choi
Korean J Community Nutr 2008;13(6):922-933.   Published online December 31, 2008
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of nutrition education using Food Exchange System on elementary students' nutrition knowledge, dietary attitude and nutrients intake. Nutrition education lessons (40 min /lesson, 4 times), '5 major nutrients and functions', '6 food groups and sources of 6 food groups', 'good choice of snacks and eating out' as class lesson, 'daily needed energy and food exchange units' as individual lesson, were provided to 70 elementary students (4th grade 33 students, 5th grade 37 students) in Jeonbuk Province. We assessed the changes in nutrition knowledge, dietary attitude, food habit using a questionnaire and nutrient intake using 24 hr recall method by nutrition education. In nutrition knowledge, there were significant increases in scores of 'functions of carbohydrate', 'functions of protein', 'functions of lipid', 'foods of carbohydrate', and 'foods of lipid'. In dietary attitude, there were significant increases in scores of 'taking a meal with joy', 'taking a meal at ease', 'taking a meal with sufficient protein intake' and 'taking a meal without spicy foods' by nutrition education. There were significant changes in the type of breakfast and in the frequency of snacks. After education, in type of breakfast, it showed higher number of students ate rice oriented meal than they did before education. and in frequency of snacks, it showed lower number of students ate snacks 'over 3 times' than they did before education. In Carbohydrate : Protein : Fat (CPF) ratio (%), it was significantly changed from 55.8 : 17.7 : 26.6 to 63.6 : 15.3 : 21.1. In evaluation of nutrient intake by Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans (KDRIs), vitamin A, thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6, calcium, phosphate, iron and zinc showed positive changes in distribution of number of children by intake level. That is, there were significant improvements in intakes of vitamin A, thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6, calcium, phosphate, iron and zinc. These results showed that nutrition education using Food Exchange System for elementary students improved nutrition knowledge, dietary attitude and nutrients intake. It suggest that nutrition education using Food Exchange System may improve dietary behaviors and reduce an incidence of obesity in elementary students.
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Comparison of Dietary Behaviors Related to Sodium Intake by Gender and Age
Young Sook Park, Sook Mee Son, Wha Jae Lim, Sook Bae Kim, Yeon Sun Chung
Korean J Community Nutr 2008;13(1):1-12.   Published online February 29, 2008
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This study was performed to understand recognition and behaviors related to sodium intake of Korean adults. The data were collected from subjects including 267 male and 285 female adults in nationwide and compared by gender and by age. We found that the male group showed significantly higher smoking, alcohol drinking, and exercise does the female group. The older group (40 to 59 years) revealed significantly higher exercise and lower alcohol drinking; however general disease and hypertension prevalence, diet therapy practice, and meditation for hypertension were higher. Recognizing sodium levels of foods containing high-sodium, and sodium-nutriture labels when purchasing foods, and knowing differences between salt and sodium of the male group or recognizing sodium levels of foods containing high-sodium of the older group was worse than the other. Among the 32 food behaviors, only 12 were identified as significantly correlated to sodium intake levels including behaviors of preferring Chinese and Japanese foods to Western foods, preferring kimchi to raw vegetables, completely consuming soup, stew, noodle liquid, liking of dried fish and salted mackerel, frequent eat-outs or delivered foods, and so forth. There were significant differences between gender or age groups in terms of sodium intake-increasing behaviors; the male group showed higher behaviors of preferring salty taste and eating all broths. And the older group revealed higher behavior of adding table salt as well as the previous two, however, the younger group showed more behaviors of eat-outs or delivered foods and not the liquid of kimchi.
