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Representative Nutrients Contents and Nutritional Adequacy Evaluation of Single-Dish Meal for Middle School Students
Gisun Lee, Youngnam Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2018;23(2):93-101.   Published online April 30, 2018
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
With the increasing number of single households and so-called Honbab-jok, those who eat alone, people tend to enjoy convenient and simple meals, such as single dish meals. This study was performed to provide data on the energy and nutrient content, and nutritional adequacy of single-dish meal.
From the literature reviews, 61 types of single-dish meals were selected, and divided into 4 groups (steamed rice, noodle, porridge, and sandwich·burger), and a further 11 sub-groups (bibimbab, fried rice, topped rice, rolled rice/warm noodle, cold noodle, seasoned noodle, dukgook/porridge/, and sandwich, burger). In addition, 382 junior high school students from Gyeonggi, Sejong, Jeonbuk, and Chungnam areas were recruited for the survey. The survey questionnaires were composed of the characteristics, preference, and intake frequency of single-dish meals. The representative energy content (arithmetic mean) of single-dish meals were calculated, and compared with the energy contents of preference and intake frequency-weighted values adjusted. The representative nutrient contents, energy contribution ratio, and INQ (index of nutritional quality) of a single-dish meal were calculated for a nutritional adequacy evaluation.
The study subjects considered a single-dish meal as tasty, simple and fast to prepare, inexpensive, nutritious, and no low calorie food. The preference scores of all but 1 sub-group of single-dish meals were ≥ 5.00 (5.00~5.97), and 1 sub-group (porridge) was 4.67 on a 7-point scale. The intake frequency of 11 sub-groups were 0.31~1.71/week, porridge was the lowest at 0.31 and warm noodles was the highest at 1.71. Fried rice, rolled rice, and warm noodle' intake frequency were ≥ 1/week. The representative energy of steamed rice, noodle, sandwich·burger were 443, 429, and 428 kcal, respectively, and that of porridge was 264 kcal. Less than 5% differences in the representative energy of 4 groups were observed when adjusted for the preference or intake frequency-weighted values. The energy contribution ratio of macro-nutrients calculations showed that porridge was a high carbohydrate and low fat food, whereas sandwich·burger were high fat and low carbohydrate foods. The INQ of calcium and vitamin C were less than 1.0 in all 4 food groups, but the INQ of protein and thiamin were > 1.0 in all 4 single-dish food groups.
The representative energy in the 4 groups of single-dish meal was 264~450 kcal, which is a rather low calorie meal, and the energy contribution ratio of macro-nutrients were inadequate. The protein and thiamin levels were sufficient but the calcium and vitamin C levels were insufficient in all 4 groups of a single-dish meal judged by the INQ. The additional intake of fruits and milk·dairy products between meals with a single-dish meal, supply of calcium and vitamin C may increase, which will result in an improved nutritional balance.
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Nutritional Adequacy Analysis of Recommended Menu in Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans 2015
Youngnam Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2017;22(4):279-288.   Published online August 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
Recommended Menu (RM) prepared according to the Target Pattern expected to meet the dietary reference intake (DRI) of nutrients. Nutritional adequacy of RM in ‘DRI for Koreans 2015’ were analyzed to verify whether such expectation was fulfilled.
Dishes in RM are categorized by 5 food groups, and number and types of dishes for main meal and between-meals were analyzed. The energy and 12 nutrients (protein, dietary fiber, Ca, P, Fe, Na, K, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin C) contents in 10 RMs were calculated using the food composition table (CD) in ‘DRI for Koreans’. Energy, energy contribution ratio, and nutrient contents in 10 RMs for 18 age groups were evaluated based on the ‘DRI for Koreans 2015’.
Number of dishes per meal were 4.83, and representative table setting consisted of cooked rice + soup (or stew) +3 side dishes. Energy contents of RM were 75~109% of estimated energy requirement (EER). None of the RM met the DRI of all 12 nutrients examined. Calcium was the most insufficient nutrient. Only 1-2 years' RM met the DRI, all the other RMs did not meet the calcium DRI. Dietary fiber and potassium contents were also insufficient in most RM. In adult male's RM, only 1 nutrient, i.e. calcium did not meet the DRI, but in female adult's RM, 5~6 nutrients did not meet the DRI. Energy contribution ratio of carbohydrate, protein, and fat in RM were 59.0~70.4%, 15.7~17.5%, 12.1~23.5%, respectively. And 4 RMs out of 10 exceeded the upper limit of acceptable macro-nutrient distribution range (AMDR) of carbohydrate and 3 RMs out of 10 RM were below the lower limit of fat AMDR. Contribution ratio of nutrients were ≥ 40% by food groups were as follows: grain group in energy and carbohydrate; meat·fish·egg·legume group in fat, protein, and niacin; vegetables group in dietary fiber, vitamin A, and vitamin C; milk·dairy products group in calcium.
RM prepared according to the Target Pattern did not meet nutritional adequacy as expected. Especially calcium, potassium, and dietary fiber contents are needed to be increased in many RMs. Further, energy content in RM needs to be adjusted for fat·sugar food group assigned in Target Pattern and condiment.


