Department of Foods & Nutrition, Kookmin University, Seoul, Korea.
Copyright © 2016 The Korean Society of Community Nutrition
This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
1) GI: Goal Intake for sodium for Korea (≤2000 mg)
2) AI: Adequate Intake for potassium for Korea (8-18 year: ≥3000 mg, >19 year: ≥3500 mg)
3) OR: Optimal NA/K ratio by WHO (Na/K <1)
4) N (%): number of people (percent)
1) Adjusted for age and energy intake.
2) Least Square Mean±Standard Error
3) Adjusted for gender and energy intake.
4) Adjusted for gender, age and energy intake.
1) Least Square Mean±Standard Error (%)
1) Least Square Mean±Standard Error (%)
1) Least Square Mean±Standard Error (%)
1) Least Square Mean±Standard Error (%)
1) Least Square Mean±Standard Error (%)
1) Least Square Mean±Standard Error (%)
1) GI: Goal Intake for sodium for Korea (≤2000 mg) 2) AI: Adequate Intake for potassium for Korea (8-18 year: ≥3000 mg, >19 year: ≥3500 mg) 3) OR: Optimal NA/K ratio by WHO (Na/K <1) 4) N (%): number of people (percent)
1) Adjusted for age and energy intake. 2) Least Square Mean±Standard Error 3) Adjusted for gender and energy intake. 4) Adjusted for gender, age and energy intake.
1) Least Square Mean±Standard Error (%)
1) Least Square Mean±Standard Error (%)
1) Least Square Mean±Standard Error (%)
1) Least Square Mean±Standard Error (%)
1) Least Square Mean±Standard Error (%)
1) Least Square Mean±Standard Error (%)