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Development and Evaluation of Validity of Short Dish Frequency Questionnaire (DFQ) for Estimation of Habitual Sodium Intake for Korean Adults
Sook Mee Son, Young Sook Park, Wha Je Lim, Sook Bae Kim, Yeon seon Jeong
Korean J Community Nutr 2007;12(6):838-853.   Published online December 31, 2007
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The aim of this study was to develop various types of a dish frequency questionnaire (DFQ) for estimating the habitual sodium intake and to evaluate the validity of a 125 item dish frequency questionnaire (DFQ 125) with the DFQ 70, DFQ 36 and DFQ 15. For the DFQ 125, one hundred and twenty five dish items were selected based on the information of sodium content of a one serving size, consumption frequency and dish items that contributed most to the variation of sodium intake. Frequency of consumption was determined through nine categories ranging from more than 3 times a day to almost never to indicate how often the specified amount of each food item was consumed during the past 6 months. The sodium intake estimated with DFQ 125 was 5775.0 +/- 3636.3mg, 12.6% higher than that estimated with a 24 hr urine analysis (5009.7 +/- 1541.9mg) and significant correlation was observed between them (r = 0.3315, p < 0.001). When sodium content in broth leftover was subtracted from the total intake, the actual sodium intakes was decreased to 5309.6 +/- 3076.6mg, which was 3.2% higher than that with a 24-hr urine analysis. Overall, 56% of subjects in the lowest quintile of sodium intake computed with DFQ 125 were also in the lowest of adjacent quintile while categorization into the opposite quintile were 4.9%. DFQ 70 was developed from DFQ 125 by omitting the food items not frequently consumed, selecting the dish items that showed higher sodium content per one portion size and higher consumption frequency. The sodium intake estimated with DFQ 70 (5026.6 +/- 3107.1mg) showed only 0.2% difference from that estimated with a 24-hr urine analysis, significant correlation with it (r = 0.3199, p < 0.001) and higher proportion of subjects to be classified into the same or adjacent quintile. The sodium intake estimated with DFQ 36 or DFQ 15 was also significancy correlated with that estimated with a 24-hr urine analysis (r = 0.3441, p < 0.001; r = 0.321, p < 0.001 respectively) and more. The proportion of subjects was classified into the same or adjacent quintile. However, the actual sodium intake estimated with DFQ 36 or DFQ 15 were 3534.0 +/- 1804.6mg and 2508.0 +/- 1261.5mg, respectively, 31.3% or 51.3% less than that estimated with a 24-hr urine analysis. It seems the DFQ 125 with subtraction of sodium content in broth leftover or DFQ 70 can be used quantitatively to estimate sodium intake of adults. DFQ 36 or DFQ 15 can be used as a screening tool or to assess the changes of sodium intake after nutrition education.
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Sodium Intakes of Korean Adults with 24-hour Urine Analysis and Dish Frequency Questionnaire and Comparison of Sodium Intakes According to the Regional Area and Dish Group
Sook Mee Son, Young Sook Park, Hwa Jae Lim, Sook Bae Kim, Yeon Seon Jeong
Korean J Community Nutr 2007;12(5):545-558.   Published online October 31, 2007
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was performed to assess the sodium intakes of Korean adults using a 24-hr urine analysis and dish frequency questionnaire (DFQ) according to each dish group and the regional area. The subjects of this study were comprised of 552 adults (male: 267, female: 285), aged 20-59yr residing in the metropolitan area (N = 200), Chungcheng-Do (N = 117), Jeolla-Do (N = 117), and Gueongsang-Do provinces (N = 118). The subjects were recruited from the residents who once participated or are participating in the various health programs offered by the public health center. The number of subjects who completed the 24-hr urine collection was 205 (male : 110, female : 95).The mean age and BMI of the subjects were 39.0+/-11.7 y and 23.1+/-2.9 kg/m2, respectively. The mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure was 119.5+/-15.4 mmHg, and 77.1+/-11.1 mmHg, respectively. Eighteen percent of the subjects responded that they are currently smoking, 36% drinking and 50.4% exercising. Twenty point six percent of the subjects were assessed as having hypertension according to their systolic or diastolic blood pressure(SBP > or = 140 mmHg or DBP > or = 90 mmHg) measurements in the present study. Salt intake of the subject estimated with 24-hr sodium excretion was 12.7 g/d (male : 13.4 g/d, female : 12.1 g/d) based