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  • A Causal Relationship between Vitamin C Intake with Hyperglycemia and Metabolic Syndrome Risk: A Two-Sample Mendelian Randomization Study
    Meiling Liu, Sunmin Park
    Antioxidants.2022; 11(5): 857.     CrossRef
  • Inverse association of a traditional Korean diet composed of a multigrain rice-containing meal with fruits and nuts with metabolic syndrome risk: The KoGES
    Min Jung Kim, Haeng Jeon Hur, Dai Ja Jang, Myung-Sunny Kim, Sunmin Park, Hye Jeong Yang
    Frontiers in Nutrition.2022;[Epub]     CrossRef
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Recommended Intake and Dietary Intake of Vitamin A for Koreans by Unit of Retinol Activity Equivalent
Youngnam Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2016;21(4):344-353.   Published online August 31, 2016
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
New retinol activity equivalent (RAE) was introduced as vitamin A unit in Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) for Koreans 2015. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the adequacy of 2015 reference intake (RI) of vitamin A in RAE unit by the comparison with RI and dietary intake of vitamin A.
Analyses on RI of vitamin A were based on the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) for Koreans (1962~2000) and DRIs for Koreans (2005~2015). Analyses on Koreans dietary intake of vitamin A were based on the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHNES) reports (1969-2014). For recalculation of RI and dietary intake of vitamin A in RE to RAE, 2013 Koreans intake of retinol: carotenoids ratio of 13: 87 was applied.
RI of vitamin A was 600~750 RE for Korean adult, and 339~425 RAE when calculated by applying the retinol and carotenoids intake ratio. Vitamin A intakes of Koreans were <100% RI, 267~668 RE from 1969 to 2001. From 2005, vitamin A intake had increased to >700 RE, >100% RI. When vitamin A intake was converted from RE to RAE (2005~2014), 718~864 RE became 405.8~488.1 RAE, decreased to 56.5% level. The recent 2015 RI of vitamin A is 850 RAE, two times of 2005 & 2010 RI of 425 RAE for adult male.
When nutritional status of vitamin A was assessed for Koreans using the estimated average requirement (EAR) of 2015 (570, 460 RAE for male, female adults, respectively), ratio of deficient people increased significantly when judged based on the previous intake of Koreans, <490 RAE. We needs to examine the 2015 RI (EAR) of vitamin A, find a way to measure the accurate intake of dietary vitamin A, and to increase the dietary intake of this vitamin.


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  • Bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity in three types of Korean watery kimchi
    Hyosun Park, Suna Kim, Jaecheol Kim, KyeongJin Lee, BoKyung Moon
    Applied Biological Chemistry.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • 2020 Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans: vitamin A
    Yuri Kim
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2022; 55(2): 201.     CrossRef
  • Dynamics of Serum Retinol and Alpha-Tocopherol Levels According to Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Status
    Dongsub Jeon, Minkook Son, Juhyun Shim
    Nutrients.2021; 13(5): 1720.     CrossRef
  • Representative Nutrients Contents and Nutritional Adequacy Evaluation of Single-Dish Meal for Middle School Students
    Gisun Lee, Youngnam Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2018; 23(2): 93.     CrossRef
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Proposition and Application of a Dish-Based Target Pattern for Korean Adolescent Girls
Mi Jin Park, Youngnam Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2015;20(2):87-95.   Published online April 30, 2015
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
Maintaining a balanced diet and thus health is crucial for adolescents, and the first step for balanced diet practice is meal planning. Adolescents, however, find it difficult to plan their meals. This study thus was set out to design an easier way of planning meals for adolescent girls.
A dish-based target pattern for adolescent girls was tabulated, and validity of this was examined. Meal plan applying a dish-based target pattern was prepared by 150 female middle school students, and nutritional adequacies of those meal plans were examined. Validity and adequacy were tested by energy content, energy contribution ratio, nutrient adequacy ratio (NAR), probability of nutrient inadequacy, index of nutritional quality (INQ) calculation.
A dish-based target pattern with 11 dish groups was validated for nutritional adequacy. Though the NAR of calcium was 0.96, the INQ of calcium was 1.00. The average energy supply from the meal plans was 2,379 kcal, higher than the estimated energy requirement of a female middle school student, but the energy contribution ratio of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats were all adequate according to the acceptable macronutrient distribution range (AMDR). NAR of all nutrients examined were 1.0, except for calcium. The NAR and INQ of calcium were 0.87 and 0.75, respectively, and the meal plans at risk for calcium inadequacy was 19.30%.
A dish-based target pattern proposed for adolescent girls was valid, but the meal plan prepared by female middle school students using this approach was high in energy and low in calcium supply. To cut down the energy supply from the meal plan, it is necessary to recommend dishes low in fat and use low fat cooking methods. To increase the calcium supply, it is important to recommend seaweed and legume group dishes with higher Ca INQ food items.


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  • Representative Nutrients Contents and Nutritional Adequacy Evaluation of Single-Dish Meal for Middle School Students
    Gisun Lee, Youngnam Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2018; 23(2): 93.     CrossRef
  • Development of a Food Exchange Table and Food Pattern for Nutritionally Balanced Menu Planning
    Yun Ahn, Ikhyun Yeo, Sangyun Lee, Kisun Nam
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2018; 23(5): 411.     CrossRef
  • Nutritional Adequacy Analysis of Recommended Menu in Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans 2015
    Youngnam Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2017; 22(4): 279.     CrossRef
  • Study on Necessity of Updating Nutritional Standards for School Lunch Programs in Korea
    Meeyoung Kim, So-young Kim, Jihyun Yoon
    Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life.2017; 27(2): 137.     CrossRef
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Revision of the Target Pattern based on Single Serving Size of Dishes for Korean Adolescent Meal Plan
Mi Jin Park, Youngnam Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2015;20(1):21-29.   Published online February 28, 2015
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
Maintaining a balanced diet is very crucial for adolescents. However, adolescents, who may have a short notion about the amount of food, find it difficult to plan daily meals by applying the target pattern proposed by the Korean Nutrition Society. This study was carried out to revise the target pattern based on cooked dishes instead of raw material food groups as an easier way for Korean adolescents to plan their meals.
Target pattern for Korean adolescents were revised based on the following: 1st, categorize dish groups, 2nd, calculate representative values of each dish based on the adolescent' intake amount. 3rd, assign the recommended number of intake for each dish. Validity of the target pattern for Korean adolescent meal plan was examined by the energy content, energy contribution ratio, and NAR & INQ of nutrients.
The 11 dish groups categorized were bab; gook.tang.gigae; side dishes of meat, fish, egg, legume, kimchi, vegetable, seaweed; and between meal of fruit, and milk.dairy product. Based on the representative energy values, recommended number of intake were assigned to each dish. For boys, bab and gook.tang.gigae: 3 each; meat, fish, egg, and legume: 1 each; kimchi and vegetable: 3 each; seaweed: 1; fruit and milk.dairy product: 2 each were assigned. For girls, bab and gook.tang.gigae: 2 each; meat, fish, egg, and legume: choice of 3 dishes, 1 each; kimchi and vegetable: 3 each; seaweed: 1; fruit and milk.dairy product: 2 each were assigned. Energy contents, energy contribution ratio of carbohydrate, protein, and fat for boys and girls were in adequate range. The NARs were 1.0 and INQs were > or = 1.0 for all nutrients examined.
Revised dish-based, instead of food-based adolescent target patterns for boys and girls were easier and a valid way of Korean adolescent meal planning.


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  • Representative Nutrients Contents and Nutritional Adequacy Evaluation of Single-Dish Meal for Middle School Students
    Gisun Lee, Youngnam Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2018; 23(2): 93.     CrossRef
  • Nutritional Adequacy Analysis of Recommended Menu in Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans 2015
    Youngnam Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2017; 22(4): 279.     CrossRef
  • Proposition and Application of a Dish-Based Target Pattern for Korean Adolescent Girls
    Mi Jin Park, Youngnam Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2015; 20(2): 87.     CrossRef
  • Validation of Nutrient Intake Estimation based on One Serving Size
    Yi-Yeong Kim, Mi-Hyun Kim, Mi-Kyeong Choi
    The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition.2015; 28(5): 871.     CrossRef
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The Differences in Preference for Vegetables among Primary School to University Students in Gyeongbuk Area
Yun Kyeong Lee, Youngnam Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2014;19(5):415-424.   Published online October 31, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
Vegetables are the most left over side dishes in school lunch programs. This study intended to analyze the differences in preference for vegetables among the students of different age groups in order to determine potential ways of increasing vegetable consumption in this study group.
A total of 308 primary to university students in Gyeongbuk area were recruited and a questionnaire-based survey was conducted. The preference score (7-Likert scale: very much dislike (1)~so-so (4)~like very much (7)) and intake frequency (5-Likert scale) of 48 kinds of vegetables in 4 vegetable groups, such as vegetable (fruit-, root-, leaf-, and stalk- vegetable), seaweeds, mushrooms, and kimchi were investigated, and data were analyzed by SPSS WIN (ver 12.0).
The preference scores of vegetables except for seaweeds were significantly different among school groups, university was the highest, followed by high school. Primary and middle school students showed the lowest preference score, especially for leaf- and stalk- vegetables. The preference score for seaweeds was the highest of 5.28, followed by kimchi of 4.99. With regard to kimchis, the preference score was the highest in university', followed by high school, middle school, and primary school' was the lowest. The number of vegetables with < 4.0 preference score was the highest in primary school of 16, 15 in middle school, 11 in high school, and 7, the lowest in university. The vegetable with preference score of < 4.0 in all 4 school groups were mallow, chard, bud, radish leaf, mugwort, butterbur and sweet potato stalk. With regard to the intake frequency of vegetables, kimchis, an indispensable part of the Korean diet, was the highest of 2 times/day, followed by cooked vegetables of 1.5 times/day. The correlation coefficients between preference scores and intake frequencies were statistically significant in all groups of vegetables. As for the coefficient of variation (CV) of preference score, primary school' was the highest and university' was the lowest. The number of vegetables with high CV and high inexperience were highest in primary school students.