on the sodium excretion rate as 82%. Salt intake estimated with DFQ was 14.7 g/d (male : 16.2 g/d, female : 13.4 g/d), 2 g more than the salt intake estimated with 24-hr urine analysis. The four dish groups that contributed most to the sodium intake in order were kimchi (I1571.4mg), soup and stew (1260.5 mg), fish and shellfish (706.3 mg) and noodle and ramyeon (644.3mg). Salt intake estimated with DFQ was the highest in the subjects of Gueongsang-Do (17.0 g/d), second highest Chungcheong-Do (16.4 g/d) and the lowest in the metropolitan area (13.0 g/d). Subjects of Gueongsang-Do showed the highest sodium intakes in most of the dish group, whereas subjects of the metropolitan area showed the lowest. Residents of Chuncheong-Do revealed the highest sodium intake with kimchi and ofJeolla-Do the higher sodium intake with the main dish (meat, fish and beans). The highest salt percentage of kimchi (3.0+/-0.8%) and soybean paste (14.5 +/-5.1%) were observed in Gueongsang-Do, whereas individuals of the metropolitan area were observed as having kimchi (1.6 +/-0.5%) and soybean paste (7.4 +/-1.6%) with the lowest salt percentage. Men were observed as having more salty kimchi (2.4 +/-0.1%) than women (2.1 +/-0.1%).
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A Study on Nutritional Status after Gastrectomy of Gastric Cancer Patients in Jeonbuk Province
Mi Jin Jeong, Chan Young Kim, Sook Bae Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2006;11(6):785-792.   Published online December 31, 2006
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to investigate the nutritional status before and after gastrectomy of gastric cancer patients in Jeonbuk Province. The subjects were 136 patients with gastrectomy of gastric cancer. We assessed the nutritional status before and after an operation by general characteristics (age, clinicopathological stage, type of operation, method of reconstruction), anthropometric characteristics (height, weight, skeletal muscle mass, body fat mass, body mass index (BMI), percent body fat, arm muscle circumference AMC, arm circumference AC) and biochemical characteristics (hemoglobin Hb, hematocrit Hct, mean corpuscular volume MCV, mean corpuscular hemoglobin MCH, total lymphocyte count TLC, serum albumin, serum transferrin). Mean ages were 60.0 yrs in males and 58.8 yrs in females. Age, clinicopathological stage, types of operation and reconstruction methods were not significantly different between males and females. Weight, skeletal muscle mass, body fat mass, BMI, percent body fat, AMC and AC significantly deteriorated by gastrectomy. There were severe weight losses in males and females after gastrectomy. Hemoglobin, Hct, MCV, MCH, TLC, albumin and transferrin significantly deteriorated by gastrectomy. After gastrectomy, subjects who were assessed as malnounrished in Hb and Hct were increased in male and those who were assessed as malnounrished in Hb were increased in females. These results suggest that a nutrition intervention, specially for energy, protein and iron, is necessary to improve the nutritional status of gastric cancer patients with gastrectomy.
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A Study on Nutrition Knowledge, Dietary Attitude, Food Habit of Middle School Students in Chonbuk Area
Hyo Soon Eom, Mi Jin Jeong, Sook Bae Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(5):574-581.   Published online October 31, 2005
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to investigate nutrition knowledge, dietary attitude and a food habits of middle school students. The study was carried out through questionnaire. The subjects were 431 middle school students (boys 298, girls 133) in Chonbuk area. In nutrition knowledge, there were no significant differences in total scores between boys and girls. However, the girls showed higher score in knowledge of weight control than boys did (p < 0.05). In dietary attitude, there were significant differences in attitude of "balanced meal (p < 0.05)", "sufficient protein intake (p < 0.01)", "food diversity (p < 0.001)" and "overeating (p < 0.01)" between boys and girls. The boys showed better dietary attitudes than the girls did. In food habits, there were significant differences in the rate of skipping breakfast (p < 0.05), the rates of skipping dinner (p < 0.01), the frequency of snacks (p < 0.05), the type of snacks (p < 0.05) between boys and girls. The girls showed higher rates of skipping a meal and frequency of snacks than the boys did. It suggests that gender should be considered for an effective and practical nutrition education for middle school students to improve dietary attitudes and food habits.