Providing more opportunities for consuming a variety of vegetables, such as leaf- and stalk- vegetable, it may be possible to increase vegetable consumption, especially for the primary school students.


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  • Dietary Lifestyle Status of Adolescents: Analysis of Large-Scale Survey Data in Korea
    Soo Jin Lee, Ho Kyung Ryu
    Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.2021; 50(1): 95.     CrossRef
  • Analysis of the Dietary Life of Adolescents by Household Types in Korea using the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
    Soo Jin Lee, Ho Kyung Ryu
    The Korean Journal of Community Living Science.2021; 32(2): 285.     CrossRef
  • Consumption Status of Foods Using Kimchi by Korean Adults: Analysis of the 2015 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
    Mi-Kyung Choi
    Korean Journal of Food and Cookery Science.2018; 34(3): 319.     CrossRef
  • Study on Perception and Preference of Vegetable Intake of Alienated Children in Gyeongbuk Area according to Gender and Grade
    Won-Hui Choe, Eun-Soon Lyu, Kyung-A Lee
    Korean Journal of Food and Cookery Science.2018; 34(4): 394.     CrossRef
  • The Development of Institutional Food-Service Menu with Temple Food
    Sim-Yeol Lee, Jin-A Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2015; 20(5): 338.     CrossRef
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Revision and Application of the Target Pattern in Food Guidance System: Administered to 2nd grade middle school students
Ha Yeon Lee, Youngnam Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2014;19(3):274-282.   Published online June 30, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
The objective of this study was to revise the target pattern in food guidance system for adolescents' balanced menu planning.
The food groups in the target pattern were divided into detailed food items, and intake number were assigned to each food items based on the revised standard food composition table. The validity of revised target pattern was examined. Menu planning according to the revised target pattern was made available to 305 male and female middle school students and the nutritional assessment of the menu plan were carried out using SPSS WIN 12.0.
The energy contents, energy contribution ratios of carbohydrate, fat, and protein, and 4 minerals' and 6 vitamins' contents of the revised target pattern were adequate. The average energy contents of the menu planned according to revised target pattern were 400~500 kcal higher than that of the revised target pattern when the revised standard food composition was applied. The energy contribution ratios of fat were 28.9%, close to maximum of acceptable macronutrient distribution range (AMDR) (30%), and that of carbohydrate were 54.5%, lower than minimum of AMDR (55%). The nutrient adequacy ratios (NARs) of calcium and vitamin C were less than 1.0. According to index of nutritional quality (INQ) of food items, kimchi, milkdairy products, and soybean curd were energy efficient source for calcium, kimchi, fruit, vegetable and seaweed were energy efficient source for vitamin C, with INQ of food items were higher or close to 2.0. Kimchi was the best energy efficient source of calcium and vitamin C.
Revised target pattern based on the adolescent's foods intake was not good enough for balanced menu planning by adolescents, because what they ate and what they wanted to eat were very much different. Detailed guidance for food selection is necessary in each food items.


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  • Development of a Food Exchange Table and Food Pattern for Nutritionally Balanced Menu Planning
    Yun Ahn, Ikhyun Yeo, Sangyun Lee, Kisun Nam
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2018; 23(5): 411.     CrossRef
  • Designing optimized food intake patterns for Korean adults using linear programming (I): analysis of data from the 2010~2014 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
    Kana Asano, Hongsuk Yang, Youngmi Lee, Jihyun Yoon
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2018; 51(1): 73.     CrossRef
  • Nutritional Adequacy Analysis of Recommended Menu in Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans 2015
    Youngnam Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2017; 22(4): 279.     CrossRef
  • Proposition and Application of a Dish-Based Target Pattern for Korean Adolescent Girls
    Mi Jin Park, Youngnam Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2015; 20(2): 87.     CrossRef
  • Revision of the Target Pattern based on Single Serving Size of Dishes for Korean Adolescent Meal Plan
    Mi Jin Park, Youngnam Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2015; 20(1): 21.     CrossRef
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Comparisons of Consumption Attitude toward Vegetables and Fragrance Vegetables Preference among Primary School to University Students in Gyeongbuk Area
Yun Kyeong Lee, Youngnam Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2014;19(3):223-230.   Published online June 30, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
The purpose of this study was to provide the preliminary data for dietary education to increase students' vegetables intake.
The attitude of vegetables consumption (5-Likert scale), preference score (7-Likert scale) and eating frequency (5-Likert scale) of 9 fragrance vegetables were investigated by survey questionnaire. A total of 370 students enrolled in primary, middle, high schools, and university participated in the study and data were analyzed by the SPSS WIN (ver 12.0).
About 40% of those surveyed answered that they do not eat some kinds of foods and 16% of students do not eat vegetables, the most unfavorable foods. The students in all groups (primary 2nd and 5th, middle and high school, university students) answered that they liked vegetables with the highest score in university students, and they did not often eat fragrance vegetables. Lower age student group, especially primary school 2nd showed more positive attitudes of eating challenge toward no experience, bad taste, and dislike but nutritious vegetable foods. The most important factor of vegetable preference was taste, the biggest reason of both like and dislike. Only 4 students designated nutrition as for vegetable dislike reason, means that all students knew about the nutritional importance of vegetables. It was shown that the color and flavor of the vegetables act as dislikable reason rather than likable reason. The significant correlations between preference score and intake frequency of fragrance vegetables were confirmed, and the younger the students the greater the correlation coefficient.
Thus providing more chance to experience vegetables, such as fragrance vegetables and education about the importance of balanced diet will be an effective way of increasing vegetables intake, and the younger the students the greater the education effect.


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  • Analysis of socio-demographic and dietary factors associated with fruit and vegetable consumption among Korean adolescents: use of data from the 7th and 8th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2016–2019)
    Bokyeong Yun, Seunghee Kye
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2024; 57(3): 292.     CrossRef
  • Factors affecting preference of vegetable in elementary school students: based on social cognitive theory
    Su Hyeon Cha, Ho Kyung Ryu
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2019; 52(3): 285.     CrossRef
  • Relative Importance of Selection Attributes in Garlic-Based Health Functional Food Using Conjoint Analysis
    Jisun Lee
    Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life.2019; 29(4): 336.     CrossRef
  • Estimation of Usual Intake and Assessment of Nutrient Intake for Korean Adolescents: Analysis of the 2010-2012 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
    Meeyoung Kim, Jihyun Yoon
    Family and Environment Research.2017; 55(4): 385.     CrossRef
  • The Differences in Preference for Vegetables among Primary School to University Students in Gyeongbuk Area
    Yun Kyeong Lee, Youngnam Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2014; 19(5): 415.     CrossRef
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A Study on Classification of Obesity for Koreans based on the Articles in the Korean Journal of Community Nutrition: Articles Enlisted from 1996 to 2011
Youngnam Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2013;18(5):525-538.   Published online October 31, 2013
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
The purpose of this study was to provide information on obesity assessment for Koreans. Among total of 1012 research papers enlisted in the Korean J Community Nutrition form 1996 to 2011, 248 articles were examined in which subjects were divided into more than 2 groups by obesity rate. About the method of anthropometric data collection, more than half of the research papers examined 52.5% and 28.7% of studies utilized the directly measured data and self-described data, respectively. About the utilization of obesity assessment methods, indirect methods of weight-height index (BMI, BMI percentile, and Rohrer index) and PIBW (WLR, Broca index, and KDA) were 62.4% and 23.2%, respectably, and the direct method of percent body fat assessment was only 9.3%. The most frequently utilized methods were WLR in under primary and primary school children, and BMI in the middle and high school students and in adults. For primary school students, WLR was the most frequently utilized method up to 2007, but it changed to BMI percentile afterward. Broca Index was no longer utilized since 2008. There were no articles utilizing BMI percentile and Rohrer index for obesity assessment in adults. Criteria for obesity assessment were not consistent among research papers: for example, % body fat, 19~40%; BMI, 20~30; BMI percentile, 85th or 95th. In the case of PIBW, 120% of ideal weight was the most frequently utilized criterion for obesity. Based on these findings, we suggest that proper methods and criteria of obesity assessment for each age group should be determined and proclaimed.


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  • Factors Contributing to Diabetic Foot Ulcer among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
    Seo Jin Park, Taeyoung Yang, Jun Young Lee, Jinhee Kim
    Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2018; 30(1): 106.     CrossRef
  • A Comparative Study of Dietary and Weight Control Behavior of Female College Students in Korea and China
    Li Song, Na Young An, Ho Kyung Ryu
    The Korean Journal of Community Living Science.2015; 26(4): 761.     CrossRef
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Assessment of Menu Plan Prepared by Middle School Students According to Ordinary Meal Pattern and Single Serving Size
Jung Ok Kim, Youngnam Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2013;18(4):333-343.   Published online August 31, 2013
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
It is important to prepare and execute the menu plan for proper and balanced intake of nutrients in the adolescence. This study investigated the new approach for planning menu by ordinary meal pattern based on cooked foods groups. The amounts of cooked foods in the menu plan assumed to be single serving size. The middle school second graders participated for the study. A total of 313 questionnaires were analyzed using CAN-pro 3.0 and SPSS WIN 12.0 program. The average content of energy in the menu plan was 2,453 kcal, the average ratios of energy contribution by carbohydrate, protein and fat were 54.3%, 17.9%, 27.8%, respectively. A total of 56.9% menu plans (94.9% of male and 8.7% of female students') were below the lowest limit of optimum carbohydrate energy ratio of 55%. A total of 29.1% menu plans (33.1% of male and 23.9% of female students') were exceed the highest limit of optimum fat energy ratio of 30%. The NAR of minerals and vitamins were all 1.0 except for calcium (0.92) and folate (0.88). When INQ of the individual cooked food groups were calculated, kimch was the highest in all minerals and vitamins examined, suggesting that kimch may be the best source for all minerals and vitamins, including calcium and folate with the minimum change in energy content. In conclusion, the menu plan by ordinary meal pattern in this study was low in carbohydrate, high in fat, and contained enough minerals and vitamins except for calcium and folate for middle school students.