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A Study on Middle School Students' Recognition of Food and Nutrition Part in Home Economics
Sun Jeong Choi, Hee Sook Sohn, Youn Soo Cha, Sook Bae Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2004;9(1):12-18.   Published online February 29, 2004
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences of middle school students' recognition of food and nutrition part in Home Economics by gender, school location and school type. The study was carried out through questionnaire about three category: perception (interests, practical usefulness, attitude change in food behavior), difficulty (nutrition and health in adolescence, balanced diet, principle of cooking and preparing food), necessity (nutrition and health in adolescence, balanced diet, principle of cooking and preparing food). The subjects were 1014 middle school students of 1st grade in Jeonbuk area; urban 334, suburban 339 and rural 341. The results of this study were as follows. 1) There was difference in 'interests' by gender (girls > boys), school location (urban, suburban > rural) and school type (coeducation > boys, girls). There were differences in 'practical usefulness' by school location (urban > rural) and in 'attitude change in food behavior' by school location (urban > suburban > rural) and school type (boys, girls > coeducation). 2) There was difference in difficulty in section of 'nutrition and health in adolescence' by school location (suburban > rural). There were no differences in section of 'balanced diet' by gender, school location and school type. But there were differences in section of 'principle of cooking and preparing food' by school location (urban, rural > suburban)and school type (coeducation > boys). 3) There were differences in necessity for 'balanced diet' and for 'principle of cooking and preparing food' by school location (urban, suburban > rural) and school type (coeducation > boys, girls). Characteristically, the boys had more necessity for 'nutrition and health in adolescence' and for 'balanced diet' than girls but girls had more necessity for 'principle of cooking and preparing food' than boys. It suggests that gender, school type and school location should be considered for an effective and practical curriculum of food and nutrition part in Home Economics.
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A Study of the Nutritional Intake from Lunch-Box of Middle School Girls in the Chonbuk Area
Mi Ran Kim, Hee Sook Sohn, Sook Bae Kim, Youn Soo Cha
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(6):824-832.   Published online December 31, 2002
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The present study was conducted to evaluate nutritional intake by lunch-box of middle school girls who live in Chonbuk area. Anthropometric measurements and food intake from lunch-box over a three day period were investigated in a total of 110 middle school girls from rural (n = 37) and urban (n = 73) areas. The results are summarized as follows : 1. Not all the steamed rice in the lunch-box had enough mixed-cereal. 2. In the survey of food intake by food groups, 70.5% of the food came from the cereal group. 3. The intake of protein, phosphate, Vitamins B1 and B2, niacine and Vitamin E were adequate, however, the intake of other nutrients was significantly lower than those of one-third of the Korean RDA. 4. Protein, lipid, and zinc intakes of the students from the rural area were significantly lower than those of students from the urban area, however, the carbohydrate and dietary fiber intakes of those in the rural area were significantly higher than those of the students in the urban area. 5. The percentage of calories from carbohydrate : protein : lipid ratio was 67.6 : 12.2 : 16.9 for students in the rural area and 59.2 : 14.9 : 22.5 respectively for those in the urban area. In Summary, the intake of calcium, iron, Vitamins A, B6, and D, folate and zinc from lunch-box in middle school girls was much lower than that of one-third of the Korean RDA. The intake of carbohydrate and dietary fiber of the students in the rural area was significantly higher, but that of protein, lipids, and zinc was lower than that of the students in the urban area. Therefore, nutritional education programs for both students and their parents should be provided to improve the daily food intake from lunch-box.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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