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  • Status of serving labeling of home meal replacement-soups and stews, and evaluation of their energy and nutrient content per serving
    Mi-Hyun Kim, In-Young Choi, Jee-Young Yeon
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2021; 54(5): 560.     CrossRef
  • Nutritional Adequacy Analysis of Recommended Menu in Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans 2015
    Youngnam Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2017; 22(4): 279.     CrossRef
  • Proposition and Application of a Dish-Based Target Pattern for Korean Adolescent Girls
    Mi Jin Park, Youngnam Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2015; 20(2): 87.     CrossRef
  • Validation of Nutrient Intake Estimation based on One Serving Size
    Yi-Yeong Kim, Mi-Hyun Kim, Mi-Kyeong Choi
    The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition.2015; 28(5): 871.     CrossRef
  • Revision of the Target Pattern based on Single Serving Size of Dishes for Korean Adolescent Meal Plan
    Mi Jin Park, Youngnam Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2015; 20(1): 21.     CrossRef
  • Revision and Application of the Target Pattern in Food Guidance System: Administered to 2nd grade middle school students
    Ha Yeon Lee, Youngnam Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2014; 19(3): 274.     CrossRef
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Nutritional Assessment of Menu Plan Prepared according to the Target Pattern: Menu Prepared by Home Economics Teachers and Middle-School Girls
A Rom Kim, Mi Jeong Kim, Youngnam Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2011;16(3):375-385.   Published online June 30, 2011
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
The nutritional balance of the menu plans prepared according to the target pattern was examined. Total of 81 home economics teachers throughout the nation and 161 3rd-grade middle-school girls in Chungnam area participated. The data was collected by questionnaire and analyzed by using SPSS WIN 12.0. Although both teacher and student groups had fairly good knowledge on preparing menu plans related concepts, they rarely make use any menu planning currently. More than 85% of menu plans investigated exceeded their energy goal in the target pattern. The energy contribution ratios of carbohydrate: protein: fat were 56.1%: 17.4%: 26.5% in teachers' menu plan and 55.1%: 17.2%: 27.7% in students' menu plan. The NAR of the protein, phosphorous, iron, zinc, vitamin A and C, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6 was 1 or near 1. But in case of calcium, 56.5% of the menu plan prepared by the students was less than 1, and in case of folate 75.3% of teachers', and 85.1% of students' were less than NAR 1. The MAR of the 12 nutrients examined were 0.98, 0.97, and the DVS were 51, 49 for menu plan prepared by teachers and students, respectively.


Citations to this article as recorded by  
  • Nutritional Adequacy Analysis of Recommended Menu in Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans 2015
    Youngnam Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2017; 22(4): 279.     CrossRef
  • Proposition and Application of a Dish-Based Target Pattern for Korean Adolescent Girls
    Mi Jin Park, Youngnam Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2015; 20(2): 87.     CrossRef
  • Revision of the Target Pattern based on Single Serving Size of Dishes for Korean Adolescent Meal Plan
    Mi Jin Park, Youngnam Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2015; 20(1): 21.     CrossRef
  • Revision and Application of the Target Pattern in Food Guidance System: Administered to 2nd grade middle school students
    Ha Yeon Lee, Youngnam Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2014; 19(3): 274.     CrossRef
  • Assessment of Menu Plan Prepared by Middle School Students According to Ordinary Meal Pattern and Single Serving Size
    Jung-Ok Kim, Youngnam Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2013; 18(4): 333.     CrossRef
  • Effectiveness of Center for Child-Care Foodservice Management for Menu Management and Dietary Variety
    Hye-Young Kim, Il-Sun Yang, In-Sook Chae, Bo-Sook Yi, Moon-Kyung Park, Ha-Young Kim, Tae-Seok Kang, Dong-Gil Leem, Jin-Ha Lee, Hae-Young Lee
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2013; 18(3): 243.     CrossRef
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Criterion Development of 4 Activity Levels for Estimated Energy Requirement Calculation for Primary School Students
Mi Jeong Kim, Hyeon Ju Na, Youngnam Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2011;16(3):307-314.   Published online June 30, 2011
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
The purpose of this study is finding the easy way of 4 categories activity level confirmation for estimated energy requirement calculation. Total of 386, 5th and 6th grade primary school students participated. The time spent on 7 kinds of activity were collected for 1 day by the internet program developed. Judged by the activity coefficient, sedentary were 6.7% and 5.1%, low active 33.2% and 40.4%, active 43.8%, and45.5%, and very active 16.3% and 9.0% for boy and girl, respectively. The highest and significant correlation coefficient between activity coefficient and time spent on activities shown were 0.339 in commute activity for boys, and 0.466 in leisure for girls. The sensitivity of the sedentary conformation by commute hour for boys was 0.79, and that of very active was 0.56. The sensitivity of the sedentary conformation by leisure hour for girls was 0.67, and that of very active was 0.63. The sensitivity of low active and active by 7 different types of activity was quite low, 0.04~0.37. The exact agreement of activity level conformed by easy way developed was 30.8% and 33.7%, for boys and girls, respectively. More accurate way to identify 4 categories activity level needs to be developed, especially sensitive to conformation of low active and active levels.


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  • A Study on the Adaptation of Senior Elementary School Students in Multicultural Families to Home and School Life
    Woon Seon Jeong, Ju Hee Park
    The Korean Journal of Community Living Science.2021; 32(4): 641.     CrossRef
  • Assessment of Physical Activity Pattern, Activity Coefficient, Basal Metabolic Rate and Daily Energy Expenditure in Female University Students
    Yoonji Park, Jung Hee Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2013; 18(1): 45.     CrossRef
  • A Study on Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), Nutrient Intake, Psychological Index according to the Obesity Degree of College Women
    Se-Na Kang, Jung-Hwa Park, Hye-Jin Hwang
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2011; 16(1): 14.     CrossRef
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The Analysis of Activity Energy, Total Energy, and Estimated Energy Expenditures in 5th and 6th Grade Primary School Students
Mi Jeong Kim, Hyeon Ju Na, Youngnam Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2011;16(2):195-205.   Published online April 30, 2011
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
This study was conducted to investigate the time spent, activity coefficient and energy expenditure on 7 different types of activity. Total of 386 5th and 6th grade primary school boys and girls in Seoul participated in this study. The participants spent 8 hrs for rest, 4 hrs for out of school study, 3 hrs for leisure, 1 hr 45 mins. for hygiene, 1 hr for commute, and 15 mins. for house choir activity in the day of 6 class hours. The average activity coefficient of 1 day for boys and girls were 1.69 and 1.64, respectively. The TEEs were 2,382 kcal and 2,050 kcal for boys and girls, respectively. The energy cost for study related activity (in school and study activities) was 40% of the TEE, and for rest 20%, for commute 9%, and for hygiene 10% of the TEE. The energy cost for house choir was only about 2% of TEE. The 91.2% participant's EER was higher than the EER shown in the table of 2010 DRI for Koreans. When the participant's EER was compared with the energy allowance calculated by the method in 2000 RDA for Korean, 81.6% was in the range of +/- 5%, and the correlation coefficients between the 2 values were 0.981 for boys and 0.978 for girls, which means high agreements.


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  • Energy expenditure measurement of various physical activity and correlation analysis of body weight and energy expenditure in elementary school children
    Jae-Hee Kim, Hee-Ryoung Son, Jung-Sook Choi, Eun-Kyung Kim
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2015; 48(2): 180.     CrossRef
  • Physical activity level, total daily energy expenditure, and estimated energy expenditure in normal weight and overweight or obese children and adolescents
    Myung Hee Kim, Eun Kyung Kim
    Korean Journal of Nutrition.2012; 45(6): 511.     CrossRef
  • Criterion Development of 4 Activity Levels for Estimated Energy Requirement Calculation for Primary School Students
    Mi-Jeong Kim, Hyeon-Ju Na, Youngnam Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2011; 16(3): 307.     CrossRef
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Survey of Cookie Consumption and Nutrition Labelling of Cookie Consumed in High School Students
Ji Yeon Yoo, Youngnam Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2009;14(2):147-157.   Published online April 30, 2009
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to find out the information on nutrition labeling and how many calories and nutrients the high school students consumed for 1 day from cookies. A total of 74 male and female high school students in Suwon were surveyed and 56 cookies that they consumed were examined. Background data were collected by questionnaire, cookie intake by 24-hr recall, and the calories and nutrients content in cookies and the amount of intake by nutrition information on the wrapping paper of cookie. The statistical analysis for the data was done by SPSS 12.0. Energy contents in 1 serving size of cookie were 90~315 kcal, average of 170 kcal. The protein contents were 0~7 g, fat 2~20 g, cholesterol 0~55 mg, and sodium 30~390 mg in 1 serving size of cookie. Most of the cookies (80%) examined contained no trans fat at all, which is desirable. Among the types of cookies, snacks contained higher quantities of calories and sodium, the pie contained more sugar and cholesterol, and the biscuit had more trans fat. One fourth of the cookies examined belonged to 'high calorie, low nutritious food' according to the criteria proposed by The Ministry for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs. Thus the excessive intake of cookies might result in nutritional imbalance. There were large differences in calorie intake among students, from zero who did not intake any cookies at all to maximum 818 kcal/day, an average of 75 kcal/day. When the students who did not intake cookies were excluded, energy 205 kcal. fat 10g, sodium 177mg were consumed from the cookie for a 1 day on average.
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A Study on Eating Disorders and It's Related Factors in High School Girls
Wan Song Yoo, Youngnam Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2004;9(3):274-284.   Published online June 30, 2004
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence of eating disorders and the dietary, and psychological factors that influence eating disorders in high school girls. Data was collected from 4 vocational and 4 general girls' high schools in Incheon. Among the total of 595 questionnaires collected, 581 were analyzed. For data analyses, frequency, percentage, average, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Duncan's Post-Hoc and regression were conducted using SPSS WIN ver 10.0 program. As a result, 25 out of 581 students (4.3%) are judged to have eating disorders. The mean BMI of the subjects is 20.2, but the BMI students think of as ideal is 17.6. Since the frequencies of diet trial, taking diet pills, and skipping dinner are higher, the average score of Eating Attitudes Test for Korean Adolescents (EAT-26KA) is higher, they are more likely to have eating disorders. The lower the degree of body satisfaction and self esteem are, the higher the average score of EAT-26KA is. It tells that the possibility of developing eating disorders is closely related to BMI and psychological factors specially body satisfaction.
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The Relationship between the Prevalence of Constipation and Beverage Intake of Female High School Students in Seoul
Eunn Tae Lim, Youngnam Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(6):856-866.   Published online December 31, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to study the relationship between the prevalence of constipation and beverage intake. Research data were collected from first and second grade female students at Hyehwa High School in Seoul by means of questionnaires. A total of 190 questionnaires were analyzed using the SPSS/WIN program. The results are summarized as follows: The average body mass index (BMI) was 20.7. Of the students, 38.4% had a BMI of less than 20 (underweight), and 15.8% had a BMI of over 23 (overweight). However, 84.7% of the students wanted to lose weight. To estimate the prevalence of constipation, five factors were used: frequency and regularity of defecation, time spent defecating, defecation difficulty, and feeling of residue after defecation. The percentage of the students who emptied their bowels every day was 22.1%. About 2/5 of the students (42.1%) had irregular defecation, and 15.2% spent more than 10 minutes in the rest room when defecating. The students who did not have difficulty defecating and those who did not have feelings of residue after defecating were only 24.7% and 28.9%, respectively. The amount of beverage intake per day was 1,062 ml: 674 ml of water, 128 ml of milk, 88 ml of soft drinks, and 53 ml of fruit juice. The amount of beverage intake before breakfast, during breakfast, before lunch and during lunch was about 100 ml, each; before dinner, during dinner, and after dinner it was about 200 ml, each. The amount of beverage intake during the weekend was 120 ml greater than on weekdays. Students who drank more beverages, especially water, before breakfast, showed a higher defecation frequency, more regular defecation, spent less time defecating, had less difficulty defecating, and had less feeling of residue after defecation, so that they have a better defecation pattern. Based on these results, increasing the amount of beverage consumption, especially of water, and drinking greater quantities of beverage before breakfast are ways to reduce constipation.
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The Estimation of the Daily Energy Expenditure of Korean Adolescents
Youngnam Kim, Hyeon Ju Na
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(3):270-279.   Published online June 30, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDF
Middle and high school students in Korea spend a lot of time at school. In other words, many Korean teenagers spend most of their time studying, and have little time for other activities, such as physical workouts. Fewer physical activities, and consumption of many snacks, etc. may lead to overweight or obesity in some teenagers. This study was conducted to find out the activity levels of teenagers' in order to calculate their daily energy expenditures. A total of 1,192 students (461 middle school students and 731 high school students) who lives in either a city or a country area were recruited for this study. One-day Activity Diaries were collected using questionnaires and analyzed by means of SPSS/win. The participating students spent about 7 hours 24 minutes resting including sleeping; 6 hours 28 minutes studying, 4 hours 4 minutes in leisure activities, 1 hour 32 minutes in personal hygiene activities such as washing, dressing and undressing, etc., 50 minutes on transportation : and 23 minutes on household chores such as cleaning, doing the laundry, etc. The average activity factor was 1.49. That of middle school female students was the lowest at 1.47, followed by middle school male students at 1.48, high school female students at 1.49, and high school male students at 1.51. The daily energy expenditure of middle and high school male students was 2,289 kcal and 2,600 kcal, respectively. That of female students was 1,959 kcal and 2,067 kcal, respectively.
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A Study on Body Mass Index and Associated Factors of the Middle Aged Women in Small City
Yeon Hee Kim, Youngnam Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(4):506-515.   Published online August 31, 2002
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study examined the state of health and weight maintenance according to the body mass index (BMI), and explored demographic variables, diet variables, the degree of stress etc. The results presented were based on data collected from 428 women who are mothers of the middle school children in Jeongeup city. Using SPSS WIN (Ver 9.0), the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, chi-square, ANOVA, and correlation analysis were provided. The mean of BMI for the subjects was 22.6, the ratio of obese women (BMI > or = 25) was 22.9%. The frequency of the reported circulation or respiratory related diseases was greater in the obese group compared to the normal weight (20 < or = BMI < 25) or the lean (BMI < 20) groups. The obese group had less awareness of obesity. Those who regard themselves obese had lower rates of satisfaction with their body shape and higher rates of interest in weight control. Approximately 65% of the subjects attempted weight reduction more than once. Subjects who were obese had the most undesirable dietary behavior. In particular, this group had the higher rates of rushed meals, overeating, meals while watching TV or newspapers, and snacking, and eating out. In analyzing the correlation of variables influencing obesity, there were positive correlations between obesity and overeating, obesity and the degree of stress. Correlations between obesity and satisfaction for life found to be negative. Moreover, stress had a positive correlation with obesity and overeating, and showed negative correlation with eating behavior. Consequently, stress seemed to induce undesirable eating behaviors and increase obesity. Of the demographic background variables, subjects who were obese tended to be older, had lower levels of education, higher rates of employment, longer period of marriage, the higher number of children, preschool children or children preparing for highschool or college, lower satisfaction with children and household life.
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